Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыОткрытое внеклассное мероприятие по теме «Мы - дети природы»

Открытое внеклассное мероприятие по теме «Мы - дети природы»

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Рассмотрено на заседании цикловой                                               «Утверждаю»

комиссией общеобразовательных и                                зам. директора по учебной работе

естественно-научных дисциплин                             

                                                                                                     «_19_»   октября   2015 года

Протокол № 2 от « 14 » октября 2015 год


Председатель _______ Черчесова А.О.                               __________ Селимов Ш.А.



Открытое мероприятие

Тема: «Мы - дети природы»

 «We are children of Nature»



Дисциплина: «ОУД.02 Английский язык»

Специальность: 35.02.01 «Лесное и лесопарковое хозяйство»

Составил преподаватель: Алагова З. Б.

2015 год.


Цель: Систематизировать знания, навыки по всем видам речевой деятельности по теме «Мы – дети природы».


Воспитательная.  Формировать культуру общения, вежливость и интерес к  родному краю, ее ценностям.

Культурно-развивающая.  Привить интерес к истории и жизни родного края, его достопримечательностям, закрепить у обучающихся умение работать с компьютерной презентацией по данной теме, использовать материал представленный в ней, в реальном общении.

Оснащение урока: компьютер, флеш-карта с компьютерной презентацией, рисунки.



Ход мероприятия.


    1. Организационный момент. Приветствие.

Ведущий: Good morning, dear friends!

I’m glad to see you. How are you?

Today we are going to speak about our native town Alagir ragion.

    2. Введение в тему.

Please, answer some questions.

1) What is your native town?

2) Is it a small ancient town or a modern town.



    3. Активация  лексики по теме.

Now, let’s remember some words on the topic.

Look at the Russian and English words mach them.

Translate  the sentences from Russian into English using the words on the tipic and necessary grammar structures (Задание 3).

1. Природа - наше прошлое, настоящее и будущее. (Nature is our past, present and future).

2. Мы любим природу родного края. (We love the nature of our native region).

3. Солнце скрылось за гору Монах. (The sun disappeared behind Monk).



Has the city changed? How does it look now?

Учащиеся обсуждают изменения, произошедшие в их родном городе, его облик в прежние и нынешние времена с опорой на текст о современном Алагире и его достопримечательностях.


Modern Alagir  – слайды.

    4. Учащимся предлагается выбрать изображение своего любимого места в городе и рассказать о нем, используя текст Sights of the the city и иллюстрации к тексту – слайды. После 3-4 минутной подготовки заслушиваются краткие монологические высказывания по теме.

You are to show one ofe your favourite playces in the city to a foreing friend. Choose it with the helpof the city and tell your friend about this places of interest.

    5. Примерные высказывания учащихся по теме.

Student 1: My favourite place in the town is The Memorial of Glory (Мемориал Славы). When I come here I think of people who died to defend our Motherland my great-grand father was among them. I believe that it’s one of the best sights in the city.

Student 2: I like to meet my friends in my town. We walk there; enjoy the view of a beautiful fountain.

Student 3: There are many preserved places in Alagir region. They are beatiful not only with their grey mountains but as well with fairy forests which are rich in various plants and animals.

   6. Учащимся представляются изображения Алагирского района. Краткое описание.

Look at the pictures showing this playces of Alagir ragion.

Student 4: These forests are nice both in winter and in summer. But as for me it is especially nice in autumn. I like to watch the trees changing their green leaves into enchanted garment. You can find leaves of different colours under the trees. It is a real carped of nature. To help your Motherland means to preserve such places of nature and to take care of them. Our Motherland looks like a big tree with a lot of leaves on it. The more we’ll care of nature, the more powerful the tree will be.



Student 5: We love the nature of our native region. Nature is our past, present and future. How nice that there are preserved places on our Earth. They let wild nature live independently without any man’s interference.

Student 6: We were again in our favourite Tsei gorge surrounded by preseved forests. Our hearts filled with joy seeing quietness and the wealth of forest herbs. We planned to climb the mountain Monk.


Student 7:  People call September а thoughtful month. The air is mostly transparent. The sky is clean and Blue.The nature gets quiet before great changes. The most beautiful time in autumn is its Indian summer. It usually lasts longer in the Caucasus. The first shedding ofthe leaves has just begun.

The mountain ash loses its leaves unwillingly. It decorates the ground but its orange ash berries burn brightly. They decorate the forest till snow keeping hard оп their branches. The berriеs ofthe mountain ash is bitter but when the frost touches them they have а sweet taste. The mountain ash is not only а nice tree but it has а health-giving remedy as well. We were cured with ash berry tea in childhood when we got cold. It helped us to recover quickly. But the mountain ash cаn predict the weather in seasons too. If there are а few berries оn the tree - the autumn will bе dry. If there are а lot of ash berries in the forest - уou will wait for rainy autumn and cold winter.


Student1: Our Mountains are a special talk because they are changeable enough: unique gorges, waterfalls, rosks and cavers. Only in the mountainsyou can see the forest aboveyou and far down at the same time or can see stay over the sea of floating clouds.Our prominent Kosta Khetagurov described the shepherd in his verse who had thrown himself from the rocks to the clouds thinking them white sheep wool.


Student 2: Yes, our Earth is rich and beautiful. Оnе should associate with nature not only with clear conscience and clean hands but with deep understanding as well. And what do we see today? The protection ofthe environment from industrial wastes is the highly problematic matter. 1t doesn't cause аnу trouble to those who can't imagine how dangerous the waste mау bе for the health ofthe Earth. Оur planet is polluted. We mау live here anyhow but will оur children bе able to survive оn it?


Student 3: А mаn hasmтапу rights but he has тоге duties before the nature. Не who loves everything alive in nature is а vеrу happy person. It's а pity but not еvеrу тап has аn ability to hear its language, to understand it and to love. Everything alive оn the Earth is its beloved children. But not with kind hands the basin for keeping wastes and chemicals was built below the heart ofthe settlement Unal. Before it was famous fоr its fruit outside the country. Now the indignant sun evaporates the surface of the basin, the wind raises dust in anger and carries it to the orchard. А thick dusty fog stays there especially during the time ofpollination. It is а real threat for the canyon. We fеll apple trees and peаr trees crying with pain, children and grown ups are coughing. Soon we'lI nеvеr hear а cuckoo and а robin will nеvеr  sing, eagles and other birds willleave us as well as mighty bears. Joy will go away with them too. Life will аppеar dull and empty. We'll bе lack of everything we have had since our childhood.

















Рассмотрено на заседании цикловой                                               «Утверждаю»

комиссией общеобразовательных и                                зам. директора по учебной работе

естественно-научных дисциплин                             

                                                                                                        «___» ________ 2014 года

Протокол № 2 от «    » октября 2014 год


Председатель _______ Черчесова А.О.                                    __________ Селимов Ш.А.



Открытый урок

Тема: «Making a Hotel Reservation»

Бронирование в отеле.


Воробьева С.А., Кисилева А.В. «Деловой английский для гостиничного бизнеса» Учебник для студентов.








Дисциплина: «ОУД.02 Английский язык»

Специальность: 43.02.11.  «Гостиничный сервис»

Составил преподаватель: Алагова З. Б.

2014 год.

Цель урока: Создание условий для личностного развития каждого обучающегося,



1. Расширение познавательной сферы обучающегося через введение лексических единиц и решение познавате6льных задач.

2. Расширение коммуникативных способностей обучающегося через работу с текстом.

3. Формирование здоровье-сберегающих компетенций через применение технологий.

4. Поддержание мотиваций на разных этапах урока.

5. Развитие навыков аудирования, чтения, говорения и перевода через индивидуальную работу.

6. Углублять межпредметные связи, в частности индустрия гостиничного сервиса.


Общие компетенции, формируемые на уроке.

1. Понимать сущность и социальную значимость своей будущей профессии.

2. Умение работать в команде.


Формы организации работы учащихся:

1. фронтальная;

2. индивидуальная;

3. парная;

4. в группах.




Посадочные места

Программное обеспечение

Компьютер, интерактивная доска.



Организационный момент.

-         Hello, everybody. Glad to see you. Sitdown, pltase. How are you?

-         Today our task is to get acquainted with some useful phrases in the hotel industry.

-         So let’s start.

-         Look at the blackboard.

1. What you see?

2. What’s your idea?

3. What are we going to talk about today?

- That’s right. At some time or another all of us need to call a hotel to reserve the room.

- And today I’m going to show you how to make a reservation for a hotel room.


Фонетическая зарядка.

a trip, to check in, to check out, a form, a reception, to fill out, pernight.


Let’s start to read them.

Word study.

1. Now look at the blackboard.

Please, match the words together to get a word combination.


 Карточки с заданиями.

In your cards we see the task. Put each phrases (or wors) from the following list in its correct spase in the sentences which follow.

Do you understand the task? Let’s start.



Pltase, whatch this video first and then we’ll cover some key phrases that we use when we are making a reservations at the hotel.


На доске.

1. How can I help you? How may I help you? What can I do for you?

2. I’d like to…(make a reservation / to reserve a room)

3. How many nights that would be / for how many nights / how many nights would, you like to stay?


Translate in to English.

1. Я хотел бы забронировать одноместный номер с ванной комнатой.

2. - Добрый день. У вас есть свободный одноместный номер / двухкомнатный номер с душем. - Да, есть.

3. - Сколько стоит номер? - 150 долларов за ночь.

4. - Здравствуйте. Чем могу помочь? - Я забронировал номер на 5 дней.



Start the dialogue like this.

1.   Receptionist: Good morning, Madam. Can I helr you?

     Guest:  Goodmorning. My name is Zalina Alagova. I’d like to check-in, please.

     Receptionist: Yes, of course.


2.  Receptionist: Hello! What can I do for you?

     Guest:  Hello, I want to stay for a weekend, so I’d like to get some information about your hotel.

     Receptionist: Yes, please. What would you like to know?

     Guest: First of all, is it far from the city centre?

     Receptionist: No! Our hotel is located in the very centre. And there are a lot of cinemas and clubs near here.

     Guest: That’ll be fime, thank you very much!

/Работа в парах/



New words.


Single room – одноместный номер

Doudle room- двухместный номер

Family room – номер для семьи

Suite [swi:t] – номер люкс


     Grammar    There is / are…

                         Are / is there…?

                         There isn’t / aren’t



    You have the reservation card on your table.

     Listen watch the video and complete the check-in list below.



Итоги урока.

Today we’re learnt some information about making a hjtel reservation.

-         What new words have you learn? (ответы)

-         Whas it interesting for you? (индивидуальные ответы)


Our lesson is over.        Thank you! Goodbye! See you soon!  



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