Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыПлан конспект по английскому языку на тему "Загрязнение воздуха" (10 класс)

План конспект по английскому языку на тему "Загрязнение воздуха" (10 класс)

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Английский язык



Тема урока

Загрязнение воздуха


Длительность этапа:

Основной вид учебной деятельности

-         Good morning boys and girls!

-         I am very glad to see you!

-         How are you?



Основной вид учебной деятельности

1 What is air pollution? What causes it: factories, cars, rubbish, cleaning products, insect sprays, high temperatures, fumes from cooking/cigarettes/paint? Listen and read to find out.

1 Что такое загрязнение воздуха? Каковы его причины: заводы, автомобили, мусор, чистящие средства, аэрозоли от насекомых, высокие температуры, пары от приготовления пищи/сигарет/краски? Прослушайте и прочитайте, чтобы узнать.

Воздушное загрязнение происходит не только из-за заводов и наших машин. Мы также являемся причиной этого в доме с продуктами, которые мы используем, и нашим образом жизни. Воздух внутри дома может быть загрязнен чистящими продуктами, пылью, краской, средствами от насекомых, сигаретным смогом или паром от готовки. Мы часто вынуждены держать двери и окна закрытыми, чтобы сохранить внутри наших домов прохладу летом или тепло зимой. Это задерживает загрязнения и создает условия для существования насекомых, пыльных клещей и плесени. Некоторые загрязнения, такие как смог и средства от насекомых, могут послужить причиной дыхательных проблем, таких как астма, особенно для тех людей, у которых аллергия на пыль. Для уменьшения воздушного загрязнения в доме вы должны открывать двери и окна 2-3 раза в день, использовать натуральные чистящие средства и не разрешать курить.

Air pollution is dirty air. It can be caused by factories, cars, cleaning products, insect sprays, fumes from cooking/cigarettes/paint. (Загрязнение воздуха - это грязный воздух. Это может быть вызвано заводами, автомобилями, чистящими средствами, инсектицидами, парами от приготовления/сигарет/краски).

Форма ОД учащихся

Участвуют в обсуждении содержания материала. Принимают и сохраняют учебную цель и задачу.



Основные виды учебной деятельности


2 Read the text and answer the questions. Explain the words in bold. 2 Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы. Объясните слова, выделенные жирным шрифтом.
1 What pollutes air indoors? Что загрязняет воздух в помещении?
2 What happens if we don't allow fresh air into our houses frequently? 
Что произойдет, если мы не будем запускать свежий воздух в наши дома часто?
What problems can stale air at home cause?  Причинами каких проблем может служить спёртый воздух в доме?

Clean Air at Home   Air pollution doesn't just come from factories and our cars. We also cause it at home with the products we use and the way we live. Air indoors can be polluted by cleaning products, dust, paint, insect sprays, cigarette smoke or steam from cooking. We often need to keep doors and windows closed to keep the insides of our houses cool in the summer or warm in the winter. This traps pollutants and can make places for insects, dust mites and mould to live. Some pollutants such as smoke and insect sprays can cause breathing problems such as asthma, especially for those people who are allergic to dust. To reduce air pollution at home you should open the doors and windows 2-3 times a day, use natural cleaning products, and do not allow smoking. 
Воздушное загрязнение происходит не только из-за заводов и наших машин. Мы также являемся причиной этого в доме с продуктами, которые мы используем, и нашим образом жизни. Воздух внутри дома (indoors) может быть загрязнен чистящими продуктами, пылью, краской (paint)средствами от насекомых (insect sprays), сигаретным смогом или паром от готовки. Мы часто вынуждены держать двери и окна закрытыми, чтобы сохранить внутри наших домов прохладу (cool)летом или тепло зимой. Это задерживает (traps) загрязнения (pollutants) и создает условия для существования насекомых, пыльных клещей (dust mites) и плесени (mould)
Некоторые загрязнения, такие как смог и средства от насекомых, могут послужить причиной дыхательных проблем (breathing problems), таких как астма (asthma), особенно для тех людей, у которых аллергия (allergic) на пыль (dust). Для уменьшения воздушного загрязнения в доме вы должны открывать двери и окна 2-3 раза в день, использовать натуральные чистящие средства и не разрешать курить.

1 Do people smoke cigarettes in your house? 
A Never
В Sometimes С Often 
2 Do you use water-based cleaning products to clean your house? 
Используете ли вы на водной основе чистящие средства для очистки вашего дома?
A Yes, always В I try to c I don't check 
3 Do you clean your air-conditioning filter? 
A Yes
В Sometimes С Where is it? 
4 Do you ever enjoy light meals that require little or no cooking like salads?
Ты когда-нибудь наслаждаешься легкими закусками, которые требуют мало или вообще не требуют готовки, как салаты?A Often В Sometimes С Not very often 
5 Do you clean bedding and items used by your pets regularly? 
Чистите ли вы регулярно постельные принадлежности и предметы, используемые вашими домашними животными?
A No, never В Sometimes С Yes, often 
As: Great work! 
Bs: Try using more of the techniques in the text to reduce air pollution. 
Попробуйте использовать больше методов из текста, чтобы уменьшить загрязнение воздуха.
Cs: You can do much more to reduce air pollution. Try harder. Вы можете сделать гораздо больше для сокращения загрязнения воздуха. Попробуйте поусерднее.

Green Wisdom

Так много загрязнения в воздухе сейчас, что если его не будет в наших легких, не будет хватать места, чтобы уместить всё.

(Роберт Орбен, американский комедийный писатель)


1 The air indoors is polluted by cleaning products, dust, insect sprays, cigarette smoke and steam from cooking (Воздух в помещении загрязняется моющими веществами, пылью, спреями от насекомых, сигаретным дымом и парами от приготовления пищи).

2 If we don't allow fresh air into our houses frequently then we trap pollutants (Если мы не обеспечивает приток свежего воздуха в наши дома достаточно часто, то мы удерживаем загрязнения внутри).

3 Stale air can cause breathing problems such as asthma especially for people who are allergic to dust (Спертый воздух может вызвать проблемы с дыханием, такие как астма, особенно у людей, страдающих аллергией на пыль).

Объяснения слов жирным шрифтом:

indoors: inside a building (в помещении: в здании)

paint: coloured liquid to coat a surface or make a picture (краска: окрашенные жидкости, с помощью которых покрывают поверхность или делают снимки)

insect sprays: chemicals used to kill insects (спреи от насекомых: химикаты, используемые для уничтожения насекомых)

cool: not warm (прохладный: не тёплый)

traps: preventing from escaping (ловушки: предотвращают побег)

pollutants: gases and chemicals that pollute (загрязнители: газы и химические вещества, которые загрязняют)

dust mites: tiny creatures that live in small particles of dirt (пылевые клещи: крошечные существа, которые живут в небольших частицах грязи)

mould: bacteria that grows on old food or damp surfaces (плесень: бактерия, которая растет на старых пищевых продуктах или влажных поверхностях)

breathing problems: difficulty getting air in and out of lungs (проблемы с дыханием: сложности при получения воздуха в и из легких)

asthma: a lung condition that makes it difficult to breathe (астма: состояние легких, при котором трудно дышать)

allergic: become ill when you come into contact with a certain substance (аллергия: заболевание, когда вы входите в контакт с неким веществом)

dust: small particles of dirt (пыль: мелкие частицы грязи)

Формы ОД учащихся

Осознанно строят речевые высказывания в форме диалога и монолога, рефлексируют свои действия. Воспринимают  ответы учащихся. Учатся формулировать собственное мнение и позицию.

Д\ з



I'd like to tell you about air pollution. Well, it is the introduction of different harmful materials into our planet's atmosphere. It causes various serious diseases such as asthma and cancer and even death to humans, damage to animals and food crops. Interestingly it comes not only from factories and cars but from the products we use at home. It also can be paint, insect sprays, dust, steam from cooking and so on. To keep the air clean and safe indoors you shouldn't allow smoking because cigarette smoke can pollute the air in your house. Furthermore, pollution can be reduced if you open the windows and doors several times a day. Moreover, you should use natural cleaning products and clean your air-conditioning filter and bedding. If you have a pet, it's also important to clean items used by it every day. To sum up, air pollution is an environmental problem that represents a great risk for every living organism including human beings.


Я хотел бы рассказать вам о загрязнении воздуха. Ну, это выпуск различных вредных веществ в атмосферу нашей планеты. Оно вызывает различные серьезные заболевания, такие как астма и рак и даже смерти людей, вредит животным и продовольственным культурам. Интересно отметить, что оно исходит не только от заводов и машин, но и из продуктов, которые мы используем у себя дома. Это также могут быть краска, спреи от насекомых, пыль, пар от приготовления пищи и так далее. Для того чтобы сохранить воздух чистым и безопасным в помещении, вы не должны позволять курить, потому что сигаретный дым может загрязнять воздух в вашем доме. Кроме того, загрязнение может быть уменьшено, если открывать окна и двери несколько раз в день. К тому же, вы должны использовать натуральные чистящие средства и содержать в чистоте кондиционер и постельные принадлежности. Если у вас есть домашнее животное, также важно очищать предметы, используемые им, каждый день. Подводя итог, загрязнение воздуха является экологической проблемой, которая представляет собой большой риск для каждого живого организма, включая людей.

Ответ №3

Air pollution is dirty air. Dirty air-conditioning filters can make places for dust mites and mould to live. So clean them regularly. Also when you are cleaning the house, always use water-based cleaning products as they are less polluting. In addition, if we spend less time cooking heavy meals and make salads to eat, we will not make so much air pollution in the form of steam. What is more, smoking causes air pollution as well as health problems so we shouldn't allow smoking in our homes. Also, a pet's bedding can add to the air pollution if it is not cleaned regularly. Finally, the best and easiest thing we can all do to have cleaner air at home is to open all the doors and windows 2-3 times a day to let fresh air into our homes.


Загрязнение воздуха - это грязный воздух. Грязные фильтры в кондиционерах могут быть местом для пылевых клещей и плесени. Поэтому важно очищать их регулярно. Кроме того, когда вы убираетесь дома, всегда используйте чистящие на водной основе, так как они меньше загрязняют окружающую среду. Кроме того, если мы тратим меньше времени на приготовление тяжелой пищи и салатов, мы не будем так сильно загрязнять воздух паром. Более того, курение вызывает загрязнение воздуха, а также проблемы со здоровьем, поэтому мы не должны позволять курить в наших домах. Кроме того, спальное место домащнего животного можно добавить к причинам загрязнения воздуха, если не чистить его регулярно. Наконец, лучшее и самое простое, что мы все можем сделать, чтобы иметь более чистый воздух в доме: открывать все двери и окна 2-3 раза в день, чтобы впустить свежий воздух в наши дома


I'd like to tell you about air pollution. Well, it is the introduction of different harmful materials into our planet's atmosphere. It causes various serious diseases such as asthma and cancer and even death to humans, damage to animals and food crops. Interestingly it comes not only from factories and cars but from the products we use at home. It also can be paint, insect sprays, dust, steam from cooking and so on. To keep the air clean and safe indoors you shouldn't allow smoking because cigarette smoke can pollute the air in your house. Furthermore, pollution can be reduced if you open the windows and doors several times a day. Moreover, you should use natural cleaning products and clean your air-conditioning filter and bedding. If you have a pet, it's also important to clean items used by it every day. To sum up, air pollution is an environmental problem that represents a great risk for every living organism including human beings.


Air pollution is dirty air. Dirty air-conditioning filters can make places for dust mites and mould to live. So clean them regularly. Also when you are cleaning the house, always use water-based cleaning products as they are less polluting. In addition, if we spend less time cooking heavy meals and make salads to eat, we will not make so much air pollution in the form of steam. What is more, smoking causes air pollution as well as health problems so we shouldn't allow smoking in our homes. Also, a pet's bedding can add to the air pollution if it is not cleaned regularly. Finally, the best and easiest thing we can all do to have cleaner air at home is to open all the doors and windows 2-3 times a day to let fresh air into our homes.



I'd like to tell you about air pollution. Well, it is the introduction of different harmful materials into our planet's atmosphere. It causes various serious diseases such as asthma and cancer and even death to humans, damage to animals and food crops. Interestingly it comes not only from factories and cars but from the products we use at home. It also can be paint, insect sprays, dust, steam from cooking and so on. To keep the air clean and safe indoors you shouldn't allow smoking because cigarette smoke can pollute the air in your house. Furthermore, pollution can be reduced if you open the windows and doors several times a day. Moreover, you should use natural cleaning products and clean your air-conditioning filter and bedding. If you have a pet, it's also important to clean items used by it every day. To sum up, air pollution is an environmental problem that represents a great risk for every living organism including human beings.


Air pollution is dirty air. Dirty air-conditioning filters can make places for dust mites and mould to live. So clean them regularly. Also when you are cleaning the house, always use water-based cleaning products as they are less polluting. In addition, if we spend less time cooking heavy meals and make salads to eat, we will not make so much air pollution in the form of steam. What is more, smoking causes air pollution as well as health problems so we shouldn't allow smoking in our homes. Also, a pet's bedding can add to the air pollution if it is not cleaned regularly. Finally, the best and easiest thing we can all do to have cleaner air at home is to open all the doors and windows 2-3 times a day to let fresh air into our homes.


I'd like to tell you about air pollution. Well, it is the introduction of different harmful materials into our planet's atmosphere. It causes various serious diseases such as asthma and cancer and even death to humans, damage to animals and food crops. Interestingly it comes not only from factories and cars but from the products we use at home. It also can be paint, insect sprays, dust, steam from cooking and so on. To keep the air clean and safe indoors you shouldn't allow smoking because cigarette smoke can pollute the air in your house. Furthermore, pollution can be reduced if you open the windows and doors several times a day. Moreover, you should use natural cleaning products and clean your air-conditioning filter and bedding. If you have a pet, it's also important to clean items used by it every day. To sum up, air pollution is an environmental problem that represents a great risk for every living organism including human beings.


Air pollution is dirty air. Dirty air-conditioning filters can make places for dust mites and mould to live. So clean them regularly. Also when you are cleaning the house, always use water-based cleaning products as they are less polluting. In addition, if we spend less time cooking heavy meals and make salads to eat, we will not make so much air pollution in the form of steam. What is more, smoking causes air pollution as well as health problems so we shouldn't allow smoking in our homes. Also, a pet's bedding can add to the air pollution if it is not cleaned regularly. Finally, the best and easiest thing we can all do to have cleaner air at home is to open all the doors and windows 2-3 times a day to let fresh air into our homes.


I'd like to tell you about air pollution. Well, it is the introduction of different harmful materials into our planet's atmosphere. It causes various serious diseases such as asthma and cancer and even death to humans, damage to animals and food crops. Interestingly it comes not only from factories and cars but from the products we use at home. It also can be paint, insect sprays, dust, steam from cooking and so on. To keep the air clean and safe indoors you shouldn't allow smoking because cigarette smoke can pollute the air in your house. Furthermore, pollution can be reduced if you open the windows and doors several times a day. Moreover, you should use natural cleaning products and clean your air-conditioning filter and bedding. If you have a pet, it's also important to clean items used by it every day. To sum up, air pollution is an environmental problem that represents a great risk for every living organism including human beings.


Air pollution is dirty air. Dirty air-conditioning filters can make places for dust mites and mould to live. So clean them regularly. Also when you are cleaning the house, always use water-based cleaning products as they are less polluting. In addition, if we spend less time cooking heavy meals and make salads to eat, we will not make so much air pollution in the form of steam. What is more, smoking causes air pollution as well as health problems so we shouldn't allow smoking in our homes. Also, a pet's bedding can add to the air pollution if it is not cleaned regularly. Finally, the best and easiest thing we can all do to have cleaner air at home is to open all the doors and windows 2-3 times a day to let fresh air into our homes.


I'd like to tell you about air pollution. Well, it is the introduction of different harmful materials into our planet's atmosphere. It causes various serious diseases such as asthma and cancer and even death to humans, damage to animals and food crops. Interestingly it comes not only from factories and cars but from the products we use at home. It also can be paint, insect sprays, dust, steam from cooking and so on. To keep the air clean and safe indoors you shouldn't allow smoking because cigarette smoke can pollute the air in your house. Furthermore, pollution can be reduced if you open the windows and doors several times a day. Moreover, you should use natural cleaning products and clean your air-conditioning filter and bedding. If you have a pet, it's also important to clean items used by it every day. To sum up, air pollution is an environmental problem that represents a great risk for every living organism including human beings.


Air pollution is dirty air. Dirty air-conditioning filters can make places for dust mites and mould to live. So clean them regularly. Also when you are cleaning the house, always use water-based cleaning products as they are less polluting. In addition, if we spend less time cooking heavy meals and make salads to eat, we will not make so much air pollution in the form of steam. What is more, smoking causes air pollution as well as health problems so we shouldn't allow smoking in our homes. Also, a pet's bedding can add to the air pollution if it is not cleaned regularly. Finally, the best and easiest thing we can all do to have cleaner air at home is to open all the doors and windows 2-3 times a day to let fresh air into our homes.


I'd like to tell you about air pollution. Well, it is the introduction of different harmful materials into our planet's atmosphere. It causes various serious diseases such as asthma and cancer and even death to humans, damage to animals and food crops. Interestingly it comes not only from factories and cars but from the products we use at home. It also can be paint, insect sprays, dust, steam from cooking and so on. To keep the air clean and safe indoors you shouldn't allow smoking because cigarette smoke can pollute the air in your house. Furthermore, pollution can be reduced if you open the windows and doors several times a day. Moreover, you should use natural cleaning products and clean your air-conditioning filter and bedding. If you have a pet, it's also important to clean items used by it every day. To sum up, air pollution is an environmental problem that represents a great risk for every living organism including human beings.


Air pollution is dirty air. Dirty air-conditioning filters can make places for dust mites and mould to live. So clean them regularly. Also when you are cleaning the house, always use water-based cleaning products as they are less polluting. In addition, if we spend less time cooking heavy meals and make salads to eat, we will not make so much air pollution in the form of steam. What is more, smoking causes air pollution as well as health problems so we shouldn't allow smoking in our homes. Also, a pet's bedding can add to the air pollution if it is not cleaned regularly. Finally, the best and easiest thing we can all do to have cleaner air at home is to open all the doors and windows 2-3 times a day to let fresh air into our homes.


I'd like to tell you about air pollution. Well, it is the introduction of different harmful materials into our planet's atmosphere. It causes various serious diseases such as asthma and cancer and even death to humans, damage to animals and food crops. Interestingly it comes not only from factories and cars but from the products we use at home. It also can be paint, insect sprays, dust, steam from cooking and so on. To keep the air clean and safe indoors you shouldn't allow smoking because cigarette smoke can pollute the air in your house. Furthermore, pollution can be reduced if you open the windows and doors several times a day. Moreover, you should use natural cleaning products and clean your air-conditioning filter and bedding. If you have a pet, it's also important to clean items used by it every day. To sum up, air pollution is an environmental problem that represents a great risk for every living organism including human beings.


Air pollution is dirty air. Dirty air-conditioning filters can make places for dust mites and mould to live. So clean them regularly. Also when you are cleaning the house, always use water-based cleaning products as they are less polluting. In addition, if we spend less time cooking heavy meals and make salads to eat, we will not make so much air pollution in the form of steam. What is more, smoking causes air pollution as well as health problems so we shouldn't allow smoking in our homes. Also, a pet's bedding can add to the air pollution if it is not cleaned regularly. Finally, the best and easiest thing we can all do to have cleaner air at home is to open all the doors and windows 2-3 times a day to let fresh air into our homes.


I'd like to tell you about air pollution. Well, it is the introduction of different harmful materials into our planet's atmosphere. It causes various serious diseases such as asthma and cancer and even death to humans, damage to animals and food crops. Interestingly it comes not only from factories and cars but from the products we use at home. It also can be paint, insect sprays, dust, steam from cooking and so on. To keep the air clean and safe indoors you shouldn't allow smoking because cigarette smoke can pollute the air in your house. Furthermore, pollution can be reduced if you open the windows and doors several times a day. Moreover, you should use natural cleaning products and clean your air-conditioning filter and bedding. If you have a pet, it's also important to clean items used by it every day. To sum up, air pollution is an environmental problem that represents a great risk for every living organism including human beings.


Air pollution is dirty air. Dirty air-conditioning filters can make places for dust mites and mould to live. So clean them regularly. Also when you are cleaning the house, always use water-based cleaning products as they are less polluting. In addition, if we spend less time cooking heavy meals and make salads to eat, we will not make so much air pollution in the form of steam. What is more, smoking causes air pollution as well as health problems so we shouldn't allow smoking in our homes. Also, a pet's bedding can add to the air pollution if it is not cleaned regularly. Finally, the best and easiest thing we can all do to have cleaner air at home is to open all the doors and windows 2-3 times a day to let fresh air into our homes.

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  • Настоящий материал опубликован пользователем Исаева Петимат Эдуардовна. Инфоурок является информационным посредником и предоставляет пользователям возможность размещать на сайте методические материалы. Всю ответственность за опубликованные материалы, содержащиеся в них сведения, а также за соблюдение авторских прав несут пользователи, загрузившие материал на сайт

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    Исаева Петимат Эдуардовна
    Исаева Петимат Эдуардовна
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    • Всего материалов: 20

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Курсы со скидкой

Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Методист-разработчик онлайн-курсов

Методист-разработчик онлайн-курсов

500/1000 ч.

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  • Сейчас обучается 142 человека из 46 регионов

Курс повышения квалификации

Психологические методы развития навыков эффективного общения и чтения на английском языке у младших школьников

36 ч. — 144 ч.

от 1700 руб. от 850 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 176 человек из 47 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 818 человек

Курс повышения квалификации

Английский для специальных целей (ESP)

36 ч. — 144 ч.

от 1700 руб. от 850 руб.
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  • Сейчас обучается 118 человек из 51 региона
  • Этот курс уже прошли 463 человека

Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Английский язык: теория и методика преподавания с применением дистанционных технологий

Учитель английского языка

300 ч. — 1200 ч.

от 7900 руб. от 3650 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 80 человек из 28 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 53 человека


Стратегии брендинга в условиях глобальной конкуренции и изменяющихся рыночных тенденций

2 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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Национальная система учительского роста: путь к эффективности

4 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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Управление рисками в бизнесе: анализ, оценка и стратегии

4 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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