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План-конспект урока английского языка в 4 классе "Школьная газета"

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original-1158640-1.jpg original-1158640-2.jpg original-1158640-3.jpg rattlesden_-_willow_class_newsletter_-_autumn_2016.pdf school-newsletter-ideas-8899276dbc7b8f9f74e031fdbe62bb9f-preschool-newsletter-classroom-newsletter.jpg the-25-best-school-newsletter-template-ideas-on-pinterest.jpg Школьная газета.docx aHR0cCUzQSUyRiUyRjEuYnAuYmxvZ3Nwb3QuY29tJTJGLVZPUFU3WmxlemtNJTJGVmZCUjY1dzNnV0klMkZBQUFBQUFBQUR2ayUyRjYzNXdEbHhVeDFvJTJGczY0MCUyRjEucG5n.png april newsletter picture.png ef174f786c8d0ba4f6f7bd9cc6856437.jpg March 25, 2013 Classroom Newsletter.JPG nursery-newsletter-template-holiday-letter-cyrinesdesign-nursery.jpg

Выбранный для просмотра документ rattlesden_-_willow_class_newsletter_-_autumn_2016.pdf



We will do PE twice a week on a Monday & a     

Thursday. Please ensure that your child has a PE kit in school all week.  The children will need warm clothes and footwear suitable for outside PE.  Girls don't forget a change of socks for when you

have tights on. All jewellery should

be removed   before school. We will try to locate any lost items but

please  name  everything! I will   

return PE kits to you half termly to be washed.  



Our topic this term is ‘Pirates’. We have an action packed term so I can only fit in a few things we will be doing. We will be   

designing our own pirate flag, describing and naming Pirates. We

are going to learn Pirate poems and songs with alliteration and rhyme. We are going to learn about famous    Pirates from history. We are going to

look at Pirate ships and what they are made from and learn about the seas

they may travel in. We are going to make and use Pirate treasure maps. We are going to read The Night Pirates, Pirates love Underpants, Mungo and the Picture Book Pirates and The Troll.  



This term is all about helping the children to settle into school and to  become more independent.  Please help us by encouraging your child to

dress and undress more independently.  It is also helpful if the children are

able to put their own coats and shoes on by themselves.  Please encourage your child to put their coat and PE kit on their peg, book bag in their tray

and lunch box and water bottle away. They are jobs they ‘can’ do already. Spending time showing the children how to turn clothes around the right way helps them get changed after PE too.

Supporting your child

It is very important that you support your child’s  learning at home.  They will bring home a library book that can be


Welcome to Willow Class and to the start of your child’s

Reception year! I am looking forward to working with your child this year.  We have lots of exciting things

planned for your child’s first steps along their learning journey. I will be supported by Mrs Raison on MondayThursday and Mrs Montanjees on a Friday. 

changed weekly. They will soon be given words to practise and learn and a ‘lilac’  

reading book to share. The lilac books have no words but we encourage the children to tell the story looking at the pictures. As the children    progress with their phonics and words then they will move on to different books. 

Dressed for the Weather

As the weather turns colder this term it is important that your child has suitable warm/waterproof clothes/footwear.  We go outside  whatever the weather. We have waterproof suits BUT they MUST have Wellies please.


There is a white board on the wall just inside the classroom door for you to write down if someone 

School Dinners

School Dinners are FREE for Reception children but  please let us know on a Monday if your child is NOT  

having a school dinner at some point in the week. If they don’t have a packed lunch I will assume they are school dinner.


Water bottles should be in school every day.  They can be left in the yellow box. Please ensure that they are named!  Lunchboxes are left in the red box and should be clearly named also.

different is collecting your child from school. Bus children

We need your junk!

We are collecting clean cardboard and plastic etc. to be used for junk  modelling.  If you have any other resources that may be useful  please bring it in...especially seasonal natural resources for our mud kitchen, herbs, flowers, conkers etc.

For children who travel home on the bus, please  notify me in writing of any changes to their normal routine.




WOW moments

Starting school is an exciting time and over the next year your child will do things they have never done  

before and gain lots of new skills at home and school.

Please let us know what happens at home that we can celebrate in school. We love hearing about challenges

and achievements and look forward to celebrating many of these with your child this year.

You will have an opportunity to come to our Celebration Assemblies in school.


And finally...

Please feel free to chat briefly with any member of the

Willow class team before school.  We are happy to  answer any questions that you may have.  If more time is needed please arrange an appointment with me after school.


Thank you for your support Mrs Macro


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 ГУО «Средняя школа №14 г. Солигорска»















План-конспект открытого урока

английского языка в 4 классе

то теме «Школа»

Коммуникативная ситуация

«Школьная газета»







Учитель английского языка

Второй квалификационной категории

Бурта Данута Михайловна

















Солигорск, 2018

Тема: Школа

Урок 8 «Школьная газета»



Цель: развивать навыки чтения, говорения и слушания по теме  «Школа»,



- развивать лексические и грамматические знания по теме «Школа»;

- развивать умение слушания и говорения, использование лексических структур по теме «В школе»,

- развивать грамматические навыки (составлять и использовать предложения в Present Continious Tense);

- формирование познавательной активности учащихся;


Планируемый результат: планируется, что к концу урока ученики самостоятельно используя лексику и грамматику урока  создадут проект школьной газеты,


Оборудование урока:

- Английский. 4-й класс. Часть 2. Учебник 2. Авторы: Лапицкая Л.М., Калишевич А.И., Севрюкова Т.Ю., Седунова Н.М.

- Английский. 4-й класс. Рабочая тетрадь 2. Часть 2. Авторы: Лапицкая Л.М., Калишевич А.И., Севрюкова Т.Ю., Седунова Н.М.

- карточки с лексикой по теме «At school»

- карточки с лексикой по теме «Activities on the lessons»

- карточки для оформления школьной газеты


Lesson 9 “Friends are always friends”



Aim: to develop reading, speaking and listening skills on the topic of “School”



- to develop lexical and grammatical knowledge on the topic " School";

- to develop the skill of listening and speaking, the use of lexical structures "At school"

- to develop grammatical skills (to make sentences in Present Continious Tense);

- to form the cognitive activity of pupils;


Cognitive purpose: It is planned that by the end of the lesson the students will independently use the vocabulary and grammar of the lesson to create a school newspaper project

Lesson equipment:

- English. 4th grade. Textbook part 2. Authors: Lapitskaya L.M., Kalishevich A.I., Sevryukova T. Yu., Sedunova N.M.

- English. 4th grade. Workbook Part 2. Authors: Lapitskaya L.M., Kalishevich A.I., Sevryukova T. Yu., Sedunova N.M.

- cards with the vocabulary on the topic " At school "

- cards with the vocabulary on the topic " Activities on the lessons "

- cards for the school newspaper

Lesson plan


Stages of the lesson


Didactical task

The content of the lesson phase

Teacher Activities

Pupils activity

I. Organizing stage

Preparing pupils for the lesson, stating the theme of the lesson, the goals, the formation of motivation



Speech Warm-up

Greet pupils


How are you today? What day is it today?

What’s your favourite school day? What lessons have you got in this day?

What’s your favourite lesson?

What do you do in Maths? What do you do in English?

Greet Teacher


Pupils answer the teacher’s questions

II. Phonetic workout







Control and activation of vocabulary on the topic and grammar

Phonetic workout







Riddles about different lessons.

Boys and girls, guess my riddle:

In this lesson you speak, read, learn chants, sing songs, write, and play games. (English)

Please, make your riddle


What are we doing now?

Pupils guess the riddle and make their own riddles






III. Reading


Motivate the need to read the text













Talking with pupils before listening/ reading the text












Every month Nikita’s classmates make a newsletter.

How do you think, what is it?

Why are they make it?

If you write a newsletter, what do you want to (can) write in it?


Now, read their last newsletter and say.

What’s the most interesting page?



Shared reading



Pupils answer the questions







Pupils read newsletter for one part


than answer for pre-listening questions




Stages of the lesson


Didactical task

The content of the lesson phase

Teacher Activities

Pupils activity

IV. Moving activity


to change the type of activity, to give a rest

Active workout

Stand up. Listen to me carefully and do what I say:

What can we do in PE…..?

jump, run, walk, turn around, hands up and down

OK, good

What can we do in technology?

make things, cook

and ect

play the game






V. Project


apply lexical and grammatical knowledge and skills in practice

independent work on the creation of a project

Now, let's try to create our class newsletter.

Where to start?

At first, divide into 3 teams:

Welcome to our school”- you can describe our school binding, classes, teachers, favourite places, what are you like to do at school and ect

Interviews”- you can describe you school life, you favourite lessons

Fun corner” - you can make riddles about your lessons; exercise “cross the odd one out”, scrambled words and ect.


Project presentation

Pupils work together in groups to create a newspaper

VII. Workbook activities




Ex.1 Dictation

Ex.2 Cross the odd one out



Stages of the lesson


Didactical task

The content of the lesson phase

Teacher Activities

Pupils activity

VI. Round-up


check the knowledge of children at the end of the lesson


to explain the marks for the lesson

Summing up the lesson



Marking out

Now, let’s play “Snowball game”

“I like maths. – Tania likes maths, and I like Art. …”


Marks for today's lesson…


Pupils play a game






VII. Homework


to explain homework

explanation of homework

WB ex.3

do the crossword

write down the homework in their diaries

VIII. Reflection


check the emotional state of pupils at the end of the lesson

Checking the emotional state

“Ladder of feelings”

How do you feel in the end of the lesson?

Put your sticker on the step with a smile


And now I have some presents for you, thank you for the lesson. Goodbye!


pupils do the teacher’s task




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