Инфоурок Иностранные языки Другие методич. материалыПлан урока на тему «Gerund», проведенного в 10-м классе

План урока на тему «Gerund», проведенного в 10-м классе

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План урока на тему «Gerund», проведенного в 10-м классе


Даулетиярова Акмарал Булатбековна

учительница английского языка школы-лицея №249

Казалинского района Кызылординской области

Республика Казахстан


The theme of the lesson:


The aims and objectives of the lesson:


to explain the forming of gerunds; to practise the use of gerunds with prepositions and consolidate pupils’ knowledge on the topic “Star signs”


to develop the leaners’ abilities of reading, translating, listening, writing and communication skills


to bring up pupils to love and respect their native language and foreign language; to teach pupils to be tidy, responsible and attentive

The type of the lesson:

mixed lesson

The kind of the lesson:

mastering new material

The methods of the lesson:

explaining, question-answer, speaking, reading, writing, completing, comparing, translating, market of knowledge, decryptor


The elements of Critical Thinking and Module Interactive Teaching

Visual aids of the lesson:

an interactive board, workbooks

Interdisciplinary relation:

The Kazakh and Russian languages

The procedure of the lesson:

Teacher’s activity

Students’ activity

І. Organization moment

-greets with the pupils

-checks up the attendance of students

-pays students’ attention to the lesson

-checks the preparation of school utensils 

-greet with the teacher

-act on duty

-prepare for the lesson


II. Checking up the homework

-At the previous lesson we learnt about the star signs and you were given to write short essay about your star signs. Let’s listen to your essays

My star sign (Essay)

Students read their essays

III. New lesson

a) motivation

Warm-up activity

1) Poem “Star signs”

2) Today we are going to learn a new grammar material and I want you to guess the theme of the today’s lesson. The activity is called “Decryptor”. You must decrypt the word hidden under the numbers








Прямоугольник: скругленные углы: 7Прямоугольник: скругленные углы: 6Прямоугольник: скругленные углы: 2Прямоугольник: скругленные углы: 3Прямоугольник: скругленные углы: 5Прямоугольник: скругленные углы: 2Task: Non-finite form of a verb


Students read the poem

1) Star signs

The Leo Sign

5th from the sun.

Born to lead, always taking pride,

Under the spotlight, Feelings don`t hide.

Very competitive, gullible and loyal

Wants nothing less than to be royal.

Hates ordinary living

And can sometimes be mis forgiving.

Scorpio, Virgo, Leo will clash

Aries, Libra great memories will pass!

For we are the Lion

King of the zoo.

Our loving character

Will be memorable to you

2) Students decrypt the word.

The answer is: GERUND

b) work on new concepts


































































-Video about the Gerund

Gerunds are defined as the -ing form of a verb. They have several functions.

1. Used as subjects and complements

Skiing is my favorite sport.

Hiking can be very strenuous.

Seeing is believing


2. Used as objects following prepositions and prepositional expressions

Thanks for tending my children.

The job consists of typing, filing and answering the phone.

3. Used as objects following certain verbs.

The children enjoyed watching the parade.

Ms. Terrell avoided paying her taxes until it was too late.


4.  These verbs are commonly followed by gerunds.

risk рисковать

postpone –отложить

imagine –представить

consider –рассмотреть


practise –практиковаться

forget –забыть

avoid избежать

enjoy –нравится


hate ненавидеть

prefer –предпочитать

mind возражать

miss пропускать

suggest предполагать

adore – обожать

like –нравится

love –любить

regret –жалеть

deny – отрицать

stop – остановить/ останавливать


5. Gerund is used after prepositions

Прямоугольник: скругленные углы: Noun
Прямоугольник: скругленные углы: preposition Прямоугольник: скругленные углы: gerund




possibility of

put off

carry on

think of/ about

dream of

look forward to

difficulty in

reason for

excuse for

choice of

apologize for

approve of

believe in

insist on

succeed in

worry about

give up

go on

bored with

capable of

used to

fond of

good at

to be tired of

aware of

busy in

keen on

interested in

pleased about

successful in

way of

Students listen to the teacher’s explanation. If they don’t understand they will ask questions

c) tasks for the development of  cognitive abilities

Teacher gives the students exercises to do and explains the tasks

If pupils make mistakes teacher will correct them

Exercise 1. Paraphrase the sentences using the verbs in brackets and gerunds

e.g. I dislike to go to bed early. (hate)–I hate going to bed early.

a. I regret that I missed my classes. (regret)–I regret missing my classes

b. The doctor continued to treat the patient. (carried)–The doctor carried on treating the patient.

c. She advised to consult a doctor. (suggested) – She suggested consulting a doctor.

d. It’s not a good idea to travel during the rush hour. (avoid) – It’s better to avoid travelling during the rush hour.

e. Could you turn the radio down, please? (mind) –Would you mind turning the radio down?

Exercise 2. Complete the following sentences with the verbs in the box


make    catch    feel          write     lock cook       water     wash up

a. The phone rang while I was doing my homework. I didn’t answer. I just carried on ____

b. If you walk in the rain without an umbrella, you risk ___ a cold.

c. My sister loves ____ (cooking), but she hates _____

d. A thief got into my house, but I clearly remember ______ the door.

e. The teacher asked the pupils to be quiet but they continued ____ a lot of noise.

f. When he told me that he had lost all his money, I couldn’t help _____ sorry for him

g. This plant hasn’t been watered for some time. It needs ____


Exercise 3. Complete the following sentences about yourself using the Gerund

a. I couldn’t even dream of ______.

b. I wish my father stopped ______.

c. I am not used to __________.

d. I look forward to _________ .

e. I dislike the idea of _________.

f. I am interested in ___________.

g. I always insist on ___________.

Exercise 4. Fill in the suitable prepositions

a. I can’t boast … seeing foreign countries. (of)

b. We all kissed Mother … going to bed (before)

c. Rosa looks forward … seeing her aunt. (to)

d. I dislike the idea … spending my holiday at home. (of)

e. I was used … getting up early in the morning (to)

f. I usually succeed … getting what I want (in)

g. My mother insists … my entering the Medical Institute. (on)

h. I worry … getting a bad mark in the exam.(about)

Exercise 5. Parse the gerunds

1. I haven’t got any change. Would you mind lending me a coin for the coffee machine?

2. I try to avoid driving in rush hours.

3. I can’t imagine her driving a car.

4. Singing is one of my hobbies.

5. During the lesson we practised writing a letter.

6. The washing machine needs repairing.

7. She is looking forward to seeing her.

Extra task. Arrange the words in the correct order

1. knowing/ She/ about the/ denied/ problem/ anything – She denied  knowing anything about the problem

2. a new/ opening/ business/ They/ discussed – They discussed opening a new business

3. trying/ me/ encouraged/ again/ He/

He encouraged me trying again.

4. on diet/ She/ me/ advised/ keeping

She advised me keeping on diet.

5. the guitar/ playing/ She/ enjoys

She enjoys playing the guitar.





Students complete the sentences



















Students complete the sentences with suitable verbs from the box








(washing up)












Students complete the sentences










Students fill in the necessary prepositions












Students parse the gerunds












Students arrange the words in the correct order







IV. Consolidation of the new lesson

Repetition of the new material

The game “Market of knowledge”

Прямоугольник: скругленные углы: 4 Прямоугольник: скругленные углы: 5


1. What is gerund? (it is a non-finite form of a verb)

2. How can we form gerunds? (by adding –ing to the verb)

3. In the sentences the gerund serves as … and … (subject and object)

4. The gerund is used after … (prepositions)

5. The gerund is similar to … (Participle I)

Students own green stocks by answering the questions

V. Homework

Ex 22 on page 57- to complete the sentences using the words in exercise 21

If pupils don’t understand the homework they will ask the teacher

VI. Evaluation

Let’s count the scores on your evaluating papers

If you have:

15 -20 scores – “5”

10-14 scores – “4”

5-9 scores – “3”

So, P1-P5, your marks are “5”…

P6-P8, your marks are “4”, try better at the next lesson

And I want to give you your horoscope for 2013, be informed about your future

Thank you for participation. Good bye.

They bring their diaries to the teacher to put their marks


Список использованной литературы:

1. http://www.study.ru/support/handbook/gerund1.html

2. http://www.englishclub.com/grammar/verbs-gerunds.htm

3. http://www.tolearnenglish.com/english_lessons/gerund-exercises

4. Практическая грамматика английского языка. – А.И.Каменский, И.Б.Каменская. Харьков: ИНЭМ, 2002 г


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Краткое описание документа:

Данный урок разработан для учащихся 10-го класса общеобразовательной школы. Новая тема связана с прошлой лексической темой о знаках зодиака. Ученики сами отгадывают тему нового урока с помощью приема "Шифровщик".  Этот прием способствует развитию критического мышления учащихся. На этапе обьяснения новой темы даны примеры синтаксической роли герундия в предложении, а также употреблению герундия с предлогами. А также используется видео для полного усвоения новой грамматики, после чего даны упражнения  по грамматической теме. Для закрепления темы используется игра "Биржа знаний"

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