Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыПлан урока на тему "Transport"

План урока на тему "Transport"

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Тема: “ Транспорт”.


1.   повышать познавательный интерес к английскому языку, прививать интерес к городскому транспорту;

2.   развивать способности к логическому изложению, к догадке, развивать способность осуществлять продуктивные и репродуктивные речевые действия, развивать коммуникабельность;

3.   oвладеть лексическим материалом и расширить кругозор по теме “Транспорт ”;

4.   формировать лексические и грамматические навыки говорения, обучать умению строить высказывания по модели.

Оснащение урока:

1.   иллюстративный материал по теме,

2.   дидактические карточки – задания,

3.   аудиозаписьдиалогаIn the train

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент.

- Good morning, my dear boys and girls.

- I`m glad to see you here. (We are glad to see you, too.)

- How are you today? (We are fine, thanks. And how are you?)

- I`m very well, thank you. And now it`s time to start our lesson. The topic of our discussion today is transport.

II. Фонетическая зарядка.

- Look at the blackboard. Let’s read these words

[t] -platform, airport, station;

 [r] - underground, prefer, travel;

 [w] - wait, will, would.

III. Речевая разминка.

-      Make my sentence longer. People can travel by bus.

P1: People can travel by bus and by train.

P2: People can travel by bus, by train and by plane.

T.: Agree or disagree with me. Travelling is boring.

P1: That’s wrong. Travelling is not boring. It is interesting.

T.: The boy is traveling by plane.

P2: That’s wrong.The boy is not traveling by plane. He is traveling by foot.

T.: Travelling on foot is very comfortable.

P3: That’s wrong.Travelling on foot is not very comfortable. It is difficult.

T.: Ask each other questions in chain. What is your favourite way of travelling ?

P1: My favourite way of travelling is traveling by car.What is your favourite way of travelling ?

P2:My favourite way of travelling is traveling by plane. What is your favourite way of travelling ?

VI. Чтение текста.

Now let`s read the text “ Transport and traffic in Britain”.


“ Transport and traffic in Britain”.

People in Britain drive on the left and generally overtake on the right. The speed limit is 30 miles per hour in towns and cities. When you are in London  you can choose from four means of transport: bus, train, underground or taxi. The typical bus in London is red double-decker. The first London started running between Baker St. and the City in 1863. Now there are ten lines and 273 stations in use. London taxis are too expensive. Inside some buses you will see: “ Please, state your destinations clearly and have the exact fare ready. The London buses are very large. They have seats both upstairs and downstairs.

V. Этапформированиялексическихнавыковговорения.

1. - Now let`s try to answer the question of the lesson:

1.   What are some rules of driving in Britain?

2.   What does typical bus in London look like?

3.   Where was the first  underground opened?

4.   What must visitors of London learnt and why?

5.   Are taxis too expensive?

2.  Make up word – combinations using this words.

  Travel        tickets

  Plane         leaflet

  Train          riding

  Hotel          park 

  Horse         agent

  Rock          guide

  National     home

  Royal           climbing

  Stately        place


V. Этап формирования грамматических навыков.

Present Indefinite

1) Для выражения обычного или периодически повторяющегося действия или состояния. I usually go away at weekends.
2) Для выражения действия, которое совершается в момент речи с глаголом, которые не употребляются во временах.
Continuous. Ann does not seem very happy at the moment.
ВместоFutureIndefiniteсглаголами, выражающимизаранеезапланированноедействие (togo, tocome, toleave, tobeginит.д). The train leaves Moscow at 10 and arrives in St. Petersburg at 17:15.
Длявыражениябудущегодействиявпридаточныхвременииусловияпослесоюзов: when, if, unless, till, untill, before, as soon as, while ит.д.I shell phone you when I get home from work.


VI. Чтениедиалога.

Listen to the dialogue “In the train”.

CONDUCTOR: Here, you can't sit here. This compartment is reserved.
Didn't you see the notice on the door?
TED: No, we didn't. Where shall we go?
COND: Next compartment. You'll find plenty of empty seats there.
TED: Come on, Jack. [They take two seats in the next compartment, which is empty. They look out of the window. The engine driver blows his whistle, the guard waves his green flag and the train slowly puffs its way out of the station.]
JACK: We're off.
TED: I'm looking forward to a good bathe in the sea.
JACK: So am I. Bathing in the sea is much better than in fresh water.
It's much easier to keep up.
TED: I don't think I could sink in sea water if I wanted to. I say, Jack!
JACK: What?
TED: Have you heard the story of the three men who were boasting about how fast the trains went in their countries?
JACK: No, do tell it.
TED: Well, there was a Frenchman, an Englishman and an American. The Frenchman said, "In my country the trains go so fast that the telegraph posts by the line look like a garden fence." The Englishman said, "At home the trains go so fast we have to pour water on the wheels to stop them from getting white hot and melting." The American said, "That's nothing. I was once taking a trip and my daughter came to the platform to see me off. While I was getting into the compartment the train started. I leant out of the window to give her a kiss, and kissed instead a cow in a field six miles down the line."
JACK: Ha! Ha! That's a good one. I'll try to think of one to tell you. [Jack sees Ted's ticket lying on the seat. He puts it into his own pocket, but says nothing to Ted.]
TED: I say! Where's my ticket?
JACK: You had it a minute ago.
TED: I know. But where is it now?
JACK: You'd better look for it. The ticket inspector will be here in a bit.
If you can't show him your ticket he'll make you pay double.
TED: 'He can't. I haven't got enough money. [Ted gets up, turns out all his pockets, searches the seats and the floor, but does not find it.]
TED: What on earth shall I do?
JACK: I've a good idea.
TED: What is it?
JACK: You get under the seat till he has gone. I'll sit over you and hide you with my legs. He'll never see you. As soon as he has gone you can come out.
TED: He'll be along any minute now. Shall I get under now?
JACK: Yes, do. And don't move while he is in the carriage. [Ted gets under the seat. The ticket inspector comes along; Jack hands him two tickets, his own and Ted's.]
INSPECTOR: Whose ticket is this one?
JACK: Oh, that's my friend's.
INSPECTOR: Where's he gone?
JACK: Nowhere. He's under the seat.
INSPECTOR: What on earth is he doing there?
JACK: Oh, he prefers to travel like that. Don't you, Ted?
TED [coming out from under the seat and knocking the dust off his clothes]: All right. I'll pay you back for this. Just you wait.

VI. Тестирование.

Open the brackets:

The British capital, London (to have) the largest public transport network in the world. During an average working day the buses and underground ( to carry) about 5.5 million people and ( to travel) over 800.000   kilometres. Theworld’s first underground line (to open) between Baker Street and the City in 1863. There (to be) 273 stations in use, covering 404 km. It is called the Tube.  Motorised  buses  (to appear) in 1900. Today London’s double-deckers (to be) the symbols of London as well as taxi cabs.


- It`s time to finish our lesson. I suppose you like today’s lesson about transport. I`m sure you deserve excellent marks today. Thank you for your work. Have a nice day, my dears!

Домашнеезадание: to write a dialogues using this expressions:

  How to get to the …?

  The best way to get there…

  Can you help me, please?

  How far is it?

  Which bus should I take to get there…?


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