Инфоурок Английский язык Рабочие программыПоурочный план по английскому языку "Ecological problems "

Поурочный план по английскому языку "Ecological problems "

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International organizations  for the protection of the environment.

The Sequence of tenses.


Type of the lesson: Theoretical, combined lesson.

Aims of the lesson: Presentation of the new material.

1. Educational: to enrich students’ vocabulary, to practice The Sequence of tenses.

2. Developing: to develop student’s grammatical skills, habits of reading, writing, speaking and listening.

3. Bringing up: to bring up the culture of communication, respect to the opinions of their classmates, to teach students to love their traditions and customs.

The method of teaching: Warm-up, work in pairs, question-answer.

Inter subjects connection:  Kazakh and Russian languages.

The visual aids, distributing materials: computer, projector, slides with vocabulary, text, grammar table and exercises.

The course of the lesson

Organization stage:

1. Greeting: Good morning (afternoon), students.

2. Classroom expression: Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? What date is it today? What day is it today? What is the weather like today? What was your home task?

3. Aims of the lesson.

4. Questioning and checking the passed material.

5. Study new material.                        



International organizations  for the protection of the environment.


Protect- защищать


Keep- беречь, сохранять

Point out- указать

Environment- окружающая среда


Read the sentences and write the missing words.


The Earth is our… . We must take care of it. The importance of this task is … by the ecologists, scientists, who study the relations between living things and their…. . Each of us must do everything possible to … the land, air and water clean. Of course, people undertake some measures to … the environment, but this activity is complicated by the economic difficulties.


(protect, home, keep, pointed out, environment)



Read and translate the text.


Environmental law bridges policies and actions to achieve goals for the protection of the environment and sustainable development, providing a structure to support systems of environmental governance. The evolving framework of international environmental law and the development of national law provide a sound basis for addressing the major environmental threats of the twenty-first century. The process of developing environmental law also presents an opportunity for strengthening international cooperation and solidarity to face the common challenges ahead. While Governments are primarily responsible for taking legal and related measures to address environmental protection and sustainable development, international organizations have an important role to play in the development of environmental law.

General role of UNEP

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is the principal United Nations body in the field of the environment. The role of UNEP is to be the leading global environmental authority that sets the global environmental agenda, that promotes the coherent implementation of the environmental dimension of sustainable development within the United Nations system and that serves as an authoritative advocate for the global environment.

UNEP assists Governments and the international community in general to identify environmental problems of regional or global significance, and to build and disseminate the knowledge base concerning the identified problems.

The development of international environmental law has been one of the key areas of UNEP's activities, since international environmental law is to catalyze international action for achieving environmental goals in countries by their collective commitment and action, which is also a major function of UNEP.


Environmental problems


Vehicles pollute the air in cities

People waste too much energy

Timber companies cut down rainforests

Poachers hunt for rare animals

Power stations produce greenhouse gases

Oil pollutes the sea

Fishermen catch too much fish






The solutions


Ø Use public transport

Ø Share your car

Ø Go on foot or ride a bike

Ø Don’t waste too much energy, switch  

     off the light if you don’t need it

Ø Keep water

Ø Don’t waste paper

Ø Keep animals and plants, plant trees and feed animals

Ø Don’t throw litter in the streets

Ø Take an active part in cleaning the streets and the river of your town




Grammar rules.  

The Sequence of tenses.

Согласование времен


Сдвиг времен в придаточном дополнительном при главном предложении в прошедшем времени


Present Simple - Past Simple

Present Continuous - Past Continuous

         Действие придаточного предложения происходит одновременно с действием главного.


Present Perfect - Past Perfect

Past Simple   - Past Perfect     

Действие придаточного предложения предшествует действию главного.


Future - Future-in-the Past

         Действие придаточного предложения совершается позже действия главного.


Употребляя простые предложения в роли придаточных дополнительных при главном предложении в прошедшем времени, сдвигайте время.


Упр. 1. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на употребление времен в русском и английском языках.


1. I knew that you were ill. 2. I knew that you had been ill. 3. We found that she left home at eight o'clock every morning. 4. We found that she had left home at eight o'clock that morning. 5. When he learnt that his son always received excellent marks in all the subjects at school, ho was very pleased. 6. When he learnt that his son had received an excellent mark at school, he was very pleased. 7. We did not know where our friends went every evening. 8. We did not know where our friends had gone. 9. She said that her best friend was a doctor. 10. She said that her best friend had been a doctor. 11. I didn't know that you worked at the Hermitage. 12. I didn't know that you had worked at the Hermitage.


Упр. 2. Перепишите следующие предложения в прошедшем времени. Обратите внимание на зависимость времени придаточного дополнительного предложения от времени главного.


1. My uncle says he has just come back from the Caucasus. 2. He says he has spent a fortnight in the Caucasus. 3. He says it did him a lot of good. 4. He says he feels better now. 5. He says his wife and he spent most of their time on the beach. 6. He says they did a lot of sightseeing. 7. He says he has a good camera. 8. He says he took many photographs while travelling in the Caucasus. 9. He says he will come to see us next Sunday. 10. He says he will bring and show us the photographs he took during his stay in the Caucasus.


Упр. 3. Перепишите следующие предложения в прошедшем времени. Обратите внимание на зависимость времени придаточного дополнительного предложения от времени главного.


1. Nick says he is going to the hotel to see his friends, who have just arrived in St. Petersburg from the United States of America. 2. He says they have not been here for a long time. 3. He says they were friends at school. 4. He says he will take them to the theatre on Sunday. 5. They say they will write me a letter when they return home. 6. Mike says he is sure Ann and Kate will be excellent guides. 7. He says they have made good progress in English. 8. Oleg says that in a day or two several English students will come to pay a visit to their school and he will probably have to act as interpreter. 9. Ann says she has just met Boris in the street. 10. She says Boris told her a lot of interesting things about his travels in the south.


Упр. 4. Раскройте скобки, выбирая требующееся время глагола.


1. Не said he (is staying, was staying) at the "Ritz" Hotel. 2. They realized that they (lost, had lost) their way in the dark. 3. He asked me where I (study, studied). 4. I thought that I (shall finish, should finish) my work at that time. 5 He says he (works, worked) at school two years ago. 6. Victor said he (is, was) very busy. 8. My friend asked me who (is playing, was playing) the piano in the sit-ting-room. 9. He said he (will come, would come) to the station to see me off. 10. I was sure he (posted, had posted) the letter. 11. I think the weather (will be, would be) fine next week. I hope it (will not change, would not change) for the worse. 12. I knew that he (is, was) a very clever man. 13.1 want to know what he (has bought, had bought) for her birthday. 14. I asked my sister to tell me what she (has seen, had seen) at the museum.


Home task.

1.   To learn by heart vocabulary notes.

2. Аyapova Т., Form 11 Ex.9 p.88

Summarizing the lesson:

1.   Explain the home task.

2.   Evaluation of the students’ answers.

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