Инфоурок Иностранные языки ПрезентацииПрезентация на тему How is your English?

Презентация на тему How is your English?

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  •    How is your English?

    1 слайд

    How is your English?

  • The aims of the lesson:To teach the pupils to work in the group, to help each...

    2 слайд

    The aims of the lesson:
    To teach the pupils to work in the group, to help each other;
    To enrich, improve pupils’ habits in speaking, reading, understanding,translating and writing, to make quick decisions and to express themselves in English;
    To develop the respect in relationship between pupils.

  • Methods:Competition between two teams.The plan of the lesson.1.Introduse you...

    3 слайд

    Methods:Competition between two teams.
    The plan of the lesson.
    1.Introduse yourselves.
    4.Make new words.
    5.Play a game “Merry lottery”.
    6.Lost words.
    7.Odd words.
    8.Home task.

  • 1.The first part of our competition is introduction of teams.Teams introduce...

    4 слайд

    1.The first part of our competition is introduction of teams.
    Teams introduce themselves.

    The first team is Eagle.

    The second team is Tulpar.

  • 2.The second part of our competition is “Baiga”Here I’ll tell you riddles in...

    5 слайд

    2.The second part of our competition is “Baiga”
    Here I’ll tell you riddles in English and you must solve them.
    Riddles to the first team:
    What has four legs, but can not walk?
    Five cupboards, but only one door.
    Every evening we can see our entire planet…
    What goes over the floor and stands in the corner?
    What can birds and planes do, but people can’t?
    What do monkeys like to eat?

  • Riddles to the 2-nd team:It lives in winter and dies in spring.
No feet ,but...

    6 слайд

    Riddles to the 2-nd team:
    It lives in winter and dies in spring.
    No feet ,but jumps.
    It runs night and day,but never runs away.
    It is sour yellow fruit.
    It moves without legs andflies without wings.
    What is that doesn’t ask questons, but must answered?

  • 3.The 3-rd round is Polyglot.I’ll tellyou proverbs in English where last wor...

    7 слайд

    3.The 3-rd round is Polyglot.
    I’ll tellyou proverbs in English where last words are missing and your task is to say the missing word in three languages (English, Kazakh, and Russian).

    1.East or West home is …
    2.The boors are our …
    3.Better late than …
    4.Time is …
    5.Everything is good in its …
    6.Everyone is a slave of his …
    7.Health is above …
    8.Habit is a second …
    9.Don’t play with …
    10.Money won’t make you …
    11.Daugther is guest of …

  • 4.Match the nouns to make new words or write down the word combination.1-st t...

    8 слайд

    4.Match the nouns to make new words or write down the word combination.
    1-st team
    1.Post a)ball
    2.Traffic b)hall
    3.Concert c)light
    4.Tooth d)air
    5.Apple e)brush
    6.Fresh f)tree
    7.Living g)mother
    8.Grand h)room
    9.Basket i)ocean
    10.The Atlantic j)card

  • 2-nd team.1.Air                            a)ball

    9 слайд

    2-nd team.
    1.Air a)ball
    2.Big b)bin
    3.Ice c)cream
    4.Foot d)ben
    5.Litter e)Britain
    6.Swimming f)father
    7.Grand g)assistant
    8.Great h)pool
    9.Time i)port
    10.Shop j)table

  • 5.Our next round is a game “Merry lottery”   I’ll give you some papers with...

    10 слайд

    5.Our next round is a game “Merry lottery”

    I’ll give you some papers with orders and the members of each team do different orders such as cry, write…etc.

  • 6.The 6-th round “Lost words”.Find the English words as quickly as you can.

    11 слайд

    6.The 6-th round “Lost words”.
    Find the English words as quickly as you can.

  • 7. The7-th round “Odd words”Put the letters in right order and find the odd...

    12 слайд

    7. The7-th round “Odd words”
    Put the letters in right order and find the odd word in each column.

    OONM, YEE,

  • 8.The 8-th task is the home task:Act out the dialogue.1-st team: “At the caf...

    13 слайд

    8.The 8-th task is the home task:
    Act out the dialogue.
    1-st team: “At the café”.

    2-nd team: “Ice-cream”.

  • 9.Conclusion.Our compettition lesson is over!

Good – bye!

    14 слайд


    Our compettition lesson is over!

    Good – bye!

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