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Презентация на тему "What happens when a monarch dies?". История Британии

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  • “Title of Image Used” by [Author] is licensed under CC BY 2.0A monarch is the...

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    “Title of Image Used” by [Author] is licensed under CC BY 2.0
    A monarch is the head of state of a country, usually given the title king, queen, empress or emperor. A monarch generally remains in their position until their death. In many cases, their eldest child then inherits the title.
    head of state - A person who publicly represents their country across the world. In a monarchy, the king, queen or emperor is head of state but in other countries the head of state may be a president or other leader.
    In the past, monarchs often ruled the country, making decisions about laws and how the country was run. Over time, many countries moved to becoming democracies, where citizens could vote on who would run their country. Some countries kept their monarchs but removed their powers to rule. This is called a constitutional monarchy. The United Kingdom became a constitutional monarchy in 1688.
    What Is a Monarch?

  • “Title of Image Used” by [Author] is licensed under CC BY 2.0Due to the way t...

    3 слайд

    “Title of Image Used” by [Author] is licensed under CC BY 2.0
    Due to the way the United Kingdom formed over hundreds of years, the number of monarchs the UK has had depends on if you are looking at England alone, the unions formed with Scotland and Wales or the formation of Northern Ireland.
    The longest reigning monarch is Queen Elizabeth II. Queen Victoria had the second-longest reign (63 years) with George III’s reign being the third longest (59 years).
    The British Monarchy

  • “Title of Image Used” by [Author] is licensed under CC BY 2.0There have been...

    4 слайд

    “Title of Image Used” by [Author] is licensed under CC BY 2.0
    There have been eight Henrys, eight Edwards, six Georges and two kings named Charles.
    When a man becomes monarch, his wife is given the title of ‘Queen Consort’. However, when a woman becomes monarch, her husband is not given the title of ‘King’. The husbands of Queen Anne, Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth II were all princes.
    Until 2015, it was the eldest son who inherited the British throne, even if he had older sisters. The only reason Queen Elizabeth II became monarch was because she had no brothers.
    The British Monarchy

  • “Title of Image Used” by [Author] is licensed under CC BY 2.0The death of a m...

    5 слайд

    “Title of Image Used” by [Author] is licensed under CC BY 2.0
    The death of a monarch can be a very sad time for their family and can have an impact on people in the UK and all around the world. There are structures in place so that a country is prepared for the event.
    As a mark of respect, when plans are made for what will happen following a monarch’s death (or the death of the husband or wife of a monarch), they are given a code name. Plans for George VI (Queen Elizabeth II’s father) were known as Hyde Park Corner. The Queen Mother’s (Queen Elizabeth II’s mother) plans were known as Tay Bridge. Queen Elizabeth II’s husband, the Duke of Edinburgh, spent many years being involved in plans for his own funeral arrangements, which were known as Operation Forth Bridge.
    Routes that will carry a royal coffin are rehearsed every year, with carriages and the armed forces walking the course that will be taken on the day of a royal funeral.
    Preparations for a British Monarch’s Death

  • “Title of Image Used” by [Author] is licensed under CC BY 2.0If the monarch h...

    6 слайд

    “Title of Image Used” by [Author] is licensed under CC BY 2.0
    If the monarch has been ill for a period of time, their doctor may release a statement preparing people for what is to come. A few hours before George V’s death, his doctor announced, ‘The King’s life is moving peacefully towards its close.’
    Immediately after the British monarch dies, their successor (usually their eldest child) becomes monarch. A phrase that has been used in the past is ‘the king is dead, long live the king.’
    The British monarch’s private secretary then contacts the British prime minister with the news. The code name may be used, in order to ensure that people are told in the right order. The news will then be given to the heads of governments of the Commonwealth countries.
    Commonwealth - An organisation of countries. The British monarch is head of the Commonwealth.
    What Happens When a Monarch Dies?

  • “Title of Image Used” by [Author] is licensed under CC BY 2.0The news is anno...

    7 слайд

    “Title of Image Used” by [Author] is licensed under CC BY 2.0
    The news is announced to the public in two ways. A statement is given to the Press Association, groups of newspapers and television stations. At the same time, a footman dressed in mourning clothes puts a notice on the gates of Buckingham Palace. The notice is edged in black. The Royal Family’s website will display just one page, with the wording from the palace noticeboard displayed.
    footman - A male servant.
    mourning clothes - Clothes worn when someone has died, either black or dark colours.
    Announcing the News

  • “Title of Image Used” by [Author] is licensed under CC BY 2.0Television and r...

    8 слайд

    “Title of Image Used” by [Author] is licensed under CC BY 2.0
    Television and radio stations in the UK have programming planned in the event of the death of a monarch. Many television channels will have spent years putting obituary programmes together with footage of the monarch’s life and interviews with people who knew the monarch. News presenters will wear black or dark clothing. Many channels won’t show normal programmes all day.
    Think About It
    Can you remember a time when normal television shows weren’t on?
    Radio stations will change their playlists to play quiet, serious songs. These playlists will have been planned in advance, in order to avoid music that might seem insensitive during such a significant event.
    Across the UK, the Union Flag will be flown at half mast (which means halfway up the flagpole).
    The News Spreads

  • “Title of Image Used” by [Author] is licensed under CC BY 2.0The funeral of a...

    9 слайд

    “Title of Image Used” by [Author] is licensed under CC BY 2.0
    The funeral of a British monarch will usually happen within 12 days of their death.
    siblings - Brothers and sisters.
    The day after the British monarch’s death, the new monarch will officially be monarch. They can choose the name they wish to be known by. They may choose to use their current name or choose a new name, known as a ‘Regnal’ name. Edward VII and George VI had both previously been called Prince Albert. Queen Victoria’s first name was actually Alexandrina. The new monarch’s siblings will kiss their hand, as a symbol of respect.
    In the days before the funeral, the new monarch will visit England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
    Talk About It
    If you could change your name, what would you change it to and why?
    The Next Steps

  • “Title of Image Used” by [Author] is licensed under CC BY 2.0During the time...

    10 слайд

    “Title of Image Used” by [Author] is licensed under CC BY 2.0
    During the time between the death of a British monarch and their funeral, there will be a period called ‘lying in state’. This is when the monarch's body is placed inside a coffin and moved to Westminster Hall in London. Members of the public can visit the hall to show their respect for the loss of the monarch. When The Queen Mother (Queen Elizabeth II’s mother) died, over 200,000 people visited Westminster Hall as she lay in state.
    Books of condolence are set up across the UK and in some Commonwealth countries. These are books that people can write messages in to express their sadness and share their thoughts about the monarch.
    Did You Know...?
    The Duke of Edinburgh (Queen Elizabeth II’s husband) died in 2021 during the COVID pandemic. Because of this, the books of condolence were set up online instead of as physical books.
    Lying in State

  • “Title of Image Used” by [Author] is licensed under CC BY 2.0“Westminster Hal...

    11 слайд

    “Title of Image Used” by [Author] is licensed under CC BY 2.0
    “Westminster Hall 3” by [Son of Groucho] is licensed under CC BY 2.0
    Lying in State

  • “Title of Image Used” by [Author] is licensed under CC BY 2.0The British mona...

    12 слайд

    “Title of Image Used” by [Author] is licensed under CC BY 2.0
    The British monarch is given a state funeral. This is a type of funeral given to key Royal figures or people of significant national importance. The day of the funeral is declared a national day of mourning.
    Leaders from across the world will travel to the UK for the funeral. State funerals may be held in St Paul’s Cathedral or Westminster Abbey.
    A horse-drawn carriage usually carries the coffin from Westminster Hall to the church. A procession of people will also walk with the carriage. These may include family members, people who worked for the monarch and members of the armed forces.
    There will usually be a silence across the UK as the funeral starts.
    State Funeral

  • “Title of Image Used” by [Author] is licensed under CC BY 2.0The coffin is ca...

    13 слайд

    “Title of Image Used” by [Author] is licensed under CC BY 2.0
    The coffin is carried by people (usually members of the armed forces) to the front of the church.
    The funeral of the British monarch is a Christian ceremony. There will be hymns (songs sung in a church), readings from the Bible and other religious music. Prayers will be said by the Archbishop of Canterbury, the leader of the Church of England, as well as other religious leaders.
    The funeral will be broadcast live around the world.
    Did You Know…?
    When the funeral of George VI started, the passengers on a flight from London to New York all stood and bowed their heads.
    “Westminster Abbey” by [grassrootsgroundswell] is licensed under CC BY 2.0
    State Funeral

  • “Title of Image Used” by [Author] is licensed under CC BY 2.0After the funera...

    14 слайд

    “Title of Image Used” by [Author] is licensed under CC BY 2.0
    After the funeral, the coffin is taken out of the church and moved to a place of burial. For many British monarchs, this is Windsor. Queen Victoria is buried at the Royal Mausoleum in Frogmore, a short distance from Windsor Castle. Monarchs including Henry VIII, Charles I, William IV and George V are buried in St George’s Chapel in the grounds of Windsor Castle. George VI is buried in the King George VI Memorial Chapel, which is part of St George’s Chapel.
    Windsor Castle
    After the Funeral

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