Инфоурок Биология ПрезентацииПрезентация Основные характеристики Царства растений Билингвальный урок

Презентация Основные характеристики Царства растений Билингвальный урок

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  • Plant Kingdom Notes
1. Characteristics of Plant Kingdom
	A. Multicellular (Ma...

    1 слайд

    Plant Kingdom Notes
    1. Characteristics of Plant Kingdom
    A. Multicellular (Many-celled)
    B. Eukaryotic (Has a Distinct Nucleus)
    C. Autotroph (Makes its own food)
    D. Cell wall made of cellulose (Good fiber for our diet)

  • 2. Benefits of Plants
	A. Oxygen
	B. Food
	C. Shelter
	D. Paper
	E. Medicine...

    2 слайд

    2. Benefits of Plants
    A. Oxygen
    B. Food
    C. Shelter
    D. Paper
    E. Medicine
    F. Clothing
    G. Fiber in our diet
    H. Fossil Fuels

  • 3. What plants need to survive:
	A.  Sunlight—plants have adaptations to...

    3 слайд

    3. What plants need to survive:
    A. Sunlight—plants have adaptations to gather sunlight for photosynthesis
    B. Water and minerals—all cells require a constant supply of water. Minerals are absorbed along with water.
    C. Gas exchange—plants must exchange gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide) to perform photosynthesis
    D. Movement of water and nutrients— plants take up water and minerals with their roots, but make food in their leaves.

  • 4. Plant Structures
	A. Leaves
	a) Used for photosynthesis 	
	b) Photosynthet...

    4 слайд

    4. Plant Structures
    A. Leaves
    a) Used for photosynthesis
    b) Photosynthetic Equation:
    6CO2 + 6H2O C6H12O6 + 6O2
    c) Special structures
    Stomata—opening in leaf to allow gas exchange
    Cuticle—waxy covering to prevent water loss
    Guard cell—regulates opening of the stomata

    Light Energy
    Cross Section of a Leaf

  • B. Roots—are used for:
	a) Absorption of minerals and 	 	    water
	b) Storag...

    5 слайд

    B. Roots—are used for:
    a) Absorption of minerals and water
    b) Storage of starches
    c) Anchor to ground/soil
    d) 2 main types of roots:
    taproot—grow long and deep to reach water below the surface
    fibrous—branched root system that grows close to the surface

  • a) xylem—used to transport 		             water UP
	b) phloem—used to transp...

    6 слайд

    a) xylem—used to transport water UP
    b) phloem—used to transport food DOWN
    Exceptions- nonvascular plants
    Mosses- no transportation system; therefore, they are small and close to the ground

    C. Stems—are used for transportation (vascular plants)

  • 5.  Plant Responses—Tropisms
	A. Gravitropism—response to gravity
	Plants gro...

    7 слайд

    5. Plant Responses—Tropisms
    A. Gravitropism—response to gravity
    Plants grow upwards out of the soil and the roots grow down

    B. Phototropism—response to light
    Plants grow towards a light source

    C. Thigmotropism—response to touch
    Plants that close up when touched
    Example: Climbing plants or vines that twist around any object they touch

  • D. Reproduction
	a) Flowers—contains the male and female sexual organs
	b) Co...

    8 слайд

    D. Reproduction
    a) Flowers—contains the male and female sexual organs
    b) Cones—sexual
    c) Spores—asexual
    E. Seed—fertilized egg
    a) Fruit—mature ovary that contains one or more seeds

  • 1. Adaptations—an inherited characteristic 			    that increases an organism’...

    9 слайд

    1. Adaptations—an inherited characteristic that increases an organism’s ability to survive and reproduce.

    A. How do adaptations occur?
    a) Mutations—sudden changes in the genetic code (DNA).

    b) KEY POINT: Beneficial mutations allow organisms the ability to adapt and therefore, survive and reproduce.

    Plant Adaptations for Survival and Reproduction

  • 2. Adaptations for Survival
A. Different environments:
	a) Desert plants—able...

    10 слайд

    2. Adaptations for Survival
    A. Different environments:
    a) Desert plants—able to tolerate strong winds, daytime heat, and infrequent rainfall.
    Plants grow slowly
    Plants have a deep root system to gather water
    Plants have thick stems to store large amounts of water
    Plants have spines instead of large leaves to reduce water loss
    Example: Cactus

    b) Arctic Tundra
    Plants are low growing and small due to lack of nutrients

  • B. Carnivorous Plants—have specialized features for 				  obtaining nutrition...

    11 слайд

    B. Carnivorous Plants—have specialized features for obtaining nutrition
    a) Pitcher Plant

    b) Venus Fly Trap

  • C. Defense Mechanisms
a) Poisons—lethal when eaten
	b) Chemicals that act as...

    12 слайд

    C. Defense Mechanisms
    a) Poisons—lethal when eaten
    b) Chemicals that act as insect hormones—disrupt normal growth and development
    c) Thorns/thistles—undesirable or hard to eat

    D. Leaf Adaptations—needle-like versus broad leaf

  • 3. Adaptations for Reproduction
A. Pollination—produces seeds by the transfe...

    13 слайд

    3. Adaptations for Reproduction
    A. Pollination—produces seeds by the transfer of pollen from male reproductive structure to female reproductive structure

    a) Carried out by animals (mainly insects and birds) that carry pollen from one flower to another
    Animals are attracted by bright colors, smell and nectar

    b) Wind pollination—less efficient, relies on large numbers of spores

  • B. Seed Dispersal
	a) Animal Dispersal
 Fruits—provide nutrition   for animal...

    14 слайд

    B. Seed Dispersal
    a) Animal Dispersal
    Fruits—provide nutrition for animals and helps plants spread seeds
    Burrs—get snagged on fur; carry seeds from one area to another

    b) Wind and Water Dispersal— lightweight seeds carried in the air or float on surface of water

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