Инфоурок Иностранные языки ПрезентацииПрезентация по английскому языку на тему "Work and money"

Презентация по английскому языку на тему "Work and money"

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • Пән мұғалімі: А.Сәрсенбаева
Сыныбы : 10
Work and Money

    1 слайд

    Пән мұғалімі: А.Сәрсенбаева
    Сыныбы : 10

    Work and Money

  • Professions

    2 слайд


  • Why do we study 

    3 слайд

    Why do we study

  • 1. The best reading
2. The best translation
3. The best grammar 

    4 слайд

    1. The best reading
    2. The best translation
    3. The best grammar
    My homework is

  • Your homeworkWhere can you work?

    5 слайд

    Your homework
    Where can you work?

  • Match the translations on the theme“Professions”an astronaut
a  vet
a worker...

    6 слайд

    Match the translations on the theme
    an astronaut
    a vet
    a worker
    an engineer
    a nurse
    a pilot
    a dentist
    a programmer
    a baker
    тіс дәрігері
    Мал дәрігері

  • Job and occupation suffixesSomeone who drives a car is a-
Someone who transl...

    7 слайд

    Job and occupation
    Someone who drives a car is a-
    Someone who translates is a-
    Someone who acts in movies is an-
    Someone who plays a professional
    football is a-
    Someone who writes a novel, a poem-
    Someone who takes pictures-

  • treats a patient who has
 a toothache.What do they do?A  dentistworks in a ba...

    8 слайд

    treats a patient who has
    a toothache.
    What do they do?
    A dentist
    works in a bank and keeps
    records of money
    An accountant
    He/she works in a school
    and teaches children.
    A teacher
    does the cooking in a
    restaurant or hotel.
    A cook/chef
    works in a bank and keeps
    records of money
    He/she works in a school
    and teaches children.
    treats a patient who has
    a toothache.
    does the cooking in a
    restaurant or hotel.

  • defends people's rights 
in court.rescues people from burning buildings and h...

    9 слайд

    defends people's rights
    in court.
    rescues people from burning buildings and helps put out fires.

    Manages the affairs of a
    company or business.
    What do they do?
    A manager
    rescues people from burning buildings and helps put out fires.

    A lawyer
    A man who acts in
    a movie
    An actor
    defends people's rights
    in court.
    manages the affairs of a
    company or business.
    a man who acts in a movie.
    A firefighter

  • A postman		airport

A teacher			post-office

A pilot			schoolWho works in a...

    10 слайд

    A postmanairport

    A teacherpost-office

    A pilotschool
    Who works in a post office?

  • Doctor and nurse			bank

Cook and waiter			hospital

Manager 				restaura...

    11 слайд

    Doctor and nursebank

    Cook and waiterhospital

    Manager restaurant

    Who works in a post office?

  • 1. iloamecpn-
2. aspnotm -
 3. eracteh-
4. okco-
 5. rtodco-
6. entstdi-

    12 слайд

    1. iloamecpn-
    2. aspnotm -
    3. eracteh-
    4. okco-
    5. rtodco-
    6. entstdi-
    7. tdxriiearv-
    8. eirtrhfgief-
    What job is this?

         You should say as many words connecting with t...

    13 слайд

    TASK N1.
    You should say as many words connecting with topic “Where can you work?” as you remember during 1 minute. You must speak one team by the other one. The last who says a word – wins!

  • TASK N2. Mess. You are to make up sentences.  1) want, be, I,to, dentist....

    14 слайд

    TASK N2. Mess.
    You are to make up sentences.

    1) want, be, I,to, dentist.
    2) playing, the, favourite,
    football, were,for,the,jobs,boys
    3) the, is, money, most, the, important, factor, choosing, in,
    job, a.

  • TASK N3. Broken Words. (make up one word out of two parts)1.foot-

    15 слайд

    TASK N3. Broken Words. (make up one word out of two parts)
    a) ship
    b) time
    c) assistant
    d) person
    e) al
    f) driver
    g) man
    h) ball

  • TASK N4. Politeness. (translate from Kazakh into English)Өтінемін, көмекте...

    16 слайд

    TASK N4. Politeness. (translate from Kazakh into English)
    Өтінемін, көмектесіңізші!
    Үлкен рахмет!
    Қаламыңызды беріңізші.
    Қайырлы таң.
    Сау болыңыз.
    Сізді көргеніме қуаныштымын.
    Кешіріңіз .

  • Find eight occupations

    17 слайд

    Find eight occupations

  • What do you want to be?
What factor is the most important for you in choosing...

    18 слайд

    What do you want to be?
    What factor is the most important for you in choosing a job?
    What is necessary for our life?
    Answer the questions


    19 слайд


  • incomefeesalarywagebonusscholarshipMONEY

    20 слайд


  • spendingfoodBus faressavingGoing outspending

    21 слайд

    Bus fares
    Going out

  • _____ is a sum of money paid above the regular pay.
2. _____ is a payment rec...

    22 слайд

    _____ is a sum of money paid above the regular pay.
    2. _____ is a payment received for work or services.
    3. _____ is amount of money earned from work.
    4. _____ is a fixed regular monthly payment.
    5. _____ is a payment for professional services.
    6. _____ is a sum of money awarded to a clever student.

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