Инфоурок Иностранные языки ПрезентацииПрезентация по английскому языку " Рифмовки для фонетической зарядки"

Презентация по английскому языку " Рифмовки для фонетической зарядки"

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • Рифмовки для фонзарядки

    1 слайд

    Рифмовки для фонзарядки

  • [ h ] I have a hello in my hand and it just for you
I have a hello in my hand...

    2 слайд

    [ h ]
    I have a hello in my hand and it just for you
    I have a hello in my hand, my hello comes to you

    I have a hello in my arms and it just for you
    I have a hello in my arms, my hello comes to you

    I have a hello in my cheeks and it just for you
    I have a hello in my cheeks, my hello comes to you

  • The early bird catches the warm
And upon my word
 I know two chaps and yet th...

    3 слайд

    The early bird catches the warm
    And upon my word
    I know two chaps and yet the third
    Could learn a lesson from that bird
    [ ə: ]

 b , rA Bear brings a basket of berries to bears

    4 слайд

    b , r
    A Bear brings a basket of berries to bears

  • [r]  
A squirrel dries 
for winter

    5 слайд


    A squirrel dries
    for winter

  • h
Hunters hunt for hares in the hunting.

    6 слайд


    Hunters hunt for hares in the hunting.

  • [p] , [r]
Mr. Rule explains
 rules to pupils

    7 слайд

    [p] , [r]

    Mr. Rule explains
    rules to pupils

  • Clock, clock, clock,
A dog plays with a frog,
The frog plays with the dog,

    8 слайд

    Clock, clock, clock,
    A dog plays with a frog,
    The frog plays with the dog,
    Clock, clock, clock.

    [ ɔ ]

  • A little cat, a little cat,
A little cat is not very fat.
It is not fat, beca...

    9 слайд

    A little cat, a little cat,
    A little cat is not very fat.
    It is not fat, because it is sad.
    It is very, very sad.
    [ æ ]

  • A white dog is happy dog,
Because it has a holster.
A black dog is poor dog,...

    10 слайд

    A white dog is happy dog,
    Because it has a holster.
    A black dog is poor dog,
    Because it has not a holster
    [ ɔ ]

I have a cat 
His name is May
His coat is white 
And spots are grey

    11 слайд

    I have a cat
    His name is May
    His coat is white
    And spots are grey

  • We see a kite in the sky,
The kite is very bright,
I like my beautiful kite....

    12 слайд

    We see a kite in the sky,
    The kite is very bright,
    I like my beautiful kite.

    [ k]

  • [m] 
Mice, mice, mice,
Mice wear ties,
Mice like ties,
Ties are nice.

    13 слайд

    Mice, mice, mice,
    Mice wear ties,
    Mice like ties,
    Ties are nice.

  • [ h ]  Half heart is no heart.

    14 слайд

    [ h ]
    Half heart is no heart.

  • Polly, 
put the kettle on,
put the kettle on,
put the kettl...

    15 слайд

    put the kettle on,
    put the kettle on,
    put the kettle on,
    We’ll all have tea.

    [ p ]

  • [ w ] Why do you cry, Willy?
Why do you cry?
Why, Willy?
Why, Willy?
Why, Wil...

    16 слайд

    [ w ]
    Why do you cry, Willy?
    Why do you cry?
    Why, Willy?
    Why, Willy?
    Why, Willy?

  • [ ʃ ] She sells sea shells
 on the sea shore,
The shells that she sells 

    17 слайд

    [ ʃ ]
    She sells sea shells
    on the sea shore,
    The shells that she sells
    are sea shells, I am sure

  • [ æ ] A black cat sat on a mat and ate a fat rat

    18 слайд

    [ æ ]
    A black cat sat on a mat and ate a fat rat

  • [ æ ]  Where are you going,
 my little cat?
 I’ m going to town
 to buy a hat...

    19 слайд

    [ æ ]
    Where are you going,
    my little cat?
    I’ m going to town
    to buy a hat.
    What? A hat for a cat?
    A cat in a hat?
    Who ever saw a cat in a hat?

  • [ æ ] Fat Pat
had a fat cat.
Pat’s fat cat
sat in Pat‘s hat.

    20 слайд

    [ æ ]
    Fat Pat
    had a fat cat.
    Pat’s fat cat
    sat in Pat‘s hat.

  • [ ð ] Father, mother,
Sister, brother,
Hand in hand
With one another

    21 слайд

    [ ð ]
    Father, mother,
    Sister, brother,
    Hand in hand
    With one another

  • [ ŋ ] Good morning,
 good morning,
Good morning to you,
Good morning,
 good m...

    22 слайд

    [ ŋ ]
    Good morning,
    good morning,
    Good morning to you,
    Good morning,
    good morning
    I am glad to see you

  • [ ŋ ]  Evening red and morning grey,
 Send the traveler on his way;

    23 слайд

    [ ŋ ]
    Evening red and morning grey,
    Send the traveler on his way;
    Evening grey and morning red,
    Bring the rain upon his head.

  • Twinkle, twinkle,
 little star
 How I wonder
 what you are.
 Up above
 the w...

    24 слайд

    Twinkle, twinkle,
    little star
    How I wonder
    what you are.
    Up above
    the world so high,
    Like a diamond
    in the sky.

    [ w ]

  • When the weather is warm  
  We mustn’t storm.
  But be thankful together...

    25 слайд

    When the weather is warm
    We mustn’t storm.
    But be thankful together
    Whatever the weather.

    [ w ]

  • When the weather is wet
 We mustn’t fret.
 When the weather is cold
 We must...

    26 слайд

    When the weather is wet
    We mustn’t fret.
    When the weather is cold
    We mustn’t scold.

    [ w ]

  • Little cat, little cat
 Where is your flat?
 I’m a little cat,
 I have no fl...

    27 слайд

    Little cat, little cat
    Where is your flat?
    I’m a little cat,
    I have no flat.
    [ l ]

  • [ l ] Little bird, little bird,
Look at me!
I have a bird-house
Oh, come and...

    28 слайд

    [ l ]
    Little bird, little bird,
    Look at me!
    I have a bird-house
    Oh, come and see!
    Little boy, little boy
    Under the tree
    I like this house,
    Give it to me!

  • Early to bed,
Early to rise
Makes a man
Healthy, wealthy
 and wise.
[ ə: ]

    29 слайд

    Early to bed,
    Early to rise
    Makes a man
    Healthy, wealthy
    and wise.

    [ ə: ]

  • [ ð ] This is the season
When mornings are dark
And birds do not sing
In the...

    30 слайд

    [ ð ]

    This is the season
    When mornings are dark
    And birds do not sing
    In the woods and the park.
    This is the season
    When children ski
    And Father Frost
    Brings the New Year tree.

  • Rain on the grass
 And rain on the tree
 Rain on the house-top
 But not on m...

    31 слайд

    Rain on the grass
    And rain on the tree
    Rain on the house-top
    But not on me.

    [ r ]

  • “Tick,” the clock says.
“Tick, tick, tick
 What you have to do,
 do quick!

    32 слайд

    “Tick,” the clock says.
    “Tick, tick, tick
    What you have to do,
    do quick!

    [ t ]

  •  A sailor went to sea
To see what he could see
Was sea, sea, sea.
[ s ]

    33 слайд

    A sailor went to sea
    To see what he could see
    Was sea, sea, sea.

    [ s ]

  • Swan swam over the sea.
Swim, swan, swim!
Swan swam back again.
Well swum, sw...

    34 слайд

    Swan swam over the sea.
    Swim, swan, swim!
    Swan swam back again.
    Well swum, swan

    [ s ]

  • Hickory, dickory, dock
The mouse ran up the clock.
The clock struck one,

    35 слайд

    Hickory, dickory, dock
    The mouse ran up the clock.
    The clock struck one,
    The mouse ran down.
    Hickory, dickory, dock.

    [ au ]

  •     Flowers here,
    Flowers there,
    Flowers growing
[ ɛə ]

    36 слайд

    Flowers here,
    Flowers there,
    Flowers growing

    [ ɛə ]

  • Good night, mother,
   Good night, father.
   Kiss your little son.

    37 слайд

    Good night, mother,
    Good night, father.
    Kiss your little son.
    Good night, sister.
    Good night, brother.
    Good night, everyone.

    [nait ]

  • Использованные ресурсыhttp://im4-tub-ru.yandex.net/i?id=17198227-14-72&n=21 с...

    38 слайд

    Использованные ресурсы
    http://im4-tub-ru.yandex.net/i?id=17198227-14-72&n=21 солнце на ладони
    http://im4-tub-ru.yandex.net/i?id=33951218-21-72&n=21 здравствуй
    http://yaolga.users.photofile.ru/photo/yaolga/150557599/xlarge/167757709.jpg обниматься
    http://im0-tub-ru.yandex.net/i?id=150305186-71-72&n=21 тигры
    http://www.resimseli.com/data/media/62/users385ykj7xc.jpg полсердца
    http://img1.liveinternet.ru/images/attach/c/2/69/946/69946839_39050971_MG003_Cat20Tea20Party.jpg девочка с чайником
    http://dskuv2492.mskobr.ru/images/cms/data/post-57861-1252926756.jpg плакса
    http://img0.liveinternet.ru/images/attach/c/1/56/910/56910913_r13.jpg ракушки
    http://biostrazh.ru/images_content/krysolov.jpg кот с крысой
    http://freelance-nsk.ru/files/personazhi3-sm.jpg кошка
    http://im7-tub-ru.yandex.net/i?id=6710234-25-72&n=21 кошка в шляпе
    http://vinipuhovo.ru/published/publicdata/U197319VINI/attachments/SC/products_pictures/Пупс%20Я%20тебя%20люблю%2022%20см%20Paola%20Reina%20157_enl.jpg пупс
    http://osradio.ru/uploads/fotki/old/10627/balabekova-zinaida15.jpg семья
    http://content.podarki.ru/goods-images/a49f41bc-05cc-4579-bcfd-e2fe3a421798.jpg змей
    http://i26.fastpic.ru/big/2012/0531/af/9991a4ba2028b7788bfb7dca57507baf.jpg мышь
    http://img01.chitalnya.ru/upload2/735/660847923718392.jpg поросенок
    http://i04.fsimg.ru/5/tlog_box/1653/1653395.jpg цифры
    http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/5503/salix0265.5/0_569d8_416216be_XL охотник

  • http://i014.radikal.ru/1107/74/4aa530b50e6c.gif доброе утро

    39 слайд

    http://i014.radikal.ru/1107/74/4aa530b50e6c.gif доброе утро
    http://www.failopomoika.com/forums/monthly_05_2013/user33678/post1049535_img1_58576f74b88fdf0c7fc44c9b9cc0279e.jpg доброе утро
    http://www.allpolus.com/uploads/posts/2011-05/1304670203_rirrri1.jpg мышки с зонтом
    http://citizenwells.files.wordpress.com/2011/12/starnasa2.jpg звезда
    http://im0-tub-ru.yandex.net/i?id=42876174-05-72&n=21 бриллиант
    http://img1.liveinternet.ru/images/attach/c/2/67/715/67715751_Snow_White.png белоснежка
    http://im7-tub-ru.yandex.net/i?id=96623802-67-72&n=21 погода
    http://www.biser.info/files/images2node/biser.info_16283786274b65bc12ebed2_t.gif солнышко
    http://kita.com.ua/uploads/tiny_mce/loadimg/th_b710e83570bd1bae8083d07234c0b6fb.gif?hash=408 ветер
    http://forum.moya-semya.ru/uploads/av-44576.jpg зонт
    http://f1.live4fun.ru/pictures/img_21069210_479_0.jpg котенок в чашке
    http://radikal.ua/data/upload/4fa6c/49112/a676905e8b.jpg котенок в корзинке
    http://img81.imageshack.us/img81/45/kedi846ardq7.jpg кот в сапоге
    http://www.graycell.ru/picture/big/skvorechnik.jpg скворечник
    http://simatika.ru/img/600/600/319.jpg скворец
    http://www.artscroll.ru/Images/2008/k/Kopyirin%20Andrey/000010.jpg малыш
    http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/6103/157699281.5/0_6536e_4fc55536_XL елка
    http://animebox.com.ua/uploads/posts/2011-07/1309575074_7ca18a768d8e1a5164489bf3d83b9faa.jpg дождь
    http://www.svstime.ru/admin/pictures/168016b.jpg часы
    http://www.teplak.ru/pics/upload/86b_9309.jpg кукла
    http://prazdnik-land.ru/media/uploads/10/images/13.jpg моряк
    http://im7-tub-ru.yandex.net/i?id=56077778-59-72&n=21 лебедь

  • http://фотогламур.рф/upload/iblock/50e/mouse2.jpg мышь

    40 слайд

    http://фотогламур.рф/upload/iblock/50e/mouse2.jpg мышь
    http://s011.radikal.ru/i316/1206/22/449be282e202.jpg мышь в домике
    http://i023.radikal.ru/1105/4a/a46ebe5972fb.jpg кот с мышами
    http://chalet-shop.spb.ru/images/detailed/a651004.jpg сад цветов
    http://cs303206.userapi.com/v303206947/40a1/mThmT7Ml1jc.jpg сон
    http://i028.radikal.ru/1012/c4/fd1418f63cc5.jpg медведь
    http://www.bajena.com/pictures/en/squirrel.jpg белка
    http://img0.liveinternet.ru/images/attach/c/2/67/365/67365993_zna.jpg учитель
    http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/3203/mistina.5/0_1bab9_eb508119_XL дети
    http://s41.radikal.ru/i091/0906/90/e5092e6ab92d.jpg лягушка
    http://i037.radikal.ru/1108/e4/c839e7bd55e6.jpg собака
    http://fotoshops.org/uploads/taginator/Jan-2013/skachat-besplatno-ramki-dlya-detskogo-sada.jpg титульная рамка
    http://soft.sibnet.ru/data/screenshot/bv10089.jpg фон
    http://www.art-saloon.ru/big/item_5143.jpg индеец
    http://acer-a500.ru/uploads/posts/2011-09/1316995258_sc20110926-105431.jpg птица
    http://img0.liveinternet.ru/images/attach/c/7/96/611/96611962_6d0c2d4a7bb8.jpg сова

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    Редькина Мария Александровна
    Редькина Мария Александровна
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500/1000 ч.

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Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Итальянский язык: теория и методика преподавания в образовательной организации

Учитель итальянского языка

300/600 ч.

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Теория и методика преподавания иностранных языков: английский, немецкий, французский

Учитель иностранного языка

500/1000 ч.

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Особенности билингвального обучения иностранным языкам

72/108 ч.

от 2200 руб. от 1100 руб.
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Методы и подходы проведения трекинга и менторства

3 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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Архитектура мира: от Крита до Австралии

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10 ч.

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