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Презентация по английскому языку "В мире кино: "Титаник"

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  • The theme of the lesson : “In the World of the Cinema “TITANIC” Objectives: 1...

    1 слайд

    The theme of the lesson : “In the World of the Cinema “TITANIC” Objectives: 1. Revision of the information about cinema 2. Developing the speech skills: Listening Reading Speaking 3. Grammar Exclamatory sentences

  • Match the professions with their descriptions actor, director of photography,...

    2 слайд

    Match the professions with their descriptions actor, director of photography, costume designer, electrician, make – up artist, sound mixer, director, stuntman, editor, script writer, camera operator, producer Fixes the lights and all other electrical equipment Pretends to be another person and acts in a film Chooses the best bits of the shooting film, cuts film and puts the bits together Prepares costumes: dresses, suits for films Can make a new face for a n actor Does all the dangerous things on the screen instead of actors Writes scripts for films, shows The boss and tells everybody what to do. He works very closely with the actors Operates with microphones Looks through the camera and operates the equipment Decides the position of the camera and everything to do with the light, colour, quantity and direction Has general control of money for a film, but he doesn’t direct the actors

  • Cinema – goer любитель ходить в кино the screen versions of novels экранизаци...

    3 слайд

    Cinema – goer любитель ходить в кино the screen versions of novels экранизация романов to devote посвящать real events реальные события sense of duty чувство ответственности faithfulness верность / преданность respectable уважаемый astonishing изумительный absorbing захватывающий true – to – life images живые образы to be worth of seeing стоит посмотреть Remember the words !

  • Answer the questions to the text “Why I was so surprised by the film?” 1. Is...

    4 слайд

    Answer the questions to the text “Why I was so surprised by the film?” 1. Is she a cinema-goer? 2. What is she fond of? 3. Which screen versions does she appreciate? 4. Which film has she been recently impressed by? 5. What does “The Titanic” reflect? 6. How does she characterize the film? 7. Is the film worth seeing according to her opinion? 8. Why do you think she recommends to see it? 9. Do you appreciate films about generosity, sense of duty, faithfulness?

  • James Cameron August 16, 1954 James Francis Cameron ) is a Canadian film dire...

    5 слайд

    James Cameron August 16, 1954 James Francis Cameron ) is a Canadian film director, film producer, screenwriter, editor, and inventor. His writing and directing work includes Piranha II: The Spawning (1981), The Terminator (1984), Aliens (1986), The Abyss (1989), Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991), True Lies (1994), Titanic (1997), and Avatar (2009). In the time between making Titanic and his return to feature films with Avatar

  • Katy Wilson 5 October 1975 Kate Elizabeth Winslet (born 5 October 1975) is an...

    6 слайд

    Katy Wilson 5 October 1975 Kate Elizabeth Winslet (born 5 October 1975) is an English actress and occasional singer. She has received multiple awards and nominations. She is the youngest person to accrue six Academy Award nominations, and won the Academy Award for Best Actress for The Reader (2008). Winslet has been acclaimed for both dramatic and comedic work in projects ranging from period to contemporary films, and from major Hollywood productions to less publicised indie films. She has won awards from the Screen Actors Guild, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, and the Hollywood Foreign Press Association among others, and has been nominated for an Emmy Award for television acting. Raised in Berkshire, Winslet studied drama from childhood, and began her career in British television in 1991. She made her film debut in Heavenly Creatures (1994), for which she received her first notable critical praise. She achieved recognition for her subsequent work in a supporting role in Sense and Sensibility (1995) and for her leading

  • Leonardo Di Caprio November 11, 1974 Leonardo Di Caprio: from Titanic to The...

    7 слайд

    Leonardo Di Caprio November 11, 1974 Leonardo Di Caprio: from Titanic to The Beach He certainly knows what he wants. At the age of six, he decided he wanted to be an actor. When he was seven, he tried to get an agent. The agent said he should change his name because it was too Italian. Leonardo refused. Leonardo Di Caprio is one of the hottest young film stars around at the moment. His face has been on the covers of all the top movie and youth magazines and he has been the subject of countless articles, rumours and showbiz gossip. Leonardo doesn’t like reading about himself because «I read things about me that I’ve never said in my life and never done.»

  • The largest passenger steamship “Titanic” struck the iceburg on 14 April 1912...

    8 слайд

    The largest passenger steamship “Titanic” struck the iceburg on 14 April 1912 and sank with 1.517 people on board

  • Exclamatory sentences How + adjective How + adjective/ adverb + subject +verb...

    9 слайд

    Exclamatory sentences How + adjective How + adjective/ adverb + subject +verb What (+ adjective) + noun What + object + subject + verb Examples: How magnificently she sings! What a lovely actor What a superb film we saw!

  • Translate into English 1. Какая романтическая любовь! 2.Какой загадочный сюже...

    10 слайд

    Translate into English 1. Какая романтическая любовь! 2.Какой загадочный сюжет! 3. Какие талантливые актёры! 4. Какой трогающий фильм! 5. Какая ужасная катастрофа! 6. Какой печальный конец! 7. Как великолепно играли актёры! 8. Как трогательно она поёт! 9. Как превосходно снят фильм! 10. Какая большая трагедия! 11. Какой динамичный сюжет! 12. Какая светлая любовь! 13. Какие незабываемые события! 14. Какой прекрасный фильм мы увидели! 15. Какой дорогой фильм мы увидели! 16. Какая трагическая любовь и смерть! 17. Какое высокое чувство ответственности! 18. Какие живые образы!

  • My Heart Will Go On Every night in my dreams I see you, I feel you That is ho...

    11 слайд

    My Heart Will Go On Every night in my dreams I see you, I feel you That is how I know you go on Far across the distance And spaces between us You have come to show you go on Near, far, wherever you are I believe that the heart does go on Once more, you opened the door And you're here in my heart And my heart will go on and on Love can touch us one time And last for a lifetime And never let go till we're gone Love was when I loved you One true time to hold on to In my life we'll always go on Near, far, wherever you are I believe that the heart does go on Once more, you opened the door And you're here in my heart And my heart will go on and on You're here, there's nothing I fear And I know that my heart will go on We'll stay forever this way You are safe in my heart And my heart will go on and on

  • Homework * Do the project “My favourite Russian film. Find the information ab...

    12 слайд

    Homework * Do the project “My favourite Russian film. Find the information about a theater AB ex.6, 7, 8 p. 80 -82 See you on Monday. Good luck!

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