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Презентация. "The political system of the UK"

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  • The 18-th of October, Friday Theme:

«Every nation has the government it de...

    1 слайд

    The 18-th of October, Friday

    «Every nation has the government it deserves»
    /J.D. Maistre/

  • The 18-th of October, Friday Theme: «The political system of the United Kingd...

    2 слайд

    The 18-th of October, Friday
    Theme: «The political system of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland»

    «Every nation has the government it deserves»
    /J.D. Maistre/

  • Listen and read:

    3 слайд

    Listen and read:

  • Find the Russian equivalents:

    4 слайд

    Find the Russian equivalents:

  • 5 слайд

  • 6 слайд

  • Reading

    7 слайд


  • 5. Two lines.
6. The famous Woolsack.
7. The oldest part of the Palace of Wes...

    8 слайд

    5. Two lines.
    6. The famous Woolsack.
    7. The oldest part of the Palace of Westminster

    1. The funny tradition.
    2. Important things.
    3. The Queen’s speech.
    4. The British Government.

    A. The Palace of Westminster consists of three parts: the Royal Apartments where the colour is gold, the
    House of Lords where the seats are red and the House of Commons where the seats are green. The Chamber
    of the House of Lords is also called the Parliament Chamber, because every year when the Queen comes to
    open Parliament, all three parts of Parliament come together here for the Queen's Speech. In fact, it's not really the Queen's Speech, because she doesn't write it. The Government writes it for her. In the speech the
    Queen tells Parliament about the Government's plans for the next year.
    B. Oh, and that cushion is, actually, the famous Woolsack. And yes, there is wool inside it. It's a part of a
    very old tradition which started in the 14th century. It was put in Parliament to symbolise the importance of
    wool to the British economy at that time. The person who usually sits on the Woolsack is the Lord
    Chancellor. He presides over the House of Lords.
    C. The House of Commons is where MPs make decisions on new laws. There are two statues, one on each
    side of the arch. Both of these two men were Prime Ministers. One is David Lloyd George, and the other - Sir Winston Churchill. They represent the two main British political parties - the Labour Party and the Conservative Party. They have a tradition: if you're a Conservative, touch Churchill's shoe, and if you're Labour, touch Lloyd George's shoe.
    D. These are two long narrow corridors which are very important for the whole country because MPs come here to vote on bills for new laws. On the left there is the "aye", or yes, lobby. MPs who agree with a bill go there. On the right there is the "no" lobby for MPs who want to vote against the bill. Then the officials count the "ayes" and the "noes" to get the results. So in the British Parliament MPs don't vote by pushing a button; they vote with their feet.
    E. Now look at the floor. Can you see two red lines in front of the benches on each side of the chamber?
    That's part of a tradition too. The distance between these two lines is two swords' lengths. In the old days when MPs used to carry swords, it was dangerous if they got angry with each other. So these two lines are here to remind MPs that they shouldn't start a fight, and they can't go over this line when they are speaking in a debate.
    F. Westminster Hall is the oldest part of the Palace of Westminster, and it's more than a thousand years old. The son of William the Conqueror... Do you remember the Norman leader who won the Battle of Hastings? Well, it was his son who started the building of the hall. This building has seen a lot of famous events. In 1605 Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament, and in World War II bombs fell on it.

  • Answers for reading:1 – 2 points = “2”
3 – 4 points = “3”
5 points = “4”
6 po...

    9 слайд

    Answers for reading:
    1 – 2 points = “2”
    3 – 4 points = “3”
    5 points = “4”
    6 points = “5”

  • Listening

    10 слайд


  • Try to guess

    11 слайд

    Try to guess

  • 12 слайд

  • Writing

    13 слайд


  • In the UK there’s no president, the Queen is …………….of the……………
There are two...

    14 слайд

    In the UK there’s no president, the Queen is …………….of the……………
    There are two Houses in the Parliament: ………………………………and ……………………………….
    People who sit in ……………
    Commons are called ………...
    People who sit in ………………… Lords are called …

    the head
    the House of Commons
    the House of Lords
    the House of
    the MPs
    the House of
    Fill in the gaps with the words and expressions

  • British people ………. for MPs at a general ……………..
The Party which wins a gener...

    15 слайд

    British people ………. for MPs at a general ……………..
    The Party which wins a general …………. forms the ………………….. and their leader becomes the …………………..,.
    After the Queen approves the bill it becomes ……….. …….
    Prime Minister

  • 1 – 6 points = “2”
7 – 9 points = “3”
10 – 12 points = “4”
13 - 14 points = “5”

    16 слайд

    1 – 6 points = “2”
    7 – 9 points = “3”
    10 – 12 points = “4”
    13 - 14 points = “5”

  • Let’s have a rest!

    17 слайд

    Let’s have a rest!

  • Love You Like a Love Song by Selena Gomez
It’s been said and done
Every beaut...

    18 слайд

    Love You Like a Love Song by Selena Gomez
    It’s been said and done
    Every beautiful thought’s been already sung
    And I guess right now here’s another one
    So your melody will play on and on, with the best of ‘em
    You are beautiful, like a dream come alive, incredible
    A center full of miracle, lyrical
    You’ve saved my life again
    And I want you to know baby
    I, I love you like a love song, baby
    I, I love you like a love song, baby
    I, I love you like a love song, baby
    And I keep it in re-pe-pe-peat

    Cursing me, boy you played through my mind like a symphony
    There’s no way to describe what you do to me
    You just do to me, what you do
    And it feels like I’ve been rescued
    I’ve been set free
    I am hyptonized by your destiny
    You are magical, lyrical, beautiful
    You are… I want you to know baby
    I, I love you like a love song, baby
    I, I love you like a love song, baby
    I, I love you like a love song, baby
    And I keep it in re-pe-pe-peat

  • 1.How many parts does the Palace of Westminster consist of? 
a) one    
b) tw...

    19 слайд

    1.How many parts does the Palace of Westminster consist of?
    a) one
    b) two
    c) three
    2.What are the main colours of the Houses of Parliament?
    a) gold, red and blue
    b) gold, green and red
    c) red and green
    3.Who writes the Queen's Speech?
    a) the Queen
    b) the Government
    c) the Lord Chancellor
    4.Which are Britain's two main political parties?
    a) Democratic, Republican and Conservative
    b) Conservative and Democratic
    c) Labour and Conservative

    5.Whose shoe should a Conservative touch?
    a) David Lloyd George's
    b) Winston Churchill's
    c) The Queen's
    6.Why do MPs sometimes sit on the steps?
    a) There are more MPs than seats in the House of Commons,
    b) It's a part of an old tradition,
    c) It's a punishment for those who are late.
    7.When can you see the Mace in the House of Commons?
    a) It's always there,
    b) Only when the Queen comes,
    c) When the House is debating.
    8.How old is Westminster Hall?
    a) more than a thousand years old
    b) more than a hundred years old
    c) more than four hundred years old

  • Speaking

    20 слайд


  • The British Parliament sits in the Building which is called the Palace of Wes...

    21 слайд

    The British Parliament sits in the Building which is called the Palace of Westminster. It’s also called the Houses of Parliament because there are two Houses: the House of Lords and the House of Commons. You can go in the buildings , if you make arrangement.

  • House of LordsThe Chamber of the House of Lords is located in the southern pa...

    22 слайд

    House of Lords
    The Chamber of the House of Lords is located in the southern part of the Palace of Westminster. The benches in the Chamber, as well as other furnishings in the Lords' side of the Palace, are coloured red.

  • House of Commons The Chamber of the House of Commons is at the northern end o...

    23 слайд

    House of Commons
    The Chamber of the House of Commons is at the northern end of the Palace of Westminster. The benches, as well as other furnishings in the Commons side of the Palace, are coloured green.
    The House of Commons is divided into two sides. Government MPs sit on one side. MPs who are not part of the Government sit on the other side; they are called the Opposition. The distance between the two sides is the length of two drawn swords.

  • The United Kingdom is a monarchy. 
The official head of the State is the Quee...

    24 слайд

    The United Kingdom is a monarchy.
    The official head of the State is the Queen. Nowadays the Queen is Elizabeth II.
    “La Reine le Veut” - “The Queen wishes it”

  • Homework: Write 8-10 sentences about «Political system of the UK and Northern...

    25 слайд

    Write 8-10 sentences about «Political system of the UK and Northern Ireland»

  • Thank you for the lesson!

    26 слайд

    Thank you for
    the lesson!

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