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Проект "Образование Америки. Какой ВУЗ выбрать?"

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Тема работы: «Высшее образование в Америке. Какой ВУЗ выбрать?»




Выполнил: Драждецкий Станислав Олегович, 

учащийся 9 класса


Научный руководитель: Тырышкина Оксана Владимировна, 

учитель английского языка





г. Куйбышев, 2022 год




INSTRACTION…………………………………………………………………… 3

CHAPTER I HIGHER EDUCATION IN THE USA ....................................................... 3

1.1 Stages of the higher education system in America ..................................................... 4

1.2 Admission .................................................................................................................... 5

1.3 Tuition fees at US universities .................................................................................... 7 CHAPTER II MY PREFERENCES ................................................................................. 8

2.1 Questionnaire and survey results ................................................................................ 8

2.2 Why do I want to choose a university in America and not in Russia? ....................... 8

CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................... 10

LIST OF INTERNET SOURSES ................................................................................... 11

Appendix 1 ...................................................................................................................... 12

Appendix 2 ...................................................................................................................... 14

Appendix 3 ...................................................................................................................... 15

Appendix 4 ...................................................................................................................... 16

Appendix 5 ...................................................................................................................... 17


It is no secret that higher education plays an important role in the life of a modern person. We studied this topic in English lessons. I was interested. Why are the US universities considered the most popular, and their diploma opens up excellent opportunities in any country in the world? 

The purpose of the work: to study the higher education system in the USA and choose a university for yourself.


1.   to study and analyze literature and Internet sources; 

2.   compare different universities in the USA; 

3.   conduct a survey and draw conclusions; 

4.   issue an information booklet.

Hypothesis: education plays an important role in the life of modern man and society. I will be able to choose a university according to my interests. 

Object of research: higher education. 

Subject of research: US universities. 

Research methods: 

1. theoretical: analysis of literature and Internet sources;  empirical: interview, sociological survey-questionnaire.


1.1 Stages of the higher education system in America 

The higher education system in the United States distinguishes 3 stages: 

Bachelor course 

Duration of training: 3-4 years 

Cost: from $16,000 

Admission: after graduation from school and preparatory program 

There is no specific plan in the United States of higher education system. The training sessions are divided into: mandatory and optional. Students first study general education subjects, and then choose the areas of interest to them. Several hundred students can attend lectures, and from two to thirty students can attend laboratory classes. 

Magistracy Duration: 1-2 years 

Cost: from $20,000 

Admission: after Bachelor's degree 

Studying in a master's degree causes more difficulties than in bachelor's degree programs. Most of the material needs to be studied independently, while developing individual projects. There are two types of programs: professional and academic. 

Students of the professional master's degree receive, in addition to the general theoretical base, practical training in the chosen field (they undergo more internships, perform more practical tasks), and for "academic" masters it is important to participate in scientific research.  

Doctoral studies (Ph.D) 

Duration: 4-6 years 

Cost: from $30,000 

Admission: after Master's degree (in some cases after bachelor's degree) 

The third stage of higher education in the USA is intended for those who want to do science. About 28% of GDP is spent annually on the development of this industry (especially in the field of medicine and biology) in America - more than in any other country in the world. 

After completing the doctoral program, the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) or Doctor of Sciences (Sc.D) is awarded [2]. 

Higher education in America can be obtained at a college or university. Colleges offer only bachelor's degree programs, while universities offer bachelor's, master's, and doctorate degrees.


1.2 Admission 

For admission to American universities, it is not required to take entrance exams – students are selected based on the results of tests, previous assessments, a motivation letter and other application documents. 


The testing system in America is multilevel (see appendix 2) 

IELTS – (International English Language Testing System). An internationally recognized international testing system designed to confirm the level of knowledge of the English language. Within 2 hours and 45 minutes, candidates must complete the appropriate modules: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing, which differ depending on which version of the test the candidate passes: 

*    Academic – for candidates planning to study in English-speaking educational institutions 

*    General Training - a test option suitable for all other cases. 

TOEFL – (Test of English as a Foreign Language). The Standardized English Proficiency Test is designed for those who do not have English as their first language. 

SAT – (Scholastic Assessment Test). Assessment test of the applicant's knowledge, the results of which are used for admission to higher educational institutions in the USA. Testing lasts 3 hours and 45 minutes, consisting of 3 parts: mathematics, writing and text analysis, which, in turn, are also divided into sub-parts.

GMAT – (Graduate Management Admission Test). An international exam in English that allows you to evaluate the mathematical and analytical abilities of candidates for further study at business schools in the field of management, economics, business and finance. 

GRE – (Graduate Record Examinations). Within 3 hours and 45 minutes, testing is conducted in computer or paper format with the maximum possible score – 340 (170 for mathematics and 170 for English) [4].

There are two types of exam: 

-         General test - in addition to the school math program, it includes a test of English language skills, where much attention is paid to the student's vocabulary.  

-         Specialized subject test (Subject) – is conducted to assess the level of knowledge of the test taker in a specific field: physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology, psychology, and the coverage of the material is comparable to the third-fourth year of higher education [5].

The average score of the certificate

Not only excellent knowledge of English, but also a high average score of a certificate or diploma - GPA will be needed for admission to foreign universities. GPA (Grade Point Average) is the average score of all grades in a certificate or diploma for the entire period of study. Each university sets its own requirements for the applicants' GPA and sets a certain threshold for the average score, compliance with which is a prerequisite for admission to the university [6] (see Appendix 3). Motivation letter

A motivation letter (Statement of Purpose, Personal Statement) is an essay on 1-1.5 pages. In it, you need to explain the choice of the university and the academic program, tell about your academic interests, experience and achievements and goals.

The length of the letter is 300 words. 

For a successful motivational essay, a so-called "hook" is needed. And each applicant needs to do the same – to find this "hook", to understand why the choice fell on this particular direction, what benefits the applicant can bring with his work in the future, how it will affect him and others. You need to find your own truth, and then choose a memorable way of expressing this thought [7].


1.3 Tuition fees at US universities 

On one of the sites, I found such an expense item for one year. I decided to make my own article of approximate expenses for one year in the USA (see Tables 5, 6) (see appendix 4). It takes a lot of money to enroll in an American university, but thanks to grants and scholarships, you can cover the amount of tuition. But not every university has such programs. Let's figure out what grants are and what scholarships there are.

*                Grants. The most popular are grants under the Fulbright program, grants from American universities such as Stanford, Princeton, as well as the Russian program "Global Education". 

*                Scholarships. For gifted students, universities offer two types of scholarships: sports and academic.

Sports scholarships are intended for students who are seriously engaged in any kind of sport and are part of the university teams. The amount of funding can cover 100% of tuition and living expenses. 

Academic scholarships cover, as a rule, either only tuition (without accommodation), or part of the cost of studying at a university. To obtain them, it is necessary to provide high academic performance upon admission [8].



2.1 Questionnaire and survey results 

I decided to find out everything about foreign education. 54 students of grades 710 took part in the survey. The results obtained can be viewed in Appendix 6

Thus, we came to the following conclusions  

*                Higher education is preferable to get abroad, but it requires huge investments.

This is one of the main disadvantages. 

*                Some are afraid of the language barrier in other countries. 

*                The prestige of diplomas from American universities significantly increases the chances of students for quality employment. Simply put, if you were educated in the USA, you are guaranteed an excellent career in America or any country in the world.


2.2 Why do I want to choose a university in America and not in Russia? 

There are many advantages of getting a higher education in the USA. The most important of them is prestige. Studying in the USA is considered the best in the world. Any ratings and charts prove that American universities give odds even to many of the oldest classical European universities. 

We have studied the University of California, which is located in Los Angeles, in the most detail [10]


Interesting facts about University of California Los Angeles 

      The University of California at Los Angeles is among the world's top 15 universities. 

      The names of 13 Nobel Prize laureates and about 250 Olympic medal winners are associated with the activities of the University of California. 

      The University is located just 8 km from the Pacific Ocean coast [12].


Learning is a very exciting process that takes up most of your time and attention. In addition, training forms the further path of life, professional activity and affects the quality of life itself in the future. Therefore, it is very important to study exactly where it is comfortable and where you can get a high-quality higher education. 

You don't need much for admission, which is easier than in Russia. Take tests, previous assessments, write a motivation letter and other application documents. Moreover, writing a motivation letter is very important for the admissions committee.

For training in 4 years (together with accommodation, meals, transport, personal expenses and other needs), about 2 - 2.5 million rubles are required, which an ordinary Russian applicant cannot pull. But universities have various grants, scholarships that cover such a huge amount. 

In addition, there are "free" universities that offer jobs to applicants, not only at the university in order to cover the tuition fee. Graduates of US universities run corporations, conduct scientific research, descend into the mouth of volcanoes, fly into space, develop space programs, new medicines, build skyscrapers and develop conceptual spaces [1].






1.                 URL: https://www.unipage.net/ru/universities_in_usa        (дата обращения:


2.                 URL: https://mindwork.su/life (дата обращения: 18.01.2021).

3.                 URL:   http://www.lookatme.ru/flow/posts/education         (дата обращения:


4.                 URL: http://migrantinform.ru/ucheba/obrazovanie-v-usa (дата обращения:


5.                 URL: http://www.hpartners.ru/university-pathway/usa (дата обращения:


6.                 URL: http://americanbutler.ru/vysshee-obrazovanie-v-ssha (дата обращения:


7.                 URL: http://usaprosto.ru/obuchenie (дата обращения: 11.02.2022).

8.                 URL: https://ushistory.ru/index.php/populjarnaja-literatura/ (дата обращения: 17.02.2022).

9.                 URL: https://www.unipage.net/ru/university_of_california_los_angeles (дата обращения: 02.02.2022).


Таблица 1


Таблица 2









Система тестирования в США


Таблица 3




Средний балл аттестата или диплома

Таблица 4



Расходы на один год в университете США

Таблица 5

Таблица 6 


Стэндфордски й университет

Калифорний ский





Чикагский университет









$685 - 935

$845 - 1536

$504 - 859



$268 - 494

$361 - 638

$285 - 519



$80 - 191

$93 - 206

$80 - 175

Связь и электричество


$96 - 109

$95 - 104

$97 - 107



$21- 77

$24 - 85

$22 - 79

Отдых и спорт


$27 - 99

$43 - 166

$32 - 117



$10731781/мес. $12876-


$14712382/мес. $1765228584/год

$18263419/мес. $2191241028/год

$12742319/мес. $1528827828/год

Итого           (в










Appendix 5 В опросе приняло участие 54 учащихся 7-10 классов.

1.   Какую страну учебы вы бы предпочли, если бы имели деньги на обучение?





 Другая страна



2.   В какой области вы бы хотели специализироваться?









Не определились

3.   Знаете ли вы заграничные университеты?



 Не знают


4.   Какие преимущества есть у заграничного образования?


Хорошее образование

Современное оборудование

Большие возможности

Не видят плюсов


5.   Какие недостатки есть у заграничного образования?



Не видят минусов



Языковой барьер





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