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Раздаточный материал к уроку: игра по станциям "Excursion to the cities of Great Britain"

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Excursion to the cities of Great Britain


1 bus stop - London

1.      Listen to the text and fill in the gaps:


London is the capital of 1)____________, its political, economic and cultural centre. It’s one of the largest cities in the world. Its population is more than 2)____ million people. London is situated on the river 3)___________. It was founded more than two thousand years ago.

London is an ancient city. It appeared at the place where the 4)__________ invaders decided to build a bridge over the Thames. There are four parts in London: West End, East End, the ­­­­5)__________ and Westminster.

The City is the oldest part of London, its financial and business centre. There are many 6)_________, companies and banks in this part of the capital.

Westminster is also important part of the capital. It’s the administrative centre of London. The Houses of ­­­7)______________, the seat of the British Government, are there.

To the west of Westminster is 8)­­______ End, the richest part of London. It is full of luxury hotels, super-markets, cinemas and concert-halls.

To the east of Westminster is 9)______ End, an industrial district of the capital. Most of plants and factories are situated there.


2.      Choose TRUE or FALSE:

1) The capital of Great Britain is Leverpool.

2) London appeared at the place where the Greek invaders decided to build a bridge over the Thames.

3) You can find many offices, companies and banks in the City.

4) There is the seat of the British Government in Wesminster.

5) There are luxury hotels, super-markets, cinemas and concert-halls in East end.

6) There is an industrial district of the capital in West End.


1)                              3)                                    5)

2)                              4)                                    6)


3.      Connect pictures with names:

1. Big Ben

2. Westminster Abbey

3. Buckingham Palace

4. Tower Bridge

5. Trafalger Square

6. London Eye

















2 bus stop – Liverpool

4. Read the text about one famous band and open the brackets in Past Simple:

1. The Beatles (be) an English rock band, formed in Liverpool in 1960 and one of the most popular and successful in the history of popular music. 2. There (be) four of them – George Harrison (guitar, sitar, vocals), John Lennon (guitar, keyboards, vocals), Paul McCartney (bass, guitar, keyboards, vocals) and Ringo Starr (drums, percussion, vocals). 3. They simply (change) the music world!

4. Lennon and McCartney (begin) playing together in The Quarrymen in 1957; 5. Harrison (join) later that year. 6. Before they (become) The Beatles, they were also Johnny and the Moondogs and The Silver Beatles. 7. The early Beatles (perform) in Hamburg, Germany and Liverpool, England, playing covers of early American rock and roll plus original songs by Lennon and McCartney. 8. The Beatles (have) twelve singles in the US top 100 in early 1964. 9. In the late '60s their songs became more sophisticated and their worldwide celebrity status (prompt) Lennon to joke "we're bigger than Jesus''.



keyboards – клавишные

percussion – ударные инструменты

The Quarrymen – название британской группы

perform – выступать

sophisticated – сложный

to prompt – побуждать, толкать












5. Answer the questions:

1. Who were the Beatles?



2. How many members were in a band?



3. Did Lennon and Harrison play together in The Quarrymen in 1957?



4. What names did they have before the Beatles?



6. Listen to the song and fill in the gaps:




1)       _____________ all my troubles seemed so far away.

Now it looks as though they're here to stay.

Oh, I 2)___________ in yesterday.


Suddenly I'm not half the 3)________ I used to be.

There's a shadow hanging over me.

Oh, yesterday 4)_________ suddenly.


Why she had to go, I don't 5)_________, she wouldn't say.

I said 6)___________ wrong, now I long for yesterday.


Yesterday love was such an easy 7)_________ to play.

Now I need a place to hide away.

Oh, I believe in yesterday.



































3 Bus stop – Stratford-upon-Avon


7. Watch a short video and tick places that are in this city:

 Shakespeare’s birthplace

 Big Ben

 Medieval market town

 Trafalger Square

 Anne Hathaway’s cottage

 The river Thames

 The river Avon

 Church of santa anna

 Church of the holy trinity

 The royal Shakespeare’s theatre


8. Watch a video and check your understanding:


1) Shakespeare’s wife was ______ him.

a) younger than

b) the same age as

c) older than


2) They had _____ children.

a) one

b) two

c) three


3) The years between Shakespeare starting his family and moving to London are called his 'lost years' because ______ .

а) he didn’t write anything

b) we have no idea what he was doing

c) he wrote several plays which are now lost









9. Listen to and fill in the gaps with names and numbers


3       Judith      Anne      26      18       Susanna      2


1. Shakespeare got married when he was ___________.

2. His wife's name was ___________. She was ___________ years old.

3. When they got married, she was ___________ months pregnant.

4. Their first child was called ___________.

5. ___________ years later, thay had twins, ___________ and Hamnet.


(информация для учителя)


1 Bus stop - London

Задание 1

1. Great Britain

2. 9/nine

3. Thames

4. Roman

5. City

6. offices

7. Parliament

8. west

9. east

Задание 2

1) False

2) False

3) True

4) True

5) False

6) False

Задание 3

Big Ben - C

Westminster Abbey - E

Buckingham Palace - A

Tower Bridge - D

Trafalger Square - B

London Eye – F

= 21 балл

2 bus stop - Liverpool

Задание 4

1) were

2) were

3) changed

4) bagan

5) joined

6) became

7) performed

8) had

9) prompted

Задание 5

1) The Beatles were an English rock band, formed in Liverpool in 1960.

2) There were four of them.

3) Yes, they did.

4) They were Johnny and the Moondogs and The Silver Beatles.

Задание 6

1) yesterday

2) believe

3) man

4) came

5) know

6) something

7) game

= 20 баллов

3 bus stop - Stratford-upon-Avon

Видео для задания 7


Задание 7

Shakespeare’s birthplace

Medieval market town

Anne Hathaway’s cottage

The river Avon

Church of the holy trinity

The royal Shakespeare’s theatre

Видео для задания 8 и 9.


Задание 8

1) c

2) c

3) b

Задание 9

1) 18

2) Anne, 26

3) 3

4) Susanna

5) 2, Judith

= 14 баллов

Итого = 55 баллов


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