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Сборник практикумов по учебной дисциплине «Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности» для студентов профессии Сварщик (ручной и частично механизированной сварки (наплавки)

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Сборник практикумов по учебной дисциплине «Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности»

для студентов группы 304-св/17 Сварщик (ручной и частично механизированной сварки (наплавки)






Преподаватель: Петрова Анастасия Константиновна













Пояснительная записка. 3

Практикум №1. Welding. 4

Практикум №2. Where do welders work?. 6

Практикум №3. From the History of Welding. 9

Практикум №4. Introduction to Welding Processes & Equipment. Terms 11





Пояснительная записка

Данный сборник практикумов по учебной дисциплине «Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности» предназначен для студентов группы 304-св/17 Сварщик (ручной и частично механизированной сварки (наплавки) с целью знакомства с новыми темами, их закрепления и контроля полученных знаний с использованием электронного обучения, и дистанционных образовательных технологий.

Каждый практикум содержит практические задания с инструкцией.


Практикум №1. Welding

Exercise 1. Read and write down new words and phrases.










сварочные швы







repair shop










to bend


manual dexterity

ловкость рук

to stoop




to fuse


welding machine operator

оператор сварочного аппарата

testing laboratory technician

техник испытательной лаборатории

welding technician

техник по сварке

to set up


Exercise 2. Translate the text into Russian.

Welding is a skill used by many trades: ironworkers, diesel mechanics, boilermakers, carpenters, repair and maintenance personnel. A variety of welding processes are used to join units of metal. As a welder, you may work for shipyards, manufacturers, contractors, firms requiring maintenance mechanics, and repair shops.

Welders need good eyesight, manual dexterity and hand-eye coordination. They should also be able to concentrate for long periods of time on very detailed work, as well as be in good enough physical shape to bend and stoop, often holding awkward positions for long periods of time. Welders work in a variety of environments, both indoors and out, using heat to fuse pieces of metal.

Skilled welders often select and set up the welding equipment, execute the weld, and then examine the welds in order to make sure they meet the specifications. They may also be trained to work in a variety of materials, such as plastic, titanium or aluminum. Most of the welders’ jobs cannot be easily automated. Because of the increased need for highly skilled welders, those with appropriate education will have a much better chance of getting the position they desire. There are also different professional specialties and levels, such as welder, welding machine operator, welding technician, testing laboratory technician, welding instructor, welding engineer.

Exercise 3. Continue the sentences.

1.        A variety of welding processes are used to…

2.        Welders need good eyesight…

3.        They should be in good enough physical shape to…

4.        Welders work using heat to…

5.        Skilled welders often select and set up…

6.        Most of the welders' jobs cannot be…

7.        Those with appropriate education will have…

Exercise 4. Answer the questions.

1.        What trades is welding used by?

2.        Where may you work as a welder?

3.        What should welders be able to concentrate on?

4.        What environments do welders work in?

5.        What do welders do with welds?

6.        What materials may welders be trained to work with?

7.        What professions are there in the sphere of welding?


Практикум №2. Where do welders work?

Exercise 1. Read and write down new words and phrases.

space vehicles

космические аппараты



oil drilling rigs

нефтяные буровые установки

to extend


pollution control devices

устройства контроля загрязнения

machinery manufacturers

машиностроительное производство

material handling equipment

погрузочно-разгрузочное оборудование

food-processing machinery

оборудование для пищевой промышленности

papermaking and printing equipment

бумагоделательное и печатное оборудование

electrical machinery

электрическое оборудование

mining industry

горнодобывающая промышленность

oil extraction industry

нефтедобывающая промышленность

gas extraction industry

газодобывающая промышленность

metal industry

металлургическая промышленность

steel mills

сталелитейные заводы

smelting plants

плавильные заводы

iron foundries

чугунолитейные заводы

scrap yards

склады лома

wholesale establishment

заведение оптовой торговли

retail establishment

заведение розничной торговли

Exercise 2. Translate the text into Russian.

Welding is the most efficient way to join metals permanently. It is the only way of joining two or more pieces of metal to make them act as a single piece. Welding ranks high among industrial processes. There are many ways to make a weld and many different kinds of welds.

Nearly everything we use in our daily life is welded or made by equipment that is welded. Welders help build space vehicles and millions of other products ranging from oil drilling rigs to automobiles. In construction, welders are extending subways, building bridges, and helping to improve the environment by building pollution control devices. Welders are employed in many industry groups. Machinery manufacturers are responsible for agricultural, construction, and mining machinery. They are also involved in bulldozers, cranes, material handling equipment, food-processing machinery, papermaking and printing equipment, textiles, and office machinery.

A small group of welders belongs to the group of repair services. This includes maintenance and repair on automobiles or refers to the welding performed on industrial and electrical machinery to repair worn parts. The mining, oil extraction, and gas extraction industries form yet another group. Welders are also employed in the primary metals industries to include steel mills, iron foundries and smelting plants. Yet another group involves wholesale and retail establishments. These would include auto and agricultural equipment dealerships, metal service centers, and scrap yards.

Exercise 3. True or False

1. Welding is the most futile way to join metals permanently.

2. Welding is the only way of joining two or more pieces of metal to make them act as a single piece.

3. Welders help build space vehicles.

4. Welders cannot be employed in many industry groups.

5. Welders are involved in food-processing machinery.

6. Welders are helping to improve the environment.

7. Papermaking and printing equipment building do not require the work of welders.

8. All welding processes are similar.

9. The smallest group of welders belongs to the group of repair services.

10. Welders are required in oil extraction industries.

Exercise 4. Continue the Sentences.

1. Welding ranks...

2. Nearly everything we use in our daily life...

3. In construction, welders...

4. Machinery manufacturers are responsible...

5. Welders are also employed in the primary...

6. Repair services include...

7. Wholesale and retail establishments would include...

Exercise 5. Answer the Questions.

1. What industries can welders be employed in according to the text?

2. What equipment do welders help build according to the text?


Практикум №3. From the History of Welding

Exercise 1. Read and write down new words and phrases.



friction welding

сварка трением

cast iron


power plant




diffusion bonding

диффузная сварка

to restrict


spot joining

точечное соединение

to fasten


seam joining

шовное соединение



butt welding

стыковая сварка



joining bars and rods

соединение прутков и стержней



gasshielded process

газоэкранированный процесс

to spur


electron-beam welding

электронно-лучевая сварка



ultrasonic joining

ультразвуковая сварка

Exercise 2. Translate the text into Russian.

Welding is a technique used for joining metallic parts usually through the application of heat. Arab armourers at Damascus, Syria developed welded blades in the first millennium AD.

In modern times, the improvement in iron-making techniques, especially the introduction of cast iron, restricted welding to the blacksmith and the jeweler. Other joining techniques, such as fastening by bolts or rivets, were widely applied to new products, from bridges and railway engines to kitchen utensils.

Modern fusion welding processes are a result of the need to obtain a continuous joint on large steel plates. Gas welding, arc welding, and resistance welding all appeared at the end of the 19th century. These welding techniques employed then are still used.

The main improvements since then have been in equipment and safety. Arc welding was not universally used until World War II, when need for rapid means of construction for shipping, power plants, transportation, and structures spurred the necessary development work.

Resistance welding, invented in 1877, was accepted long before arc welding for spot and seam joining of sheet. Butt welding for chain making and joining bars and rods was developed during the 1920s. In 1948 a new gasshielded process utilized a wire electrode that was consumed in the weld. More recently, electron-beam welding, laser welding, and several solid phase processes such as diffusion bonding, friction welding, and ultrasonic joining have been developed.

Exercise 3. True or False.

1. Welding originated from the attempts to shape metal into useful forms.

2. Only heat is used for joining metallic parts in welding.

3. Welding is the only technique of joining metallic parts.

4. Resistance welding is one of the earliest types of joining metals.

5. Arc welding was not used after World War II.

7. Diffusion bonding and friction welding are solid-phase processes.

Exercise 4. Answer the questions.

1. What is welding?

2. Who were the first welders?

3. Did the improvement in iron-making techniques conduce to the development of welding?

4. When did gas, arc and resistance welding appear?

5. What are the years 1877, and 1948 remarkable for in terms of welding?

Exercise 5. Translate from Russian into English

1. Арабских оружейников можно считать первыми сварщиками.

2. Впервые сварка стала использоваться в массовом производстве во время первой мировой войны.

3. Вторая мировая война ускорила внедрение электродуговой сварки.

4. Помимо сварки, клепка и болтовые соединения являются основными методами соединения металлов.

5. Совсем недавно были разработаны электронно-лучевая сварка, лазерная сварка и несколько твердофазных процессов, таких как диффузионное соединение, сварка трением и ультразвуковое соединение.

Практикум №4. Introduction to Welding Processes & Equipment. Terms

Exercise 1. Read and write down new words and phrases.


пайка; пайка мягким (легкоплавким) припоем


лужение; облуживание




1) пайка твердым припоем (из меди и цинка)

2) покрытие медью

welding process

сварочный процесс

welding equipment

сварочное оборудование


щит, защита

dissimilar materials

разнородные материалы


припой, спайка

lead-tin alloy

свинцово-оловянный сплав

to take up space

занять место

filler metal

присадочный материал



filler rod

присадочный стержень

to vaporize




Exercise 2. Translate the text into Russian.

Among the first things a new welder needs to understand, is what the different kinds of welding processes and equipment are, and their application.

Soldering is a bonding by melting a soft metal to the surface of pieces to be joined. Low temperature. Good for joining dissimilar materials. Most common solders are lead-tin alloys. 

Tinning is a soldering process, where the metal surface is coated with solder.

Leading is a form of soldering, solder is used to fill in the surface of metal. 

Brazing is similar to soldering, but uses a higher temperature to fuse the filler metal to the work pieces. Stronger bond. Work heated to pre-melt temperatures. 

Welding is joining two similar work pieces by melting them together, usually with an additional filler rod of some sort to take up space. Materials must be similar. 

Cutting is the process when work is heated to melting point and beyond, and "cut" by oxidizing metal (literally burning it away). 

Shield is a barrier to keep oxygen away from heated work to prevent oxidizing. Includes chemical coatings called flux (liquids, pastes, solids, which may be vaporized into a barrier gas when heated), and inert gasses. Oxidation of the surfaces will prevent proper bonding of the metals.

Exercise 3. Read and write down new words and phrases.

propane torch

пропановая горелка

to sweat


oxyacetylene torch

оксиацетиленовая горелка



flame thrower




Exercise 4. Translate the text into Russian.

Gas Welding

Gas welding uses flame from burning gas to create welding heat. 

Propane torch (soldering, heating) is good for sweating pipes, starting fires, and spending hours trying to heat frozen bolts, while the surrounding metal gets just as hot. 

Oxyacetylene torch (cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, leading) is the most universal and useful welding tool. It uses Acetylene gas and Oxygen for flame. With the right bits, rod, and technique, you can weld almost anything. Good for cutting anything, brazing (a sort of hard soldering process) welding plate, welding sheet metal, welding aluminum, heating frozen bolts, or alternately cutting them off, drilling holes in plate, welding cast iron, shrinking and forming steel, and can double as a flame thrower in a pinch.

Drawbacks are overheating of some types of work, harder to control quality of some processes. 

Oxy-propane (soldering, brazing, heating) is a cheap compromise between low cost and portable propane, and Oxy-Acetylene. Better than the former, not as good as the latter. 

Exercise 5. Read and write down new words and phrases.

AC (alternating current) arc welding

дуговая сварка переменным током

DC (direct current) arc welding

дуговая сварка постоянным током

MIG (metal inert gas welding)

сварка металлическим электродом в инертном газе

TIG (tungsten inert gas welding )

дуговая сварка вольфрамовым электродом в среде инертного газа



carbon arc torch

угольная горелка



spool of wire

катушка проволоки

to braze


high frequency




steel rod

стальной стержень

heat buildup


spot welding

точечная сварка

Exercise 6. Translate the text into Russian.

Arc welding uses an electric arc to create welding heat. 

Basic AC & DC arc welders (AC is cheaper) use flux coated steel (or other) rods of various types for different jobs. It makes some of the best welds on heavy gauge steels and cast iron. Cutting rods can make clean holes through thick stock. Very difficult to weld thin metals with arc welding. You can also get a carbon arc torch to use on an arc welder to braze.

MIG (Metal Inert Gas). A DC arc welding process, which uses filler metal, fed in the form of a spool of thin wire, shielded by flow of inert gas (Helium, Argon) instead of flux. Very fast, easy, with less heat buildup. Very good for sheet metal, due to minimal heat distortion. Harder to weld thick stock, as welds are weaker. It can also be used for Aluminum with Argon as the shield gas. 

TIG (Tungsten Inert Gas). A high frequency AC arc process, which uses a tungsten electrode shielded by an inert gas to create a fine, controllable torch. Capable of welding very thin metals, so it is the best process for Aluminum, Stainless steel, and other exotic stuff. 

Resistance welding includes spot welding and uses the heat generated by electricity flowing through work to fuse. An old favorite for assembling car bodies. 

Exercise 7. Match the terms with the definitions.

1. Tinning

A. form of soldering, solder is used to fill in the surface of metal. 

2. Leading

B. process when work is heated to melting point and beyond, and "cut" by oxidizing metal

3. Cutting

C. uses a higher temperature to fuse the filler metal to the work pieces.

4. Brazing

D. barrier to keep oxygen away from heated work to prevent oxidizing.

5. Soldering

E. soldering process, where the metal surface is coated with solder.

6. Shield

F. bonding by melting a soft metal to the surface of pieces to be joined.

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Exercise 8. Answer the questions on the text ‘Gas Welding’.

1. What does gas welding use to create welding heat?

2. What is propane torch good for?

3. What is oxyacetylene torch used for?

4. What does oxyacetylene torch use for flame?

5. What is a compromise between low cost and portable propane, and Oxy-Acetylene?

Exercise 9. Write a transcript to these abbreviations.

1. AC stands for...

2. DC stands for...

3. MIG stands for...

4. TIG stands for...


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