Инфоурок Английский язык Другие методич. материалыСборник текстов для чтения и заданий к ним по теме: Англоязычные страны

Сборник текстов для чтения и заданий к ним по теме: Англоязычные страны

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Иностранный язык (АНГЛИЙСКИЙ)



Сборник текстов для чтения и заданий к ним по теме: «Англоязычные страны»


Разработчик  Л.В. Анисимова


для студентов 1 курса всех специальностей















Рассмотрено на заседании предметно-цикловой комиссии гуманитарных и социально-экономических дисциплин  Протокол № __ от «__» ______2017г.

Председатель предметно-цикловой комиссии

_________________/ Н. Ю. Смирнова/

Заместитель директора по методическому сопровождению и инновационной деятельности

_____________/ С.В. Потылицына/

Заместитель директора по методическому сопровождению и инновационной деятельности

_____________/ С.В. Потылицына/










 Анисимова Л.В., Сборник текстов для чтения и заданий к ним по теме “Англоязычные страны” для студентов 1 курса.






Сборник  состоит из 10 аутентичных, частично адаптированных  текстов на английском языке и заданий к ним по теме: «Англоязычные страны». В сборник включены упражнения,  предназначенные для различных этапов работы с текстом, упражнения для закрепления лексики, позволяющие существенно расширить словарный запас студентов. В сборнике представлены тексты  разного уровня сложности.

Настоящее учебное пособие предназначено для студентов 1 курса в качестве дополнительного языкового материала по теме «Англоязычные страны», для самостоятельного изучения изложенного материала, а также для внеаудиторной работы студентов при дистанционной форме обучения.





Пояснительная записка

    Иностранный язык занимает важное место в системе гуманитарных и социально-экономических дисциплин.  Любому специалисту важно знание иностранного языка. Человек, свободно владеющий иностранным языком, имеет огромное, неоспоримое преимущество в профессиональной и повседневной жизни.

     Цель данного пособия - ознакомить студентов с различными аспектами из жизни людей англоязычных стран. Пособие знакомит студентов с реалиями современного мира на примере аутентичных текстов, частично адаптированных, включающих страноведческий материал, который служит дополнительным источником к изучению темы «Англоязычные страны», рассматриваемой на 1 курсе. Пособие может использоваться как дополнительный материал для самостоятельного изучения иностранного языка.

     В данном учебном пособии подобраны тексты и задания к ним для таких тем как: Соединенные Штаты Америки – краткие сведения из истории страны; достопримечательности Америки; современные традиции и обычаи этой страны; национальная кухня Америки; образование и высшие учебные заведения Великобритании; географическое положение Новой Зеландии. Данные тексты позволяют значительно расширить кругозор студентов, помогают сориентироваться в большом объеме информации, касающемся жизни современных англоязычных стран.  Каждый текст сопровождают лексические упражнения, которые помогают проверить у студентов уровень понимания прочитанного текста, закрепляют языковой материал и грамматический материал в ходе изучения данной учебной темы. Учебное пособие также предполагает самостоятельную работу студентов в качестве дополнительного языкового материала. Студенту рекомендуется вести тематический словарь.    

Texts for Translation:


 Text 1. “Wall Street”


   Wall Street is a place where the sun never shines. This doesn`t mean it has a different climate from the rest of New York City. It simply means that the buildings here in New York`s financial centre are so high that the street is always in the shade.

   The people who work in the Wall Street area are too busy to worry about the weather. They are employed by great banking houses, such as J.P.Morgan, or giant financial companies like Merrill Lynch. They handle enormous sums of money every day. The savings of millions of Americans are in their hands.

   Twenty years ago, life was a lot quieter on Wall Street. Many of the companies were old family firms. They had always been successful and did not see the need to work very hard for their money. Sons entering their fathers` businesses could come to work late, leave early, and be certain that no one would mind.

   Those days have gone forever. Wall Street’s big bosses still have magnificently furnished offices on the top floor, with wonderful views over New York harbor.

   Americans have never quite got used to trusting their banks. They remember too well the great Wall Street “crash’ of 1929, when many banks closed and thousands of people lost their money. In order to keep the dangers small, American law prevents banks from becoming too big. No bank is supposed to have offices in more than one state. Perhaps this is why there are so many banks in America – nearly 15,000 of them.

   Many Americans are not so happy about leaving their money in the bank. They want to see it grow, fast. That’s one reason why many people spend as much money as they can on buying and improving houses. They know real estate prices often rise faster than anything else.


Vocabulary to the text:


To employ – нанимать                               to prevent- предотвращать

To handle – управлять, иметь дело          No bank is supposed…

Harbor- гавань                                         Считается, что ни один банк…

Crash- банкротство, крах                          to trust- доверять


Упр.1) Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:


1) Why does the sun never shine in Wall Street?

2) What organizations can be found in Wall Street?

3) Why have Americans never quite got used to trust their banks?


Упр. 2) Найдите в тексте соответствия к следующим словам и выражениям:

- финансовый центр; намного спокойнее; возражать; доверять банкам; семейная фирма; цены на недвижимость; предприятие.


Упр. 3) Закончите предложения и переведите полученные предложения на русский язык:


1) The people who work in the Wall Street…

2) Twenty years ago life was…

3) Sons entering their fathers` businesses…

4) Wall Street’s big bosses still have…



Text 2. “ Happy Birthday, America! “


   July 4th, or Independence Day, is the most important American holiday. It`s the birthday of the United States of America. On this day, in 1776, America signed the Declaration of Independence and started the fight for freedom from British rule.

   Before 1767, the King of England, George 3, ruled the thirteen colonies in America. The colonists were tired of the taxes that George 3 imposed on them. In 1776, the British Government placed new  taxes on tea and paper that the colonists imported from abroad. The colonists got angry and refused to pay. George 3 sent soldiers to keep order.

   In 1773, a group of colonists dressed up as Indians threw 342 chests of tea belonging to the East India Company into the waters of Boston harbour. King George didn`t think it was funny. His reply to this “Boston tea party” was a set of laws to punish the colonists. Boston harbour was closed until the tea was paid for. More soldiers were sent there to keep order. The war of Independence began.

   On July 4, 1776, the colonists declared their independence from Britain. Led by Thomas Jefferson, the representatives of all thirteen colonies met in Philadelphia to sign the Declaration. A large part of it was written by Jefferson himself. The document stated that the colonies were now “free and independent states” and officially named them the United States of America. It also said that all men had a natural right to “life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness”. People celebrated the birth of a new nation.

   But the War of Independence dragged on until 1783 when the colonists finally won. The head of the Revolutionary Army was George Washington, who later became the first president of America.


Задания к тексту:


Упр. 1) Выпишите из текста предложения в страдательном залоге. Переведите предложения на русский язык.


Упр. 2) Выберите из предложенных вариантов правильный вариант ответа:


1) What day does America celebrate its birthday?

- America`s birthday is celebrated on July, 4.

- America`s birthday is celebrated on June, 4.


2) How many colonies did the King of England rule in America?

- He ruled the thirty colonies in America.

- He ruled the thirteen colonies in America.


3) Why did the colonists begin the war of their independence from the British rule?

- The colonists were tired of the taxes that Britain imposed on them.

- The colonists were tired of hard working conditions.


4) Who was the head of the Revolutionary Army?

- The head of the Revolutionary Army was George Washington.

- The head of the Revolutionary Army was Thomas Jefferson.


Упр. 3) Найдите в тексте английские соответствия к следующим словам и выражениям:


- Борьба за независимость; новые налоги на чай и бумагу, импортируемые из-за границы; ряд законов; официальный праздник.




    Text 3.  “Stars and Stripes


   When the thirteen colonies declared their independence from Great Britain, George Washington decided that the United States needed a flag, too. There were thirteen stripes and thirteen stars in the first American flag. They stood for the number of states in the new-born independent country. Later, new states joined the US. To solve this problem Congress made a new law about the flag in 1818. The thirteen stripes stayed the same, but for each new state there was a new white star. Today, there are 50 stars on the flag of the USA. The last star was added in 1985, when Hawaii became the 50th state in 1959.

   There are many rules for the flag: for example, you should display it only during the day, and you should fold it in a special way. In some schools there is a flag in each classroom, and children stand in front of the flag every day and say the Pledge of  Allegiance.


Упр. 1) Переведите текст на русский язык.

Упр. 2) Составьте 3 вопроса по содержанию текста на английском языке.



Text 4. “Oxbridge”


   Oxford and Cambridge are the oldest and most prestigious universities in Britain. Known together as “Oxbridge” (the word was invented by Lewis Carroll, the author of ‘Alice in Wonderland’ and a lecturer in mathematics at Oxford), they have been chosen as national icons.


   Of the two universities Oxford is the oldest. Nobody knows exactly when it was founded but teaching was already going on there by the early 12th century. Life was hard at Oxford at that time because of constant trouble between the townspeople and the students. Then one day a student accidentally killed a man of the town. The Major arrested three other students who were innocent, and by order of King John they were hanged. In protest, many students and teachers left Oxford and settled in another little town, and so the University of Cambridge was born. Since then there has been constant friendly (and sometimes not-so-friendly) rivalry between Oxford and Cambridge.

Lots and lots of colleges

   Oxbridge is made up of independent colleges. The ‘University’ is just an administrative body that organizes lectures, arranges exams, gives degrees, etc. Today, there are 70 colleges at Oxbridge, and each college has its name, its coat of arms and its own buildings, including a chapel, a library, a dining hall and rooms for students to live in. Each college has its own character and its own traditions. As well as the college libraries, there are two university libraries. They have the right to have a free copy of every book published in Britain.

Teaching system

   Each Oxbridge college has its own staff, known as “Fellows”. The fellows teach the students either one-to-one or in a very small groups. This system of teaching is one of the ways in which Oxford and Cambridge differ from other universities.

   Students also go to lectures that are arranged by the university and are open to all students.

   The normal length of the degree course is three years, after which the students take the degree of Bachelor of Arts. Some courses, such as medicine or languages, may be one or two years longer. The students may work for other degrees, too.


Vocabulary to the text:

Innocent- невиновный                                to settle- поселиться

To arrange- назначать                                 a chapel- часовня

coat of arms- герб                                       Bachelor of Art- бакалавр искусств


Упр. 1) Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:


1) Who invented the word “Oxbridge” for the two English universities?

2) How was born the University of Cambridge?

3) What does every college of the university have?

4) What is the difference in teaching system of Oxbridge and other British universities?

5) How many years do the students at Oxbridge have to study to be given the Bachelor`s Degree?


Упр. 2) Выберите правильный вариант перевода для следующих предложений:


1) Students also go to lectures that are arranged by the University and are open to all students.

a) Студенты также посещают лекции, которые назначаются университетом и доступны для всех студентов.

b) Студенты также посещают лекции, которые назначаются преподавателями и доступны для всех студентов.


2) Of the two universities Oxford is the oldest.

a) Из двух университетов Оксфордский университет старше.

b) Из двух университетов Оксфордский университет самый старший.


3) The normal length of the degree course is three years, after which the students take the degree of Bachelor of Arts.

a) Средний курс обучения для получения научной степени составляет 3 года, после которого студентам присваивается степень бакалавр искусств.

b) Средний курс обучения для получения научной степени составляет 4 года, после которого студентам присваивается степень бакалавр искусств.


Text 5. “American Food”


What is American food? Hamburgers and hot dogs? Fried chicken and giant steaks? Well, yes. But spaghetti and pizza are American, too, and so is sweet and sour pork (свинина в кисло-сладком соусе). The fact is that Americans eat every kind of food. There are, for example, more than 1000 Chinese restaurants in New York City alone.


As American as apple pie (типично американский)


          At the same time, people in the States still like to think of some kinds of food as especially American. They like the idea of the American family sitting around the table eating turkey at Thanksgiving. They like to think of “Mom” as the best cook in the world, even if their own mother never did much cooking. “As American as apple pie”, and “Like Mother makes it” are popular expressions.


          The truth is, though, that families in the US eat together less often than they used to. Instead of meeting at the dinner table, families often meet in the kitchen, around the refrigerator. There is no time for old-fashioned cooking. Quick snacks all through the day have taken its place. And to save trouble, people eat wherever they like, in the street, in front of the TV, or at their desks.


An enormous fast-food industry gives hungry Americans the snacks they want when they want them. Ice cream, popcorn, and hot dogs are on sale everywhere. Best known, perhaps, is the McDonald`s hamburger business.


           But if more and more Americans eat fast food, more and more Americans also worry about it. Fast food makes you fat, and Americans are the fattest people in the world. They are also the most interested in their health, and snack food is not healthy. The fashion for health food is growing all the time. Among middle-class people, salads, beans, and fruit have taken the place of steak and ice cream.


Упр 1. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:


1) What kind of food do the Americans eat?

2) Why do more and more Americans eat fast food?

3) Is fast food healthy, to your mind?

4) Who are the fattest people in the world?


Упр.2 Выпишите из текста названия традиционных блюд Америки и переведите их на русский язык:


Упр.3 Составьте традиционное рождественское меню для России и Америки, используйте английские названия блюд:


Text 6. “Discover Washington, D.C.”

   Washington, D.C. is not only the capital of the United States but also the most interestingly designed city in America. The place for the capital was chosen by George Washington, the first US president. Washington wanted the capital city to be grand and impressive and, most of all, well planed. So he invited Pierre Charles L`Enfant, a young French architect, engineer and artist, to design a plan of the new city.

   The area George Washington had chosen for the capital was swampy but that didn`t discourage L`Enfant. Creating the capital from a swamp was no easy task. Building went very slowly. Though Washington was first settled in 1790 and in 1800 it became the federal capital, people didn`t want to move to it. President George Washington who died in 1799 didn`t live to see the city in its full glory.

   L`Enfant designed Washington, D.C. as a circle. In the centre of the circle were the Capitol building and the White House which were situated on natural hills to draw attention to them. The streets of Washington, D.C. were named with letters of the alphabet (like “A”Street and “J”Street) to the north and south of the Mall and with numbers (like 1st Street and 5th Street) to the east and west. The main avenues were named after states. (The White House, for example, is located on Pennsylvania Avenue).

   The tallest monument in the US capital is the Washington Monument. For five yearsit was the tallest man_made structure in the world, until the Eiffel Tower was built in Paris in 1889. The Washington  Monument is still the world`s tallest stone structure.

   It is 170 metres high and is made of granite covered with white marble. This memorial is located in the centre of the National Mall between the Lincoln Memorial and the Capitol building.

   If you are ever in Washington on the 4th of July, go and sit on the Capitol lawn. You will be able to listen to the National Symphony Orchestra and watch the fireworks behind the Washihgton Monument. It`s an experience you`ll never forget.

   The Capitol is the building where the US Congress meets. The Senate meets in the North side and the House of Representatives in the south side. The building was burnt by the British Army in 1814 and built again in 1863. This impressive building is 87.6 metres high and is seen from any part of Washington. It is also a museum of American art and history.

   Today, the most visited place in Washington is the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. It is one of the newest memorials in the city. The monument consists of the Memorial Wall and two sculptures. The Wall was designed by a 20-year-old student of Yale University, Maya Lin. Her design is simple, honest and powerful: a V-shaped black sunken wall with over 58,000 names of all American men and women who lost their lives in the Vietnam War.


Vocabulary to the text:

Grand- величественный

Pierre Charles L`Enfant- Пьер Шарль Ланфан

Swampy- болотистый

Mish-mash- смесь, мешанина

National Mall- парк Молл

Vietnam Veterans Memorial- памятник ветеранам войны во Вьетнаме

Yale University- Йельский университет

V-shaped- в форме буквы V

Sunken- утопающий, уходящий вниз


Задания к тексту:


Упр. 1). Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:


1) Who chose the place for the new capital of the United States?

2) Who designed a plan for the city?

3) Why didn`t people want to move to the new capital?

4) What places of interest are mentioned in the text? What is the most visited place in Washington?

5) Whom is the Vietnam Memorial devoted to?


Упр. 2) Выберите правильный вариант перевода к данным предложениям:


1) The area George Washington had chosen for the capital was swampy but that didn`t discourage L`Enfant.

a) Местность, которую Джордж Вашингтон выбрал для столицы, была болотистой, но это не обескуражило Ланфана.

b) Местность, которую Джордж Вашингтон купил для столицы, была болотистой, но это не обескуражило Ланфана.


2) President George Washington who died in 1799 didn`t live to see the city in its full glory.

a) Президент Джордж Вашингтон, который умер в 1799 году, смог увидеть город в его расцвете.

b) Президент Джордж Вашингтон, который умер в 1799 году, не дожил, чтобы увидеть город в его расцвете.


Упр. 3) Поставьте следующие предложения в отрицательную форму:


1) Washington wanted the capital city to be grand and impressive and, most of all, well planned.

2) As a result, the design that we see today is something of a mish-mash.

3) Building went very slowly.

4) The streets of Washington, D.C. were named with letters of the alphabet.

5) You`ll be able to listen to the National Symphony Orchestra and watch the fireworks behind the Washington Monument.


Упр. 4) Используя информацию из текста, подготовьте компьютерную презентацию к теме «Вашингтон-столица США» на английском языке (8-10 слайдов).


Text 7. “Nicknames of the States”


          You know, of course, that the United States of America consists of fifty states. But you may not know that each of them has several unofficial names or nicknames.

          These  nicknames serve to describe the nature or geography of a state, its history, the way of life and the traditions of its people. Kansas, for example, is situated in the central part of the USA, that is why one of its nicknames is The Central State.

          Alaska is The Great Land because its territory is the largest in the USA compared to all other states.

          The Green Mountain State, Vermont, is situated in the Green Mountains. The people living there are called “Green Mountain boys”. The White Mountain State is New Hampshere whose northern part lies in the White Mountains.

          There are several states whose nicknames are connected with lakes and rivers. The Lake State is Michigan which is in the valley of the Great Lakes.

          Utah, on the west side of the Rocky Mountains, is called The Salt Lake State because the Great Salt Lake is situated on its territory.

          The Blackwater State is the nickname of Nebraska because the water of its rivers is dark.

Some nicknames are connected with climate conditions. The Sunshine State in Kansas which is in the centre of the cyclone zone of the USA.

          Some nicknames in the USA describe states known for their agriculture. The Garden State is New Jersey on the Atlantic coast. Minnesota has two nicknames- The Bread and Butter State and The Wheat State.

          As you have already read, many nicknames are connected with the history of the USA.

          The first state to ratify the Constitution of the United States was Delaware. That is why it was nicknamed The First State.

          The people of Illinois where Abraham Lincoln began his political activity are very proud of this and they call their state The Land of Lincoln.


Задания к тексту:


Упр. 1) Выпишите из текста предложения, где глагол употреблен в форме страдательного залога. Переведите предложения на русский язык.


Упр. 2) Выпишите и переведите на русский язык названия-прозвища американских штатов.


Упр. 3) Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

1) How many states does the country consist of?

2) What purpose do the nicknames serve for?

3) Why is Alaska called The Great State?

4) What American State would you like to visit? Why?


Text 8. “The American Family”


          The American family is a family, consisting usually of a husband, wife and children who live in their own house or apartment. Grandparents rarely live in the same home with their married sons and daughters, and uncles and aunts almost never do. Americans have fewer children than in other cultures. The typical American couple has two children, so that average American family has four people living together as a household unit.

Marriages are not “arranged” in the US. Young people are expected to find a husband or wife on their own; their parents do not help them. Americans believe that young people should fall in love and then decide to marry someone they can live happily with.

The majority of American women value companionship as the most important part of marriage. Other values, such as having economic support and the opportunity to have children, although important, are seen as less important.

If the couple is not happy, they may choose to get a divorce. A divorce is relatively easy to obtain in most parts of the United States. Some states have “no-fault” divorce. To obtain a “no-fault” divorce, a couple states that they can no longer live happily together and that it is neither partner’s fault.

The divorce rate has risen rapidly in the United States over the last twenty years. Approximately one out of every three marriages ends in divorce, and the numbers are rising. Americans believe that unhappy couples should not stay married for the sake of the children, they do not want to sacrifice individual happiness for the sake of the children. The current generation thinks that unhappy marriages do not contribute to the happiness of the children.

Americans are strongly attached to the idea of the family as the best of all life styles. Families are seen by many Americans as places where one can find refuge from the highly competitive world outside.


Vocabulary to the text:

Average American family- средняя американская семья

Couple- супружеская пара

Household unit- семейный союз

Value companionship- ценить дружеские отношения

Obtain divorce- получить развод

Divorce rate- процент разводов

Sacrifice individual happiness- жертвовать личным счастьем


Задания к тексту:


Упр. 1) Выберите правильный вариант ответа на данные вопросы:


1) How many children has the typical American couple?

a) two children;

b) one child;

c) five children.


2) How do the Americans usually get married?

a) marriages are “arranged” in the US;

b) marriages are not “arranged” in the US.


3) What do the Americans women value as the most important part of marriages?

a) economic support;

b) opportunity to have children;

c) companionship.


4) What does the current generation think about unhappy marriages?

a) unhappy couples should stay married for the sake of the children;

b) unhappy families should sacrifice individual happiness for the sake of the children.


5) What do most Americans think about the family?

a) it is the best of all life styles;

b) it is the worst of all life styles.


Упр. 2) Найдите и выпишите из текста предложения в отрицательной форме. Переведите предложения на русский язык:


Упр. 3) Согласитесь или опровергните следующие утверждения (Mark TRUE/FALSE):


1) The American family is a family, consisting usually of a husband, a wife and children, who live in their own house or apartment.

2) Grandparents usually live in the same home with their married sons or daughters.

3) Americans have more children than in many other cultures.

4) The average American family has four people living together as a household unit.

5) Young people are expected to find a husband or a wife on their own.

6) The majority of American women value the opportunity to have children and economic support as the most important part of marriage.

7) A divorce is difficult to obtain in most parts of the United States.


Text 9. “The Land of the long white clouds”


New Zealand is a country of islands located in the Pacific Ocean. The North Island and the South Island are the main ones, and there are number of small ones, some of which are hundreds of kilometers from the main islands. The country`s nearest neighbour is Australia, which lies more than 1,600 km northwest of New Zealand. It`s never very hot or very cold in New Zealand because it is surrounded by water. Summer and winter temperatures in most places differ by less than 10 degrees. The coldest month is July, and the warmest is January.

New Zealand has another name, Aotearoa, which means “the land of the long white cloud” in the Maori language. The first Maori settled in New Zealand about a thousand years ago. They came from Polynesia and were excellent sailors and fierce warriors.

New Zealand has got it all - snow-capped mountains, fast-flowing rivers, green forests and peaceful lakes with crystal clear water. You can spend a whole day by some lake or river and be the only person there. There are places in this beautiful land that have never felt a human footstep. In fact, New Zealand is one of the least populated countries in the world. A little more than 4 million people live there.

New Zealand is a land of volcanoes. Most of them are sleeping, but some are active and you can see steam and smoke coming from them! The largest and most active volcano is the White Island volcano. This volcano last erupted – without warning in 2000. In spite of the danger the White volcano is a popular tourist attraction. Walking through the crater is like being on another planet!

Mount Cook, which is 3.764 metres high, is New Zealand`s highest mountain. It was named after Captain James Cook, the famous English explorer. There are many lakes and rivers here too, and it is a very popular place for sport – skiing in winter, and water sports in summer.

Wellington, the capital of New Zealand, stands  at the south-western tip of the North Island and is the southernmost capital city in the world. It is built on high hills around a harbour. Wellington is the windiest city in New Zealand and its nickname is “Windy Wellington”. Queenstown is a famous resort town. It is often called the “Adventure Capital of the World”. In Queenstown you can do practically all kinds of sport, including extreme ones. The city of Dunedin is often called the “City of First”. It is home to the country`s oldest university, the first newspaper and the first botanic gardens.

New Zealand is a young country. The first Maori people landed here about a thousand years ago, and the British people came to lie there around 1840. You will not find many buildings that are more than 150 years old. And in New Zealand today more than half the people are under thirty years old. New Zealanders are very hospitable and very warm-hearted. Welcome to New Zealand!


Задания к тексту:


Упр. 1) Выпишите из текста предложения с прилагательными в степени сравнения. Определите положительную (начальную) степень от данных прилагательных. Переведите предложения на русский язык.


Упр. 2) Закончите следующие предложения:


1) It is never very hot or very cold in New Zealand because…

2) The coldest month is…and  the warmest month is… .

3) The first Maori settled in New Zealand…

4) New Zealand is a land of…

5) Wellington is the windiest city in New Zealand and…


Упр. 3) Составьте 2 общих и 2 специальных вопроса к данному тексту:


Упр. 4) Найдите к следующим словам и выражениям английские соответствия в тексте:

- ближайшим соседом страны является;

- самый холодный месяц;

- быстро текущие реки;

- прозвище;

- гостеприимный.


Text 10. “Alice in Wonderland”


Lewis Carroll`s famous story of the little girl who falls down a rabbit hole has been entertaining the young (and not so young) readers for almost 150 years.

It was probably the first book written not to educate children or give them moral instructions – but to entertain them.

Lewis Carrol was the name used by Charles Dogson, a mathematics teacher at Oxford University, when he was writing children`s books and poems.

When he became a teacher at Oxford, Carrol used to take the daughters of his friend, Dean Liddell, for boat-riders on the river. On one of these trips he told the story of Alice in Wonderland to the young Alice Liddell. Later, he wrote the story down, and it was published in 1865.

As well as Alice`s Adventures in Wonderland and Alice Through the Looking Glass, Lewis Carrol wrote poems and another children`s book Sylbie and Bruno. He was also a great letter writer and he invented games and puzzles. As an Oxford don, he also published mathematical works.

Did you know?

There is a story that Queen Victoria was so charmed with “Alice in Wonderland” that she gave an orders that the next book by this writer should be sent to her. Soon the book arrived, and it was: “The Condensation of Determinants”, a new and brief method of computing Arithmetical values.


Vocabulary to the text:


Lewis Carrol- Льюис Кэрролл

To entertain- развлекать

Moral instructions- нравственные наставления

Dean- декан

Don- преподаватель (в Оксфорде и Кембридже)

Condensation- сокращение

Determinant- детерминант, определитель

To compute- считать, вычислять

Value- значение (матем.)


Список использованных источников:


1. “Speak Out” журнал для изучающих английский язык. -  Издательство «Глосса-Пресс», №1/ 2013

2. “Speak Out” журнал для изучающих английский язык . -  Издательство «Глосса-Пресс», №10 /2015

3. “Speak Out” журнал для изучающих английский язык . -  Издательство «Глосса-Пресс», №7/ 2013

4. Speak Out” журнал для изучающих английский язык. -  Издательство «Глосса-Пресс», №1/ 2016

5. Speak Out” журнал для изучающих английский язык . -  Издательство «Глосса-Пресс», №5 /2016

6. Speak Out” журнал для изучающих английский язык . -  Издательство «Глосса-Пресс», №4/ 2017

7. “Britain in brief” Ощепкова В.В., Шутилова И.И. – М.: Лист, 2012.




Критерии оценивания:


Критерии оценивания самостоятельной работы обучающихся с текстами различной направленности и заданий к ним:


Оценка 5 (отлично) – текст переведен полностью. Перевод текста передает его точное содержание, соблюдены оригинальные грамматические конструкции, текст логичен, связен, значение многозначных слов подобрано верно контексту. Задания к тексту выполнены в полной объеме.


Оценка 4 (хорошо) – текст переведен не полностью (может отсутствовать перевод 2-3 предложений). Перевод текста в целом передает его содержание, в основном соблюдены оригинальные грамматические конструкции, текст достаточно логичен, связен, значение многозначных слов подобрано верно контексту. Не все задания к тексту выполнены в полной объеме.


Оценка 3 (удовлетворительно) – текст переведен частично. Перевод текста не передает его содержание целиком, либо сделаны стилистические ошибки, искажающие основное содержание текста, нарушена стилистика текста, в переводе могут отсутствовать оригинальные грамматические конструкции, либо быть заменены на другие, текст несвязен, значение многозначных слов подобрано неверно контексту. Задания к тексту выполнены в неполном объеме.


Оценка 2 (неудовлетворительно) – текст переведен частично либо не переведен полностью. При переводе текста содержание искажено. Сделаны грубые стилистические и грамматические ошибки. Текст несвязен, значение многозначных слов подобрано неверно контексту. Задания к тексту не выполнены.








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