Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыСценарий открытого мероприятия по английскому языку в 9 классе

Сценарий открытого мероприятия по английскому языку в 9 классе

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На сцене 2 ведущих. Спокойная музыка.


1 вед. Hello, ladies and gentlemen. We are glad to see you in our English club. The honour to open the first sitting of it is given to the head-mistress of School 32, which is heartily receiving us. …(речь директора/завуча)….. Thank you.


2 вед. The topic of today's discussion is the period of the Tudors' reign. Let's immerse ourselves in that great epoch and touch the mystery of the family relationship, get acquainted with achievements and glorious victories, face problems and mischiefs of that contradictory time.


1 вед. So, are you ready to start? Then, let's begin our interesting journey to medieval England....


2 вед. What do we know about the Tudors?


1 вед. Well, the Tudors are one of the most famous English royal dynasties. They instituted changes in government administration, the relationship between the Crown and common people, the image of the monarchy and religion. They brought peace and war, the golden age for the English writing and exploration and caused great sufferings of thousands.


2 вед. Where is the starting point? Let's watch a video.  


Video войны роз....рыцари......Победитель: Генрих 7 выводит на сцену Елизавету Йоркскую (фотонарезка свадьбы)   Представляют общую эмблему Англии.


1 вед. So, in 1485 Henry Tudor returned to Wales, raised an army, invaded England and defeated Richard III at the battle of Bosworth field. Richard died in the battle and Henry Tudor became Henry VII, the first Tudor King.


2 вед. Our guests from ……. are going to tell us much more about this dynasty. Youre welcome! Вызывает на сцену выступающих по 1 теме: Family tree.....


1 вед. Dear friends, if you have something to add on this topic. Please, do it now.

Учащиеся добавляют.


1 вед. In 1486 Henry married Richard’s niece, Elizabeth of York, uniting the houses of Lancaster and York and putting an end the wars of the Roses.

Выходит Генрих7 с Елизаветой Йоркской. Несут эмблему Тюдоров и крепят ее к доске.

2 вед. Henry VII firmly believed that merchantry was good for the state. Only a year later after he became a king, he made an important trade agreement with the Netherlands, which allowed England to flourish. He started expanding London. So, what about manufacturing, farming and living conditions of that time?

1 вед. The students of….. will help us. They have prepared the presentation about the economic development of England at that period.

Приглашает на сцену выступающих по теме «Economics»


2 ведDoes anyone want to share some additional information with us?


Море…...танец на волнах  Henry VIII на корабле Mary Rose (исполняют учащиеся ….. класса).


Henry VIII: We’re well aware that our right to the throne is open to challenge and seaborne invasions are too easy for our enemies to 1rganize. To meet the danger We’re going to build up our own fleet, powerful and mighty.


2 вед.   We ask the  students to tell us about the kings’ achievements in this sphere.

  Выступление по теме «England as a sea power».


1 вед. Who has got anything to add to the presentation?

Учащиеся добавляют.


1 вед. You know, Christmas is coming. In Tudor time people would celebrate this wonderful festival singing carols and preparing special dishes. The choice depended on the wealth of a family. As for the Royal one, Henry VIII and his daughter, Elizabeth I, preferred a rice pudding.
The group of these cheerful children will take us to that happy time. The carol “I saw three ships” was very popular then.


2 вед. Our waiting ladies will treat you with tasty gingerbread biscuits. And let us feel the merriment of the holiday through music.


tea break (поют и танцуют учащиеся 8 класса)



1 вед. Dear friends, we continue our journey. After the death of Henry VIII Mary I came to the throne.

(Церковный перезвон, танец)

Bloody Mary was a fanatic catholic and that caused bloody persecution of believers of newborn Anglican Church.  Many people were terrified with thousands of death-fires flaming all around. The more they saw, the more furious they became. This way she got her horrible nickname “Bloody Mary”. Besides domestic enemies, the Tudors had a lot of foreign foes.


2 вед. Dear students, take your turn and reveal us the secrets of their evil plots.

Приглашает школу на выступление с темой   WARS


1 вед. If you have something to add on this topic, please, share your information.


видео: конец гонениям с приходом Елизаветы.


2 вед. When she became queen in 1558, Elizabeth I wanted to bring together those parts of English society which were in disagreement. She wanted to make England prosperous. She was broad-minded and intelligent. Her majesty supported artists, writers and musician. She was fond of theatre. The period of Elizabeth’s reign was later called The Golden Age of England.


1 вед. The students are ready to perform their story about cultural life in England (презентация Culture)


1 вед. If you have to add something, join our discussion.


2 вед. Ladies and gentlemen, our sitting is coming to its end. We thank you for your active participating and invite you to the second meeting of the English Club in February. But before the farewell, we ask you to share your emotions and opinions with each other.


1 вед. Complete your tables, please, and stick them onto the board. Look at our results. We did great!


2 вед. Our head teachers  are with us today and we’re glad to listen to them.


1 вед.  And we invite ……….


Вместе: Thanks for your attention. See you soon.

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Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Английский язык: теория и методика преподавания в образовательной организации

Учитель английского языка

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Английский язык: теория и методика преподавания в дошкольном образовании


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3 ч.

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Инструменты и навыки современного дизайнера

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