Сценарий праздника «День Благодарения»
Цель: познакомить
учащихся с традициями Америки на примере празднования День Благодарения.
Задачи: заинтересовать
учащихся в изучении английского языка, как средства для знакомства с
традициями англоязычных стран.
Активизировать у
учащихся творческие способности при подготовке и проведении праздника.
1.Костюмы пилигримов и
индейцев ( в празднике участвуют 2 команды «Пилигримы» и «Индейцы»).
кабинета(рисунки с изображением этого праздника-кукуруза, тыква, индюшка,
корабль the Mayflower.
3.Различные поделки( макет корабля the Mayflower,
тыква, кукуруза, индейцы, пилигримы, сделанные из различных материалов;
индюшка-мягкая игрушка.
4.Предметы для
игр:карта,2 кораблика с флажками для игры The Piligrim’s voyage; индюшка-мягкая игрушка для игры Find the turkey.
Thanksgiving Day
1.People have always given
thanks at harvest time. They are glad to have food for the winter and celebrate
with feasting and prayers of thanksgiving. Today we’ll speak about one of the
American holidays- Thanksgiving Day. You will learn some interesting facts,
play games and sing songs.
meet the Indians and the
Pilgrims (2 команды «Пилигримы»
и «Индейцы»).
POEM by A. Fisher “All in a
T for time to be together, turkey and tangy weather.
H for harvest stored away, home, health and holiday.
A for autumn’s frosty art and abundance in the heart.
N for neighbours and November, nice things, new things to
K for kitchen, kettles’ croon, kith and kin expected soon,
S for sizzles, sights and sounds, and something special
that abounds.
That spells THANKS- for joy in
Living and jolly good Thanksgiving.
2.Thanksgiving Day is celebrated
on the 4th Thursday in November in America. It is one the great
national holidays in the USA. This day families come together to feast and feel
thankful for all that they have.
Some families take part in
religious ceremonies in the morning, but for most families the high light of
the day is Thanksgiving dinner.
Конкурс на лучшую
поздравительную открытку ко Дню Благодарения. Каждая команда дарит открытку и
читает стихи.
1. Thank you
for all my hands
can hold-
apples red
and melons gold,
yellow corn
both ripe and sweet
peas and beans
so good to eat.
2. Thank you
for all my eyes
can see-
lovely sunlight,
field and tree,
white cloud-bouts
in sea-deep sky
soaring bird
and butterfly.
3. Thank you
for all my ears
can hear-
birds’ song
far and near,
songs of little
stream, big sea,
cricket, bullfrog,
duck and bee!
3. This custom began with the
Pilgrims in 1621.A pilgrim is a person who makes journey for religious reasons.
They came to America for religious freedom. On September 16, 1620,
a small ship called the Mayflower , carrying 102
passengers. First, the weather was good at sea. But
soon there were strong winds and
storms. It was too late to go back to Plymouth. Winter was coming. They
decided to stay. They found the good place and called it Plymouth.
meet the Indians and the
Инсценировка песни’My Bonnie lies over the ocean. Поочередно, команды показывают свой номер.
DUNCE(song ’My Bonnie lies
over the ocean”)
4. The first winter was hard
because they had little food. By spring many colonists died. The Indians taught
the Pilgrims how to hunt, fish, plant corn and survive in America. The crops did well and in the fall of 1621 the pilgrims had a great harvest . They
were thankful and decided to celebrate it with Thanksgiving feast. They
prepared a dinner of turkey, corn, beans and pumpkins. The Pilgrims invited 90
Indians . the Indians brought deer meat and roast turkeys. The original
Thanksgiving feast lasted 3 days and all food was prepared by 3 women. In 1864
at the end of the Civil War
Abraham Lincoln established the last Thursday in November as a day for all
Americans to give thanks.
Traditionally Thanksgiving
dinner has a roast turkey, potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce, pumpkin
pie with whipped cream for dessert.
POEM by H. Minarik
Apple pie
1.Apple pie,
Pumpkin pie,
Turkey on the dish!
We can see
We can eat
Everything we
Wish, wish, wish, wish.
- Grandma’s here
bright and gay
and uncles
with us
good Thanksgiving
day, day, day.
3.Thank you, God
Thank you, God
For good things to eat
Thank you also
For this day
When we with friendly hearts
Do meet, meet, meet.
Let’s play The Piligrim’s voyage.
На стене
карта-большая карта Англии и Америки; к ней прикреплены 2 кораблика с флажками,
на одном- название одной команды, на другом-второй. Ведущий задает вопросы
командам поочередно, при
правильном ответе корабль передвигается на определенное расстояние на
карте. Корабль, достигший берегов Америки первым, побеждает.
Answer the questions:
- When do American people celebrate
Thanksgiving Day?
- Why did the Pilgrims decide to go to
- What was the name of the ship?
- When did they reach America?
- Who helped the Pilgrims?
- Who established Thanksgiving Day as
a holiday?
- What do people do this day?
- What is the traditional Thanksgiving
Игра со зрителями -Find the turkey. Один
ученик выходит из комнаты. Дети прячут мягкую игрушку-индейку. Затем зовут
ученика, который покинул комнату. Он ищет игрушку, слушая команды учеников “Cold”, ”Warm”, “Hot”.
Thank you, dear teachers!
Thank you, dear parents!
Thank you, dear classmates!
Thank you, dear friends!
Thank you for your kindness!
Thank you for your friendship!
Thank you for your care!
Thank you for your love!
Мeet the Indians and the
Pilgrims. В конце праздника жюри
подводит итоги, вручают призы и все садятся за стол- где тыквенный пирог,
фрукты, соки.
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