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The Little Mermaid



Narrator - _______________________________________________________

The Little Mermaid Ariel - __________________________________________

Prince Eric - ______________________________________________________

Ursula, Vanessa - _________________________________________________

Sebastian - ______________________________________________________

Flounder - _______________________________________________________

King Triton - _____________________________________________________

Fish 1 - _________________________________________________________

Fish 2 - _________________________________________________________

Fish 3 - _________________________________________________________

Fish 4 - _________________________________________________________


                                                                 Scene 1

Narrator :   Not many people know that there is a wonderful world hidden from human eyes.

         (Рыбки поют, танцуют с полотнами синего цвета, символизирующими морские волны. К концу танца они открывают кресло в форме ракушки, разойдясь по сторонам, на котором восседает Царь Тритон.)


    There were some people

    Who lived in the sea

     They didn’t walk

     Like you. Not me.

There were some people

    Who lived in the sea

     They swam

      Like fish

     They had fishtails

      They danced with dolphins

      Crabs and whales.

    There was a Great Kingdom

         Under the sea

          Where all the merpeople

          Lived and swam free.

  The king of the mermaids was

        Triton the Great

         (К Тритону подходит Ариэль. Он встаёт и выводит её вперёд. Ариэль остаётся на сцене одна.)

Narrator:  The king of the mermaids Triton the Great had seven pretty daughters. The least of mermaid princesses was Ariel. She was very pretty

But the most beautiful thing was her voice.

(Ариэль напевает, достаёт из-под кресла большую коробку и начинает в ней что-то искать.)

Narrator:  She had a very interesting collection of unusual things which she found into the drowned ships.


Ariel:   Oh, what a nice day today! Maybe today I will find some more nice things for my collection? I want to see the world of people so much! My father and sisters don’t understand me.   (Ариэль поёт)

Look at this stuff. Isn’t it neat?
Wouldn’t she think my collection’s complete?
Wouldn’t she think I’m the girl
Girl who has evrything?

Look at this trove, treasures untold
How many wonders can one cavern hold?
Looking around here, you’d think
Sure, she’s got evrything

I’ve got gadgets and gizmos a-plenty
I’ve got who’s-its and what’s-its galore
He want thing-a-ma-bobs?
I’ve got twenty
But who cares? No big deal
I want more

I wanna be where the people are
I wanna see, wanna see I’m dancing
Walking around on those
Whaddya call ‘em? Oh, feet

Flipping your fins, you don’t get too far
Legs are required for jumping, dancing
Stolling along down the
What’s that word again? Street

Up where they walk, up where they run
Up where they stay all day in the sun
Wandering free, wish I could be
Part of that world


         (Ариэль прячется. На сцену с разных сторон выходят Себастьян и Флаундер.)


Sebastian:    What a nice day!
Flounder:    Yes, and I can`t sit.
Sebastian:    But …where is our friend?
Flounder:    Little Ariel?
Sebastian:    Where is she? Ariel, where are you?
Flounder and Sebastian:    Ariel! Ariel!
Ariel:   I am here.

(Появляется Ариэль, но друзья ее не видят и продолжают искать.) 

Ariel:   (громче, чтобы привлечь внимание друзей) I am here! Follow me!
Sebastian:    Wait! Wait! Where are you going, Ariel?
Ariel:   I want to show you something very interesting!
Flounder:    What? What is it?
Sebastian:    Is it a big beautiful octopus?
Ariel:   No!
Flounder:    Is it a big beautiful crab?
Ariel:   No!
Sebastian:    Is it a big beautiful fish?
Ariel:   (
теряя терпение) No! No! No! I want to show you a big beautiful ship!
Flounder and Sebastian:    A ship?
Ariel:   Yes, a ship! 
Flounder and Sebastian:    A ship? 
Ariel:   Yes, yes, yes! Can`t you hear me!? A ship!
Flounder:    (
в ужасе) Oh, no! No, no, no! Not a ship …
Sebastian:    Your father will be very angry!
Ariel:   Come on! Don`t be afraid!
Flounder and Sebastian:    No! 
Ariel:   Please!
Flounder and Sebastian:    No!

Ariel:   Please, dear friends! Only for a second! Please, please! 
Flounder and Sebastian:    O. K.

         (На сцену выходят рыбки с полотнами – волнами. Ариэль и её друзья скрываются за ними.)

                                                                 Scene 2


(Танцевальные движения с полотнами. Затем среди полотен появляются Ариэль, Себастьян и Флаундер.)

Ariel:   Sebastian! Flounder! Look! A ship!

Flounder:    There were sailors singing and dancing to happy music.

Sebastian:    Look! One man is wearing rich clothes! He must be a prince.

Ariel:   I’ve never seen a human this close before. Oh, he’s very handsome, isn’t he?


            (Раздаётся раскат грома. Начинается буря.)


Flounder:    Oh, dear! I think your father is very angry!
Sebastian:    Yes, we are late! Your father is looking for us!
Flounder:    Ariel! Let`s hurry! Let`s go home! (тянут Ариэль за руки).
Ariel:   I want to stay here a little longer! Please, friends, wait!
Sebastian:    Ariel, look! The Ship is crashing.

Flounder:    Ariel, hurry up! Let’s go back home!

Ariel:   No! I must save the prince! Where is he? I can’t see him now!

Sebastian:    He is under the waves!

Ariel:   I must save  the prince!


         (Волны – полотна смыкаются, а когда раскрываются, на полу лежит принц Эрик и Ариэль рядом с ним.)


Flounder:    Is he dead? No, look! He’s breathing!


Ariel:           (Ариэль поёт песню Эрику.)

What would I give
To live where you are?
What would I pay
To stay here beside you?
What would I do to see you
Smiling at me?

Where would we walk?
Where would we run?
If we could stay all day in the sun?
Just you and me
And I could be
Part of your world


(Ариэль снимает брошь у принца Эрика. Эрик приходит в себя и удаляется со сцены. Ариэль прячется в волнах)

I don't know when
I don't know how
But I know something's starting right now
Watch and you'll see
Some day I'll be
Part of your world


Sebastian:    Ariel! We have to go!


                 (Рыбки, оставив полотна по краям сцены, удаляются.)


                                                                 Scene 3


            (Ариэль, Себастьян и Флаундер разглядывают коллекцию вещей.)

Ariel:   I wish I had legs so I could live on land and see you every day… Oh, if I were a human….

           (Достаёт брошь принца и разглядывает её. Входит Тритон.)

King Triton:    Ariel! I just don’t know what we are going to do with you, young lady!!! What are you hiding? Show me! (Отец видит брошь принца у дочери и вырывает ее из рук)   What is it?

Ariel:   No, it’s nothing!

King Triton:    Oh, my disobedient daughter!

How many times must I tell you: you couldn’t see by one of those humans!!! They are very dangerous!

Ariel:   They are not dangerous. Especially he…he is the best of all…Father, I love him!

King Triton:    Who!?

Ariel:   The Prince…I have just saved him!

King Triton:    Stop talking! As long as you live under my ocean you’ll obey my rules!!! Is it clear?? Now you are punished! 

                                           (Тритон уходит.)

Ariel:   He loves me…I want to see him again!!!

Flounder:    Ariel, stop talking in this way. But he can’t be with you…

Sebastian:    Down here is your home.

               (Песня и танец «В мире морском». Ариэль исчезает.)

The seaweed is always greener
In somebody else's lake
You dream about going up there
But that is a big mistake
Just look at the world around you
Right here on the ocean floor
Such wonderful things surround you
What more is you lookin' for?

Under the sea
Under the sea
Darling it's better
Down where it's wetter
Take it from me
Up on the shore they work all day
Out in the sun they slave away
While we devotin'
Full time to floatin'
Under the sea


Flounder and Sebastian:    Ariel! Ariel!

Flounder:    Where is she? Ariel, where are you? Lets look for her!

                                           (Все уходят со сцены.)


                                                                 Scene 4


Narrator:  Deep in the sea ,into  a big cave lived the sea witch Ursula, the ugliest and the most cunning creature ever seen.


        (Танцуя, на сцене появляется Урсула. Затем входит Ариэль.)


Ursula:    Ariel! Young lady! What are you doing here?
Ariel:   Good afternoon. I`ve got a question.
Ursula:    I know what you want. I can help you.
Ariel:   Really? Is that true?
Ursula:    Yes. Listen to me. You want to have legs and feet… and Prince Eric…
Ariel:   Yes…
Ursula:     OK. Take this. And drink. Oh, one more thing! How will you pay me? 
Ariel:   Pay? Yes, of course. But, but … what can I give you? I`m just a little mermaid…
Ursula:    Give me your lovely voice!
Ariel:    Well… take my voice and give me two feet!
Ursula:    Are you sure?

Ariel:   Yes, I love him more than my life!

Ursula:     Sing!

                    (Ведьма превращает русалочку в человека. Ее голос оказывается в ракушке на шее у Урсулы!!!)

Ursula:    Now you magic voice is mine. I will be able to keep it here into this shell!!!


                                                                 Scene 5


                                       (Русалочка сидит на берегу.)

Fish 1:    Ariel! What’s the matter with you? You look so strange…

Fish 2:   Where is your tail!?

Fish 3:    Look! She has human legs!

Fish 4:     Shhh, somebody’s coming, let’s hide!

                                           (Появляется Принц Эрик)

Prince Eric:    Oh, oh… My heart is beating so fast! (обращаясь к Ариэль) I think, I`ve seen you! I don`t remember where! I know your eyes! Who are you? Have we met before?

Ariel:    (кивает)

Prince Eric:    What’s wrong? You can’t speak? I feel bad because I don’t know your name, let me guess. ..Diana? Mildred? Rachel?

Flounder:    Ariel!

Prince Eric:    Ariel!

Ariel:    (кивает)

Prince Eric:     What a beautiful name! If only I could hear your voice!

But I  think… It`s you! You saved my life!

                      (Принц берет ее за руку и ведет во дворец. Им навстречу идёт переодетая Урсула и поёт голосом Русалочки)

Vanessa:    Eric, do you recognize me?

Prince Eric:    It’s you, my only and true love! Come to the palace, will you marry me?

Vanessa:    Hurry up, my future husband! The wedding will be in the evening, it’s my wish!

Prince Eric:    I’ll do everything you want!

                      (Принц и Ванесса уходят. Ариэль плачет.)

Fish 1:    Ariel! Do you know who this woman is!

Fish 2:    She’s Ursula, the witch!

Fish 3:     We must stop the wedding.

Fish 4:    Hurry up!!!

  (Свадьба – танец, во время которого разбивается ракушка Урсулы.)

Ariel:    Eric!

Prince Eric:     You –you can talk…It was you-all the time…

Ariel:    I wanted to tell you all the time. You wanted to marry this witch! I am your real savior.

Prince Eric:    Forgive me!  It’s all my fault! But now we can be together at last. Will you…?

Ariel:    Oh, yes! It’s my wish!


Narrator:     So our story has come to an end. Don’t forget that miracles can happen every moment of your life!




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