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 Turdaliyeva Gulchehra Ne’matjonovna,

an English teacher of  Andijan region,

Oltinkul district, school № 14


In the given article the role of a fairy tale as a methodical tool within the ability development process to communicate English for school pupils has been studied.

Key words: help, fairy tales, interest, pupils, methods, class, a lesson, teaching

        Fairy tales are a great and valuable source for English language lessons. They are fun, enjoyable and short. With the help of fairy tales children learn different language aspects: grammar, new vocabulary, values and in addition to that, fairy tales can influence positively on children's interest in books.

        One of the production methods that contribute to the active familiarization of students with knowledge is the study of fairy tales in English classes. Studying fairy tales in English lessons helps to combine elements of literary and language analysis. The introduction of a fairy tale into a lesson in teaching a foreign language allows one to analyze various types of speech activity that should be practiced in English lessons.

       In modern pedagogical practice, the communicative method of learning English is given special attention. It is believed that this is the most effective method of learning the language, allowing students to entertainingly and unobtrusively to master the intricacies of the English language. Today it is believed that during the study of English, students should master not only all language skills, but also have a clear idea of the traditions, culture, history, and realities of life of residents of English-speaking countries.

       English fairy tales are quite suitable for this purpose. I will say, even more, the use of English fairy tales in the classroom improves individual learning, promotes the development of motivation. It is necessary to strive to ensure that students receive satisfaction not only from the plot of the tale but also from the realization of what they understand in English, which is described in it. The indisputable advantage of using a fairy tale as a method of teaching the English language is the impression and emotional lift from the information received.

       Moreover, the use of fairy tales in the classroom contributes to the individualization of learning and the development of motivation of speech activity of students. When using fairy tales in the lessons of a foreign language, two types of motivation develop self-motivation, when the fairy tale is interesting in itself, and motivation, which is achieved by the fact that the student will be shown that he can understand the language that he is learning. This brings satisfaction and gives confidence in one's strengths and a desire for further improvement. It is necessary to strive to ensure that students receive satisfaction from a fairy tale precisely through understanding the language, and not only through an interesting and entertaining plot.

         One of the advantages of a fairy tale is the power of impression and emotional impact on students. Therefore, the main attention should be directed to the formation by students of a personal attitude to what they read. Achievement of such a goal is possible only, firstly, with systematic reading, and secondly, with methodically organized reading.

       So, a fairy tale is an inexhaustible source of games, fantasies, learning new things. It is a strong motivating factor that satisfies the need of students in the novelty of the material studied and the variety of exercises performed, which activates the students' mental activity, makes the learning process more attractive and interesting, makes you worry and worried, which forms a powerful incentive to learn the language. Using fairy tales in the lessons, we introduce children to the characters, traditions, and find common with Russian fairy tales. It is important to use authentic material in this process. With the help of a fairy tale, a teacher can develop almost all the skills and abilities, teach to predict, talk about the contents of a fairy tale. In children of primary school age, there is a change in the leading activity from play (in preschool age) to educational, which helps them move to the next stage of development associated with the activation of mental activity and with a new social status, new relationships with others.

         Thus, I believe that the use of fairy tales when teaching introductory reading in English lessons allows you to add variety to the content of the lesson, broadens the general horizons and communicative culture of younger students, develops a language guess, a sense of language, increases the interest of students in the language, and therefore and motivation for learning. Without a doubt, using a fairy tale will improve the process of learning English. A fairy tale, like any other element of the communicative method of language learning, diversifies classes, allows students to learn the necessary information easily and entertainingly, to develop language skills. But it should be understood that the effectiveness of using fairy tales in learning English depends on the rational organization of classes.





1.Bagg, M. B.  (1991).  Folk literature  in the  foreign  language classroom. Paper presented  at  the Meeting of  the Indiana Foreign Language Teachers Association (Indianapolis, IN, October 25, 1991).

2.De Blécourt, Willem. Tales of Magic, Tales in Print. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2012.

3.Ockey, G., & Ogden, D. (1997). Tapping Student Interest with Fairy Tales.


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