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Тренажер по чтению. Английский язык (2-3 класс)

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Правила чтения.



Safe, name, late, Jane, Kate, babe, hate, lake, Dave, made, fame, date, take, plate, pale, dame, bake, gate, rate, sale, wave, cake.

Mat, hat, sandwich, bad, Ann, bat, lab, mad, Max, sad, dad, rat, bag, fan, am, and, flag, jam, Pat.



Pete, he, meet, green, tree, me, see, read, speak, eat, we, meat, dream, seem, sea, seat, sleep, weep, please, stream, feed, deep, peal.

Pen, ten, let, red, bed, pencil, dress, left, desk, spell, nest, tent, test, rest, vest, then, net, well, bell, hen, men, pen, Pete, red, read, well, we, then, these, spell, see, tent, tea, set, sea.


Ii, Yy

Iceberg, fine, hi, bye, like, bike, I, my, type, sky, skype, fly, mine.

It, film, this, is, in, milk, villa, gorilla, pin, sit, fist, lip, his, him, kill, mill, ill, hill.

It, kite, sky, in, mine, my, is, nice, tie, lip, like, fly, pin, pine, pie, fist, five, by, sit, milk, his, time, line, hi.



OK, hello, nose, sofa, go, close, home, note, coke, bone, stone, so, stove, toe, tone.

Dog, on, not, stop, bottle, box, drop, smog, clock, top, hot, lot, fox, sock, pot, lock, coffee, doctor, robot, song, sorry, doll, nomination, nominee, Moscow, dolphin, bottle, body, boxing.


Some, mother, month, love, Monday, monkey, brother, country, cousin, does, London



Pete, he, meet, green, tree, me, see, read, speak, eat, we, meat, dream, seem, sea, seat, sleep, weep, please, stream, feed, deep, peal, street, Lee, feel, tea, peace, team, cream, read.



Bread, head, ready, steady,

Weather, feather, healthy,

Health, dreadful.

13 – thirteen

14 – fourteen

15 – fifteen

16 – sixteen

17 – seventeen

18 – eighteen

19 – nineteen

20 – twenty











Computer, student, tulip, music, pupil, cube, tune, use, blue, lute, user


Bus, cup, up, sun, shut, plus, run, but, rub, much, such, fun, gum, bubble, number.






Giraffe, gym, gentleman, Germany, page, large, charge, flag, bag, go, leg, big, grey, gum, jump, gymnastics, orange


Get, give, girl, glue


Jane             James          German       large             why         Winnie      Val               music

George         page            big              flag               where       villa          volleyball     pupil

leg                dog             grey            garden           what         video        computer      blue

go                John            Joe               game            wigwam    visit          student         number


but                                   funny – забавный           beautiful    clever      strong           funny  

up                                    beautiful – красивый      old             great        big                little

bubble                             clever – умная                 kind           young      weak             sad

fun                                  strong – сильный

                                        kind – добрый


human          hundred       hunt      puzzle     puma      under     unusual      use     usual

usually          butter          budgie   bus stop  lucky      Lucky You!   Rucksack    study 

subject          sunbathe     Sunday  sunglasses puma    suntan  manuscript       puzzle



e,i,y     a,o,u  ck


Cycling, cyclist, face, place, pencil,           clock, cat, black, close, climb, climate

Face, close, cake, cat, pencil, nice,             cube, cap, place, black, stick, Dick, back,

Pick, Nick, neck, sick, thick, cock,             clock, o’clock


mother                this                                           thank                   three

that                      these                                        thanks                  month   

father                   with                                         thin                      think

brother                 then                                         thick                    Mathematics



This is – это               This is a pen.                 This is a face.

That is – то                 This isn’t a tie.              This isn’t a fist.

These are – эти           This is a nose.               This isn’t a table.

Those are – те             This isn’t a lip.              This is a plate.







er, ir, ur

Her, service, person, university, verb, term, interpreter, per, percent, German, Germany, serve, servant.


Girl, bird, skirt, fir, dirt, sir, first, third, circle, shirt, stir, thirty, thirteen, birthday.


Fur, mur, murder, curl, turn, burn, burnt, curtain, purple, burglar, surname, hamburger.



Car, park, yard, garden, March, market, supermarket, arm, art, bar, bark, carp, carpet, carton, dark, darts, farmer, hard, harm, park, party, star, start, star Wars, far, are.




work             world

worker           worse

work metal     worm

work wood      worst



Corner, borsch, boring, door, floor, forest, form, norm, horn, forty, horse, or, short, sorry, tortoise, explore, more, indoor


Letter, doctor, under, duster, supper, better, butter, character, summer, upper, paper, ruler, winter, bigger, calendar, clever, over, dinner, Peter, teacher, baker, beggar, center, computer


Cooker, cooler, corner, dancer, dinner, engineer, eraser, explorer, farmer, father, flower, former, governor, grandfather, grandmother, hamburger, hamster, kindergarten, letter, looser, modern, never, number, November, September, October, December, number one film.


offer                      over                ruler

rider                       river               reporter

runner                    sister              baby-sitter

story teller             summer          together      

traveler                  under              upper

visitor                    player             waiter

warmer                  water              weather

winter                    wonder           worker
















spoon       book      tool      tooth            blood, flood, door

too           look       good     shook          bookcase       bookshop     food           spoon

boot         cook       foot      Moon          booklet          choose         good fun     good bye

cool         took        goose   school         bookshelf      cookie         noon           Liverpool

room       mushroom           logbook      shoot              zoo              look after – заботиться


Book, look, exercise-book, booklet – брошюра, bookshelf, bookshop, cook, food, cooker, good, took, school, tool, school-bag, cool, Moon, room, too, tooth, zoo.


Wh – [w]


What – что, какой

Where – где, куда

When – когда

Why – почему, зачем

Which – который

White – белый, wheel – колесо, whiskers – усы у животных


Who – кто

Whom – кому, кем, кого

With whom – с кем

a book – books         a tie – ties                     a class - classes

a stop – stops        an apple – apples         a match – matches

                                 a dog – dogs




Funny, sunny, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, happy, history, Italy, heavy, hockey, lovely.


sixty              any               berry           daddy       lucky     walky-talky      ninety     noisy

forty              army             biology       doggy       party      mystery           story        study

fifty               anybody       party            foggy       sunny     snowy             ugly         usually

seventy          baby             country       funny        very       twenty             symbol    many



Yes, yet, yellow, yesterday, yard, you, year, yogurt, young, your, yummy.













-oi- /oy-


Toy, boy, joy, enjoy, Roy, coin, point, noise, noisy, spoil, toilet, oil, choice


-ou-/-ow- в середине слова


house                                                   mouth                              now                      round

out                                                       mouse                              how                      sound

count                                                    town                                brown                  cloud - облако

round                                                   down                                bowl – чашка      owl -сова

counter-фишка                                   ground                              loud                      South -юг

country – страна, сель. Местность   mountain                          outer space           shout at – крич

shoulder                                              underground                     sound track           ать на

found                                                   How old?                         Powder                  Wow!-Ух ты!

How are you?                                      How many?                     Power                   clown




-ow- в конце слова


window               yellow                follow                              rainbow - радуга

sorrow                 elbow                 grow                                show - представление

widow                 fellow                 hollow                             swallow

pillow                  narrow                own – собственный      tomorrow

marlow                Moscow             owner – хозяин              low



Thank, safe, Jane, hate, how, name, Kate, lake, fine, late, babe, Dave, sandwich, dad, batman, mad, hat, Ann, lab, Max, bad, bat, laboratory, mat, finish, film, flag, fine, football, Fanny, jeans, jazz, jam, jelly, jacket, Jane, juice, pizza, stop, sport, computer, Pat, class, jump, jungle, like, bye, my, hi, fine, iceberg.


I, it, I am, film, milk, your test, this, villa, mum, is, gorilla, nut, in, Thank you! Zebra, zigzag, Liz, zip, is, music, busy, vase, nose, sofa, safe, stop, sport, Sam, bicycle, doctor, meet, elf, yes, office, cassette, Clem, green, let’s, Ed, iceberg, computer, Pete, tree, pen, pencil, he, me, ten, I’m from Russia, Where are you from?



Air, chair, hair, fair, pair, Clair.

Do, colour, good, foot, put, chair, where, cat, cake, car, let, Lena, third, pin, five, first, not, note, sport, sun, cube, circle, read, nine, rub, watch, too, coin, climb, cross, five, home, let, name, thin, shut, club, crossword, me, chin, three, stop, good, leg, budgie, time, sit, left, shake, boy, but, crisps, curtain, amusement park, door, my, run, thick, text, plus.











Dear, hear, fear, near, clear, ear, beard.


-all-/ -al-

All, small, call, tall, ball, mall, hall, wall, fall, always, also, at all – вообще, совсем.

Animal, balloon, colour, do, touch, chair, put.

Baseball, basketball, volleyball, call, football, floor ball, hall, fall, stall.



Telephone, photo, geography, alphabet, physical, dolphin, physics, phone, biography, bibliography.


Yogurt, your, yes, yellow, you, York, yummy-yummy, prickly, funny, fluffy, pretty, baby



Wall, what, well, white, where, when, why, who.

Tree, read, he, ball, small, street, please, we, see, speak, me, all, tall, this, that, these, those, think, thick, then, three, football, call, take, face, lake, name, time, five, line, nine, make, mine, my, men, take, time, tie, ten, walk, talk, wall, wash, swap, motorbike, hot, Ride my bike.

Foggy, frosty, cold, dog, camera, odd – нечётные, even – чётные, run, result, but, lunch, summer, music, Russia, under, duck, blue, museum, sun, Sunday, thus.

June, student, plus, suit, fruit, superman, fun, numerals, cut, but, flute, usually, buy, American, funny, number, mutt, thunder, mute, cinema, idea, films, musical, instruments, supper, duster, pupil, cup, upper, ruler, cube, cut, hundred, tulip, tube, customer.

Want, was, watch, warn, wardrobe, wash, water, war, warn, Washington, waxwork, wasp.



Ass, glass, pass, class, brass.



Bring, sing, long, spring, ink, looking, drink, think, sink, English, jungle, bingo, stronger, longer, thing, reading, kangaroo, orange, engineer, everything, fishing, dangerous, boring, evening, England, climbing, cringe, going, angry, traveling, doing, hungry, skating.

Long, strong, wrong, king, sing, going, watching, playing, swimming, dancing, reading.



Shelf, she, shake, shine, dish, selfish, fish, shake, shape, shone, shelf, shame.

Bench, chest, cheek, chin, chips, chat, chose, much, such, match, change, catch, teacher, kitchen, cheap, chips, watch, witch, which, each, catch, match, sketch, Scotch, chess, chest, chair, cheese.














Close, Kate, meet, kite, cube, take, tea, tie, toe, tube, plate, street, sky, stone, blue, name, me, my, no, tune, bad, beg, pig, dog, but, pan, pen, pin, on, run, man, net, milk, not, nut, back, neck, Nick, clock, plus, sit, toe, stop, note, pick, see, tube, stick, neck, pen, sock, take, stand, nine, plus, such, ten, stone, name, pot, this, chin, shut, cat, face, lace, then, cheek, shake, bring, sing, brass, ass, pass me, biography, phone, watch, water, cup, ice, those, match, she, clock, dear, hear, year, air, fair, fairy, pencil, three, much, ship, sheep, sheet, neck, place, six, cap, cup, bus, bake, blue, Sue, watch, thin, sat, safe, box, clock, bottle, shake, stop, shut, bone, lamp, stand, chest, cup, bed, plate, street, face, close, bad, left, text.


Doctor, sandwich, Max, Jane, Dave, cassette, tractor, taxi, telephone, kiosk, kilogram, dog, warm, want, bear, metro, million, macaroni, hello, music, Ted, kangaroo, Kate, computer, banana, bye, hi, football, Helen, lily, zero, hero, heavy, hockey, you, say.



Picture, adventure, temperature, culture, literature, capture, lecture, future, nature, creature, feature, furniture.


White, with, what, who, colour, do, touch, call, football, always, animal, small, call, hall, telephone.



Right, light, high, bright, tight, tights – колготки, slight, sight, night, light-blue, midnight, might, flight.



Square, queen, questionnaire - анкета, question, quiet, racquet, aquarium, aqua-park.


-ei (ey)/ ai(ay)


Eight, straight, they, grey, say, play, wait, day, day book, way, tail, stay, lay, daily, Sydney, spray, rain, laid, bay, gain, rainbow, rainy, lain, chain, away, pay, May, grain, gay, may be, pain, main, stain, waist, jail.

Guinea pig, hedgehog, garden, giraffe, good, budgie, gorilla.




Saw, law, raw, jaw, draw, straw, strawberry, withdraw.



Brought, bought, though, caught, taught, fought.














Mouse, out, cloud, cloudy, about, mountain, house, south, sound, ground, now, how, wow, cow, down, town, brown, clown, gown, crown, cowboy.



Our, flower, tower, shower, flour, sour.


Four, your.


Mum, sun, mother, young, bus, love, come, bun, stuff, some, brother, done, son, country, cover, cut, summer.


Colour, does, study.

Any, breakfast, clever, eleven, friend, never, present, said, says, second, seven.  




Dangerous, poisonous, famous, continuous, humorous, vigorous, generous, nervous, previous.


Guide, engineer, legend, Bengali, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Singapore, Germany, Portuguese, agent, ecology, geography, geology, bagpipe, Pilgrims, Gulliver.


-o(ou) + m,n,v,th-

Son, done, come, young, brother, stomach, cover, country, money, monkey, glove, none, stomachache.          













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