Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыУрок на тему "Eternal country"

Урок на тему "Eternal country"

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Date: 5.12.2011

Theme: “Kazakhstan is my Motherland.”

The  Objective:

1.students will be  able  to speak   about  geography and  the national symbols of Kazakhstan.

2.to develop  understanding,  logical  thinking and  oral  speech.

3.to bring  up the patriots  of   Kazakhstan,  to able  to protect it.

Accessories: computer, Interactive board, flashcards, the state symbol, the map of our Republic, cards, pictures.

Inter subject connection: Kazakh, geography, history and music.

The Procedure of the lesson:

I.The org.moment

Good  morning  students!                                    Good  morning   teacher!

Sit   down   please. Who  is on  duty  today?       I’m on  duty today.

Who   is  absent?                                             P1 is  absent  today and  the rest are present.

What  date is it  today?                                   Today  is ……… .

What  day  is today?                                        It is ……………. .

 II.  The lesson begins  with  singing the anthem of Kazakhstan.

Today  we  have   unusual lesson.  In this year we   celebrated   “ The 20th  year  of the Independence of Kazakhstan”. Our lesson  is dedict to this  anniversary  and  theme  of  our lesson called “Kazakhstan is my Motherland”.Let's   devide  our group  into two teams. The  first team will be called “Eagle” and the  second team “Tulpar”.

III.Now  begin our  lesson. Attention  please. Let’s start  the first round.

We  check  up our hometask. You  have  to retell the  text: “ The Ecological  Association “Tabigat”

IV. The  second  round:

 Read  this text: “Kazakhstan is my Motherland” in 3 minutes. Then you  will answer  questions.

1. What  is  the  capital of Kazakhstan?

2.What is the population of  Kazakhstan?

3 .What  large cities of Kazakhstan   do you  know?

4. What countries does it border on?

5.Is  the country  rich in mineral resources?

6.Are  residents  happy  to share hospitality with  their visitors?

V. The  third round:

 There  is   'jigsaw  task'. You  should put  the words  in right  order.

1. /is/ Kazakhstan/ the/ Astana/ of/  capital.

Astana  is  the capital  of Kazakhstan.

2./ is/  language/ official/ the/ Kazakh/.

The  official language  is Kazakh.

3. /rich/ the / country/ resources/ with/  such / copper/ mineral/as/ gold/ silver/oil/.

The  country  is  rich with  mineral resources such as  copper,gold, silver,oil.

4./was/ December/ it/ was / to Akmola/Almaty/the/ capital/1997/ until/then/moved/.

Almaty  was  the capital  until  December  1997  then  it  was moved  to  Akmola.

VI. The fourth round:


Give the  translation  of the words into Kazakh,Russian,English.

Look at the interboard and say the names of the  pictures in three languages.

1. ту,флаг,flag      

2. әнұран,гимн, hymn,    

3. елтаңба,герб,emblem, ANd9GcScwcc4nvs2bBdRKPDDl961VZRj3tZjqPdyiLTMnwr7O4tFdNyM5dSYtw

 4. елбасы,глава  государства,the head of state/imgpreview[22]

 5.карта,карта, map    Kazakhstan map

6. тау,гора,mountain  ANd9GcTr7mKYN-za2S04K24m4D7IEB6_u529hiPoOl7_HfV8HDYuVLQNWzfGsxk

7. өзен, река,river      

 8.«Ақорда»-Қазақстан  Республикасы Президентінің Резиденциясы, „Акорда„-Резиденция Президента Республики Казахстан, «Akorda»-President residence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.                                                       


 9.„Бәйтерек„ ,   „Байтерек” ,“ Baiterek”                                             ANd9GcTVrTBIsq8ZrFen5SoiQDFNQkprSfYZvumkpI9dP_Np0GLRYMI4FxGo2ITz

10. Министрліктер  үйі, Дом  министерств,Ministries House          

11.Бейбітшілік  және келісім сарайы, Дворец мира и согласия. Palace of  peace and consent.                                                                                                                                          




VII. The fifth round


       Geography                                 History                                General


50   Where is Kazakhstan                What  kind of state is         When does  Kazakhstan  celebrate the   

   situated?                                                Kazakhstan?                                 Independence Day?

    \in the centre of the Eurasian|   \democratic.independent\                          \on 16 December\




100 How  many regions   are            Who is the author                              Who is the author of the

there in Kazakhstan?                  of the state Hymn?                              of the state Emblem?                             

           \14\                                  Zhumeken  Nazhimedenov.                     \Zhandarbek Malibekov  

                                                    Nursultan Nazarbaev.                              and  Shota       Ualikhanov\                              





200   What  can  you  say              When is birthday of                      Where is the standard of the                                             

       about population?                      the State Symbols?                      state Emblem and the state  Flag                                  

    /about 16 million people/                \The 4th of June  1992\              placed?                                        

                                                                                                               \In the  residence of Kazakhstan


300 What is  the  highest                 When      did Kazakhstan                    When  was  the first  President

mountain  peak  of Kazakhstan?      become an independence                       of  the  Republic elected?

 /The  Khan tengri/                             state?           \1991\                                         /in 199

VIII.Giving  up the hometask

Your  hometask  for next time  will be

Home  task

Ex 12,13  p89-90



Thank  you  for  your   activity. Your  marks. The  lesson is  over. Good  bye.


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