Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыУрок по английскому языку на тему "Великобритания и Казахстан" (11 класс)

Урок по английскому языку на тему "Великобритания и Казахстан" (11 класс)

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Theme: Great Britain and Kazakhstan.

Aims: 1. To develop pupil’s skills of reading

           2. To increase pupils’ knowledge

           3. To brining up pupils


Procedure of the lesson.


1.     Org. moment

2.     Ph. Drill

If all the world were Paper,

And all the sea were ink,

If all the trees were bread and cheese,

What should/ would we have to drink?


-         какой грамматический материал? (условные предложения)

-         какой тип, что выражает, как образуется? (2 тип, выражает маловероятные действия)


3.     crossword





C 1.













p 2.














e 3.















N 4.














T 5.














R 6.











I 7.














1.     London is the … of Great Britain.

2.     The … of Kazakhstan is over 16 million people.

3.     The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated in … .

4.      There are 126 … live in Kazakhstan. They are Kazakh, Russian, Chinese and etc.

5.     The most famous tradition in Great Britain is to drink … at 5 o’clock.

6.     Colours of England’s flag are blue and … .

7.     The main river of  Kazakhstan is … river.


По выделенным буквам прочитайте название нашего урока. Сегодня мы будем говорить о стране, о стране Великобритания и Казахстан.

Написать ассоциации, которые возникают со словом «страна».


Country – population, capital, area, nation, flag, anthem, river, lake, mountain, climate, tradition, city, language, symbol, government.


4.     Read texts about countries.

a)     The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles. It consists of four parts: England, Wales, Scotland and  Northern Ireland. England, Wales and Scotland occupy the territory of Great Britain. Northern Ireland is situated in the northern part of Ireland.


 The territory of the United Kingdom is about 244 square kilometers. The  population is over 56 million. The capital of the country is London.        

      The northern and western part of the country is mountainous and is called the Highlands. The south, east and centre part is a vast plain which is called the Lowlands. The mountains are not very high. The rivers are not long. The most important of them are the Severn and the Thames.

       The mountains, the Atlantic Ocean and the warm waters of the Gulf Stream influence the climate of  Great Britain. It is  mild the whole year round.

       Great Britain is a highly developed industrial country.

       Great Britain is a country with old cultural traditions and customs. The most famous educational centres are Oxford and Cambridge Universities.

        The United Kingdom is a monarchy and the Queen is the head of the state. The British Parliament consists of two clambers: the House of Lords and the House of Commons.                                                                                                                             


b)    Kazakhstan was established as the Republic of Kazakhstan in December 1991. The area of country is 2.724.900 million square kilometers. This country shares its border with China and to the south with the central Asian republics of  Kirgystan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. The population of Kazakhstan is over 16 million people.

The Ural River flows through the western portion of Kazakhstan to the Caspian Sea. The central region of the country includes the Kazakh steppe to the north and deserts of central Asia in the south- west. The Altai Mountains can be found in the east.

The country is rich with mineral resources such as copper, gold, iron, nickel, silver and zink with deposits of oil and natural gas.

The largest city of Kazakhstan is Almaty which lies to the south- east of the country near the border with Kyrgyzstan and China. Almaty was the capital until December 1997 then it was moved to Akmola, 850 kilometres to the north- west. In May 1998 Akmola was renamed Astana, the Kazakh word for the capital.

Peaceful and generous, the land of the Kazakhs has always been famous for its hospitality.

Today residents are happy to share that famous hospitality and to show the visitors the Alatau mountains with famous Medeu.

Kazakhstan has many beautiful places and a rich culture. The official language is Kazakh and Russian is the language of international communication.  



Во время чтения и перевода текста ребята заполняют таблицу.



Great Britain


Official name















Rivers, lakes







Form of power




с) работа по текстам.

1. Найдите географические названия: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, England, Wales, Scotland and  Northern Ireland, London, the Severn and the Thames. С каким артиклем употребляется, почему?

2. Найдите предложение с превосходной степенью сравнения прилагательных.

The most important of them are the Severn and the Thames.

Как образуются степени сравнения прилагательных.

3. Найдите предложения с глаголом to be в ед. и во мн. числах.

The capital of the country is London. The mountains are not very high.


5.     Условные предложения.

1 тип: выражает вероятные действия, которые относятся к настоящему или будущему времени.

If + the Present Simple, the Future Simple.

2 тип: выражает маловероятные действия, которые относятся к прошедшему времени.

If + the Past Simple, would + V1.

3 тип: выражает невозможные действия, которые относятся к прошедшему времени.

If + the Past Perfect, would have + V3(ed).


Задание: составить по предложению по каждому типу условного предложения, используя тему урока.



It is a winter holiday. People decorate a fur tree. Congratulate each other, sing songs, make presents and have parties. The children are happy to receive presents. This holiday is celebrated all over the world. (New Year)


This holiday people celebrate on the 25th of December. This holiday means the beginning of the new year and the new life. Children rut along sock, called a  stocking at the end of their beds and Santa Claus conies down the chimney to bring them presents. English people like this holiday very much and prepare for it beforehand. They buy presents for each other. People prepared supper and all members of the family are gathered at home. (Christmas (or X-mas)


It is an autumn holiday. The days become shorter and the nights- longer. People make lanterns, go to the streets and enter any house they like. You must give sweets to the children. (Halloween)


It is a spring holiday. The weather is very warm, the sun shines brightly. The people do not work. They congratulate each other, sing songs. Make different competitions. The children are very happy. It is a national holiday, celebrated the beginning of the year. (Nayryz)

7. читать по предложению и определять к какой стране они относятся.


1. The main rivers are Irtysh, the Syrdaria, the Ural and the Tobol.

2. Among the lakes we can see the Caspian Sea, which is considered being the biggest lake in the world.

3. The flag reflects the history of the state.

4. This term can be explained as following: “union” means the union of England and Scotland in 1606 and “jack” means the flag of flown on the jack stag of ships to show their nationality.

5. This country consists of four countries.

6. The first invaders of this country were Romans. This country is rich in natural resources: coal and iron, copper and oil, gas can be found on its territory.

7. People of this country are proud of their countrymen: outstanding writers such as Abai Kunanbaev, G. Musrepov, M. Auezov, a famous scientist, great traveler, geographer and historian, an officer Chokan Valikhanov.

8. Some parents in this country choose private schools for their children.

9. Private schools are very expensive but considered to provide a better education and good job opportunities.

10. The native inhabitants are the Kazakhs, but representatives of more than 100 nationalities and ethnic groups live in this country.

11. When foreign guests leave this country they usually say that people in the country are wonderful. They are open, kind and very hospitable.

12. The head of this country is a Queen.


8.     Нарисуйте диаграмму Вена. (Venns diagram). Что общего и что различного.


                    KZ                                                                    GB

              President                 country                                  Queen                    

              Population             flag                                         area

              2717 sq. kl.               National emblem                 London

              Traditions                                                               English

               Europe and Asia                                                    Europe



















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Разработка урок для 11 класса реализует следующие цели:развивает речь детей, воспитывает уважение к и патриотизм к своей стране, увеличивает знания детей. Урок состоит из основных этапов: орг.момент, фонетическая зарядка, основная часть, подведение итогов. На уроке ребята решают кроссворд, заполняют таблицу. Дети развивают речь, чтение, письмо и аудирование. На уроке используются страноведческие тексты про Великобританию и Казахстан. Дети ищут различия и схожие черты между двумя странами. Также на уроке ребята знакомятся с новыми словами, в произношении которых реализуются в течении всего урока. На уроке повторяется грамматический материал "Условные предложения". Выполняются практические упражнения на все типы условных предложений, а также в виде примеров составляются свои предложения.

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