Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыУрок по английскому языку на тему "Learning languages" 9 класс

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9th grade                                                                               Lesson 21                                                           21/11/15

Theme of the lesson: Learning languages.

Objectives of the lesson:

1. To practice pupils in all types of speech activities for the subject "Learning languages".

2. Expansion of an outlook of pupils.

3. Development of personal activity of pupils.

4. Education of the positive and tolerant attitude towards the British culture, deeper understanding of the native culture.

Type of the lesson: combined.

Course of the lesson.

I. Org. moment.

- Good morning! Take your seats, please, and be ready for our lesson. If you are ready for the lesson, let’s start. The theme of our lesson is “Learning languages”. Today we are going to speak about the role of foreign languages in the life of the people and in your life. We are going to act dialogues, have some tasks in reading and listening comprehension, get some new information, then we’ll review some grammar material while using new words and expressions. Let’s read the epigraph of our lesson.

На доске: “Those who know nothing of foreign languages, know nothing of their own”. (J. Goethe)

II. Phonetic charging.

The English language, foreign languages, learning a language, official language, knowledge, fluently, memorize, necessary, practice, communicate, all over the world, advice, correspondence.

III. Speech charging.

- To begin with, let’s remember proverbs about learning foreign languages. Match two parts and translate them. Repeat them after me, please.

Better late

A child the world


Too late to learn

Education brings

Than never

Practice makes

And learn

It is never


IV. Presentation of a new theme.

visual - визуальный

auditory - слуховой

kinaesthetic - кинестетический

learner - ученик

Ex. 1 p. 62. Look at the photos and compare them in groups.

In which situation you think the more effective learning in talking place?

Which situation you think is more enjoyable for the student involved?

If you to improve your spoken English which of the situations would you prefer?

V. Work in pairs.

Чтение учащимися диалогов и составление своих диалогов по образцу (работа с раздаточным материалом).

а) чтение диалогов: №1: P1 – P2; №2: P3 – P4.

I. - How long have you been learning English?
- I’ve been learning it for seven years.
- What do you like most of all while learning English?
- I like reading books, magazines and watching videos.
- What about educational TV programmes?
- They are interesting and helpful.
- How do you cope with phrasal verbs?
- I try to memorize them. But it isn’t easy.

II. - What do you think about learning grammar?
- It is necessary foundations. You must learn and practise grammar in any language.
- What is the most difficult thing for you in learning English?
- I think listening. I sometimes can’t get the idea of what I hear. And I have to listen to tape again and again. 
- Learning a language is long hard and sometimes dull work. But … There are a lot of rewards for that work. I mean your ability to read, to communicate, to understand songs, to write, to travel abroad…

b) Some teenagers think that learning a language is long, hard and sometimes dull work. But there are some rules of memory which can help you to make this work easier. What kind of rules do you follow?

Think of your own dialogues for 2 minutes. Give your friend some advice on how to learn English easier.

P1 – P2, … ,

VI. Activization of lexicon during performance of lexical and grammatical exercises.

Ответившие диалог учащиеся сразу приступают к выполнению заданий

- So let’s review tag questions! Choose questions tags:

1) Let’s speak English, …

a) shall we?
b) don’t we?
c) do we?

2) Your friend can’t speak English, …

a) does he?
b) can he?
c) doesn’t he?

3) The best way to speak English fluently is to practice a lot, …

a) don’t it?
b) isn’t it?
c) isn’t he?

4) People all over the world speak 3.000 languages, …

a) don’t they?
b) do they?
c) doesn’t they?

5) Learning English can be fun, …

a) can he?
b) can’t it?
c) is it?

VII.Homework: to write the composition on a role of foreign languages to lives of people.

VIII. Conclusion.

a) T: Do you agree with the epigraph of the lesson?

(Учащиеся читают эпиграф к уроку ещё раз). Let’s read the epigraph of the lesson once again.

b) Вывод:

- Now you see that English has become the standard language of international communication and mass culture. I see that practically all of you will need English in future. I wish you success in learning it. Thank you for being active at the lesson. Your marks for the lesson are the following (Учитель оценивает работу учащихся на уроке).

- What emotions do you feel after the lesson? Positive emotions. Negative emotions.

-surprise -irritation

-happiness -boredom

-joy -sadness

-success -unsatisfaction

-admiration - fear


I feel ……

Because I …..

- …..was /not/ bored.

-…...worked hard.

-……answered properly.

-……was active and impassioned.

-…..received a reward/ a good /bad/ mark

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