Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыУстная тема "Traffic Rules"

Устная тема "Traffic Rules"

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Преподаватель английского языка

Вьюшкова Е.А.







Москва 2014

При обучении иностранному языку в колледже предусматривается и осуществляется профессионально-ориентированное обучение будущих специалистов. Его назначение – заложить основы практического владения иностранным языком в своей профессии. Все упражнения и задания построены на знакомом грамматическом  материале для активного овладения лексическим  минимумом профессиональной направленности. Итогом  каждой темы  блока является умение  учащихся вести беседу на элементарном уровне и умение  составить диалоги, краткий рассказ по данной теме.  Весь материал  пособия носит информативный  характер, что повышает мотивацию изучения английского языка  профессиональной

направленности. Использование данного материала на занятиях повышает мотивацию студентов к обучению, их образовательный потенциал, что, в свою очередь, способствует повышению качества профессиональной подготовки.








Упражнение 1. Прочтите и переведите интернациональные слова:

Direction,  international, regulations, indicators, signal, manoeuvre, special,  service, intensity, stop, limit.  


Упражнение 2. Переведите слова, обращая внимание на значение суффиксов:

To rely – reliable – reliability;  danger – dangerous;  manoeuvre – manoeuvrable – manoenvrability;  care – careful – careless; visible – visibility; safe – safety.


Упражнение 3. Прочтите  слова и словосочетания и постарайтесь их запомнить:



To drive  (a car)                                              

A driver                                                            

Traffic rules                                                                                                                                            

 Traffic way                                                                                                                                  


Traffic jam                                                      

Oncoming traffic                                                                                                                             

Vehicular traffic                                               


To take into consideration                             

The right-hand side                                         

The left-hand side                                           




To forbid (forbade, forbidden)                        

To be responsible for                                      

Steering wheel                                                

To conduct (a car)                                           

To obstruct                                                     


To adhere                                                        

A road sign                                                      

To comply                                                       

Turn, a turn                                                       

To make a turn                                                

Complete turn, U-turn , 


To accelerate                                                     

To alter                                                             

To warn                                                              

Special service cars                                               





To correspond                                                   

To observe                                                       

To  exist                                                                        



--  вести, управлять машиной

--  водитель, шофёр

--  правила дорожного   движения

--  движение транспорта, проезд, 


-- «пробка», затор

--  встречное движение  транспорта

--  автомобильный транспорт

--  действующий 

--  принимать во внимание

--  правая  сторона

--  левая  сторон

--  ряд, полоса дороги (для

     соблюдения рядности)

-- (ехать)  в ряд(у)

-- запрещать

--  быть ответственным  за …

 --  руль, рулевое  колесо

--  вести, управлять  ( машиной)

--  препятствовать движению

--  бдительный

--  придерживаться

--  дорожный знак

--  исполнять, подчиняться

--  поворачивать,  поворот

--  сделать поворот

--  разворот


--  ускорить

--  изменить (позицию в ряду)

--  предупреждать

--  машины специального   


--  видимость 

--  напряжённость, интенсивность

--  пешеход

--  соответствовать

--  следовать, соблюдать

--  существовать              



Упражнение 4. Прочтите и переведите текст:.



     Traffic regulations are international nowadays. But special regulations  valid for one country only are also to be taken into consideration.

     Traffic in Russia  is on the right-hand side of streets and roads with the traffic way wide enough for several cars moving abreast in on direction. It is forbidden to drive in the left-hand lane if the right-hand lane is free.  

     The driver should be responsible for the condition of his car, and in particular  the reliability of his brakes, the steering, the tires and the lights and indicators on his car.

     The driver should conduct the car he is driving in such a manner as not  to cause the danger to, or obstruct, the movements of another machine, be alert and keep to the route he is driving on

     While driving  in traffic, the  driver must observe and strictly adhere to road signs, signals and traffic lights, and also comply with the orders of  traffic inspectors.

     Before making a left or right turn, a complete turn, accelerating, stopping, or making  other manoeuvres which may alter  his position in the lane, the driver must give warning by signaling not less then five seconds before he starts the particular  manoeuvre.

     Careful attention must be paid to warning signals of special service cars  (fire engines,  ambulances, etc.) which have the right of way.

     The speed is regulated by the driver according to the condition of the road on which he is driving, visibility and also  the intensity of traffic and the number of pedestrians. Upon the slightest warning  of danger, he must lower his speed or stop the car.

     The speed limit in cities, town and villages is 60 km an hour. On some roads speed limit is increased up to 80  km  as  shown by the corresponding sign.. 

     It is forbidden to pass the car in front by driving in the lanes of the oncoming  traffic, at road or street crossings  and  pedestrian crossings, on bridges and also before  warning signs.

     It is forbidden to stop on left-hand side of street or road, except in narrow streets where vehicular  traffic  from both directions  passes along  a single lane.

     There exist some other traffic  regulations and rules, if you observe them carefully  you are safe on the road.


Упражнение 5. Найдите в тексте ответы на вопросы:

1. Is traffic in Russia on the left-hand side?

2. Should the driver be responsible for the condition of his car?

3. What must the driver observe while  driving in traffic?

4. What  is the speed limit in cities?

5.  What is it forbidden to do conducting the car?


Упражнение 6. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на модальные глаголы:


1.     Before driving a car, a person  is  to pass a driving test and get a driving licence.

2.     If you failed a driving text, you  have to  take it once more.

3.     The driver  should  be responsible for the condition  of his car.

4.     The driver  must  observe and strictly adhere to road signs, signals and traffic  lights.

5.     Careful  attention  must  be paid to warning signals of special service cars.

6.     Upon the slightest warning of danger, the driver  must  lower his speed or stop the car.   


Упражнение 7. Найдите в правой  колонке русские эквиваленты английских слов  и словосочетаний:


1  right-hand side                                                    

2  traffic way                                                           

3  road signs                                                            

4  traffic lights                                                         

5  traffic rules                                                           

6  special service cars                                               

7  fire engine                                                               

8  it is forbidden                                                       

9  road (street) crossing                                            

10 to move abreast in one 


11 to conduct  the car                                                

12 to cause danger                                                    

13 to be taken into consideration                             

14 pedestrians                                                               


1.     светофоры

2.     дорожный  переход 

3.     правила дорожного движения

4        вести  машину

5.     вызывать  опасность

6.      правая  сторона  движения

7.     пожарная  машина

8.     пешеходы

9.     дорожные  знаки


11. принимать во внимание

12. двигаться  в  ряд в одном 


      13. движение транспорта, проезд,


      14. машины специального




Упражнение 8. Выберите правильное  значение каждого слова, пользуясь словарём: 


           1.  A DRIVER                                       5    A ROAD SIGN

2   TRAFFIC  LIGHT                             6   PEDESTRIAN

3   ROAD                                              7   A DRIVING  LICENCE 

4   TO TURN                                        8   A TRAFFIC  JAM  



1  A line of vehicle waiting behind something that is blocking the road.

2  A set of red, yellow, and green lights  that control traffic.

3  Someone who is walking, especially in a city (or town), instead of driving or riding.

4  Someone who drives a vehicle.

5  A way that leads from one place to another, especially one with a hard surface that cars and       

    other  vehicles can  use.

6  An official document that  you need in order to drive. 

7  A sign that gives information  to drivers.

8  To make something change the direction in which it is moving.


Упражнение 9. Добавьте как можно больше слов и словосочетаний,     

которые Вы знаете, по теме “Traffic Rules”:



                                            4     traffic lights                                                                                     

   Traffic rules                                                   4 …                    4  …

                                              4  a driver            4  …         

                                     4    …                                4  … 4  …

                                                          4  …

                                       4   to make a turn      4  …


                                             4  …                           4  …

Traffic rules        4   lane        4  …

                                           4…                         4  …

                                               4  traffic way            4  …

                                               4   a road sign     4  …


Упражнение 10. В предложениях отсутствуют интервалы между

словами. Проанализируйте предложения, проставьте интервалы и

напишите предложения правильно:                 






Упражнение 11. Заполните пропуски в предложениях в соответствии с содержанием текста и переведите предложения на русский язык:


1. The driver should  _________   he is driving in such a manner as not __________, or obstruct    the movements of another machine, __________  and __________  he is driving on.

2  Careful attention must be paid to warning signals of __________, which have __________ .

3  The speed is regulated by the driver according to _________, visibility and also __________and the number of pedestrians.

4  There exist some other traffic regulations and rules, if you __________ them carefully  you  are  __________ on the road.


Упражнение 12. Подготовьте пересказ текста, используя  Упр.5 (как план).


Упражнение 13. Составьте диалоги, используя активную лексику урока.

Ask your friend: a) In what way must  the driver be responsible for the condition   

                                  of his car?

                   b)What is it forbidden while driving a car?



Упражнение 14. Знаете ли Вы дорожные знаки? Дайте русские эквиваленты этим символам:





1.     Railroad crossing with gates

2        Railroad crossing without gates

3        Intersection with tramway

4        Crossing

5        Light signals

6        Swing bridge

7        Road leads on to quay  or river bank

8        Dangerous bend to the right

9        Dangerous bend to the left

10   Winding  road, the first bend to the right

11   Winding road, the first bend to the  left

12   Steep descent

13   Steep ascent

14   Uneven road

15   Slippery road

16   Loose gravel

17   Carriageway  narrows – both

18   Carriageway narrows – right side

19   Carriageway narrows – left side

20   Two-way  traffic

21   Pedestrian  crossing

22   Road works

23   Cattle or other animal crossing

24   Falling rocks

25   Cross-wind

26   Other dangers


Упражнение 15. Знаете ли Вы дорожные знаки? Дайте русские эквиваленты этим символам:

      1 No entry

2 Closed to all vehicles in all directions

3 No entry for motor-cycles

4 No entry for  goods vehicles

5 No entry for animal-drawn  vehicles

6 No entry for power driven agricultural vehicles

7 No entry for any power driven vehicle  drawing a trailer

8 No entry for cycles

9 No entry for pedestrians

10 Load limit

11 Axle load limit

12 Clearance  height limit

13 Clearance width limit

14 Passing without  stopping  prohibited

15 No left turn  and  U-turn

16 No right turn

17 No  U-turn

18 Overtaking



Упражнение 16. Переведите предложения с русского языка на английский язык:


1        Перед тем как  водить машину,  Вы должны сдать тест на  вождение и получить  водительские  права.

2        Если Вы провалились при сдаче экзамена на вождение, то  Вы  можете сдать  его  ещё раз 

3        Водитель, управляя автомобилем  должен строго придерживаться   данного     маршрута,  дорожных знаков, сигналов светофора и подчиняться  приказам   дорожных  инспекторов.

4        Запрещается  вести машину по встречной полосе, а также там,  где  есть    

5        предупредительные знаки, запрещающие или ограничивающие  движение.

6        Какие машины имеют право преимущественного проезда?

7        Если Вы хорошо знаете и выполняете правила дорожного движения, то  Вы  безопасны  на  дорогах. 



Упражнение  14. Проставьте артикли, где необходимо. Прочитайте текст и дайте ответ на вопрос:”What were the traffic lights invented for?




      The first traffic signal was invented by ….. railway signaling engineer. It was installed  outside ….. Houses  of Parliament in ….. 1868. It looked like  any  railway signal of the time, and was operated by ….. gas. However, it exploded and killed ….. policeman, and the accident discouraged  further development until  cars  became  common.

     Modern traffic lights are ….. American invention. Red-green  systems were installed in 1914. Three-colour  signals, operated by hand from a tower in ….. middle  of the street, were installed in  ….. New York in 1918.    ….. first lights of this type in Britain were in London  in …..  junction  between  St. James’s  Street  and  Piccadilly, in 1925.

     In ….. past, traffic lights  were special.  In New York, some lights had …..  statue on the top. In Los Angeles  the lights did not change    just       silently, but rang bells to wake the sleeping motorists of the 1930s. These are gone and have been replaced  by …..  standard models, which are universally  adopted.


Упражнение 15.  Переведите текст, пользуясь словарём.    

                                (Технический перевод.)





          Japanese  technology has produced a unique traffic signal that can be  “seen”  by blind pedestrians. The device is a steel  cylinder,  37  inches high and  7  inches in diameter, which is linked to the conventional traffic system  and which vibrates when the traffic light is green.

A blind pedestrian  can thus determine the signal indication by touching the cylinder with  his hand or cane  to find out  whether or not it is vibrating. The sidewalk  around the intersection where one of these signal systems  is installed   is  paved with  tiles  having  Braille*  characters which  indicate  that signals for the blind are in place. The complete system for an intersection consists  of eight  cylinders, two at a corner,  for each  possible direction of walking. The signal was designed by the Traffic Safety Research Centre  in Okayama City.  It is operated by a 74-watt AC motor. 


*  Braille  --  a reading system for blind people that uses small raised marks that they feel  with their fingers. 


Упражнение 16.  Переведите текст, пользуясь словарём.    

                                (Технический перевод.)



1.Keep left allowing the vehicles from the opposite direction to pass.

2.Give way to all traffic on your right, especially at road junctions and roundabouts.

3.While turning left or right, give way to vehicles going straight.

4. While turning left, keep to the left side of the road and turn close to the

left side of the road which you enter.

5.Slow down at road junctions, intersections and pedestrian crossings.

   You must also slow down near school zones, temple areas etc., where a lot of pedestrians and vehicle traffic move. Signal before you make any maneuver indicating your intention so that the other road users can adjust accordingly.

6. Always use a helmet if you are driving a two-wheeler and always see that

when you use the helmet, the strap is fixed properly..

7. Stick to the speed limit and remember that speed limit is related to the traffic condition.

8.Remember that stopping distance of your vehicle depends on the speed at which you are driving.

           Ex.: If you are driving at 40 km per hour, the braking distance would be  22ms. But if you  are driving at 60 km per hour, the braking distance will be 42 ms.

9. Keep adequate distance from the vehicle ahead to avoid collision.

10. Yellow lines should not be crossed, even while overtaking.

11. At road junctions or intersections, do not park the vehicle beyond the stop line.

12. Remember that at pedestrian crossings, the pedestrian has the right of way.

13.At the signal, do not stop your vehicle on the Pedestrian Crossing but stop it within the stop line.

14. Two wheelers are meant only for two. Do not carry children additionally.

15. Do not start on the amber light. Wait for the green.

16.Overtake only on the right side and do not overtake on bridges, narrow  roads, junctions, school zones and pedestrian crossings. Do not overtake when one vehicle is already overtaking the vehicle which you want to overtake.

17. Never drive in a zig-zag manner. You can observe all the above only  if

you are patient, considerate and careful.



      Most accidents happen due to overspeeding and rash driving. When you overspeed, your field of vision itself will be reduced as the speed increases. Remember that the speed limit  is only the maximum permissible speed and  that actual speed should be related to the traffic and road conditions.

     1.Frond and read doors of the car particularly the right hand side door should be opened only after making sure that there is no vehicle, cyclist or even a pedestrian coming along close

to the door.

     2.In places where it is indicated as accident-prone areas, you must drive very carefully.

     3.When there is obstruction ahead, do not drive on the other side of the road without waiting and giving way to the on coming traffic.

     4.Never exceed speed limits even if the road is free and even if there  is no policeman around. Never be a rash driver.

     5.Be a defensive driver by anticipating situations which can lead to accidents. Expect the unexpected.

     6.Keep a safe distance between the vehicles by avoiding driving very close behind the vehicle in front.

     7. Avoid turning your vehicle abruptly.

     8. Never drive when you are overtired since you cannot be alert.

     9.Any distraction, whether conversation or looking at advertisement  hoardings should be avoided.

   10.During night driving, dip your headlights and do not direct the full glare of your headlight

at the on coming vehicle even if he does not dip his headlight.

   11.Keep your vehicle, particularly brake, in good condition.

   12. Finally your attitude, frame of mind and behavior are also very important.

Courtesy and consideration to other road users, patience and responsible behavior can always save you and other road users from accidents.









In case of brake failure:

1.First do no panic; when you panic, you cannot take correct action.

2.Take your foot off the accelerator and rapidly change gear down.

3. Use hand brake.

4. Steer to the side.

In case of steering failure:

1.Reduce speed.

2.Apply brakes.

In case of tire burst:

Hold the steering wheel tight to control the pulling and halt the car quickly.

In case of skidding:

1.It can occur due to bad tires, due to spilt oil on roads and wet surface in rainy weather.

It can also occur when you apply sudden brake or take a sharp fast turn.

2.While it is skidding do not apply brake but gently steer in the direction in which it is pulling.

Precautions to be taken at intersections:

1.At intersections, stop, look and then enter.

2.Always give way to traffic on the main road.

3.At the intersection of two main roads give way to traffic coming from you right.

4. At all roundabouts, traffic on the right has preference.

























Keys to the exercises.

Traffic Rules

Ex.7   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14 

          6  13  9    1  3  14  7  10  2    12    4     5    11     8 


Ex.8   1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8

           4   2    5    8    7    3    6    1


Ex. 13  1-a, 2-the, 3--, 4--,  5-a,  6-an,  7-the,  8---,  9 the,  10 the,   11the,   12 a,  13 ---  .




























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