Инфоурок Иностранные языки Другие методич. материалыВнеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку."Телепередача.Знакомая и незнакомая Британия"

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку."Телепередача.Знакомая и незнакомая Британия"

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«Familiar and Unfamiliar Britain»

«Знакомая и незнакомая Британия»



            6 класс


                                               Купеева Ф.Б.

                                                                       Горбань О.Ю.











Ведущий: In everyday speech the word "Britain" is used to mean theUnited Kingdom and the British are those people who live on the British Isles. Our topic is "Familiar and unfamiliar Britain" We'd like to give you some interesting facts in geography, culture of Great Britain. And of course we are interested in character and lifestyle of British people. You know that full name of Great Britain is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. There are four countries in it. And now we are going to speak about them. Butat first some words about its flag.

Pupil 1: The UK's national flag is Union Jack. It was set up in 1801 af­ter the last of the three Acts of Union. Union Jack presents the com­bination of colours and crosses of national flags of England, Scotland and Ireland of that time. The name, the colours and crosses symbol­ize the union of the united parts of the country, Union Jack has three crosses. The red upright cross on the white field is St George Cross ­the patron saint of England. The diagonal white cross on the bluefield is St Andrew's Cross - the patron saint of Scotland. The red diagonal cross on the white field is St Patrick's Cross - the patron saint of Ireland.

Pupil 2: Scotland. It is a country of great variety with its own unique character and strong traditions. It is a very beautiful country famous for the diversity of its landscapes. Scottish lakes, called "lochs" are surrounded by picturesque hills and mountains.

The most famous of the Scottish lochs is Loch Ness, because of the mystery of its monster. It is not the largest lake in Britain, but it is 35 km long. The weather of the lake is dark and always very cold. It is a strange creature with two humps in its back, the head of a snake, a giraffe-like neck and two very short front legs. People called the water monster Nessie. The Loch Ness monster is a real attraction for people from all parts of Britain and from many other countries.

Pupil 3: Wales. It is a small country but there is no other part of the British Isles where national spirit is stronger, national pride more intense or national traditions more cherished than in Wales.

The 800-year-old National Eisteddfod, an annual festival of Welsh music and poetry has been held early in August since the 12th century. It attracts Welsh people from all over the world. Welsh is the official language of the festival. The program includes male choirs, brass-band concerts, many children's events drama, arts, crafts.

The most impressive ceremony of the festival is the crowning of the Bard. When the best poet's name is called, he comes forward to the platform. There he is given a purple robe to wear. A crown of golden oak leaves is placed on his head.

Pupil 4: Northern Ireland. There is an old Irish saying that Ireland mustbe the cleanest place in the world, because God washes it every day. Ireland is also called the ”Emerald Isle” because of its beautiful green fields.Everybody knows that the national emblem of Ireland is a shamrock. It illustrates the Christian doctrine of the Trinity to the Irish. Inside the shamrock there is a red hand. Why is it here? The legendtells us that 3000 years ago two Vikings chiefs went with their men in big boats to Ireland. The first man to touch the Irish land would be the king. Then one of the chiefs cut off his right hand and threw it. So he was the first and he became the king of Ireland.

Pupil 5: England. England means different things to different people. To some of them it is "a fortress built by nature" to some - "a foggy Albion".

Some people call it "the workshop of the world", others - "a landof sleepy rural beauty".One of the oldest prehistoric monuments is Stonehenge. The monument consists of two circles of huge stone blocks.

 Inside of them there are two groups of stones in the shape of a horseshoe. It is a ritual monument of Druids used for performing mystic rites at dawn on Midsummer Day - 24th June.

Ведущий:Thanks for your attention. You've heard some geographical andcultural facts about Great Britain. But our information is not complete because we said nothing about the British. Who are they? Are they different from other Europeans? In what way? Who can answer these questions? Our special reporter will try to find answersto them. Now he is at the airport. The reporter is meeting some touristswho were traveling in Great Britain. They've visited Scotland, Wales, England, and Northern Ireland. May be they can clear thissituation.

AT THE AIRPORT(A reporter, 3 tourists)

Reporter. Good morning. Excuse me. I'm a reporter. Myname is Jane Smith. We are making a programme "Familiar and unfamiliar Britain". Could you answer some questions for it, please?

Tourist  1. Yes, of course.

Tourist2. OK.

Tourist 3. I'm sorry, I am in a hurry.

Reporter. Oh, it will take you for 5-6 minutes. Will you introduce yourselves?

Tourist 1. My name is Polly.

Tourist 2. I am Mr. Brown.

Tourist 3. Mr. Whimper.

Reporter. Where have you been?

Tourist 1. Oh, we've been to Great Britain.

Tourist 2. Yes, we've visited England, Scotland, Wales, andNorthern Ireland.

Reporter. Can you tell me, please, what are your impressionsof these countries?

Tourist 1. Oh, it's a great country. It's rather interesting. There are many beautiful landscapes, old castles especially in Scotland. Oh, I've made so many photos. I liked everything.

Tourist 2. I'm of the same opinion. I totally agree that Great Britain is a great country. As for meI was greatly impressed by the sights: Buckingham Palace, TrafalgarSquare, Hyde Park.

Reporter. And what's your opinion, Mr. Whimper?

Tourist 3. I don't agree at all. I didn't like this country. These uncomfortable double-decker buses, queuing is everywhere, even at the bus stops. And the weather? It's terrific! It rains cats and dogs every day! I had to buy a large umbrellaand take it everywhere!

Reporter. I see. Thank you. And the last question. What canyou say about British character and the lifestyle? Irish, English, Welsh, and Scottish - are they different or alike?

Tourist 1. I think they are rather different. English are politeand well-mannered. Besides they have good sense of humour. Andthey are rather charming.

Tourist 2. I think you are right. I'd like to add that Englishpeople like countryside. Besides they are very prudent and careful. The Irish are very friendly. As for the Scots they are very serious, I think, rather inventive. The Welsh are very emotional people. Butall British have the common trait - they are very polite!

Tourist 3. I don't agree at all! For centuries the British have been known as snobbish, aloof, hypocritical and unsociable. Besides you can hear "Thank you!", "Please!", "You're welcome!", "Not at all!" everywhere. Everything irritated me.

Reporter. Thank you very much! Good bye!

Tourists: Not at all. Bye!

Ведущий:Now you see what the main traits of the British people are. The Irish are friendly and polite. The English are prudent, careful, well-mannered, and polite. The Welsh are emotional and polite. The Scots are serious, inventive, and polite. All people are different. As you noticed they have one commontrait - politeness.

So, we can say that it distinguishes British people from other Europeans. And now we'd like to show you one comic scene about two very polite Englishmen. You'rewelcome.

Сценка «Учтивый разговор».(Pupils 6,7)


История очень вежливая

И не слишком короткая

Один англичанин толкнул англичанина

И тут же сказал:

«Извините, нечаянно».

Второй англичанин любезно ответил:

«Простите, но я ничего не заметил». ¬

«Нет-нет, это вы, ради Бога, простите».¬

«Простите, но что мне прощать, объясните». _

«Как - «что мне прощать»? Неужели не ясно?»¬

«Сэр,  вы беспокоитесь, право, напрасно:

 Я рад бы простить вас, но мне не понять,

 Что именно должен я вам извинять».




Толкнул англичанина

И сразу сказал:

«Извините ¬


На что собеседник любезно ответил:


Но я ничего не заметил».


Это вы, ради Бога, простите».¬


Но что мне прощать,

Объясните». ¬

«Как - «что мне прощать»?

Неужели не ясно?» ¬


Вы беспокоитесь, право, напрасно:

Я рад бы простить вас, но мне не понять,

Что именно

Должен я вам извинять».






 И сразу сказал:

 «Извините! ...


На что собеседник любезно ответил:

«Простите, но ¬

Я ничего не заметил».¬


Это вы,

Ради Бога, простите». ¬


Но что мне прощать ?!

 Объясните!» ¬

«Как - «что мне прощать»?

Неужели не ясно?!!»


Вы беспокоитесь,

Право, напрасно:

Я рад бы простить вас,

 Но мне не понять,

Что именно

Должен я вам извинять!».






И сразу сказал:

 «Извините, нечаянно!»

Но тут собеседник

Ответил иначе:


Но я вам, пожалуй, дам сдачи».



Два англичанина

Друг друга до ночи



Авторская интерпретация,

Которая может не совпадать с читательской,


Послесловие переводчика

По вкусу



и завтрак, и обед




плохого в этом нет.




за слабого, к примеру,


даже вежливость ¬


когда забудешь меру.

Тhе House That Jack Built (Pupil 8)

This is the house that Jack built.

This is the corn

That lay in the house that Jack built.

This is the rat,

That ate the corn

That lay in the house that Jack built.

This is the cat,

That killed the rat,

That ate the corn

That lay in the house that Jack built.

This is the dog,

That worried the cat,

That killed the rat,

That ate the corn

That lay in the house that Jack built.

Thisis the cow with the crumpled horn,

That tossed the dog,

That worried the cat,

That killed the rat,

That ate the corn

That lay in the house that Jack built.

Дом, который построил Джек (Pupil 9)

Вот дом,

Который построил Джек.

А это пшеница,

Которая в тёмном чулане хранится

В доме,

Который построил Джек.

А это весёлая птица-синица,

Которая ловко ворует пшеницу,

Которая в тёмном чулане хранится

В доме,

Который построил Джек.

Вот кот,

Который пугает и ловит синицу,

Которая ловко ворует пшеницу,

Которая в тёмном чулане хранится

В доме,

Который построил Джек.

Вот пёс без хвоста,

Который за шиворот треплет кота,

Который пугает и ловит синицу,

Которая ловко ворует пшеницу,

Которая в тёмном чулане хранится

В доме,

Который построил Джек.

А это корова безрогая,

старого пса без хвоста,

Который за шиворот треплет кота,

Который пугает и ловит синицу,

Которая ловко ворует пшеницу,

Которая в тёмном чулане хранится

В доме,

Который построил Джек.


Ведущий:Thank you very much for your work. Уour stories were interesting. We all knew mаnу facts about Great Britain and character of Englishmen.

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