Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыЗаочная 10 класс 2е полугодие тест

Заочная 10 класс 2е полугодие тест

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Exercise 1   Read the text and match paragraphs A-G to the headings 1-8.  There is the an extra heading. Use heading once.( 7 points)


Victorian style houses



Place full of  fossils



Kid-friendly place



Distinctive neighborhoods` city



Top art college



State of Massachusetts



The eccentric state



Constructed at the beginning of 20th century


A.   At the northern tip of Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island's capital city is wonderfully compact, diverse, and eccentric. Its long history, from its founding by dissidents escaping Puritan Massachusetts to its colorful contemporary politics, may explain the eccentricities. These combine with its wealth of historic sights (entire neighborhoods are designated historic districts) and artistic highlights to make Providence fun to visit.

B.    Visitors who love architecture will be happy in Providence, whose old downtown (called Downcity here) is filled with priceless period architecture. Art Deco and Beaux-Arts buildings and late Victorian terra-cotta facades were spared the ravages of urban renewal and retain beautiful and astonishingly well-preserved decorative details. Downcity's granite icon, The Arcade, was America's first shopping mall, built in 1828. Filled with locally owned boutiques and galleries, it's still a favorite for shopping.

C.   In addition to offering top tourist attractions and things to do, Providence is lively and full of character, a city of distinctive neighborhoods reflecting both its ethnic and cultural diversity. A high-powered student population from Brown University, Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), and Providence College keep it young and vibrant, along with insuring a rich arts and intellectual scene. People here take their restaurants seriously, so be sure and ask locals for dining suggestions — you'll always get an informed opinion.

D.   The 40-acre Roger Williams Park Zoo is not only one of the oldest zoos in the country, but it's a paragon of modern zoo design and concept. At this kid-friendly and largely cage-free place, you can meet a snow leopard, giraffe, elephant, zebra, wildebeest, alligator, kangaroo, and red panda, and small-fry can climb into the treehouse or go for a camel ride.

E.    Roger Williams Park has a lot more, and it's easy to see why it is one of the city's favourite places to visit for families. Covering 435 acres with gardens and a lake, the park has a 1915 bandstand, an amphitheater, the 1773 Betsy Williams Cottage, and a children's area with a carousel and trackless train rides. Also in the park is a Museum of Natural History with insects, minerals, fossils, and the state's only planetarium.

F.    Whether your artistic passion is for French Impressionists or Japanese prints, or your design tastes run to ancient Egyptian, early American, or cutting-edge contemporary, you will find enough to keep you happy in the depth and breadth of this museum's collections. The Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), one of America's top art colleges, reflects its own wide range of specialties in the objects chosen for its museum.

G.   A Providence landmark, the white marble Rhode Island State Capitol dominates the city with the world's fourth largest self-supported dome. The neoclassical building was designed by the architectural firm of McKim, Mead & White, and completed in 1904. You can visit the building on your own or with a free guided tour. You'll see the painting entitled "The Four Freedoms" by James Allen King, inside the dome, and Gilbert Stuart's portrait of George Washington. There's also a gun from the battle of Gettysburg and a replica of the Liberty Bell.

Exercise 2 Using words in the brackets make-up appropriate words ( 10 points)

9.                 Atwells Avenue crowns Federal Hill, the hill that __________________(to  rise) to

10.             the west of Downcity, and ______________(to be)  the vibrant heart of Providence's

11.             large Italian American community. That community now_____________(to spread)

12.             throughout the city, but the concentration of restaurants, cafés, and shops____(to sell)

13.              Italian foods along Atwells Avenue and its adjacent ___________________(street)

14.             and squares stems from the days when___________________________(immigrate)

15.             grouped closely with others who shared _____________(they) language and traditions.

16.             Today, Italian cooks shop in its delis and bakeries to find______________(fresh make)

17.             mozzarella, tangy pickled cherry peppers, imported ___________________(to cure)

18.             meats, and golden panettone. Come here to eat an Italian________________(meal),

19.             whether it's spaghetti and red sauce called________________(simple) "gravy" here.

Exercise 3 Comment on the following statement(10 points)

City to give residents 60-day grace period on property tax, utility bills

What is your opinion? Do you agree with the statement.

Write 200 -250 words (count them and write them in the brackets) in space provided

Use the following plan

          Make an introduction- state the problem

          Express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion

          Express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion

          Explain why don’t agree with the opposing opinion

          Make a conclusion restating your position



Victorian style houses



Place full of  fossils



Kid-friendly place



Distinctive neighborhoods` city



Top art college



State of Massachusetts

Extra one


The eccentric state



Constructed at the beginning of 20th century


9.     rises

10. is

11. spreads

12. selling

13. streets

14.  immigrants

15. their.

16. fresh-made

17. cured

18.  meal

19. simply




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