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Павлодар облысы,Ақтоғай ауданы,Балтасап ауылы

«Балтасап негізгі мектебі»

коммуналдық мемлекеттік мекемесі







оқу-әдістемелік құрал 




 Пән мұғалімі: Ж.М.Малгаждарова










                                        2015-2016 оқу жылы  









Пікір берушілер:    Хайыров А.Б. – ф.ғ.к., доцент 

 «Ағылшын тілі грамматикасы» оқу-әдістемелік оқу қҧралында ағылшын тілінің грамматикасы жан-жақты талданып, анықтамалар берілген. Аталмыш оқу-қҧралда ағылшын тілінің грамматикасының кейбір бӛлімдері кесте арқылы тҥсіндіріліп, мысалдардың қазақша аудармалары кӛрсетілген, сонымен қатар бҧл оқу-әдістемелік қҧралда ағылшын тілінің грамматикасы қазақ тілі грамматикасымен салыстырмалы тҥрде оқытылады.

Бҧл әдістемелік қҧрал 19 бӛлімнен тҧрады: алдымен ағылшын тілінің грамматикасы тҥсіндіріледі, кейін жаттығулар жиынтығы, соңында ӛткен грамматикалық тақырыпты пысықтауға тест тапсырмалары берілген. 

Бҧл оқу-әдістемелік қҧралы оқытушылар мен студенттерге, сонымен қатар ағылшын тілін оқып-ҥйренушілерге, жалпы кӛпшілікке арналған. 




























Зат есім түрлері

Зат есім – заттардың, нәрселердің атын, табиғаттағы және қоғамдағы қҧбылыстарды, уақиғаларды, ҧғымдар мен тҥсініктерді білдіретін сӛз табы. Зат есімдер жалқы және жалпы болып екіге бӛлінеді.

Proper Nouns  (Жалқы есімдер) белгілі бір затты, нәрсені арнайы, даралай айтады.

Кісі аттары:

Aygerim, Amanat, Almas.

Географиялық атаулар: қала, ӛзен, кӛл, тау аттары

Алматы - Almaty 

            Астана - Astana             

Common Nouns (Жалпы есімдер) әр алуан деректі және дерексіз заттар мен ҧғымдарды білдіретін зат есімдер.

Жалпы есімдер санауға санауға келетін (countable) және санауға келмейтін (uncountable)  болып екіге бӛлінеді.

Countable (cанауға келетін) яғни заттарды санауға болатын зат есімдер:

I have bought a book. I have bought two books.

There are many libraries in Astana. 


Uncountable (cанауға келмейтін)  зат есімдер тобы:


Food: rice, sugar, fruit, milk, bread, butter, cheese

Fluids: blood, water, oil, coffee, tea, gasoline

Raw materials: wood, paper, glass, iron, silver, wool

Gases: oxygen, nitrogen, air, pollution, steam

General: furniture, mail, money, traffic, equipment

Groups: jewelry, machinery, luggage, clothing, cash

Languages: English, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish

Academic subjects: chemistry, mathematics, psychology Abstract things: education, health, intelligence, beauty, knowledge, sleep, hope, music, time










Зат есімнің классификациясы


Негізгі зат есім (Simple Nouns).  Негізгі зат есімге ешқандай жҧрнақ жалғанбайды

Мысалы: a table, a room, a girl, a ship. 

Туынды зат есім (Derivate Nouns) Зат есімге жҧрнақ жалғану арқылы жасалған зат есім. Туынды зат есім жасайтын жҧрнақтар:

-   er: teacher, writer  

-   ment: development, government

-   ness: sadness, kindness

-   ion: restriction, connection

-   dom: freedom, wisdom

-   hood: childhood, neighbourhood

-   ship: leadership, friendship  

Кҥрделі зат есім (Compound nouns)  Екі немесе бірнеше зат есімнен құралған зат есім.  A class, a postman, an airport 


Зат есімдердің көпше түрінің жасалуы


Ереже Rules

Жекеше түрі


Кӛпше түрі Plural

Есте сақтаңыз Remember

Зат есімнің тҥрін жасау ҥшін тҥбірге

-s жалғауы жалғанады.

a table a dog a cat

two tabls two dogs two cats


Зат есімдер –ch, -s,

-ss, sh, tch, -x әріптеріне

аяқталса, - es жалғауы жалғанады.

a dish

a match a class a box

two dishes

two matches two classes two boxes


Зат есім –у әрпіне аяқталып, оның

алдында дауыссыз тҧрса -es  жалғауы

жалғанады да, әрпі –i әрпіне айналады.

a story

a city

two stories

two cities



Егер зат есім жекеше тҥрде –у әрпіне аяқталып, оның алдында

дауысты әріп

тҧрса, онда –у әрпі

ӛзгермейді, кӛпше тҥрде тек –s жалғауы жалғанады.

a key a day

two keys two days


Зат есім жекеше тҥрде -f немесе -fe әріптеріне

аяқталса әрпі v 

әрпіне ӛзгереді де, -es жалғауы жалғанады.

a knife

a shelf

two knives two shelves

Ереже бағынбайтын кейбір зат есімдер:

▪  a cuff-cuffs

▪ a handkerchief- handkerchiefs

▪ a roof - roofs

▪ a safe- safes ▪ a belief – beliefs

▪ a chief - chiefs

▪ a cliff – cliffs

Жекеше тҥрде зат есім –о әрпіне

аяқталса және –о әрпінің алдында дауыссыз әріп

тҧрса, онда зат есімге

–es  жалғауы жалғанады.

a tomato

a hero zero

volcano tornado mosquito

two tomatoes two heroes

zeroes / zeros

volcanoes / volcanos

tornadoes / tornados

mosquitoes / mosquitos

a kilo – kilos

▪ a photo - photos ▪ a piano – pianos

▪ radio - radios

▪ a video - videos

▪ a zoo - zoos

▪ a hippo - hippos

▪ tattoo – tattoos

▪ a rhino – rhinos

Күрделі зат есімдерге кӛптік жалғау басты

мағыналы сӛзге жалғанады.


hotel – keeper 

mother-inlaw manservant


hotel – keepers

mother-in-laws man-servants


Кейбір зат есімдердің көпше тҥрі ешқандай

ережеге бағынбай,

сөздегі дауыстыны өзгерту арқылы жасалады.

a man

a woman a foot

a mouse a tooth a goose


women feet


teeth geese


Кейбір зат есімдердің жекеше түрі мен көпше тҥрі бірдей.

a deer

a species

a sheep a fish



sheep fish


Латын, грек және француз тілінен

енген зат есімдер сол тілдердегі кӛпше тҥрінің формасын сақтайды.

a formula a datum

a bureau an index

hypothesis thesis

bacterium cactus

formulae data

bureaux indices

hypotheses theses

bacteria cacti





THE CASE Зат есімнің тәуелдік жалғаулары


Ағылшын тілінде екі септеу бар: жалпы септеу (The Common

Case) және тәуелдік септеу (The Possessive Case)

The Common Case (Жалпы септеу)


Жалпы септеудегі зат есімдер орнына қарай әртҥрлі функцияны атқарады. Егер зат есімдер, сӛйлемде баяндауыштың алдында тҧрса, ол бастауыш болады. Егер зат есімдер сӛйлемде баяндауыштан кейін тҧрса, ол тура толықтауыш болады

Мысалы: The student recognized the teacher. Студент оқытушыны таныды.

The teacher recognized the student. Оқытушы студентті таныды.

Баяндауыш пен тура толықтауышты білдіретін зат есімдер арасында жалпы септеудегі басқа адамды білдіретін зат есім тҧруы мҥмкін. Ондай зат есім жанама толықтауыш болады

Мысалы: The teacher showed the students a diagram. Оқытушы диаграмманы студенттерге кӛрсетті

Зат есімдер жалпы септеуде әртҥрлі демеуліктермен қолданылады

Мысалы: I have received a letter from my sister. Мен апамнан хат алдым

He bought a toy for his son. Ол баласына ойыншық сатып алды

Тәуелдік септіктегі зат есімдер жекеше тҥрде -„s жалғауы арқылы жасалады

My friend‟s house - Менің досымның үйі

▪ Nurgul‟s brother - Нұргүлдің ағасы

Зат есім кӛпше тҥрде болса, онда s жалғауы және апостраф қойылады.

My friend‟s letters - Менің достарымның хаттары

▪ The women‟s dresses - әйелдердің кӛйлегі 

Кҥрделі зат есімдерге s жалғауы соңғы сӛзге жалғанады.  ▪ The commander-in-chief‟s order. ▪ My brother-in-law‟s library 

Заттарға „of‟демеулігі қолданылады 

The door of the garage (not the garage‟s door) - гараждың есегі 

▪ The name of the book - кітаптың аты 

▪ The owner of the restaurant - мейрамхананың иесі 

Мезгіл ҥстеулерінің (today‟s, tomorrow‟s, this evening‟s, Monday‟s) тәуелденуі жалғауы жалғану арқылы жасалады

Next week‟s exam has been cancelled. 

▪ Have you got yesterday‟s newspapers?

▪ Alihan has got two weeks holiday. 

Есте сақтаңыз 

It was a three-hour journey. 

▪ a three hour-journey (not a three-hours journey)

▪ a six-week French course (not weeks)

▪ two 14-year-old boys (not years)

▪ a three-page letter (pages)




Ағылшын тілінде артикльдердің екі тҥрі бар: белгісіздік “a/an” (Indefinite Article), және белгілілік “the” (Definite Article) ► Белгісіздік артиклі: A/AN: А + дауыссыз дыбыс (consonant)

► Егер сӛз дауыссыз дыбыстан басталса, зат есімнің алдына

a белгісіздік артиклі қолданылады.  ▪ A child, a doctor, etc.

AN + дауысты дыбыс (vowel) 

An apple, an umbrella, an hour 


“A(AN)” белгісіздік артиклінің қолданылуы

Белгілілік “THE” артиклінің қолданылуы

Санауға келетін зат есімдердің тек жекеше тҥрінде

a)   Do you need an umbrella?

b)   I never wear a hat.

Контексте немесе бір ситуацияда не туралы айтып жатқандығы нақты белгілі болса a) Can you turn off the light?

b) I‟d like to speak to the manager, please.

Сӛйлеуші заттар мен нәрселер туралы алғаш рет сӛз қозғап тҧрса

a)               I had a sandwich and an apple for lunch.

b)               A man and a woman are sitting opposite me.

Егерде зат есім екінші сӛйлемде қайталанса

a)               Last year I bought a car. The car was vey expensive.

b)               When I entered the room, I saw a man. The man was very old.

Заттың кім, не екендігі жайлы анықтама бергенде

a)               Omar‟s father is a lawyer.

b)               Would you like to be an English teacher?

Дҥниеде бір-ақ тҥрі кездесетін ғаламшар атаулары

a)               The earth is millions of kilometers from the sun.

b)               The sun was going down.

Санауға келетін зат есімдердің жекеше тҥрінің алдында сын есім келсе

a)               My brother is a good driver.

b)               Dastan has bought an expensive car.

Мұхит: the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the Pacific Ocean.

Теңіз: the Mediterranean Sea Ӛзен: the Thames, the Amazon, the Nile

Канал: the Suez Canal, the Panama Canal

Тау тізбектері: the Alps, the




Шӛл далалар: the Gobi, the Sahara Desert

Лепті сӛйлемде санауға келетін зат есімдердің жекеше тҥрі болса

a)   What a beautiful garden!

b)   What a lovely dress!

Санауға келетін зат есімдердің кӛпше тҥрі және санауға келмейтін зат есімнің алдында артикль қойылмайды.

Мұражайлар: the British

Museum, the Tate Gallery, the


Қонақ үйлер: the Station Hotel, the Hilton Hotel


ар: the palace Theatre, the Odeon Cinema

Газеттер мен кейбір журнал аттары: Washington Post, the

Financial Times, the Times

Тҧрақты тіркестерде

A lot of, a great deal of, a few, a little, for a short (long) time, in a loud voice, to be in a hurry, to be in a position to be at a loss, It is a pity; as a result of; as a

matter of fact To have a good time

To have a look

To have a seat

To go for a walk

Ҧлт атауларының алдында a) The Japanese are very industrial people.

b) The French are considered to be conservative people.

Such, quite, rather сӛздерінен кейін жекеше тҥрдегі саналатын зат есім келсе

a)  It was such an easy test.

b)  It is rather an old house.

c)   He is quite an old man.

Сын есімнің кҥшейтпелі шырайының алдында

a)               He is the tallest boy in our class.

b)               She is the most intelligent woman I‟ve ever met.

Hundred, thousand, million, dozen сан есімдерінің алдында

«one» сан есімі келетін болса a) His case weights a (one) hundred pounds

b) Azat has won a (one) thousand dollars.

Зат есімдердің алдында реттік сан есім келсе

a)               Your second composition is better than the first.

b)               February is the second month of the year.


Отбасын тҥгелдей әңгімелейтін болсақ

a) The Zhandosovs arrived from Astana


Кейбір мемлекеттер мен штаттардың аттарының алдында,

егер олар republic, union, state сӛздерімен тіркесіп келсе The United Kingdom, the United

States the Netherlands


Музыкалық аспаптардың атауларының алдында the piano, the saxophone


Тұрақты тіркестерде

in the morning, in the evening, in the afternoon, the day after tomorrow, on the right (left), on

the whole



Артикльдердің қолданылмайтын кездері

► Жалқы есімдердің алдында: кісі аттары:  Mansur, Sholpan, Aizhan, Talgat. 

►Қҧрлықтар мен кейбір елдердің аттарының алдында

Europe, Spain, Asia, Japan. 

Қала аттары: Almaty, Astana, New-York  

Дәреже, лауазым, атақты білдіретін зат есімдерінің алдында 

Doctor Watson, Lord Byron, Admiral Nelson, Professor Azimov, Mr.White, Comrade Ivanov

Ғылым салаларының аттарында I like mathematics and chemistry  

Тҧрақты тіркестерде 

at night, at home, at work, at first sight, at sunset, by train (bus, boat, tram), in conclusion, by air (water, sea, land), by heart day and night, by chance from morning to (till) night, by mistake  

►Breakfast, lunch, dinner сӛздерінің алдында

What time is dinner? We had lunch in a very nice restaurant. 

Егер зат есім сан есіммен тіркесіп келсе (Noun + number) Have you got these shoes in size 38? 

I couldn‟t answer question 8.  Page 17, Room 127 etc. 

Мейрам, фестиваль, апта, ай аттарының алдында  Nauryz, Easter, Christmas, Wednesday

Егер зат есімдер жалпы (жинақтау) мағынасында келсе: Dogs are domestic animals. 

Кӛше аттары, саябақ және алаң аттарының алдында

Fifth Avenue, Hyde Park, Times Square, Broadway 

Танымал жер аттары 

Егер бҧл зат есімнің бірінші сӛзі кісі аты болса, артикльсіз қолданылады:

Victoria Station, Westminster Abbey, Edinburgh Castle, Buckingham Palace, Cambridge University, Kennedy Airport 





School, college, university, work, bed, town, hospital, prison, jail

зат есімдерімен артикльдің қолданылуы

Артикль қолданылмайтын жағдайлар

A / the aртикльмен қолданысы

Егер бҧл сӛздер жалпы мағынада қолданылса

▪ Her brother is in prison for robbery.

▪ Omar had an accident last week. He was taken to hospital. He is still in hospital now.

Егер белгілі бір

мақсатпен барылатын болса

▪ She went to the prison to visit his brother

▪ Azat has gone to the hospital to visit Omar. He is at the hospital now.



































@ 1. Fill in the definite or indefinite article if necessary:

1. a. This house is very nice. Has it got _______ garden?

b.   It‟s a beautiful day. Let‟s sit in ________ garden.

c.   I like living in this house but it‟s a pity that ______ garden is so


2. a. Can you recommend _______ good restaurant?

b.   We had dinner in_______ very nice restaurant.

c.   We had dinner in ______ most expensive restaurant in town.

3. a. She has ______ French name but in fact she‟s English, not French.

b.    What‟s _______ name of that man we met yesterday?

c.    We stayed at a very nice hotel – I can‟t remember ___ name


4. a. There isn‟t _______ airport near where I live _______ nearest airport is 70 miles away.

b.                    Our plane was delayed. We had to wait ________ airport for

three hours.

c.                     Excuse me, please. Can you tell me how to get to _____ airport?

5. a „Are you going away next week?‟

„No, _______ week after next.‟

b.   I‟m going away for ________ week in September.

c.   George has a part-time job. He works three mornings ________



@ 2. Use the proper article:

 1.Come to … blackboard and write … Exercise 12.

 2.You have … spelling mistake in … word “nursery”.

 3.He is … old friend of mine. 

4.There came … tap at … door and in another moment we saw … small girl enter … room. 

5.He is young artist and, I should say, rather talented. 

6.He gave her … cigarette and lighted it. 

7.I don‟t feel … sympathy towards this man. 

8. They are going to build … new house. 

9.Are … rooms in your flat large or small?

 10. … hour is a long time. In … hour you can read … newspaper, or write … letter. 

11.What … beautiful music he is playing! 

12.In every remark he found … meaning but not always the true meaning. 

13.There is … curiosity in her look. 

14. … Sand fords have … nice house … house isn‟t large but comfortable. 


@ 3. Find the right answer.

For example: Sue  was very helpful. She gave me some good

advice / advices („advice‟ is right)

1.                    Margaret has very long black hair/hairs.

2.                    We had a very good weather / very good weather when we were on vacation.

3.                    Can I help you with your luggage / luggages?

4.                    I want to write some letters. I need a / some newspaper.

5.                    I want to write some letters. I need a / some writing paper.

6.                    It‟s very difficult to find a work / job at the moment.

7.                    Bad news don‟t / doesn‟t make people happy.

8.                    Our travel / trip from Paris to Frankfurt by train was very interesting.

9.                    The apartment is empty. We don‟t have any furnitures / furniture yet.

10.               When the fire alarm rang, there was a complete chaos / complete chaos.

11.               Can I talk to you? I need an / some advice.

12.               Do you have any experience / experiences


@ 4. Fill in the definite or indefinite article if necessary:

1.                    There are three rooms and … kitchen in her new flat. 

2.                    My new dress is made of … silk.

3.                    If you want to write something on … blackboard, you must have … piece of … chalk. 

4.                    Are there any students in … Room No. 12? 

5.I have … new English book … book is very interesting. 

6.There is … garden and … lawn in front of her Institute. … garden is not large, but it is very beautiful.


7.The students of your group must be in … Room №30. 

8.        Open … book at page 29 and start reading. 

9.        May is … fifth month of the year. 

10.   Saturday is … day off.  


@ 5. Fill the sentences with under words. Put the article „the‟ is necessary. 

(school, university, hospital)

1.   Why aren‟t your children at school today? Are they ill?

2.   When he was younger, Ted hated … . 3. What time does … start in the mornings in your country?

4.   A: How do your children get home from …? By bus?     B: No, they walk … isn‟t very far.

5.   What sort of job does Jenny want to do when she leaves … ?

6.   There were some people waiting outside … to meet their children. 7. In your country, do many people go to …?

8.   If you want to get a degree, you normally have to study at … .

9.   This is only a small town but … is the biggest in the country.

10.                     Nora works as a cleaner at … . 11. When Ann was ill, we all went to … to visit her.

12. My brother has always been very healthy. He‟s never been in … . 13. Peter was injured in an accident and was kept in … for a few days.


@ 6. Circle a or an in the following sentences. Write “C” on the left if the sentences is correct. Write “NC” if the sentences is not correct. Correct the error.

_____ 1. Indonesia is a country made up of thousand of islands.

______2. Greenland is an big island with a permanent ice cap covering it.

______3. The Bahamas, which consist of 700 islands, have a superb climate.

______4. Robinson Crusoe is a character in a book by Daniel Defoe.

______5. Robinson Crusoe spent twenty years with his friend Man Friday on a uninhabited island.

______6. New Guinea is a country where there are a 700 languages.

______7. Etna is an active volcano on the island of Sicily.

______8. On the island of Borneo, there is a snake that can fly or leap up to 20 meters.

______9. The plants and an animals that live on an island may develop to be quite different. 


@ 7. Fill in the blanks with the correct article a, an, the or Ǿ and translate them. 

1.                    Island make up ___ entire land area of some countries, including ___ Japan and ___ Philippines.

2.                    ___ Florida Keys are coastal islands built on coral reefs.

3.                    ___ Mackinac Island in  ___ Lake Michigan is ___ lake island.

4.                    ___ city of Montreal, in ___ Canada, is built on ___ large river island.

5.                    ___ Aleutain Islands, part of ___ Alaska, are ___ string of coastal islands that were built by ___ volcanoes.

6.                    On ___ big island of Hawaii is one of ___ world‟s greatest volcanoes, ___ Mauna Loa.

7.                    Kilauea is ___ most active volcano in ___ state of ___ Hawaii.

8.                    The early settlers of ____ Pacific Islands, ____ Polynesians, always carried ____ coconuts with them in their canoes.

9.                    In ___ Indonesia is ___ huge lizard, _____ Komodo Dragon, that eats deer and attacks people.

10.               ___ dodo, a giant bird now extinct, lived on ___ island of Mauritius, in ___ Indian Ocean. 



   1.  Choose the right answer.

To climb ___ tree is not to climb ____ mountain.

a)   a/a     d) - / -

b)   a/the e) the / - . 

c)   the/the

2. Choose the right answer.

 _____ weather was rainy and we made ___ bet whether you would come.

a)   the /a.          c) a / a

b)   - / the          d) - / a

e) an / a 

3. Choose the right answer.

___ man always went to ___ same bar at ___ same time every day and asked for two glasses of ___ soda.

a)   a / the / the / -        d) - / the /  the / -

b)  a / the /  the / a      e) a / - / the / a  c) a /the / - / -

4. Choose the right answer.

Where there‟s ____ will, there‟s ___ way.

a)   a /a    d) a / the

b)   - / -    e) the / a 

c)   the / the

5. Choose the right answer.

If ___ guest has to leave ___ table during ___ meal he always asks his hostess, “Will you please excuse me for ___ minute”.

a)   a / the / a / a          d) an /  the  / a / a

b)   - / the / a / - e) - / - / - / a 

c)   the  / the  / - /  the

6. Choose the right answer.

___ most favorite game is cricket, which is called by ___ English

“___greatest game in ___ world”.

a)   the / the  / the  / the         d) a / the  / - the

b)   the / a  / the  / the   e) the / an / - / the 

c)   - /  the / - / the


7. Choose the right answer.

In his childhood he lived with ___ grandfather, ___ poor tailor.

a)   a / the          d) a /a 

b)   - /  the         e) the  / the 

c)   the  / a

8. Choose the right variant:

Rita plays _____ violin and her sister plays ______ guitar.

a)   a / the           d) - / -

b)   the / an         e) a / a

c)   the / the 

9. Choose the right variant:

___ night being sharp and frosty, we trembled from ___ foot to ___ head. 

a)   the  / the  / the       d) - / a / a

b)   the  / - / -     e) - / - / -

c)   a / - / -

10. Choose the right answer.

 ___ idea of helping ___ man was unpleasant in itself.

a)   - / the          d) - / -

b)   the /  the      e) a / a

c)   the  / a

11. Choose the right answer.

What are … colours of … British national flag and what … flavour is its emblem?

a)   a / the / the d) - / a / a

b)   the / a/ a      e) the / the / -

c)   - / the / the

12. Choose the right answer.

… coldest weather in this part of … country is in February.

a)   a /      d) the  / a

b)   a / the          e) the / the 

c)   the / -

13. Choose the right answer. Bring … salt from … kitchen.

a)   a / the          d) the  / the

b)  a / a   e) the  / a c) - / -

14. Choose the right answer.

… Great Patriotic war ended in … 1945.

a)   the / the       d) a / the

b)   the  / -         e) - / - 

c)   - / the 15. … ball, … sugar …,  basket…, lemon. 

a)   an a, - the.   d) an, - , a, the.

b)  the, a, an, - .          e) - , the, a, an.  c) a, - , a, a.

16.  Choose the right answer.

 His _____ was the smallest among the _______

a)   mice, mice

b)   mouse, mousse

c)   mouse, mice 

17.  Find the plural form of “Fish”

d)   mouses, mouses

e)   mice, mouse

a)   Fish 

b)   Fishs

c)   Fishis

d)   Fishes

e)   Fishies

18.  Find the plural form of


a)   mousies

b)   mousis

c)   mice 

d)   mise

e)   mousse

19.  Find the correct plural form.

 My friend has three_____  a) childs

 b) children 

20.  Choose the right variant.

  My parents‟ parents are my _____


c)   child

d)   a child

e)   a children 

a)   grandmothers

b)   grandfathers

c)   grandparents 

21.  Choose the right variant:

 “ A woman”

d)   grandchildren

e)   great-grandparents

a)   woman

b)   womens

c)   women 

d)   womanes

e)   womans

22. Choose the right variant.

 Nick wants the money. Please give_____ to him.

a)   them  d) these

b)   those  e) it 

c)   they

23.  Find the uncountable noun:

a)   Meat.          d) Address.

b)   Goose.        e) Cap.

c)   Table.

24.  Find the uncountable noun:

a)   apple d) dollar

b)   glass e) toy 

c)   air

25. Find the noun using only in single form:

a)   knowledge. d) cat.

b)   photo.         e) pencil.

c)   picture.












 Есімдіктер есім сӛздердің атын да, белгісін де, санын да атамай тек нҧсқап меңзеп кӛрсетеді де, солардың орнына қолданылады. Олар мағынасына және атқаратын қызметіне қарай бірнеше топқа бӛлінеді.


Есімдік түрлері


Personal pronouns 

Жіктеу есімдіктері

I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they 

Possessive pronouns

Тәуелдік есімдіктері 

my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their, mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, yours, theirs

Demonstrative pronouns

Сілтеу есімдіктері

it, this/these, that/those, same, such

Interrogative pronouns

Сҧрау есімдіктері

who (whom), whose, which, what  (сҧраулы сӛйлемдерде)


(Reflexive pronouns)

Ӛздік есімдіктері 

myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves 

Reciprocal pronouns

Ортақ есімдіктер

each, other, one another 

Negative pronouns

Болымсыз есімдіктері

no, nobody, (no one), none, nothing (болымсыз сӛйлемдерде)

Indefinite pronouns

Белгісіздік есімдіктері 

some, any, no, all, both, each, every, other, another, one, much, many, (a) little, (a) few,

either, neither 


Personal pronouns




The Nominative case

The objective case


























Possessive pronouns


 Тәуелдік есімдіктері кімнің? ненің? деген сҧрақтарға жауап береді. 


Possessive Adjectives

Possessive Pronouns

My          our

Your       your

His          their



Mine         ours

Your         yours

His            theirs



For example: 

- Whose bag is this? (Бұл кімнің сӛмкесі)?

- It‟s my bag (Бұлменің сӛмкем)  / It‟s mine (Бұл менікі)

- This is not my pencil, mine is blue – Бұл менің қарындашым емес, менікікӛк


Demonstrative pronouns


 Сілтеу есімдіктері нҧсқау және кӛрсету мағыналарын білдіретін есімдіктің тҥрі.


Single form

Plural form

This (мынау, бҧл, осы) this week, this year


My brother will go to Turkey this summer.

I am busy at this moment. 


These (мыналар, осылар) these

weeks, these years 

These are my books. 

That (анау, сонау, сол) that week, that year


Asel lives in that house.

At that moment the door opened and a man entered the room. 


Those (аналар) those weeks, those years 

I like those dresses. 

Егер заттар сӛйлеушіге жақын орналасқан болса, онда this,

Егер заттар сӛйлеушіден біршама қашықтықта орналасқан

these сілтеу есімдіктері қолданылады.

болса, онда that, those сілтеу есімдіктері қолданылады. 


Interrogative pronouns


Сұрау есімдіктері жауап алу мақсаты мен сҧрау мағынасында қойылатын сҧрақтар, сӛйлемдерде олар заттың саны, белгілері, сапасы орналасқан орны туралы сҧрайды.

Who? (кім?),  what? (не? қандай?), which? (қайсысы?

қай?), whose? (кімдікі?), whom? (кімге?) 

a)   Who is that man?

b)   Who (whom) did you meet there?

c)   Whose book is that?

d)   What has happened?

e)   Which chapter did you like best? 


Self-pronouns (Reflexive pronouns)


Ӛздік есімдіктері ағылшын тілінде атау септігінде жіктеу есімдіктерімен қабаттасып қолданылады. Жекеше тҥрдегі есімдікке - self ал кӛпше тҥрдегі есімдіктерге –selves жалғауы жалғанады. 


Single form

Plural form

I myself


I can do it myself

We ourselves


We can do it ourselves

You yourself (ӛзіңіз)

You can do it yourself

You yourselves (ӛздеріңіз)

You can do it yourself. 

He himself


She herself (ӛзі)

It itself (ӛзі)

He can do it himself She can do it herself

They themselves 


They can do it themselves 


Ӛздік есімдіктер сӛйлемде есімдіктен кейін немесе сӛйлемнің аяғында келеді. Егер сӛйлемде іс-әрекетті жасаушы ӛзі екендігі анық айқындалып тҧрса, зат есімнен кейін ӛздік есімдік қолданылады


He himself solved the problem.

I myself will present the prizes. 

  Negative pronouns

  No және noun болымсыздық есімдіктері

 No сӛйлемдерде «ешнәрсе, жоқ» мағынасында болымсыз мағына береді. No + noun

a)   I have no ticket. = I haven’t a ticket.

b)   I have no time to help you today = I have any time to help you


 None есімдігі зат есімсіз қолданылады

a)   How much money have you got? „None.‟

b)   Is there telephone in the room? No, there is none

None + plural word (зат есімнің кӛпше тҥрі) a) None of the libraries were (was) open

b) None of my friends will be at the party 


Indefinite pronouns some (something, somebody, someone) any (anything, anybody, anyone) no (nothing, nobody, no one) 






Countable / uncountable



Not any / no


Someone / somebody

Біреу, әлдекім

Anyone / anybody

No one / nobody ешкім


Something Бір нәрсе, бірдеңе


Nothing Ештеңе, ешнәрсе


Somewhere Бір жерге, бір жерде


Nowhere Ешжерде, ешқайда





Some – белгісіздік есімдігі болымды сӛйлемдерде зат есімнің жекеше және кӛпше тҥрлерінің алдында келеді.

Зат есімнің кӛпше тҥрінің алдында «бірнеше» деп аударылады.

a)   Aisha bought some books to read.

b)   Nurdaulet asked me some questions.


Саналмайтын за есімдердің алдында қолданыладыa) There is some milk in the fridge.

b) I want to buy some cheese. 


Біреуге ҧсыныс жасағанда, әлде қандай да бір сҧрақ қойғанда, some есімдігі қолданылады.

a)   Would you like some coffee?

b)   Can I have some cold water?


Any есімдігі әдетте болымсыз және сҧраулы сӛйлемдерде қолданылады.

a)   We didn‟t buy any flowers.

b)   There isn‟t anybody at the door.


Болымды сӛйлемдерде «кез келген» деген мағынаны береді.

a)   Anybody can do it.

b)   May I play anything I like?


Many және Much есімдіктері


Many және much есімдіктері «кӛп» деген мағынаны білдіреді. Many саналатын, much саналмайтын зат есімдердің алдында қойылады. Олар әдетте сҧраулы және болымсыз сӛйлемдерде қолданылады. 

a)   Many people attended the meeting.

b)   Do you spend much time on your homework?

c)   There isn‟t much tea left.

Many және much есімдіктері very, rather, too, so және as, how сӛздерімен де қолданылады

There are very many illustrations in the magazine.

Arman has so many friends in Astana.

I have spent too much time on this translation.

Кейбір болымды сӛйлемдерде „much‟ a lot (of), lots (of), plenty (of), a good deal (of), a great deal (of) қолданылады

Many есімдігінің орнына a lot (of), lots (of), plenty (of) қолдануға болады

We have plenty of time.

There are plenty of English books on the library. 



(A) little және (A) few есімдіктері 

A few

a) Asem has been here only two weeks, but she has already made a few friends. 

(Асемнің бұл жерге келгеніне екі апта болса да оның бірнеше досы бар)

a) I feel sorry for her. She has few friends. 

(Оның аз досы бар).

Few және a few есімдіктері саналатын есімдермен қолданылады


Few – „аз

A few – «бірнеше» деген мағынаны білдіреді

A little




I‟m very pleased. I have a little money (Мен ӛте қуаныштымын. Менің біраз ақшам бар).

I have little money. I don‟t even have enough money to buy some food. 

Little, a little 

саналмайтын зат есімдермен қолдыналды.


Little – „азғана, жеткіліксізa little – «біраз» деген мағынаны білдіреді


All және Both есімдіктері

All есімдігі

Both есімдігі

All есімдігі «барлығы» деген мағынада қолданылып, саналатын және саналмайтын зат есімдермен қолданылады. a) All cars have wheels.

b) All plants need water. 

All есімдігі we, you, they жіктеу есімдіктерімен қолданылады.

a) They all wore shorts. (=All of them wore shorts.)

Both есімдігі тек екі адамға, екі затқа қатысты қолданылады.

«екеуі де» деп аударылады. a) Both cats and dogs are affectionate pets.

b)               Both my brothers live in Astana.

c)                He gave me two books yesterday. I have read both.

d)               Both of these books belong to my mother.

b) We all want to go to the match. (=All of us want to go to the match.)

Есімдіктен кейін кӛмекші етістік немесе модальді етістіктің алдында қолданылады.

a)               We have all read this article.

b)               You must all go there.  All everybody, everything есімдіктерінің орнына қолданыла береді.

a)               All were of the                       


same opinion                              

сұраққа  on this question.                          


b)               Everybody was                         бір

of the same opinion on                


this question                                  білдірді

e) They both graduated from the University last year. = Both of them graduated from the University last year. 

Both “to be” етістігінен кейін қолданылады.

a)  You are both tight.

b)  They were both here. 

Есімдіктен кейін кӛмекші етістік немесе модальді етістіктің алдында қолданылады.

a)               We must both go there.

b)               We have both been informed about it. 


Either және Neither есімдіктері

Either «екеуінің біреуі» деп аударылады. 

a)               You may go by either road.

b)               Either of the examples is correct. 

Either … or «немесе» деген мағынаға сай келеді

a)               He is either in university or in college

b)               I‟m not sure where he is from. He is either Spanish or Italian. 

Есте сақтаңыз!

Either болымсыз сӛйлемдерде де қолданылады

I haven‟t seen him either. – Мен де оны кӛрген емеспін

Neither       есімдігі       сӛйлемде болымсыздық мағына береді

a)   Neither of the flowers is good.

b)   We accepted neither offer.

Neither … nor болымсыз мағына береді

a)               Neither Erlan nor Rashid came to the meeting.

b)               Neither my husband nor I liked this film. 

Есте сақтаңыз! 

-                    She hasn‟t seen this film yet. – Ол мына фильмді әлі кӛрген жоқ

-                    Neither have I – Мен де



Each (әрқайсысы) және Every (әрбір) есімдіктері


Each есімдігі топтың әрбір мҥшесіне қатысты қолданылады:

a)   Each student in our group has a Kazakh –English dictionary.

b)   Each of us received a ticket to the concert.

Every есімдігі топқа қатысты қолданылып «барлығы» деген мағыаны білдіреді:

a)   Every citizen has to pay taxes.

b)   I would like to visit every country in the world. 






















@ 1. Find the right pronouns.

1.                    This is my / mine umbrella. (Your) / yours umbrella is over there.

2.                    This is my / mine. The other one is your / yours.

3.                    Mary and Bob have their / theirs books. In other words, Mary has her / hers and Bob has his / him.

4.                    A honeybee has two wings on each side of its / it‟s body.

5.                    Its / It‟s true that a homing pigeon will find its / it‟s way home even though it begins its / it‟s trip in unfamiliar territory.

6.                    I have a pet. Its / It‟s name is Squeak. Its / It‟s a turtle. Its / It‟s been my pet for two years.

7.                    Our / Ours house is almost the same as our / ours neighbors‟ house. The only difference in appearance is that our / ours is gray and their / theirs is white.

8.                    When I was in Florida, I observed an interesting fish-eating bird called an anhinga.

It / They dives into the water and spears its / it‟s prey on its / it‟s long, pointed bill. After emerging from the water, it / they tosses the fish into the air and catches it / them in mid-air, then swallows it / them headfirst. Its / It‟s interesting to watch anhinga in action. I enjoy watching it / them. 


@ 2. Full in a few, (very) few, a little, or (very) little. 1. Do you have ____ minutes? I‟d like to ask you ____ questions. I need more information.

2.                Diana‟s previous employer gave her a good recommendation because she makes ____ mistakes in her work.

3.                After Steve tasted the soup, he added ____ salt to it. 4. I don‟t like a lot of salt on my food. I add ____ salt to my food.

5.                    I like music. I like to listen to ____ music after dinner before I begin studying.

6.                    Driving downtown to the stadium for the baseball game was easy. We got there quickly because there was ____ traffic.

7.                    Jim is having a lot of trouble adjusting to eighth grade. He seems to be unpopular. Unfortunately, he has ____ friends.

8.                    We‟re looking forward to our vacation. we‟re planning to spend ____ days with my folks and then ____ days with my husband‟s folks. After that, we‟re going to a fishing resort in Canada.

9.                    A.: Are you finished?

B.: Not yet. I need _____ more minutes.

10.               A.: Are you finished?

B.: Not yet. I need _____ more time.

11.               I was hungry, so I ate ____ nuts.

12.               Because the family is very poor, the children have ____ toys.

13.               Into each life, _____ rain must fall. (a saying)

14.               Samal likes sweet tea. She usually adds honey to her tea.

15.               Has anyone ever called you on the phone and tried to sell you

something you didn‟t want? I have _____ patience with people who interrupt my dinner to try to sell me a magazine.

16.               He‟s a lucky little boy. Because his parents have taken good care of him, he has had ____ problems in his young life. 


@  3. Fill in somebody (someone), anybody (anyone), nobody (no one), everybody (everyone), something, nothing, everything:

1.   The door is open. There must be … at home. 

2.   There is … wrong with my fountain-pen. It won‟t write. 

3.   A blind man cannot see …. 

4.   Is there … in the room? - Yes, there is … in it. 

5.   It is too dark here, I cannot see …. 

6.   If there is … in the room you may turn off the light. 

7.Can … recite the poem? 

8.        We must do … to help her.

9.        Can I do … for you? 

10.   There must be … interesting in  the book you read. 

11.   It is too dark, I can‟t see … on the blackboard. May I turn on the light? 

12.   We can work in Room No. 20. There is … there. 

13.   Let‟s go there at once. I want to see … with my own eyes. 

14.   May I come to see you tonight? I‟ve  got … to tell you.  15. Bob is one of our best students, … knows him. 

16.               Must we learn … by heart? – No, must only prepare  the poem for test reading. 

17.               There is … interesting in this magazine. 

18.               Is … away from the lesson?  


@ 4. Fill in the blanks with some, any, not any, much, many, not much, not many, very little, a little, very few, a few:

1.Are there … college-graduates among your friends? – Yes, there are …  

2.Are there … students in the next classroom? – No, there aren‟t …  

3.   I haven‟t got time , I must hurry. 

4.   I have … time and can help you. 

5.   There are … cups on the table, but there aren‟t … glasses. 

6.   I have very … time and can‟t stay any longer. 

7.   We know very … about it. 

8.I have … questions to ask. 

9.Very … people know Doctor Sanford. 

10. There are … girls in the family, are there? 

11.There‟s very … chalk at the blackboard, go and fetch …  

12.   There are … students in the hall, are there?

13.   There isn‟t … tea in the tea -pot. 

14.   There isn‟t … paper in the box , I need more. 

15.   There aren‟t … pencils in the box, don‟t take …  16. It‟s a secret. Very …people know about it. 17. Please add … more tea in my cup. 


@ 5. Fill in the blanks much, many:

1.        I haven‟t visited _____ city in the United States.

2.        There (isn‟t/aren‟t) ______ money in my bank account.

3.        I haven‟t gotten ______ mail lately.

4.        I don‟t get _____ letter.

5.        There (isn‟t/aren‟t) _____ hotel in my hometown.

6.        There (is/are) ______ too _____ furniture in Anar‟s living room.

7.        There (isn‟t/aren‟t) ______ traffic today.

8.        There (isn‟t/aren‟t) ____ car on the road today.

9.        I can‟t go with you because I have too ____ work to do.

10.   A: How _____ side does a pentagon have? B: Five.

11.   I couldn‟t find ______ information in that book.

12.   How ______ homework did the teacher assign? 

13.   I haven‟t met ______ people since came here.

14.   How ______ postage does this letter need?

15.   I think there (is/are) ______ to ______ violence on television. 

@ 6. Neither / either / none / any. 

1.                    We tried a lot of hotels, but ______ of them had any rooms.

2.                    I took two books with me on holiday, but I didn‟t read _____ of them.

3.                    There are a few shops at the end of the street, but ______ of them sell newspapers.

4.                    You can phone me at ______ time during the evening. I‟m always at home.

5.                    I can meet you next Monday or Friday. Would _____ of those days be convenient for you?

6.                    John and I couldn‟t get into the house because _______ of us had a key.

7.                    _______ eat your dinner or go to your room!

8.                    “Can you came on Monday or Tuesday?” “I am afraid _____ day is possible”.

9.                    ______ of my brothers remembered my birthday. 


@ 7. Each or every.

1.                    There were four books on the table. _______ book was a different color.

2.                    The Olympic Games are held _______ four years.

3.                    _______ parent worries about their children.

4.                    In a game of tennis there are two or four players. ______ player has a ticket.

5.                    Nicola plays football ______ Thursday evening.

6.                    I understand most of what they said but not _______ word.

7.                    I get paid ______ four weeks.

8.                    The book is divided into five parts and ______ of these has three sections.

9.                    ______ person in turn went to see the doctor.

10.               He gave _____ patient the same medicine. 




































1. Choose the right pronoun.

That is the girl ____ brother came to see ____ 

a)   that / we      d) whom / its

b)   whose / us   e) what / us

c)   which / they

2. Choose the right pronoun.

If ____ has ____ questions, I‟ll be pleased to answer them.

a)   someone / any       d) anyone / none

b)   anyone / any         e) someone / none  

c)   none / any

3. Choose the right pronoun.

I haven‟t read ____ of these books but George has read _____ of them.

a)   none/some d) any / any

b)   no / some    e) any / no

c)   any / some

4. Choose the right pronoun.

That pen isn‟t _____ . ______ is a green one.

a)   my / my      d) I /me

b)   his / he        e) her / its

c)   mine / mine

5. Choose the right pronoun.

If this hat is ____, where have you put _____ ?

a)   your / mine d) ours / their 

b)   his / hers     e) hers / my 

c)   mine / her

6. Choose the right pronoun.

_____ read the book and _____ took it to the library.

a)   he / me        d) she / her

b)   I / he e) we / them 

c)   you / her

7. Choose the right pronoun.

He keeps trying although there is _____ chance of success.

a)   much d) a little

b)   few    e) a few

c)   much


8. Choose the right pronoun.

There are many clocks in the office but _____ of them work properly.

a)   little   d) a little

b)   few    e) a few

c)   much

9) Choose the right pronoun.

She wasn‟t very hungry. She has just had _____ soup.

a)   few    d) little

b)   a few e)much

c)   a little

10. Choose the right pronoun.

There aren‟t ______ jobs for young people.

a)   much d) many

b)   a few e) much 

c)   little

11. Choose the right pronoun.

Have you bought... in the shop?

A)   anything      D) nobody 

B)    somebody  E) any 

C)    anybody

12. Choose the right pronoun. 

Are you waiting for ...?

A)   any    D) anуthing

B)    somebody   E) anybody 

C)    something

13. Choose the right pronoun.

 I found ... books on the table yesterday.

A)   anybody's    D) any‟s 

B)    somebody‟s          E) some‟s 

C)    nobody 

14. Choose the right pronoun. 

We have ... new friends. Have you...? 

A)   some-some D) some-any 

B)    any- some   E) no, some 

C)    any-any  

15. Choose the right pronoun.  

 ...has phoned me last night.

A)   somebody  D) nothing 

B)    anybody      E) something 

C)    anything 

16. Choose the right pronoun. 

  ...advises me to stay at home.

A)   anybody      D) everysome 

B)    everything   E) everyany 

C)    everybody

17. Choose the right pronoun.

 Do you know ... here?

A)   any    D) some 

B)    a        E) no 

C)    somebody

18. Choose the right pronoun. 

Silence! ... is downstairs.

A)   somebody   D) no 

B)    nobody       E) nothing 

C)    everybody

19. Choose the right pronoun. 

Can ... of you help me to close the window? 

A)   no      D) any 

B)    none  E) nobody

C)    some

20. Choose the right pronoun. 

 ...of them were dancing, others were playing cards.

A)   some D) nobody 

B)    no      E) any 

C)    nothing  21. Our aunt lives in Astana …. is the capital of Kazakhstan.

a)   Who d) Whom

b)   Which         e) What

c)   Where

22. Choose the right pronoun.

I have gloves … look like to yours.

a)   how many   d) where

b)   which          e) who

c)   what

23. Ask the question underline word. Vegetarians don‟t eat meat.

a)   Who doesn‟t eat meat?   d) What eats dogs?

b)   What animals eat meat? e) What don‟t eat meat?

c)   What does eats meat?

24. Choose the right pronoun.

Have you got _____ disks with movies?

a)   anything      d) this

b)   some e) she

c)   any

25. Choose the right pronoun.

I‟m sorry I forgot to inform you about _______ .

a)   that is          d) that

b)   those e) these is 

c)   this was








 Сын есім – заттың, қҧбылыстың сынын, сапасын, сипатын, тҥрін, тҥсін, т.б. қасиеттерін білдіретін сӛз табы.


Сын есімнің түрлері


Simple adjective

(Негізгі сын есім)

Derived adjective

(Туынды сын есім)

Compound adjective

(Күрделі сын есім)

Qualitative adjective

(Сапалық сын есім)

Relative adjective

(Қатысты қ сын есім)

Green, nice, small, good

Useful, helpless, famous, formal


Red, big, cold, black

Woolen, golden, wooden. 


The degree of comparison Сын есімнің шырайлары


Absolute Жай шырай

Comparative Салыстырмалы шырай

Superlative Кҥшейтпелі шырай

nice hot long 

nicer  hotter  longer

nicest  hottest longest  

easy simple 

easier simpler 

the easiest  the simplest 

interesting  beautiful  comfortable  serious 

more interesting more beautiful  more comfortable more  serious

the most interesting the most beautiful  the most comfortable the most serious

Кейбір сын есімдердің салыстырмалы және кҥшейтпелі шырайлары ережеге бағынбайды.

good  bad 

little  many


better  worse  less 


farther -further 

the best  the worst  the lest  the most  the farthest the furthest 

Кейбір сын есімдердің салыстырмалы және кҥшейтпелі шырайлары –er, -est  жҧрнақтарымен және more, (the) most сӛзі арқылы жасала береді: clever, common, cruel, gentle, pleasant, polite, quite, simple, stupid, tired. 


Сын есімдердің шырайларының жасалу жолдары 


-er, -est ының алдында  -y (егер оның алдында дауыссыз тҧрса) –I  –ға ӛзгереді.

Lazy – lazier – the laziest

Funny – funnier- the funniest 

Егер сын есім дауыссызға аяқталып, оның алдында қысқа дауысты тҧрса, онда дауыссыз қосарланады

Sad-sadder-the saddest 

Fat-fatter-the fattest

Big-bigger-the biggest 

Егер сын есім –е жалғауына аяқталса, -er, -est жалғаулары жалғанғанда, бҧл жалғау тҥсіп қалады. 

Nice-nicer-the nicest 


Есте сақтаңыз!

 Ағылшын тілінде бір сӛйлемде зат есімді сипаттайтын бірнеше сын есім келуі мҥмкін. Ол сын есімдер белгілі бір орын тәртібімен қолданылады.

 She is wearing elegant black high-heeled shoes.



 Ҥстеулер – қимылдың тҥрлі белгісін, мезгілін, мекенін, себебін, мақсатын білдіретін сӛз табы.

Ҥстеулер мағынасына қарай тӛмендегі топтарға бӛлінеді:


Мекен үстеулері – adverbs of place:

Амал-әрекеттің болу  орны мен бағытын білдіреді

here there  above  somewhere  everywhere  nowhere 

Осы жерде  сонда (сол жерде)  жоғарыда;  бір жерде;  барлық жерде; еш жерде

Мезгіл үстеулері – adverbs of time 

Қимылдың мезгілін білдіреді: 

already just lately  still 


then soon today  yesterday tomorrow 

әлдеқашан  қазір ғана  соңғы, уақытта, жақындакезге дейін сонан соң жақында  бҥгін кеше ертең 

Мӛлшер, күшейту үстеулері – adverbs of degree 

Амал-әрекеттің мӛлшерін, кӛлемін, белгісі мен сапасын білдіреді

enough  very  quite  almost nearly even soon


hardly  much 


ӛте, ең  әбден дерлік 

жуық, таяу  тіпті 

жақында аз 

қиыншылық  кӛп. 


үстеулері – adverbs of manner: 

Қимылдың жҥзеге асу амалын білдіреді. 

well,  badly,  slowly,  nicely,  politely, calmly 

жақсы нашар баяу, жай  жақсы сыпайы





Жиілік үстеулері  – adverbs of frequency:

always usually often  sometimes seldom 

ҥнемі әдетте  жиі кейде  сирек 


Үстеулердің шырай формалары

Ҥстеудің шырай формаларының жасалуы сын есімнің шырай формаларының жасалуымен бірдей. Дара және туынды ҥстеулердің салыстырмалы шырайы –er,  жҧрнағы, ал кҥшейтпелі шырайы  –est жҧрнағы жалғану арқылы жасалады


The degree of comparison Үстеулердің шырайлары


Absolute Жай шырай


Comparative Салыстырмалы шырай

Superlative Кҥшейтпелі шырай

Slowly Hardly


More slowly More hardly

The most slowly  The most hardly  


Ерекше жасалатын үстеулер












The best

The worst

The most

The least

The farthest / furthest





@ 1. Fill in the blanks with the comparative or the superlative degrees of the adjectives given in brackets: 

1.                    Your brother is much ______ than mine.

2.                    This island used to be much ______ (green) before the forest fires. 3. Slow down! You‟re ______ (fit) than me and I can‟t keep up!

4. Veronica seems _____ (happy) since she moved schools. 5. It‟s actually _____ (trendy) to wear your hair up this year.

6.                    As the time for the performance got nearer, I got (nervous).

7.                    Old people are often _______ (wise) than young people.

8.                    Why don‟t you try and find a ______ (cheap) computer game and save some money?

9.                    Matt seems to have got even ______ (lazy) that he used to be and almost never studies.

10.               If the problem gets any _____ (serious), we may need to inform the manager about it.

11.               If you work _____ (quickly), you‟ll finish sooner and then you can go home earlier. 12. Ben says he‟s feeling much ______ (well) after his illness.

13.               I have even ______ (little) free time this year than I did last year.

14.               The news was much ______ (bad) than anyone had feared.

15.               You‟ll need to be able to run _____ (far) than this if you‟re going to do the marathon. 


@ 2. Fill in the blanks with the comparative or the superlative degrees of the adjectives given in brackets: 

1.        I met my (good) friend yesterday. 

2.        Dorothy is (young) in her family. 

3.        Henry is not (strong) than his elder brother Bob.

4.        – It isn‟t very warm today, is it? – No, it was (warm) yesterday. 

5.        Your friend looked upset yesterday. I‟m glad he looks (happy) today. 

6.        Where is the (near) post-office, please? 

7.        February is the (short) month of the year. 

8.        The Nile is one of the (long) rivers in the world. 

9.        There are (few) days in February than in March. 

10.   Robert is (tall) student in our group. 

11.   In winter the days are (short) than in autumn. 

12.   The text is  (difficult) than the one you read last week.  13. I‟m getting (fat) and (fat). 

14. The problem was (serious) we expected.  15. Let‟s go by train. It‟s much (cheap).


@ 3. Fill in the blanks with one of the words in the box.

Small             big                 smaller               bigger  biggest               smallest 

1.   The double bass is the __________ of the violin family.

2.   The cello is ________ than the double bass.

3.   The cello is ________ than the viola.

4.   The viola is not as ________ as the cello.

5.   The violin is not as ________ as the viola.

6.   The violin is the __________ of the violin family. 


@4. Use the adjectives (adverbs) in brackets in the suitable degrees of comparison: 

1.                    The text of lesson 5 is (interesting) than this one. 

2.                    I live far from the studio but my friend lives (far). 

3.                    This sculpture group is the (beautiful) in the collection.  

4.                    I get up early, but my grandma gets up (early).

5.                    I have (much) work therefore I have (little) free time than you. 

6.                    Which is the (famous) Russian Picture Gallery? 

7.                    This book on contemporary Art is (good) than the one you gave me last time. 

8.                    I like summer (well) of all because it is the (warm) season. 

9.                    In our group Oleg draws (bad) of all. 

10.               The Moscow State University building is the (high) in the city.


@ 5. Put the constructions as …as 

1.                I need you right away! Please come … - Please come as soon as possible.

2.                We can‟t go any further. This is … - This is as far as we can go. 3. I can‟t work any faster. I‟m working … 

4.                    An orange is sweeter than a lemon. In other words, an orange is not …

5.                    A stream is usually much narrower than a river. In other words, a stream isn‟t …

6.                    I had expected the test to be difficult, and it was. In other words, the test was just …

7.                    It‟s important to use English every day. You should practice speaking English … 

8.                    You‟re only old if you feel old. You are … young … 

9.                    You might think it‟s to do, but it‟s not quite … 

10.               It takes an hour to drive to the airport. It takes an hour to fly to Chicago. In other words, it takes …. 


@ 6. Underline the comparatives those are incorrect in the following sentences. Translate into Kazakh. 

1.                    Stretching a string more tightly gives a highest note.

2.                    The violin is probably the most importantest of all orchestral instruments.

3.                    The viols are bowed strings that are more older than the violin family.

4.                    The viols do not have as bright a sound the violin family.

5.                    The heavier the string, the low the note it sounds.

6.                    Small violins have short strings than full-sized instruments, but they play the same notes.

7.                    Andres Segovia is the more famous classical guitarist in the world.

8.                    It is said that a special varnish used on a violin helps to produce the more beautiful tone. 


@ 7. Adverb or adjective? 

1.                    The driver of the car was _____ injured. (serious / seriously)

2.                    The driver of the car had _____ injures. (serious / seriously)

3.                    I think you behaved very _____ (selfish / selfishly)

4.                    Rose is ____ upset about losing her job. (terrible / terribly)

5.                    There was a _____ change in the weather. (sudden/suddenly)

6.                    Everybody at the party was _____ dressed. (colorful /


7.                    Linda likes wearing ______ clothes (colorful / colorfully)

8.                    She fell and hurt herself quite ______. (bad / badly)

9.                    He says he didn‟t do well at school because he was _____ taught. (bad / badly)

10.               Don‟t go up that ladder. It doesn‟t look _____ . (safe / safely)

11.               He looked at me_____when I interrupted him. (angry/angrily) 



1. Choose the right variant.

              It was _____ music I have ever                      d) beautiful

heard.                                                                       e) most beautiful

a)   more beautiful      2. Choose the right

b)   less beautiful        variant.

c)   the most beautiful

It‟s _____ powder I have ever used.

a)   good d) best

b)   –        e) better 

c)   the best

3. Choose the right variant.

John is ____ of all to act.

a)   quickest      d) quicker

b)  quick e) the quickest  c) –

4. Choose the right variant.

He is _____ strong _____ his brother.

a)   as / like       d) strong / than

b)   similar / as e) so / as

c)   as / as

5. Choose the right variant.

I have _____ time than he does.

a)   bigger         d) less

b)   larger          e) least 

c)   most

6. Choose the right variant.

Mark Twain, one of _____ and ______ American writers, lived in a small town in his children.

a)   greater / most popular     d) more great / the most

b)   great / more popular       popular

c)   the greatest / most popular       e) most great / the popular 7. Choose the right variant.

Your English is much _____ now. You made  ______mistakes this time.

a)   best / least   d) good / less

b)   better / less e) best / the least 

c)   the best / less

8. Choose the right variant.

Do you have _____ or ______ rain this autumn than the last one.

a)   many / little          d) much / less

b)   more / less   e) more / few 

c)   more / fewer

9. Choose the right variant.

Do you have _____ or ______ sunny days this summer?

a)   more / few   d) many / few

b)   many / less e) more / less

c)   much / little

10. Choose the right variant.

Of the four girls Marcia is _____

a)   prettiest       d) the prettiest

b)   prettier        e) prettier 


11. Find the positive adjective:

a)   Poor  d) The most interesting

b)   More difficult       e)Cleverer

c)   Less

12. Find the positive adjective:

a)   Better          d) The best

b)   Light           e) The most important 

c)   More

13. Find the positive adjective:

a)   More difficult       d) The most important

b)   Cleaner       e) Better

c)   Small 

14. Find the superlative adjective:

a)   Little d) Young

b)   More inserting      e) The biggest 

c)   Bad

15. Find the superlative adjective:

a)   Easier         d) The longest 

b)   Higher         e) Comfortable

c)   More active

16. Find the superlative adjective:

a)   More important     d) Shorter

b)   The most important        e) Longer

c)   Comfortable

17.   Find the superlative adjective:

a)   The most interesting       d) More difficult

b)   Better          e) Interesting

c)   Good

18.   Find the comparative adjective:

a)   Younger      d) Good

b)   Many          e) The best

c)   The smaller

19.   Find the comparative adjective:

a)   The biggest d) The least

b)   More difficult       e) Hot

c)   New

20.   Choose the right variant.

- Please, give me this bouquet of flowers. I think it is ____ than the rest ones.

- But it‟s ____ .

- Never mind. I‟ll buy it. 

a)           beautiful  / expensive      d)      beautiful     /         most

b)          more beautiful / more     expensive

expensive                                                                      e) most beautiful / most

c)           the most beautiful / most          expensive 











Заттың немесе заттық ҧғымдар мен қҧбылыстардың санын, мӛлшерін, ретін білдіретін сӛз табы сан есім деп аталады.


1.1. Есептік сан есімдер “қанша” деген сұраққа             жауап береді.


For example:

5 – five                           356 – three hundred and fifty-six 56 – fifty six                          101 – a hundred and one four-fourteen – forty;    five – fifteen – fifty

Hundred, thousand, million, dozen сан есімдерінің алдына a белгісіздік артикльі немесе one деген сан есім қойылады. For example:

a (one) hundred, a (one) thousand, a (one) million 

Кӛпше тҥрде hundred, thousand, million, dozen сан есімдеріне –s жалғауы жалғанбайды, оларға қатысты зат есімге жалғанады.  For example:

two million dollars, three dozen bottles

Алайда hundred, thousand, million, dozen сан есімдері жҥздің, мыңның белгісіз санын кӛрсетсе –s жалғауы жалғануы мҥмкін. Бҧл жағдайда олар зат есім болып саналады да, of қосымшасы арқылы қолданылады. For example:

Hundreds of students were present at the meeting. 

Thousands of people greeted the Russian representatives.


1.2 Реттік сан есімдер патша аттары, ханшайым және Рим папасы аттарымен қолданылады.


Henry the Eighth – Генри  VIII

Elizabeth the Second – Елизавета II 




1.3 Ағылшын тіліндегі даталар

30 March 1995 – the thirtieth of March or March the thirtieth, nineteen ninety-five

16.06.1900 – the sixteenth of June or June the sixteenth, nineteen hundred

2006 – two thousand and six or twenty or six


1.4 Fractional numbers – Бӛлшектік сан есімдер


1/3  - third

1 / 2 – a (one) half

2/3 – two thirds 

¼ - a (one) quarter, a (one) fourth

5/6 – five sixth

2/3 – two thirds or two over three 

0.1 – zero point one (AmE)

0.1 – nought point one or point one 0.01 – nought point nought one or point nought one

2.35 – two point three five

52.35 – five two (fifty two) point three five

Ондық бӛлшектерде бүтін сан бӛлшектен нүкте арқылы

бӛлінеді де „point‟ болып, ал 0 (нӛл) nought немесе zero болып оқылады.


1.5 Telling the time


- What is the time?  What time is it?

▪ 10 a.m. – it is ten a.m.

▪ 10.15 – it‟s a quarter past ten. ▪ 6.30 – it‟s six thirty or half past six.

▪ 7 p.m. – it is seven p.m.

▪ 8.45. – it‟s a quarter to nine.

▪ 4.30 – it‟s four thirty or half four.

▪ 3.10 – it‟s ten past three


a.m. – ante meridiem –  түске дейін

p.m. – post meridiem – түстен кейін 



1.6 Money

British money

▪1 ₤ - one pound

▪ 5.20 – five ponds twenty 

▪ 40p – forty pence ▪ 1 p – one penny

American money 

▪ $ 1 – one dollar

▪ 1 c – one cent 

▪ $ 9.50 – nine dollars fifty

European money 

▪ 1 € - one euro

▪ 0.50 € - fifty cents

▪ 6.50 € - six euros fifty 


1.7 Telephone numbers


Телефонның әрбір цифры жеке оқылады. Егер телефонның номері бірдей сан болса, онда double сӛзі қолданылады.  For example:

▪ 50 44 38 65 33 – five oh double four three eight six five double three




@ 1. Write down  in written form 

1.        100 -  ________________

2.        ₤ 1.450 -  _____________

3.        1.000 - _______________

4.        $1.85  - _______________

5.        €2.000 -  ______________

6.        3rd - _________________

7.        2nd  - ________________

8.        ₤ 29.99 - ______________

9.        55.000 - ________________

10.   ₤25.000 - ______________


@ 2. Put the words in necessary form:

1.        He had to sign his name five ______ times. (hundred)

2.        Wee export 40 ______ tons a year. (million)

3.        I just need to borrow a few ______ pounds. (hundred)

4.        I‟ve told you ______ times. (million)

5.        _______ refugees are flooding into the (million) 

6.        …. people were killed during the War II. country. (thousand)

7.        Could I have two _____ eggs? (dozen)

8.        News agency gets ______ reports every day. (hundred) 

9.        A small town only 55 ______ people in it. (thousand) 

10.   Claire earns 15 _____ pounds a year as a teacher. (thousand)


@ 3. Give the dates in written form.

1.        15 May 1964 - _______________

2.        9 March 1973 - _____________

3.        December 7, 2005 - _______________

4.        July 11, 1982 - ________________

5.        November 10, 2000 - _______________

6.        27.05.1998 - _________________

7.        03.07.2007 - ___________________

8.        28.10.1999 - ____________________

9.        04.08.1974  - _____________________

10.   05.02.1950 - ___________________







1. Find the right equivalent:  Year 1950.


a)   Nineteen hundred

b)   Ninety fifty

c)   The fiftieth

2. Find the right equivalent:


d)   Ninety fifteen

e)   Nineteen fifty 

a)               The twentieth and fifth of November.

b)               The twenty-fifth of November.

d)               The twentieth fifth of November.

e)               The thirty and fifth of November.

c) The twenty-fifth of November.

3. Find the right answer:

One hundred and one minus forty-six is… .

a)   sixty d) fifty-five

b)   fifty-four     e) seventy

c)   forty-four 4. Read the number:


a)   Two hundred fifty thousand four hundred fifty.

b)   Two hundred and fifty thousand and four hundreds and fifty.

c)   Tow hundreds and fifty thousands four hundred and fifty.

d)   Two hundred and fifty thousand four hundred and five.

e)   Two hundred and fifty thousand four hundred and fifty.

5. Read the number:

$ 83.20

a)   Eighty three dollar and twenty cents.

b)   Eighty three dollars twenty cents.

c)   Eighty three dollars and twenty cents.

e) Eighty three dollars and twenty cent.

6.  Choose the right variant.

The year 1917.

a)   One thousand nine hundred and seventeen.

b)   One thousand nine hundred seventeen.

c)   One thousand nine hundreds and seventeen.

d)   One thousand and seventeen.

e)   Nineteen seventeen 

7. Choose the right variant.  From the years 1941 to 1945.

a)   Nineteen four one to nineteen forty five.

b)   Nineteen forty one to nineteen forty fives.

c)   Nineteen forty one to ninety forty five.

d)   Ninety forty one to nineteen forty five.

e)   Nineteen forty one to nineteen forty five. 

8. Choose the right variant.

Say what century it is: 2005.

a)   The twenty-one century.          d) The nineteenth

b)   Ninety century      century 

c)   The twenty-first century.          e) Nineteen century

9. Find the right variant of the ordinal number:

a)   twelfth        d) twelveth

b)   twenty-one e) two

c)   eleven

10. Find the right variant of the cardinal number:


a)               two hundred sixty-five.

b)               two hundred sixty-fifth.

c)               two hundreds and sixty-five.

d)               two hundreds sixty-five. 11. 8. Choose the right variant.


e) two hundred and sixty-five.

a)   The ninth of March.

b)   March and the nine.

c)   Nine and March.

12. Choose the right variant.

Fifty-three plus sixty-eight is … .

d)   The ninth and March.

e)   The nine and March.

a)               one hundred

b)               a hundred and twenty

c)               hundred and forty-six 13. Choose the right variant. Date: September 30? 

d)               two hundred

e)               one hundred and twenty-one 

a)   Thirty of September

b)   September thirteen 

c)   The thirtieth of September. 

d)   The thirteenth of


e)   Thirty September.



14. Choose the right variant.


a)   Eight thousand five hundred and seventy nine. 

b)   Eight thousand five hundred seventy nines.

c)   Eighteen thousand five hundreds seventy nine.

d)   Eighteen thousand five hundred seventy nine.

e)   Eight thousands five hundred seventy nine.

15. Choose the right variant.

How do you say the sum “$ 63 million”?

a)   Dollars sixty-three million.       d) Dollars sixties-three

b)   Sixty-three million dollars.       millions.

c)   Sixty and three millions e) Sixty-tree millions dollars. dollars.

16. Choose the right variant.

How do you say the following big number “ 624,112” ? a) Six-two-four and eleven-two

b)   Six hundreds, twenty-four, one hundred and twelve thousand.

c)   Six hundred and twenty-four thousand., one hundred and twelve 

d)   Six hundreds and twenty-four thousands., eleven hundreds and two

e)   Six hundreds and twenty-four thousands., one hundreds and twelve 

17. Find the right variant of the year.


a)   One thousand and nine hundred and ninety six.

b)   One double nine six.

c)   One thousand nine hundred ninety-six.

d)   One ninety-nine and six.

e)   Nineteen ninety-six.

18. Find the right variant of the ordinal number:


a)   Eight thousand and hundred.    d) Eight thousands and

b)   Eight millions.      hundreds.

c)   Eight million.        e) Eight thousands and a


19. Find the right variant:

Yesterday I phoned you for a …. times, but you didn‟t pick up the receiver.

a)   Hundredth. d) The hundreds.

b)   Hundreds.   e) The hundred.

c)   Hundred.

20.Find the right variant:

Our lessons begin on … of January.

a)   two    d) twelve

b)   twelve         e) eleven 

c)   the twelfth 21. My watch is … minutes slow.

a)   tenth d) the two

b)   a second      e) twelfth

c)   twenty

22. Read the telephone number:

235 677 105

a)   two five three six double seven one

b)   two three five six double seven oh five

c)   two three five six double five oh seven

d)   two three five six double seven one oh five

e)   two three five double six seven one oh five

23.  Choose the right variant.

_____ are starving in the world today.

a)   Thousands people d) Thousands peoples

b)   Thousands of people       e) Thousand of peoples 

c)   Thousands of peoples

24.. Choose the right variant.

How do you say the number  “101”?

a)   Ones hundreds one         d) One and  one hundred

b)   One hundreds one e) One thousand ones

c)   One hundred and one 

25. Choose the right variant of the year.


a)   twenty oh oh         d) twenty double oh

b)   two thousand        e) twenty hundred 

c)   twenty thousand





Етістіктің түрлері


1. Негізгі етістік 

to run, to go, to try, to speak, to take

2. Туынды етістік

to unpack, to shorter, to discover, to discharge, to rename

3. Кҥрделі етістік 

to look through, to look up, to broadcast 


Шақтар тӛрт топқа бӛлінеді:

1.   Indefinite (Simple) Tenses

2.   Continuous (Progressive) Tenses

3.   Perfect Tenses

4.   Perfect Continuous Tenses















The Present Indefinite ҥнемі істелетін кәсіби және басқа кҥнбе-кҥнгі әрекетті, адамзатқа, ғаламатқа тән ҥйреншікті, дағдылы жалпы қимыл, қозғалыс, амал, іс-әрекетті кӛрсетеді. 


1.                    A habitual action – тҧрақты, әдеттегі, жиі қайталанатын әдетке айналған іс-әрекет I run every morning.

She works at a restaurant.

2.                    A General factЖалпыға белгілі мәлім ақиқат, шындық The sun rises in the east.

It rarely rains in the desert.

3.                    Future timetablesкестеге байланысты келешекте болатын іс-әрекеттер 

The ticket office opens at 9:00.

The plane to Astana takes off at 6.40 a.m.


Present Indefinite Tense жасалу жолы

Сҧраулы және болымсыз сӛйлемдерде –do, -does  кӛмекші етістігі қолданылады


Жиі қолданылатын мезгіл пысықтауыштары: always, ever, never, as a rule, every day, (week, month, year), now and then, generally, seldom, occasionally, usually, regularly, rarely, sometimes, from time to time.


















do not












does not














you we they





you we they



do not







she it




she it




does not



The Present Indefinite формасындағы етістіктерге бірінші, екінші жақта жекеше және кӛпше тҥрде жіктік жалғау жалғанбайды, тек жекеше тҥрде ҥшінші жақта жіктік жалғау –s болып жалғанады.

► Етістіктің болымсыз және сҧраулы тҥрі -do, -does кӛмекші етістігі арқылы жасалады.

► Егер етістік –ch, -ss, -sh, -x және –o  жалғауларына аяқталса, - es  жалғауы жалғанады. I brush – he brushes

I teach – he teaches

I fix – he fixes 

I go – he goes

Егер етістік «дауыссыз + у» аяқталса, -у әрпі і әрпіне айналады да, -ies жалғауы жалғанады.

I try – he tries

Егер етістік «дауысты + у» аяқталса, -s жалғауы жалғанады.

I buy – he buys 


Adverbs of Frequency

                 always                  almost always

                 usually                  often                  frequently                   generally                   sometimes                   occasionally 



                 seldom                  rarely                  hardly ever                  almost never                  not ever, never 

Жиілік ҥстеулері әдетте сӛйлемнің ортасында қолданылады.

a)   I sometimes get up at 6:30

b)   Sometimes I get up at 6:30

Subject Freq.adv  Verb a) Omar always tells the truth.

Жиілік ҥстеулері бастауыш және етістіктің ортасында келеді.

Subject  be  Freq.adv.

b) Mansur is always on time.

Жиілік ҥстеулері be (am, is, are)  кӛмекші етістігінен кейін келеді.

c) Do you always eat breakfast?

Сҧраулы сӛйлемдерде жиілік ҥстеулері бастауыштан кейін келеді.

d)               I usually don‟t eat breakfast.

e)                Dana doesn‟t always eat breakfast.

Болымсыз сӛйлемдерде жиілік ҥстеулердің кӛбі болымсыз етістіктің алдында келеді. (always, ever ҥстеулерінің басқасы)

f) Дҧрыс: He never eats meat.

Бҧрыс: He doesn‟t never eat meat.

Rarely, hardly, ever, never болымсыз ҥстеулері болымсыз мағынадағы етістікпен қолдынылмайды.




1.                    An activity that is in progress at the moment қазір, берілген уақытта болып жатқан іс-әрекет. Mary is watching TV right now.

I‟m taking 5 courses this semester.

2.                    Future arrangementsалдын ала іске асырылуы ойластырылып қойған іс-әрекет 

I‟m going to Sweden next winter.

They‟re moving into their new house next week. 


Present Progressive Tense жасалу жолы:

Xaбарлы сӛйлемде am/is/are  кӛмекші етістіктері және V+ing 

Сҧраулы және болымсыз сӛйлемдерде am/is/are  кӛмекші етістіктері қолданылады

Мезгіл пысықтауыштар: now, right now, at the moment, always, constantly, still.






am working



am not









are working





are not






is working





is not






























you we they


you we they





are not





she it



she it



is not



►Егер етістік –е жалғауына аяқталса,  - ing суффиксі жалғанғанда да, сӛз соңындағы –е әрпі тҥсіп қалады.

dance – dancing


► Егер етістік –l  жалғауына аяқталса суффиксі жалғанғанда

-l жалғауы екі еселенеді.

travel – travelling 


Егер етістік –ie жалғауына аяқталса –y + -ing , жалғанады.

lie-lying; die-dying 


Ағылшын тілінде сезімді білдіретін  кейбір етістіктер (verbs of mental and emotional state) осы шақа байланысты болса да,          

(-ing) формасын қабылдамайды


Common verbs of state condition



1. Mental state

know  believe imagine  realize feel doubt 

understand  suppose  remember  recognize think  forget 

want  need  desire  mean 


2. Emotional state

love hate  care  like  dislike 

astonish  appreciate fear 



envy  surprise  prefer  mind 


3. Possession

possess have

own  belong 


4. Sense perceptions

taste  hear  see


smell  feel


5. Other existing states




cost  exist  look  owe  matter

weigh  consist of sound equal  contain 

be  include look like 


► Бірақ кейбір етістіктер –ing формасын қабылдайды. For example:

a)   Yum! This food tastes good. I like it very much.

b)   This food is tasting good. I‟m liking it very much.

c)   The chef is in his kitchen. He is tasting the sauce.

d)   It tastes too salty.

e)   He doesn‟t like it. 


A, D, E мысалдарында етістік сезім және қабылдау сезімдерді білдіргендіктен олар –ing формасын қабылдамайды

B C мысалдарында аспаздың іс-әрекетін баяндағандықтан

–ing формасын қажет етеді.




1.                    An action that began and ended at a specific time in the pastіс-әрекет, оқиғалар ӛткен шақта басталып, ӛткен шақта аяқталады

We won a gold medal last year. 

They spent their holidays in Switzerland last month. They had a great time. 

2.                    An action that occurred over a period of time and was completed in the pastіс-әрекеттердің бірінен кейін бірінің келуі, қарапайым қайталанып келетін іс-әрекеттер 

She cooked the meal first than she ate with her family. 

Past Indefinite Tense жасалу жолы.

Сҧраулы және болымсыз формада did кӛмекші етістігі қолданылады

Хабарлы сӛйлемде дҧрыс етістіктерде (regular verbs) инфинитив формасына ed жалғанады

Бҧрыс етістіктер (irregular verbs) инфинитивтің 2-ші формасын қабылдайды (бҧрыс етістіктер таблицасынан кӛре аласыздар).

Мезгіл ҥстеулер: last week, last night, yesterday, an hour ago, in 1973, during 

















did not












did not















you we they




you we they



did not







she  it 




she  it




did not 




1. An interrupted action - ӛткен шақта екі іс-әрекеттің бір уақытта болуы 

While the children were watching TV, their mother was cooking. 

I was watching the Olympics on TV, when he walked in. 

2. A repeated or continuous state in the past - ӛткен шақта белгілі уақыт аралығында болған іс-әрекет  At three o‟clock yesterday afternoon they were sitting at a café. I was making many new friends at the Olympic Village.  


Past Progressive Tense жасалу жолы.

Past Progressive Tense to be кӛмекші етістігі was/were және негізгі етістікке  -ing жалғау жалғану арқылы жасалады


Жиі қолданылатын мезгіл пысықтауыштар:

while, all day long, all the time, the whole evening 






was playing



was not









was playing





were not






was playing





was not






























you we they


you we they




were not





she it



she it



was not





@ 1. Use the Present Indefinite or the Present Continuous instead of the infinitives in brackets:

Mark: …… Are you looking …. (you/look) for someone?

Alan: Yes, …. I need …… (I need) to speak to Neil. he isn‟t in his office. Mark: (1) ……… (he / talk) to the boos at the moment.                  (2) ………… (I / think) (3) ……………. (they / discuss) money.

Alan: Oh, right. And what about you? (4) ……….. (you / look) for someone too?

Mark: Yes, Linda. (5)……… (you / know) where she is?

Alan: Oh, she isn‟t here today. She only (6) ……….. work four days a week. (7) ……….. (she / not / work) on Fridays. She‟ll be here on Monday.

Mark: Thank you. (8) ……….  (you / know) a lot of about Linda.

Alan: Well, most days (9) ……….. (I / give) her a lift, or                 

(10) ……….. (she / give) me one. (11) …………. (She / live) quite close to me. (12) …………. (it / save) petrol.

Mark: Yes, of course. Good idea. Yes, (13) …………….                 

(I / agree). Well, (14) ………….. (I / waste) my time here then, I‟ll get back to my computer. 


@ 2. Find the right form of the verb in the dialogue. 

Emma: Hi, Mike. What do you look / are you looking at?

Michael: Oh, hi. These are photos of mine when I was a child.

Emma: Oh, look at this one. I think / I‟m thinking you look lovely, Mike.

Michael: I have / I‟m having some more photos here. Emma: Look at this. Why such a big coat?

Michael: It was my brother‟s. That‟s why it didn‟t / it wasn‟t fitting properly.

Emma: Oh, I see / I‟m seeing. And you have / you‟re having your tea here. And in this one you think / you‟re thinking about something very serious.

Michael: This is a photo of the village. I come / I‟m coming from.

Emma: Oh, that‟s nice.

Michael: And I caught this fish, look. It weighted / it was weighing about half a kilo.

Emma: What a nice little boy! 

@  3. Present Indefinite or the Present Continuous?

1.                    Elizabeth usually goes / is usually going to bed at around

eleven o‟clock.

2.                    Dan talks / is taking on the other phone right now.

3.                    We don‟t eat / aren‟t eating any meat at the moments as we‟re both on a diet.

4.                    Does air travel get / I air travel getting increasingly.

5.                    My mum calls / is calling me every weekend without fail.

6.                    How much do babysitters generally earn / are babysitters generally earning?

7.                    You always come / You‟re always coming up with excuses for not having done your homework. It‟s so annoying!

8.                    I don‟t go / I‟m not going out much during the week but I always try / I‟m always trying to go out somewhere on Saturday night.

9.                    No, the train does stop / is stopping at Cirencester on Saturdays.

10.               My mum takes / is taking part in ice-skating competitions almost every weekend.


@ 4. Use the Present Indefinite or the Present Continuous instead of the infinitives in brackets:

1.                    My elder sister (to have) a music lesson. She always (to have) a music lesson on Friday. 

2.                    Who (to sing) in the next room? 

3.                    Father (to read) a newspaper. He usually (to read) something before going to bed. 

4.                    Mother (to cook) breakfast in the kitchen. She always (to cook) in the mornings.

5.                    Who you (to wait) for? – I (to wait) for Ann, we must leave in ten minutes. 

6.                    It often (to rain) in autumn. 

7.Do not go out, it (to rain) heavily.

8.You (to understand) the use of the Present Indefinite and the Present Continuous quite well? 9.What you (to smile), Kitty? 

11. I often (to meet) you at the corner of this street. You (to wait) for anybody? 

12.You usually (to go) through the park? – Not usually, it‟s only today that I (to go) here. 

13.You (to hear) anything? – Yes, somebody (to knock) at the door.

   14.They still (to discuss) where to go now.

@ 5. Put the verbs in brackets into Present Indefinite or Present Continuous:

1. Look up! The sun …. so brightly. (to shine). 2. My uncle usually…. newspapers in the evening. (to read). 3. As a rule, my sister …. all housework in the evening. (to do). 4. Go and see! our children

…. soundly. (to sleep). 5. Our family usually …. out of town on  Sundays. (to go). What …. the students …. at the moment? (to do). Some of the students …. themselves. While the others …. the dialogue by heart. (to record, to learn) 6. ... your  nephew …. English books in the original? (to read) 7. Hallo! Where …. you …. ? (go) – I …. to the university (to go). …. you …. there, too? (to go) – No, I ….   not usually …. to the University in the morning. (to go) I …. evening classes (to attend). 9.   …. you …. the words of this English song? (to understand) – Yes, I …. that now I …. them (to think, to understand).

10.Whom …. you …. there? (to see)


@ 6. Open the brackets, using Past Simple or Past Continuous.

1.                    When Martin …. (arrive) home, Anna …… (talk) to someone on the phone. Martin …. (start) to get the tea. 

2.                    I …… (lie) in the bath when the phone …. (ring). It ….. (stop) after a few rings.

3.                    It …. (be) cold when we ….. (leave) the house that day, and a light snow ……… (fall).

4.                    Your friend who ……… (come) here the other day …… (seem) very nice. I …… (enjoy) meeting her.

5.                    When I …. (see) the man, he ….. (stand) outside the bank. He …… (have) a black baseball cap on.

6.                    When I ….. (open) the cupboard door, a pile of books …..

(fall) out.

7.                    I …… (walk) along the street when I suddenly …… (feel) something hit me in the back. I ………. (no/know) what it was.

8.                    We …….. (go) to London yesterday, but on the way we …… (hear) about a bomb scare in Oxford Street. So we ………. (drive) back home straight away.

9.                    Something very strange ………. (happen) to me way home from work yesterday afternoon. I ………. (drive) along the bypass at the time. Suddenly I ………… (see) my mother in the seat beside me. But she died three years ago.

10.               When my mother saw me I ……… (play) with the mud.  



1. Choose the right variant of the main verb. 

I _____ an interesting book at the moment. I‟ll return it to the library when I‟ve finished

a)   read   d) would read

b)   am reading e) had read

c)   shall read

2. George _____ to the dentist every month.

a)   is going       d) has gone

b)   goes   e) shall go

c)   will go

3. Where ______ the car?

a)   did you park         d) you parked

b)   did you parked      e) shall park 

c)   parked you

4. Choose the right variant of the main verb. 

Present Simple or Present Continuous? 

She (still/hesitate) whether to continue the experiments or not.

a)   Is hesitating          d) Are hesitates

b)   Hesitates     e) Will hesitates

c)   Hesitated

5. Choose the right variant of the main verb.  Present Simple or Present Continuous? 

Usually she (paint) pictures in the living-room. 

a)   Paints         d) Were paints

b)   Is painting   e) Do paints

c)   Is  paints

6. Choose the right variant of the main verb.  Present Simple or Present Continuous? 

What languages ... you (speak)? 

a)   Was  ... speaking; d) Were ... speaking

b)   Do ... speak e) Are  ... speaking

c)   Is ... speaking

7. Choose the right variant of the main verb.  Present Simple or Present Continuous?

 My mother (do) a lot of work every day. 

a)   Will Doing d) Does

b)   Is doing    c) Are doing   e) Is done

8. Choose the right variant of the main verb. 

Present Simple or Present Continuous?

  ... you (tell) a lie now?

a)   Are ... telling         d) Did ... tell

b)   Do ... tell.    e) Doing... tell

c)   Does ... tell

9. Choose the right variant of the main verb.  Present Simple or Present Continuous?  What ... they usually (have) for supper?

a)   Do ... having         d) Does ... having

b)   Are ... having.       e) Are ... have

c)   Do ... have

10. Choose the right variant of the main verb.  Present Simple or Present Continuous? 

Who ... (listen) to the radio now? 

a)   Did listening         d) Do listening

b)   Listens        e) Is  listening

c)   Are listening

11. Choose the right variant of the main verb.  Present Simple or Present Continuous? 

As a rule, she (wear) beautiful clothes.

a)   Wearing      d) Was wears

b)   Is wearing   e) Will wear 

c)   Wears

12. Choose the right variant of the main verb.  Present Simple or Present Continuous? 

 How ... you (feel) at that moment?

a)   Do ... feel    d) Does ... feeling

b)   Are ... feeling        e) Was ... feeling

c)   Do ... feeling

13. Choose the right variant of the main verb.  Present Simple or Present Continuous?

 Usually I (play) the violin but now I (play) the piano. 

a)   Play; am playing  d) Are playing/play

b)   Am playing/play   e) Am playing/is play

c)   Is playing/play

14.Choose the right variant of the main verb.

At nine o‟clock yesterday morning we ______ for the bus.

a)   wait   d) were waiting

b)   waiting        e) is waiting

c)   was waiting

14.   Choose the right variant of the main verb. 

When I looked round the door, the baby ______ quietly.

a)   is sleeping   d) were sleeping

b)   slept e) are sleeping

c)   was sleeping

15.   Choose the right variant of the main verb.  Elvis Prestley ____ in 1977.

a)   dies   d) have died

b)   had died      e) has died

c)   died

16.   When Peter opened the door, the children ___ round                        the fir tree:

a)   danced        d) dance

b)   are dancing e) is dancing

c)   were dancing

17.   We ______ when we were at university.

a)   were meeting        d) met

b)   have met     e) has meeting

c)   have been meeting

18.   When Mark arrived, the Johnsons _______ dinner,                      but stopped in order to talk to him.

a)   were having          d) was having

b)   had    e) has been having 

c)   had been having

19.   Choose the right variant of the main verb.  Past Simple or Past Continuous? 

I (walk) home after the party yesterday. 

a)   Walking      d) Were walking

b)   Was walking         e) Walked

c)   Was walked  

21. Choose the right variant of the main verb. Past Simple or Past Continuous?   

 He (drive) along the highway.

a)   Do drove     d) Drove

b)   Was driving          e) Drive

c)   Was drove

22. Choose the right variant of the main verb.  Past Simple or Past Continuous?   

When I (arrive) my son (have) dinner.

a)   Arrived; was having       d) Was arriving; has

b)   Was arriving; had e) Was arriving; have

c)   Were arriving; had

23. Choose the right variant of the main verb.  Past Simple or Past Continuous?   

 Our team (fly) to London for football game last night.

a)   Did flying   d) Flew

b)   Was flying e) Does flying

c)   Were flying

24. Choose the right variant of the main verb.  Past Simple or Past Continuous?  Mr. Grey (not/understand) what I (sing). a) Didn't understand; was singing

b)   Wasn't understanding; sang

c)   Weren't understanding; sang

d)   Wasn't understanding; sing

e)   Wasn't understanding; was  sing

25. Choose the right variant of the main verb.  Past Simple or Past Continuous? 

While we (work) my dog (hurt) its leg. 

a)   were working; hurt         d) Worked;  hurting

b)   worked; was hurting       e) Work;  hurting

c)   Working; was hurting

26. Choose the right variant of the main verb.  Past Simple or Past Continuous? 

Kelly (enjoy) the evening but I (want) to go home.

a)   Was enjoying; want        d) Enjoying; wanted

b)   Enjoyed; was wanting    e) Enjoy; want

c)   Was enjoying; wanted

27.   Choose the right variant of the main verb.

Past Simple or Past Continuous?   


a)   Do ... happening   d) Did ... happen

b)   Was ... happening.          e) Does ... happening

c)   Were ... happening

28.   Choose the right variant of the main verb. Past Simple or Past Continuous?  

He (sit) in the garden when Tom (come). 

a)   Was sitting; came d) Were sat; was coming

b)   Sat; was coming    e) Sat; was come

c)   Sat;  coming

29.   Choose the right variant of the main verb.  Past Simple or Past Continuous?    

When my mother (cook) the telephone (ring). 

a)   Was cooking; was rang   d) Was cooking;  rang

b)   Cooked; was ringing       e) Was cook; rang

c)   Were cooking; rang

30.   I saw John in the park. He _____ on the grass and _____ a book.

a)   were sitting, reading       d) sitting, was reading

b)   sitting, reading      e) was sitting, was reading

c)   was sitting, reading          













Have (has) + Past Participle 

1.                    Ann action that began in the past and continues in the present -  Бҧрын басталып, белгілі уақытқа созылып, әлі де жалғасып жатқан іс-әрекет

They have been friends for five years.  She has been training for two years.

2.                    Repetition of an action before nowқазіргі уақытпен байланысы бар аяқталған іс-әрекет He has been to the Olympic several times.

Alihan has received three e-mails this morning.


Present Perfect tense жасалу жолы

Present Perfect tense have, has кӛмекші етістіктері және етістіктің 3-ші формасы (Past Participle) 


Жиі қолданылатын мезгіл пысықтауыштар 

already, ever, never, just, yet, lately, so far
























have not















has not














you we they






you we they





have not




she it




she it




has not


Since және For сӛздерінің қолданылуы 


since  seven o‟clock since Monday since December

I have been here     since 1983 since February 3, 2007 since last month

Since сӛзі ай, кҥн, сағат,

жылдармен қолдынылады.

Since бір іс-әрекеттің белгілі бір уақытта ӛткен шақта басталғанын және қазіргі уақытқа дейін жалғасып жатқандығын кӛрсетеді.

I have lived here since I was a child


for twenty minutes for three hours for seven days

I have been here    for about three weeks

for almost five    month

for many years for a long time

For сӛзі уақыт созылыңқылығын кӛрсетеді.


Егер зат есім – s жалғауына аяқталса (hours, days, weeks)   for қолданылады.




Have (has) been + Present Participle 

1.                    Expressing the duration of an action that began in the past and continues in the present  - Бұрын басталып, белгілі уақытқа созылып, қазір де жалғасып жатқан iс-әрекетті білдіредіJohn has been swimming for two hours.

He has been waiting for the bus for 20 minutes. 

2.                    An action that began in the past and has just recently ended

Бұрын басталып, белгілі уақытқа созылып, қазір ғана аяқталған және қорытындысы анық іс-әрекетті білдіредіHave you been crying? Your eyes are red.

He is dirty. He has been playing football. 


Present Perfect Continuous жасалу жолы.

Present Perfect Continuous have been/has been көмекші етістіктері  және негізгі етістікке -ing жалғауы жалғанады.













have been










have not been








has been







has not been














you we they



been digging?



you we they





have not




 she  it 


been digging?



 she it




has not


Present Perfect және Present Perfect Continuous айырмашылығы


▪ He has been typing letters all day. 

How many letters has he typed? ▪ He has typed ten letters today. 

Бҧл сӛйлемде іс-әрекеттің қанша уақытқа дейін созылып жатқандығын кӛреміз

Бҧл сӛйлемде іс-әрекеттің аяқталғандығы және іс-әрекеттің нәтижесі маңызды 




Had + Past Participle

1.                    A past action that occurred before another action in the past бір іс-әрекеттің басқа ӛтіп кеткен іс-әрекеттен немесе сәттен бҧрын басталғанын білдіреді.

She had just left when I arrived there.

They had already reserved the table when they went to the restaurant. 

2.                    An action that was expected to occur in the past - ӛтіп кеткен іс-әрекеттің бір сәттен бҧрын басталып, әлі де сол сәтте жалғасып жатқанын білдіреді.

I had hoped to get their decision before.

He had injured his legs in a car accident. 


The Past Perfect Tense жасалу жолы

The Past Perfect Tense кӛмекші етістік has + Past Partciple арқылы жасалады


Мезгіл пысықтауыштары:

For, since, till/until, by, by the time, never. 























had not  















had not  














you we they






you we they





had not




 she  it 




 she it




had not





Had been + Present Participle 

1.                    Expressing the duration of an activity that occurred before another action in the past year – ӛтіп кеткен іс-әрекеттің басқа ӛтіп кеткен іс-әрекеттің басталар кезіне дейін қаншалықты ҧзақ болғанын кӛрсетеді. 

She had been completing for six years before she tried out for the Olympics last year.

They had been skating together for five years before they entered the competition.

2.                    An action occurring recently before another action in the past - ӛткен шақтың ішінде екінші бір іс-әрекет басталғанға дейін болып ӛткен созылыңқылы ӛткен шақ.

He looked tired because he had been running for six hours. He had been working hard that day, so he was tried. 


The Past Perfect Tense жасалу жолы 

The Past Perfect Tense had been кӛмекші етістігі және негізгі етістікке -ing  жалғауы жалғану арқылы жасалады► Мезгіл пысықтауыштар:

For, since, until, before 














had been










had not been








had been







had not been














you we they


been digging?



you we they





had not




she it


been digging?



she it




had not





@ 1.  Fill the sentences with the following words. already * before * ever * for * just * rarely * since * so * still * yet  1. Have you … …. dreamt of winning the lottery?

2.   I haven‟t worked out how to set the timer on the video.

3.   My dad‟s lived in the same house … … he was born.

4.   The film‟s only been on … … a couple of minutes. 5. Bruce has knocked three men out of the competition … … far.

6.   I get the chance to get any exercise – I‟m just too busy.

7.   He‟s only … … got home.

8.   It‟s eleven o‟clock and Todd … … hasn‟t come home. Where could he be?

9.   I‟ve never met Ruth … … What‟s she like? 10. Have you finished … …? That was quick! 


@ 2. Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous?

1.                    It (snow) … … all day. I wonder when it will stop.

2.                    We (have) … … three major snowstorms so far this winter. I wonder how many more we will have.

3.                    It‟s ten p.m. I (study) … … I wonder how many more we will have. 4. I (write) … … them three times, but I still haven‟t received a reply.

5.                    The telephone (ring) …. … four times in the last hour, and each time it has been for my office mate.

6.                    The telephone (ring) …… for almost a minute. Why doesn‟t someone answer it?

7.                    A.: (you, be) … …. able to reach Bob on the phone yet?

  B.: Not yet. I (try) … … for the last twenty minutes, but all I get is a busy signal.

8.                    A.: Hi, Jenny. I (see, not) … … you for weeks. What (you, do)

… …. lately?

    B.: Studying.

9.                    A.: What are you going to order for dinner?

    B.: Well, I (have, never) … … vegetarian pizza, so I think I‟ll order that.

10.               A.: What‟s the matter? Your eyes are red and puffy. (you, cry)       B.: No, I just finished peeling some onions.

11.               A.: Dr. Jones is a good teacher. How long (he, be) … … the university.       B.: He (teach) … … here for twenty-five years. 12. The little girl is dirty from head to foot because she (play) ….

… in the mud. 


@ 3. Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous? 1. Someone (eat) … all the cakes. I‟ll have to buy some more.

2.   What (you buy) … your sister for her birthday?

3.   My throat is really sore. I (sing) … all evening.

4.   Brenda (learn) …. Russian, but she finds it difficult. 5. How many people (you invite) …. to your party?

6.                    Those two for cats (sit) … on that branch for the last party?

7.                    It (rain) … all day! Why can‟t it stop?

8.                    Diana (wear) …. twelve different dresses in the park week!

9.                    I (do) … everything you asked. What should I do now?

10.               Graham and Pauline (try) … to find a house for ages, but they can‟t find one they can afford.  


@ 4. Put the verbs in brackets into the proper present tense (Present Simple, Present Continuous or Present Perfect):

1.                    It is raining and Ann … my umbrella. (to take) 

2.                    The lesson … yet. (not to begin)

3.                    I often … people say that the weather in Astana is bad. (to hear) 

4.                    Peter, what … Bob … there? (to do) – He … his exercise-book, he … it. (to look for, to lose) – Why it … here! (to lie) 

5.                    What … he … ? (to do) – He … his degree-work, he … it yet.

(to write, not to finish). He … necessary material for it, and now he … in the library. (to collect, to work) 

6.                    It‟s Sunday morning. On Sundays we usually … to the country. (to go) I must be ready by nine o‟clock as my friends are to call for me at 9 sharp. I … already … my bed and … the floor. (to do, to sweep) Now I … my hair: I … and … it, and I … a scarlet band round my head. (to do, to brush, to comb, to put) Looking into the mirror I see that I … pretty well with this new hairdo. (to look) I … to the kitchen to have breakfast. (to go) My mother … it for the two of us. (to cook) We … at the kitchen-table. (to sit down) While Mother … the coffee into our cups, I … some sandwiches. (to pour, to prepare) “What … your plans for today?” Mother asks me. (to be) “We haven‟t made up our minds yet.” “I think you‟d better go to some place near the sea,” Mother says.

@ 5. Open the brackets using the verbs in the Present Perfect or Past Simple.

1.        He (to be) abroad five years ago. 

2.        You (to be) in the Caucasus last year? 

3.        They (to leave) England when he (to be) still a child. 

4.        He (not yet to come) back. 

5.        He (to go) already? 

6.        When you (to see) him last? 

7.        I (not to see) him for ages.

8.        His health (to improve) greatly since I (to see) him last. 

9.        Last night I (to feel) tired and (to go) to bed very early.

10.   Where you (to spend) your holidays? 

11.   You ever (to spend) your holidays in the Crimea? 

12.   While traveling in the Crimea I (to meet) your friend. 

13.   I never (to visit) that place. 

14.   He (to visit) that place last year. 

15.   I just (to get) a letter from Tom. 

16.   You (to take) any photographs while traveling in the south?


@  6. Open the brackets using the verbs in one of the future tenses: Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous. 

1.                    He (to run) now. He (to run) for ten minutes without any rest. 

2.                    What they (to do) now? – They (to work) in the reading-room. They (to work) there for already three hours. 

3.                    Where he (to be) now? – He (to be) in the garden. He (to play) volley-ball with his friends. They (to play) since breakfast time. 

4.                    I (to live) in St.Petersburg. I (to live) in St.Petersburg since 1990. 

5.                    She already (to do) her homework for two hours; but she (not yet to do) half of it. 

6.                    I (to wait) for you since two o‟clock. 

7.                    What you (to do)? – I (to read) for already two hours. I already (to read) sixty pages. 

8.                    This man (to be) a writer. He (to write) books. He (to write) books since he was a young man. He already (to write) eight books. 

9.                    What you (to do) here since morning? 

10.               Lena is a very good girl. She always (to help) her mother about the house. Today she (to help) her mother since morning. They already (to wash) the floor and (to dust) the furniture. Now they (to cook) dinner together. 

11.               This is the factory where my father (to work). He (to work) here for fifteen years. 

12.               You (to find) your note-book? – No! I still (to look) for it. I already (to look) for it for two hours, but (not yet to find) it. 

13.               You (to play) with a ball for already three hours. Go home and your homework. 

14.               Wake up! You (to sleep) for ten hours already. 

15.               I (to wait) for a letter from my cousin for a month already, but (not yet to receive) it. 

16.               It is difficult for me to speak about this opera as I (not to hear) it. 

17.               I just (to receive) a letter from my granny, but I (not yet to receive) any letters from my parents. 

18.               The weather (to be) fine today. The sun (to shine) ever since we got up.  19. Every day I (to wind) up my watch at 10 o‟clock in the evening. 

20.               Come along, Henry, what you (to do) now? I (to wait) for you a long time. 

21.               Where your gloves (to be)? – I (to put) them into my pocket.   




1. Choose the right variant of the main verb.

She ... at the parcel long enough, before she ... that it was for her brother.

a)   had been looking, had understood

b)   had been looking, understood

c)   was looking, understood

d)   was looking, has understood

e)   was looked, has understood 

2. Choose the right variant of the main verb. We were good friends, we … … each other for years.

a)   had known d) know

b)   had knowing         e) known

c)   were knowing

3. Choose the right variant of the main verb.

We were extremely tired at the end of the journey. We …. for more than 24 hours.

a)   had travelled         d) travel

b)   were travelling      e) have travelled 

c)   had been travelling

4.  Choose the right variant of the main verb.

How long … this book? How many pages of this book … ? a) have you been reading, have you been reading

b)   have you read, have you read

c)   have you read, you read

d)   have you been reading, have you read

e)   have you reading, have read

5. Choose the right variant of the main verb.

We … to the top of Holborn Hill before I … that he was not smiling at all.

a)   had got, knew       d) have got, have known

b)   got, knew    e) are getting, knew

c)   were getting, knew

6. Choose the right variant of the main verb. 

Present Perfect.   I am afraid (forget) my book at home.

a)   Have forgotten      d) Had forgotten

b)   Has forgotten        e) Having forgotten

c)   Have forgot

7. Choose the right variant of the main verb.

Present Perfect. …the secretary (yet/ come)?

a)   Had … come yet? d) Has will… come yet?

b)   Has … come yet? e) Having … come yet?

c)   Have… come yet?

8. Choose the right variant of the main verb. 

Present Perfect. I (learn) the rhyme. Could you listen to me?

a)   Have learning/learnt       d) Have learned/learnt

b)   Has learned/learnt e) Have learned/learning

c)   Had learned/learnt

9. Choose the right variant of the main verb.  Present Perfect. …you (ever/ be) to Italy?

a)   Had you ever been          d) Having you ever been

b)   Have you ever been        e) Has you ever been

c)   Have your  ever been

10. Choose the right variant of the main verb.

 Present Perfect. They (already/ inform) me about the accident. a) Have had already informed          d) Had  already informed

b)   Has  already informed    e) Have  already informed

c)   Having  already informed

11. Choose the right variant of the main verb. 

Present Perfect. He is the most handsome man I (ever/ know).

a)     Have been ever known   d) Has ever known

b)     Have ever knew    e) Had ever known

c)     Have  ever known

12. Choose the right variant of the main verb. Present Perfect.  Kevin (already/ leave for) Manchester.

a)   Has already leave for      d) Has already left for

b)   Have  already left for      e) Having already left for

c)   Had already left for

13. Choose the right variant of the main verb.

 Present Perfect. He (not/ receive) any letters from her this week.

a)   Hasn‟t receive      d) Hadn‟t received

b)   Haven‟t received e) Hasn‟t have received

c)   Hasn‟t received  

14.   Choose the right variant of the main verb. 

Present Perfect. I (not/ hear) from him since he left Paris.

a)   Haven‟t hear        d) Hasn‟t heard

b)   Haven‟t heard       e) Hadn‟t heard

c)   Haven‟t have heard

15.   Choose the right variant of the main verb.  Present Perfect. I (not/ see) Tom for ages.

a)   Haven‟t see          d) Hasn‟t seen

b)   Haven‟t seen        e) Hadn‟t see

c)   Not seen

16.   Choose the right variant of the main verb.

 Present Perfect.  …you (have) a holiday this year?

a)   Have you had        d) Have has you had

b)   Has you had          e) Having you had

c)   Had you had

17.   Choose the right variant of the main verb.

 Present Perfect. We (see) some good films recently.

a)   Had seen     d) Having seen

b)   Has seen      e) Have seen

c)   Have see

18.   Choose the right variant of the main verb. 

Present Perfect. They (wait) for you for half an hour.

a)   Has waited d) Have waited

b)   Have waiting        e) Have did waited

c)   Had waited

19.   Choose the right variant of the main verb. 

Present Perfect. Mom (have) a headache since she came from the theater.

a)   Had had      d) Has had

b)   Have had     e) Have, have

c)   Having had

20.   Choose the right variant of the main verb. 

Present Perfect.  Alan (work) in the bank for a year.

a)   Had worked          d) Have worked

b)   Has work    e) Has worked

c)   Has working   

21.   Choose the right variant of the main verb.  Present Perfect. Granny (be) ill for a fortnight.

a)   Been ill       d) Has been ill

b)   Has  ill        e) Has being ill

c)   Have been ill

22.   Choose the right variant of the main verb.  Present Perfect.   …you (ever/ ride) a horse?

a)   Having you ever ridden  d) Have you ever ride

b)   Had you ever ridden       e) Have you ever ridden

c)   Have has you ever ridden

23.   Choose the right variant of the main verb. Present Perfect/ Past Simple. We (not/ have) a holiday last year.

a)   Didn‟t have          d) Hasn‟t have

b)   Haven‟t had         e) Don‟t has

c)   Hadn‟t have

24.   Choose the right variant of the main verb. Present Perfect/ Past Simple. 

My parents (be) to the USA many times.

a)   Have been   d) Was

b)   Were e) Was being

c)   Have being

25.   Choose the right variant of the main verb. Present Perfect/ Past Simple.

 I (buy) a new dress last week, but I (not/ wear) it yet.

a)   Bought, haven‟t worn     e) Had buy, didn‟t

b)   Have bought, wore         wearing

c)   Had bough, didn‟t wear

d)   Had bough, don‟t wear














Will + infinitive (without „to‟)

1.   Predicting something that is likely to happen in the future –

Келешекте болатын іс-әрекеттер You will win the race. I know it. 

2.   Expressing willingness to do something –  I will go with you if you like.

3.   Making a decision at the time of speaking -  I will call you in a few minutes then. 

Future Indefinite Tense I think немесе Perhaps сӛздерімен қолданылады, сонымен қатар болашақта болатын іс-әрекетті кӛрсетеді

I think it will rain tomorrow.

Perhaps she will be late for her lesson.   Future Indefinite Tense жасалу жолы 

Present Indefinite Tense кӛмекші етістік will және етістіктің алғашқы нысаны Іnfinitive (to бӛлшегінсіз) арқылы жасалады.

Future Indefinite Tense іс-әрекеттің асырылуын кӛрсетеді, дегенмен to be going to формасына қарағанда, іс-әрекеттің алдынала жоспарланғаны емес, кенеттен болғанын кӛрсетеді.  - The phone is ringing! - I‟ll answer it. 

Мезгіл пысықтауыштары

Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next week (month, year)
























will not















will not





















we they



we they

will not





she it





she it



will not


Ағылшын тілінде келер шақтың басқа шақтарда кӛрінуі



Қолданылатын кездері


1. to be going to + инфинтив

Жақында іске асырылуы ойластырылып қойған іс-


She is going to visit his grandmother.

They are going to play tomorrow.

2. Present



Жақында іске асырылуы ойластырылып қойған іс-

әрекеттер, әдетте іс-қимыл етістіктермен (to come, to leave, to start, to arrive, to fly, etc.) жасалады.

I am leaving Almaty today.

I am coming tomorrow.

We are starting next week.

George is arriving in the evening.

3. Present



Кестеге, графикке және бағдарламаға байланысты

ойластырылып қойған іс-


The bus leaves at


The lesson begins in five minutes.

4. Модаль

етістігі to be to +


Келісім бойынша жақында орындалуы керек іс-әрекет

We are to go on

Friday. Who is to clean the house today?




1. An action that will continuing at a particular time in the futureКелешекте белгілі уақыт аралығында болатын іс-әрекет. This time next week I will be training for the race.

This time next month we‟ll be lying on a beach or swimming in the sea. 

The Future Continuous Tense жасалу жолы 

The Future Continuous Tense кӛмекші етістік will be және етістіктің алғашқы нысаны Іnfinitive (to бӛлшегінсіз) арқылы жасалады.














will be



be flying







will not be







will be


be flying





will not be














you we they

 be flying?




you we they



will not





she it

 be flying?




she it



will not




1. An action that will be completed before a particular time in the futureболашақта белгілі мезгілге дейін анық бітетін, орындалатын іс-әрекет 

They will have finished their meeting by four o‟clock this afternoon.

By next June I will have participated in four Olympics. 


Future Perfect tense жасалу жолы 

Future Perfect tense will have және етістіктің ӛткен шақтағы есімше Past Participle (Participle II) формасы арқылы жасалады.  


Мезгіл пысықтауыштар:

By that time, by then, by Sunday…, by the end of the year, by now.














will have










will not have








will have







will not have














you we they


have written?




you we they



will not





she it


have written?




she it



will not






1. Expressing the duration of time that has occurred before a specific time in the future – Келер шақтағы белгілі бір уақытқа дейінгі созыңқылы уақытты білдіреді


By the next May I will have been training at this gym for eleven years.


Future Perfect Continuous tense жасалу жолы

Future Perfect Continuous tense кӛмекші етістік will have been және негізгі етістікке –ing жалғауы жалғану арқылы жасалады.













will have been









will not have been







will have been







will not have been














you we they


have been walking?




you we they



will not





she it


have been walking?




she it



will not




► The Future in the Past - ӛткен шақта болу керек іс-әрекетті келер шақта білдіреді.

Last time I saw you, were going to start a new job.


► The Future in the Past жасалу жолы

The Future in the Past кӛмекші етістіктер ӛткен шақтың формасында қолданылады.

is going to → was / were going to

will →  would

In 1968 I arrived in the town where I would spend the next 10 years of my life.

He knew she would return the following week.


“To be going to” обороты

► “To be going to” обороты келер шақтағы іс-әрекетті білдіреді. Future Simple-дан “to be going to” оборотының айырмашылығы:

1. Алдын-ала жоспарланған іс-қимыл

I‟m going to watch the next programme.

Rachel and Vicky are going to spend two weeks in Hawaii. 2. Нақты іс-әрекетті білдіреді.

My sister is going to have a baby next month. Do you think it is going to rain?

This bag isn‟t very strong. It‟s going to break. 

Тo be going to” обороты әдетте to go етістігімен қолдынылмайды. Оның орнына Present Continuous қолданылады:

We are going to go out this evening. (= We are going out this evening) 

“To be going to” жасалу жолы

“To be going to”: to be + going to + infinitive 








am going






am not going to








are going to










are not

going to










is going to










is not

going to














going to post?








am not



you we they


going to post?



you we they



are not





she it


going to post?




she it



is not





@ 1. Put the verb in brackets into the Future Continuous or Future Perfect:

1.                    Don‟t phone between 7 and 8. … (we / have) dinner then.

2.                    Phone me after 8 o‟clock … (we/finish) by then.

3.                    Tomorrow afternoon we‟re going to play tennis from 3 o‟clock until 4.30. So at 4 o‟clock, (we/play) tennis.

4.                    A.: Can we meet tomorrow? B.: Yes, but not in the afternoon. …. (I/work).

5.                    Ben has to go to a meeting which begins at 10 o‟clock. It will last about an hour.

A.: Will, you be free at 11.30?

B.: Yes, … (the meeting/end) by then. 

6.                    Ben is on holiday and he is spending his money very quickly. If he continues like this, …. (he/spend) all his money before the end of his holiday. 7. Do you think … (you/still/do) the same job in ten year‟s time?

8.                    Lisa is from New Zealand. She is travelling around Europe at the moment. So far she has travelled about 1.000 miles. By the end of the trip, …. (she/travel) more than 3.000 miles.

9.                    If you need to contact me, … (I/stay) at the Lion Hotel until Friday.

10.               We‟re late. The film … (already/start) by the time we get to the cinema. 


@ 2. Put the following sentences into Present Continuous:

1.                    Right now I am attending class. Yesterday at this time, I was attending class. Tomorrow at this time, I (attend) _________ class. Tomorrow at this time, I (attend) _______ class.

2.                    Tomorrow I‟m going to leave for home. When I (arrive)

______ at the airport, my whole family (wait) ___________ for me. 3. A.: How can I get in touch with you while you‟re out of town? B.: I (stay) ______ at the Pilgrim Hotel. You can reach me there.

4.                    Next year at this time, I (do)  ____ exactly what I am doing now. I (attend) ______ school and (study) ______ hard next year.

5.                    A.: When do you leave for Florida?

B.: Tomorrow. Just think! Two days from now I (lie) ____ on the beach in the sun.

A.: Sounds great! I (think) __________ about you.

@ 3. Ask questions to the following sentences beginning “How long …?”. Use the words in brackets in Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous.  

1.   It‟s our wedding anniversary today. (be married)

2.   Did you know that Renata wore contacts lenses? (wear, them) 

3.   Where were you? It‟s ten past seven. (be, here) 

4.   Maxim and I are getting married next month. (know, him).

5.   They live in London now. (live, there) 

6.   The job is very easy for me now. (work, here) 

7.   The children are in the garden. ( be outside) 

8.   The boys are playing football. (they, do) 

9.   Richard is on a business trip. (be, away)


@ 4. Open the brackets, using will or be going to.

We have leaned this week that the local council has plans for

Westside Park in Brickfield. The council … is going to (sell) the land to a builder, Forbes and Son. The plans are all ready. (1) … (we/build) fifty houses, said Mr.Forbes. In two years time everything

(2) … (be) finished. I‟m sure people (3) … (like) the houses. Most of them (4) … (be) for young families. And we intend to take care of the environment. (5) … (we/not/cut) all the trees, only a few of them. But people living near the park are angry. This is a terrible idea. We‟re all against it.‟said Mrs. Mary Brent. „(6) … (we/have) a protest march on Saturday. I expect everyone in Brickfield (7) … (be) there. We‟ve reached our decision. (8) …. (we/stop) this plan. 


@     5. Choose the right variant:

1.                    Why are you going to buy / will you buy a new mountain bike?

2.                    Don‟t phone between 8.00 and 9.00. I‟ll study / I‟ll be studying then.

3.                    Look out! That tree will / is going to fall!

4.                    Let me know as soon as Louise will get / gets there.

5.                    Great news! Jean Chris will come / are coming to stay with us.

6.                    According to this timetable, the bus is going to arrive / arrives at


7.                    Can you call me at 7.00, because I‟ll leave / I‟m leaving tomorrow?

8.                    If you arrive late at the sale, the best things will go / will have gone.

@     6. Open the brackets using the verbs in the Present Perfect or Past Simple.

1.        He (to be) abroad five years ago. 

2.        You (to be) in the Caucasus last year? 

3.        They (to leave) England when he (to be) still a child.

4.        He (not yet to come) back. 

5.        He (to go) already? 

6.        When you (to see) him last? 

7.        I (not to see) him for ages.

8.        His health (to improve) greatly since I (to see) him last. 

9.        Last night I (to feel) tired and (to go) to bed very early. 

10.   Where you (to spend) your holidays? 

11.   You ever (to spend) your holidays in the Crimea? 

12.   While traveling in the Crimea I (to meet) your friend. 

13.   I never (to visit) that place.

14.   He (to visit) that place last year. 

15.   I just (to get) a letter from Tom. 

16.   You (to take) any photographs while traveling in the south?


@     7. Use the right forms of the verbs in brackets. 

1.                    She went up to her bedroom on the second floor, and she (feel) so tired, that she (fall) asleep. Soon after she (lie) down. She (have) a long and difficult day.

2.                    Mrs. Foster paid the driver and (ring) the bell. She (wait) but there (be) no answer. Everybody (leave) for the party. 

3.                    He moved across the room to the box. He (pick) up a piece of paper that (lie) besides the box, (study) it carefully, (put) it down, (look) in the box, and then again at the paper. He (do) this for perhaps half an hour. He (know) who (write) the paper. 

4.                    Mary took his coat and (hang) it in the hall. They not (meet) for quite a long time. Then she (make) the drinks, the way he (teach) her, and soon he (tell) her the news which she not (hear) yet. 

5.                    Every day she took her grandchildren for walks. They (be) so beautiful! She (feed) them cakes, and (buy) them presents, and (tell) them charming stories. Those walks (become) a tradition with them.




1. Choose the right variant:

I _____ start a new life tomorrow.

a)   to be going d) is going

b)   am going     e) were going

c)   shall go

2. Choose the right variant:

Mark _____ into the army next year.

a)   was going    d) would go

b)   will go        e) will be go

b) goes

3. Choose the right variant:

They ____ dinner at this time tomorrow.

a)   have d) having had

b)   are having   e) will be having

c)   will have

4. Choose the right variant:

– What‟s happened to your hair? Your mother _____ .

a)   didn‟t like   d) would like

b)   liked e) won‟t like

c)   liked

5. Choose the right variant:

Who ___ for a walk tomorrow?

a)   go      d) doesn‟t go

b)   will go        e) went

c)   didn‟t go

6. Choose the right variant:

They _____ their English exam at this time tomorrow.

a)   will take      d) is taking

b)   will be talking       e) take

c)   would take

7. Choose the right variant:

My boss ____ some VIP‟s tomorrow.

a)   will be received     d) receive

b)   is receiving e) has received 

c)   will have received


8. Choose the right variant:

Ask him when the engineers _____ finish the talks.

a)   will    d) have

b)   would        c) had e) do

9. Choose the right variant:

This time tomorrow we ______ probably _____ fishing.

a)   are / will      d) shall / -

b)   - / shall        e) do / are 

c)   shall / be

10. Choose the right variant:

What ___ you ____ at 6 tomorrow?

a)   will / do      d) is / doing

b)   was / doing e) will / have done 

c)   will / be doing

11. Find the right variant

 I _______ for ten minutes before the police came.

a)   Is waiting    d) Was waiting

b)   Am waiting e) Had been waiting

c)   Will be waiting

12. Choose the right variant:

I … the radio for 10 minutes before the car turned over.

a)   Played         d) Had been playing 

b)   Is playing    e) Has been playing

c)   Was playing

13. Choose: Present Perfect Continuous:

a)      I have ever been in London.

b)     I‟ve been talking to Tom about your problem. 

c)      Jim has gone to Canada.

d)     Don‟t forget to post that letter.

e)      He has already started his work 14. It … since early morning.

a)   Raining       d) Has been raining

b)   Rained        e) Have been raining

c)   Had rained

15. You are a good football-player.  Since when … you … football?

a)   Has … been playing       d) Had… been playing 

b)   Have … been playing     e) Have … been played

c)   Did … play

16. My brother … music lessons for three years now.

a)   Have taking          d) Took

b)   Have taken e) Had 

c)   Has been taking 17. My friend … on the ship for fifteen years by next year.

a)   Is served     d) Was serving

b)   Will have been serving   e) Had served

c)   Have served

18.               … they … in the mountains for a month by July?

a)   Will … travel        d) Will … be travelling

b)   Shall … travel       e) Shall … be travelling

c)   Will … have been traveling

19.               By two o‟clock the students will … the test translation for two hours.

a)   Be     d) Has been

b)   Be doing     e) Do

c)   Have been doing

20.               The war broke out in 1914. The European ruling classes … for it for twenty years.

a)   Preparing    d) Had been prepared

b)   Prepared     e) Had been preparing

c)   Has prepared

21.               The European experts … long … that the arms race would lead to war.

a)   Was … warning    d) Would … be warning

b)   Were … warning e) Will … warning

c)   Had …been warning

22.               It was pointed out that the patient … treatment for heart problems for a year.

a)   Has    d) Would have been

b)   Had been having   having

c)   Had   e) Will have been 

23.               It was reported that a plane from the air field … since the previous morning.

a)   Missing       d) Has been missing

b)   Was missing         e) Have been missed

c)   Had been missing



24. ___________ English since last December. 

a)   Would be learing   d) Have been learning

b)   Will be learning    e) Learn

c)   Am learning

25. I am very tired. I _________ for three days.

a)   Travelling   d) Had travelled

b)   Travel         e) Have been travelling 

c)   Travelled

























Ағылшын тілінде кӛп қолданылатын модальды етістіктер: can = be able to, had better, may, must = have to, ought to, should, will, would, need. Олар істің істелуіндегі мҥмкіндікті, істей алушылықты, ықтималдықты және қажеттілікті кӛрсетеді.


Модальдың етістіктердің ерекшеліктері

“s‟ жалғауын жалғамайды

She must study. (Right sentence: She musts study). 







1. Қабілет

I can play the piano. He can finish his work next week

2. Ӛтініш және рҧқсат сҧрау

Could you help me with my English home work please?

Could I borrow your calculator?

Can I use your pen?

3. Мҥмкінділік ықтималдылық

You could win a million pounds!

4. Кҥмән, сенімсіздік

They can’t be strangers.

Can it be 10 o’clock already? – It can’t be 10 o’clock.

5. Кінә тағу

He could have invited us. You could be more polite.

„Could‟ етістігі етістіктің негізгі формасымен  (Infinitive) байланысып, істің ӛткен шақта істелу мҥмкіндігін кӛрсетеді. Ағылшын тілінде сould‟ деген етістік сӛйлемде ӛткен шақты кӛрсетеді және істей алды, білді деп аударылады.

He could ski very well when he was very young






1.Мҥмкінділік ықтималдылық

One day all your dreams may come true.

It may rain later.

The lights are still on. Aigul may have forgotten to turn them off.

2. Ӛтініш және          рҧқсат сҧрау

May I see the letter? – Yes, you may. May I take your photo? – No, you may not.

3. Болжам

It may be true, but we are not sure. They may have done the work.

4. Кеңес (might модальді етістігімен қолдынылады).

You might wait for me! There is a lot of time.

He might have warned us about it. Now it‟s too late.





1. Міндеттілік қажетілік

Car drivers must drive slowly in towns. I must find a hotel to stay at tonight.

2. Тыйым салу

You must not tell anyone what I said. You mustn’t park here.

You mustn’t play on the railway track.

3. Мҥмкіндік

He must know his address. Where is he? – He must be walking in the garden.


HAVE TO  модальді етістігі




Істелінетін істің қажеттілігін міндеттілігін кӛрсету ҥшін

In England you have to drive on the left.

I had to take the pills three times a day for two weeks.


Have to модальді етістігі болымсыз және сҧраулы сӛйлемдерде

Do/does, did, shall/will кӛмекші етістіктермен қолдынылады Do you have to do shopping every weekend? – I don’t have to do shopping every weekend.

Did she have to walk to her school yesterday? – She didn’t have to walk to school.

Will they have to speak at the meeting? – They won’t have to speak at the meeting.


BE TO модальді етістігі




1. Міндет (келісім, жоспар бойынша)

The director was to sign the contract. – Директор келісім шартқа қол қою керек


2. Бҧйрық, тыйым салу

You are to report to the teacher.

You are not to come here! (Сіз бұл жерге келмеуіңіз керек).

3. Шарасыздық

It was to happen




SHOULD, OUGHT TO, HAD BETTER модальді етістігі


should + infinitive (to демеулігінсіз)

ought to + infinitive

You should help him. He shouldn‟t be so shy.

You ought to do your best. She ought to help her parents.



1. Кеңес беру, ӛзіндік пікір айту,

(басқа адамдардың алдындағы борыш)

(бұл мағынада should модальді етістігі ought to етістігіне қарағанда кӛбірек қолдынылады).

You should be friendly to people

You ought to / should revise for you test.

2. Кінә тағу, рҧсқау беру

He ought to help his parents. They should consult a doctor.

Past form - ӛткен шақта

Should have + Past Participle

I‟m feeling seek. I shouldn’t have eaten so much chocolate. (= I ate too much chocolate)

Suggest, propose, recommend, insist, demand етістіктерінен кейін should модальді етістігі қолданылады.

a)   My parents insisted that we should have dinner with them.

b)   I demanded that he should apologize.

c)   What do you suggest I should do?

Had better

Белгілі бір ситуацияға қатысты қолдынылады. Егер ережеге немесе қҧралға бағынбаса, нәтижесі жаман болатындығы кӛрінеді.

a)               The neighbours are complaining. We‟d better turn the music down.

b)               The film starts at 8 o‟clock. You‟d better go now or you‟ll be late.




@ 1. Answer the following questions using mayn‟t, mustn‟t, needn‟t.

1. Must I do the room? – No, you … . It is clean. 2. Mother, may I play with matches? – No, you … . 3. Must we go there at once? – No, you … . 4. Shall I meet you at the University after the evening classes? – No, you … . Peter promised to see me home. 5. May I take your bicycle for a run in the country? – No, you …, because it is out of order. 6. Must I go through this text now? – No, you … , you can do it tomorrow.


@ 2. Complete the sentences with the words in the brackets.

1.                    Don‟t phone Ann now. (she might / have / lunch)  … She might be having lunch….

2.                    I ate too much. Now I feel sick. (I shouldn‟t / eat / so much). …

… …

3.                    I wonder why Tom didn‟t phone me. (he must / forget) … ….

4.                    Why did you go home so early? (you needn‟t / go / home so early) … … …

5.                    You‟ve signed the contract, (it / can‟t / change / now) … … ….

6.                    “What‟s Linda doing?” “I‟m not sure.” (she may / watch / television) … … …

7.                    Ann was standing outside the cinema, (she must / wait / for somebody) … … …

8.                    He was in prison at the time the crime was committed, so (he couldn‟t / do / it). ……….

9.                    Why weren‟t you here earlier? (you ought / be / here earlier)

…. …….

10.               Why didn‟t you ask me to help you? (I would / help / you) …


11.               I‟m surprised nobody told you that the road was very dangerous, (you should / warm) …….

12.               George was in a strange mood yesterday. (he might not / feel / very well) … … …



@ 3. Fill the following sentences with modal verbs: must, have to, need.

1.                    Oh, I … remember to get some potatoes on the way home tonight.

2.                    Jason …. see the headmaster during the next break. I wonder what it‟s about?

3.                    We … light lot of candles during the power cut two nights ago.

4.                    I‟ll …. start doing my Christmas cards soon. It‟s nearly December.

5.                    Carl, you … run into the street like that without looking first. it‟s dangerous!

6.                    People with solar-powered cars …. worry about the price of petrol.

7.                    I wouldn‟t like to … get up five o‟clock every morning.

8.                    We … do any washing-up after the picnic because we‟d used disposable plate and cutlery.

9.                    Do professional musicians … practice every day?

10.               I … have bothered cooking all that food, they‟d eaters before they arrived.


@ 4. Choose the right variant.

1.                    There‟s someone at the door. It can/must be the postman.

2.                    Don‟t worry, you don’t have / mustn’t pay now.

3.                    I think you had better / would better take a pullover with you.

4.                    Jones could / must be president if Smith has to resign.

5.                    Sorry. I can‟t stay any longer. I have to / might go.

6.                    It was 5 o‟clock an hour ago. Your watch can’t / mustn’t be right.

7.                    It‟s a school rule6 all the pupils have to / must wear a uniform.

8.                    I suppose that out team must / should win, but  I‟m not sure.

9.                    Let‟s tell Diana. She could / might not know.

10.               In my opinion, the government, might / should do something about this. 


@ 5. Insert appropriate modal verbs and give reasons for your choice:

1. You … hardly find a grown-up person or a youngster who is not enthusiastic about sport. 2. She will hardly … go there again.            

3. Every school … have good sports facilities. 4. I think it … rain today. 5. How … he say such things about me! 6. … I come to see you next Saturday? 7. We … have a five minutes‟ interval now because I am tired. 8. Mother thinks he … come tonight. 9. He … be more careful. 10. … carry your bag for you? 11. … we get up early to meet him? 12. … I ask you to close the window? 13. You … eat less bread and potatoes not to be fat. 14. She … know her because she is also a member of a Dynamo team. 15. No one … ask him about the accident. 16. We … all work hard so that our country … be prosperous.  






























1. Choose the right variant:

Why didn‟t you help him? You ____ have done it.

a)   must d) were to

b)   can    e) was able to

c)   could

2. Choose the right variant:

But I ____ stay in England for six month, and not for a fortnight as I had planned.

a)   had to          d) shall have

b)   can    e) am able to

c)   can

3. Choose the right variant:

Last week I ____ go to town on business trip as the Ministry of Education had asked me to come.

a)   had to          d) could 

b)   might          e) was able to

c)   should

4. Choose the right variant:

If one person is careless with a library book, then it ____ be read others.

a)   can‟t d) can

b)   couldn‟t      e) mightn‟t

c)   may

5. Choose the right variant:

People who knows a foreign language ____ learn a second one easily.

a)   may   d) must

b)   had to          e) am able to

c)   have to

6. Choose the right variant:

_____ I have a word with you, please?

a)   may   d) must

b)   had to          e) am able to

c)   have to




7. Choose the right variant:

At first I _____ skate well, I _____ .

a)   couldn‟t / can        d) may / can

b)   mustn‟t / can         e) should / shouldn‟t

c)   must / needn‟t

8. Choose the right variant: 

She said they ___ go to the cinema if they liked.

a)   must d) had to

b)   may   e) could

c)   can

9. Choose the right variant:

I didn‟t want to go there but I _____ .

a)   must d) can‟t

b)   might          e) had to

c)   shall

10. Choose the right variant:

1. You … take care of your parents.

a)   Will   d) Are to

b)   Shall e) May

c)   Ought to

11. My sight is getting worse. Next year, I‟m afraid, I … read without glasses.

a)   Ought         d) Won‟t be able to 

b)   Can not       e) Mustn‟t

c)   May not

12. Don‟t you see I‟m tired? You …me, you know.

a)   Might have … helped     d) Must

b)   Could… help        e) May

c)   May … help

13. Police, firefighters, newspapers reporters and radio broadcasters … work on holiday in the USA.

a)   Can   d) Must

b)   Could          e) Have to 

C) Might

14. The real history of the period between 1688 and the middle of the eighteenth century … … summed up in three words. 

a)   Need be       d) Has to be

b)   Will be able to be e) Have to be

c)   Can be

15. No museums … ever … buy one painting by this artist.

a)   Has … been able to        d) Has … been allowed

b)   Have … been able to      to

c)   Might … have       e) Must … have 

16. Choose the correct answer:

Since we have to be there before 9 o‟clock, we … take a taxi.

Otherwise, we‟ll be late.

a)   Must d) Are able to

b)   May  e) Had better 

c)   Can

17. Choose the right variant: 

You … take any book you like

a)   May   d) Should

b)   Must           e) Can 

c)   Have to

18. Choose the right variant:

Nobody is making you do this. You … go to the party if you don‟t want to. 

a)   Is not able to         d) Coudn‟t

b)   Are not able to      e) Needn‟t 

c)   Can‟t

19. Choose the correct answer:

… you pass me the salt, please? 

a)   Should        d) Had to

b)   Must e) Can 

c)   May

20. Choose the right variant:

My grandfather was a very clever man. He … speak five languages. 

a)   Ought         d) Is able to

b)   Can   e) Might

c)   Could 

21. Choose the right variant:

He lived in England for some time but he … speak English.

a)   Mustn‟t      d) Has to

b)   Can‟t          e) Ought

c)   May



22. Choose the right answer:

I‟m afraid you will … wait for a long time. 

a)   Ought         d) Can

b)   Must e) Have to 

c)   May

23. Complete the sentence:

Like any top sportsman she ______ to train very hard.

a)   May   d) Must

b)   Can   e) Has 

c)   Should

24. Choose the correct answer. We … do our lessons everyday.

a)   Must            d) Might

b)   Could           e) Had to

c)   Will have to

25. Choose the right variant:

We had an appointment yesterday afternoon but he ____ see me.

a)   might not    d) have to

b)   mustn‟t       e) wasn‟t able to 

c)   cannot



















 Ағылшын тілінде екі етіс бар: ӛздік етіс (Active Voice) және ырықсыз етіс (Passive Voice). Егер бастауыш іс-әрекетте жасаушы қызметін атқаратын болса, онда етістік өздік етіс тҥрінде қолданылады.

 Егер бастауыш басқа біреудің немесе нәрсенің тарапынан іске асырылып жатса, етістік ырықсыз етіс тҥрінде қолданылады.

Rolls Royce cars are made in England

 Ырықсыз етіс біреудің немесе заттың басқа біреумен немесе заттың тарапынан әсер етіліп жатқанын білдіру ҥшін қолданылады. Сонымен қатар ырықсыз етіс іс-әрекеттің ӛзі маңызды екенін кӛрсетеді.

 Сӛйлемді ырықсыз етіске айналдыру ҥшін сӛйлемде толықтауыш болу керк.



           Subject                  verb                     object

             My grandfather  built                        this house 



           Subject                  verb                     object

           This house              was built                by my grandmother 


Ырықсыз етіс шақтары ӛздік етіс шақтарының ережелеріне сәйкес ӛзгертіледі.





Present Simple

She writes the reports.

Am/is/are+Past Participle (3rd form of the verb)

The reports are written.

Present Continuous

She is writing the reports



The reports are being written.

Past Simple

She wrote the reports.

Was/were + Past Participle The reports were written.

Past Continuous

She was writing the reports.

Was/were +ing+ Past Participle



The reports were being written.

Present Perfect

She has written the reports.

Have/has + been + past participle

The reports had been written.

Past Perfect

She had written the reports.

Had + been + Past Participle The reports had been written.



She will write the reports.

Will+be+ Past Participle The reports will be written.




She will have written the reports.

Will+have+been+ Past


The reports will have been written.

Modal verbs

She may write the reports.

She should have written the reports.

Modal verbs + be + Past


The reports may be written.

The reports should have been written.

Be going to

She is going to write the reports.

Is/are going to+be+ Past


The reports are going to be written.


Present Perfect Continuous, Past Perfect Continuous, Future Continuous, Future Perfect Continuous шақтары ырықсыз етісте (пассивте) қолданылмайды.


Wrong sentence: The restaurant has been being built for 4 years.

Right sentence: The restaurant has been under construction for 4 years.


Active: A friend gave my sister this cookery book.

Passive: My sister was given this cookery book by a friend. This cookery book was given to my sister by a friend. 


“Have something done”  конструкциясы

“Have something done” конструкциясында іс-әрекет айтушыға қатысты, бірақ ол іс-әрекетті ӛзі емес басқа адамның тарапынан жасалғандығы кӛрсетіледі.


Have + object  + Past Participle




the roof 



are having 

the house



did you have

your hair




his suits



It + passive verb + clause

Сӛйлеушінің кім екенін керек етпеген жағдайда  осы констуркцияны қолданады.

Nurzhan works very hard.

It is said that he works 16 hours a day = He is said to work 16 hours a day.

The police are looking for a missing boy.

It is believed that the boy is wearing a black pullover and blue jeans. 

The boy is believed to be wearing a black pullover and blue jeans.


Ырықсыз етісте қолданылмайтын етістіктер.

Кейбір етістіктер ырықсыз етісте қолдынылмайды. Оларға: - die, arrive, fit, have, lack, suit, resemble, agree және басқалар жатады

For example:

They have a nice house. (But not: A nice house is had them).

My shoes don‟t fit me. (But not: I‟m not fitted by my shoes.

Everybody agreed with me. (But not: I was agreed by everybody.)





@ 1. Practice in using the Passive Voice. Change the following statements into their passive equivalents. 

1.                    Somebody cleans the room every day. The room __________ .

2.                    People cancelled all fights because of fog. All ____________ .

3.                    Somebody accused me of stealing money. I ____________ .

4.                    People don‟t use this road much. _______ .

5.                    How do people learn language? How _________ .

6.                    Somebody has cleaned the room. ___________ .

7.                    They have postponed the meeting. __________ . 8. I didn‟t realize that somebody was recording our conversation. I didn‟t realize that ______ .

9.                    When we got to the stadium, we found that they had cancelled the game. We found that ____________ .

10.               They are building a new ring road round the city. A new ring road ________ .


@ 2. Practice in using the Passive Voice. Change the following statements into their passive equivalents. 

Example  1.  They know Tokyo is a huge city.

                                                It is known that Tokyo is a huge city.

1.                    They believe doctors are always ready to help people who are ill. 

2.                    Everyone expects the new discovery will bring positive results.  

3.                    People say that New York was discovered by an Italian navigators.  

4.                    They say that according to Russian tradition honored guests are welcomed with bread and salt.

             Example  2.            They offered me a cup of tea.

                             I was offered a cup of tea.

                            A cup of tea was offered to me.

1.      They gave me a form to fill in.  

2.      They granted me a visa.   3.  We‟ll offer him by all means.  

4.  He has just told us a very amusing story. 




@ 3. Put the following sentences into the Passive Voice.

a)                   1.They often invite me to their parties. 2. People speak English in different parts of the world. 3. One uses milk for making butter. 4.

We form the Passive Voice with the help of the auxiliary verb “to be”. 5. They build a lot of new houses in this district every year. 

b)                   1.They built this house in 1950. 2.Somebody locked the front door. 3.Someone broke my pen last night. 4.They punished the boy for that. 5. They finished their work in time. 

c)                    1. People will forget it very soon. 2. They will translate this book next year. 3. They will tell you when to come. 4. Where will they build a new library? 5. Someone will ask about it.


@ 4. Put the following sentences into the Passive Voice.

M o d e l: They laughed at him.

                 He was laughed at.

1. People speak much of him. 2. They will look after the children well. 3. People will laugh at you if say it. 4.They sent for the doctor immediately. 5. Everybody listened to her attentively. 6. They always wait for me after the lessons. 7. Nobody took notice of this little boy.

8. Everybody lost sight of the boat in the fog. 9.Why are they laughing at her? 10. I wonder whether they will listen to him. 11. Students often refer to these books. 12. Nobody has ever spoken to me in such a way. 13. If they send for you don‟t refuse to come. 14. They have not referred to that incident since then.


@ 5. Put the given words in the Passive Voice, making necessary changes. 

1. She took a long time to write the composition, but at last she wrote it.  2. Don‟t put the cup there: somebody will break it. 

3.                    Why weren‟t you at the birthday party?  - They didn‟t invite me. 

4.                    We met many difficulties, but all the same we finished the work in time. 

5.                    We shall leave you behind if you are not quick.

6.                    I spent all my money on books last month. 

7.                    I don‟t think we shall do all this work today: there is too much of it. 

8.                    It‟s a very funny thing that when I start doing this, somebody always stops me. 9. Don‟t leave these sweets on the table: somebody will eat them. 

10.   The elephant broke the branch of the tree.

11.   The bees attacked the bear when it tried to take their honey. 



1. Choose the right variant of the main verb. 

The Remembrance Day and the Veteran‟s Day ____ on the 11th of November every year.

a)   celebrated   d) was celebrated

b)   are celebrated        e) is celebrated

c)   will be celebrated

2. Choose the right variant of the main verb. 

I hope that the truth ________ very soon. a) will find out

b)   will be finding out

c)   is found out

d)   will be found out

e)   shall find out

3. Choose the right variant of the main verb. Everything ________ before you came.

a)   is done        d) had been done

b)   was done     e) has been done

c)   has done

4. Choose the right variant of the main verb.

People go to the tomb of the Unknown Soldier to stand in silence for a minute to honor the memory of those who _______ is wars.

a)   is killed       d) are killed

b)   will be killed         e) were killed

c)   was killed

5. Choose the right variant of the main verb.

The sports competitions which ___on Sunday ___by a lot of people.

a)   are held / will be held

b)   was held / will visit

c)   will held / will visit

d)   have been held / have visited

e)   will be held / will be visited

6. Choose the right variant of the main verb.

The inspector is not in the town. He ______ to another place some days ago.

a)   was sent             d) will send

b)   sent         c) will be sent e) sends

7. Choose the right variant of the main verb.

Business letters ______usually on special forms.

a)   will be written      d) is written

b)   are written   e) write

c)   are being written

8. Choose the right variant of the main verb.

Sometimes a lot of guests _______ to his birthday party.

a)   had invited d) are invited

b)   was invited e) is inviting

c)   were inviting

9. Choose the right variant of the main verb. Houses ________ very quickly now.

a)   builds          d) are built

b)   are building e) were built

c)   built

10. Choose the right variant of the main verb.

Many modern apartments ________ in Berlin since 1980.

a)   are built       d) have been built

b)   are building e) has been built

c)   were built

11. Choose the right variant of the main verb. 

Present Simple Passive or Past Simple Passive? The room (clean) every day. 

a)   Was cleaned          d) Were cleaned

b)   Is cleaned    e) Cleaned

c)   Was clean

12. Choose the right variant of the main verb. 

Present Simple Passive or Past Simple Passive?   

... my suit (clean) yesterday?

a)   Is ... clean    d) Was ... cleaned 

b)   Are ... cleaned       e) Were ... cleaning

c)   Is ... cleaned

13.  Choose the right variant of the main verb.

 Present Simple Passive or Past Simple Passive?

This house (build) in the XVII th century. 

a)   Were built   d) Is built

b)   Is build        e) Is building

c)   Was built 


14. Choose the right variant of the main verb.

 Present Simple Passive or Past Simple Passive?  Every year the seas (poison) on our planet. 

a)   Was poisoned       d) Were poisoning

b)   Is poison     e) Were poisoned

c)   Are poisoned. 

15.  Choose the right variant of the main verb. Present Simple Passive or Past Simple Passive? 

The road (not/use) by the company last year. 

a)   Isn't used     d) Not  used

b)   Aren't used e) Shan't used

c)   Wasn't used 

16. Choose the right variant of the main verb. Active or Passive?   Somebody (ask) me on the phone every evening.

a)   Is asked       d) Will asked

b)   Asked         e) Is asking

c)   Asks 

17. Choose the right variant of the main verb. Active or Passive? Who (use) my new car at the moment?

a)   Is being use d) Is being used

b)   Are being used      e) Being used

c)   Is using 

18. Choose the right variant of the main verb. Active or Passive? I (ask) many questions by my friends after the lesson.

a)   Will asked   d) Will asking

b)   Will ask      e) Will be asked 

c)   Ask

19. Choose the right variant of the main verb. Active or Passive? The children (take) to the museums next week.

a)   Will taken   d) Will taking

b)   Will take     e) Will be taken 

c)   Take

20. Choose the right variant of the main verb. Active or Passive? The man (ask) what language I was speaking. 

a)   Was asked   d) Was ask

b)   Asked         e) Was asking

c)   Were asked



21. Choose the right variant of the main verb. Active or Passive? I think he (find) the address already.

A)   Has found  D) Has been find

B)    Has been found     E) Being found

C)    Has being found

22. Choose the right variant of the main verb. Nobody likes _______ for at night.

a)   be sent        d) to be sent

b)   is sent         e) sent

c)   was sent

23. Choose the right variant of the main verb.

The new film _____ in all the big theaters of the city.

a)   is demonstrated     e) had been

b)   was being demonstrated demonstrated

c)   is being demonstrated

d)   would be demonstrated

24. Choose the right variant of the main verb.

You can‟t use this textbook now. It _______ by your friend.

a)   takes d) were taken

b)   has been taken      e) had taken

c)   took

25. Choose the right variant of the main verb.

– Did the company test the equipment yesterday?

- Yes it _______ .

a)   has tested    e) tested

b)   had been tested       

c)   had tested     

d)   was tested






Тӛл сӛзді тӛлеу сӛзге ӛзгерткенде шақтардың қиысу ережесін есте сақтау керек,  яғни ӛткен шақтағы тҥрлері ғана болады.


Тӛл сӛзді тӛлеу сӛзге айналдыру жолдары


Direct Speech

Indirect “Reported” Speech


Present Simple

Past Simple

“She works hard,” he said. He said (that) she worked.

Present Continuous

Past Continuous

“She has worked hard,” he said. He said (that) she was working hard.

Present Perfect

Past Perfect

“She has worked hard,” he said. He said (that) she had worked hard.




Past Perfect Continuous

“She “She has been working hard,” he said. He said (that) she had been working hard.

Past Simple

Past Perfect

“She worked hard,” he said. He said (that) she had worked hard.

Past Continuous

Past Perfect Continuous

“She was working hard,” he said.

He said (that) she had been working hard.

Past Perfect

Past Perfect (no change)

“She had worked hard,” he said. He said (that) she had worked hard.

Am/is/are going to

Was / were / going to

“She is going to work hard,” he said. He said (that) she was going to work hard.



“She will work hard,” he said. He said (that) she would work hard.



“She can work hard,” he said. He said (that) she could work hard.


Had to

“She must work hard,” he said. He said (that) she had to work hard. “”



“She may work hard,” he said. He said (that) she might work hard.

Reported questions


Сҧрақтың екі тҥрлі тіке жолы бар:

1.                    Арнаулы сҧрақтар (Wh – questions)  - сҧрақтар арнаулы сӛздерден немесе сӛз топтарынан басталады. Олар: what, who, which, whose, when, where, why, how many, how much, how long т.б

2.                    Жалпы сҧрақтар (Yes/No - questions): кӛмекші сҧрақтардан немесе модальды етістіктерден басталады

Арнаулы сҧрақты тӛлеу сӛзге айналдырғанда, сҧрақ белгісі тҥсіп қалады да, сҧраулы сӛйлемнің реті хабарлы сӛйлемнің ретіне айналады

   She asked, “Where are you going?” She asked us where we were going.

   “Where does she live?”

He asked me where she lived.

   “Why did you apply for this job?” asked the sales manager. The sales manager asked me why I had applied for that job. 

   “When will I know the results of the examination?”

Asem asked the examiner when she would know the results of the examination.

   “How does the photocopier work?”

I asked the salesman how the photocopier worked.

Жалпы сҧрақты тӛлеулі сҧраққа ауыстыру ҥшін whether, if кӛмекшілері қолданылады

   “Are you taking much money with you to France?”

My bank manager wanted to know if (whether) I was taking much money with me to France.

   “Have you ever been to Japan, Paul?” 

Tom asked Paul if (whether) he had ever been to Japan.

   “Do you live in Astana?”

I asked my new friend if (whether) she lived in Astana.

Changing Imperative sentences and                       

Interrogative sentence from Direct into Indirect Speech Бұйрықты сӛйлем және сұраулы сӛйлемде тӛл сӛздің тӛлеу сӛзге ӛзгеруі


Imperative sentence

Interrogative sentence

General questions

Special questions

She said to him,

“Come at five o‟clock”. → She told

to him to come at five o‟clock.

I said to her, “Please, bring me a glass of

water”. → I asked her 

to bring me a glass of water.

He said to me, “Don‟t go there”. → He told me not to go there.

Do you want to see the new film”? Ainur asked.

→ Ainur asked if I wanted to see the new film.

He asked me, “Why have you come so late?‟

→ He asked me why I had come so late.


Егер тӛл сӛз бҧйрықты білдіріп, to say етістігімен келсе, тӛлеу сӛзде to tell, to order  етістігіне ауысады. Егер тӛл сӛз ӛтінішті білдірсе, to say етістігі to ask етістігіне ӛзгереді.


Шақпен қиысу ережесі қолданылмайтын жағдай

Егер тӛлеу сӛз сӛзде жалпы факт, болған оқиға туралы хабар айтылса:

a)   The teacher told us (that) there are four seasons in a year.

b)   He said London is the capital of the Great Britain.

c)   “The sun sets in the west” the teacher said. – The teacher said

the sun sets in the west.


Егер алғашқы етістік осы шақ немесе келер шақта тҧрса a) The singer says, “I enjoy cycling”. The singer says that she enjoys cycling. 


Тӛл сӛздің тӛлеу сӛзге айналуында сілтеу есімдіктерінің шағы мен орнының ӛзгеру ережесі.


Direct Speech

Reported Speech



the day before, the previous day

He said, “I saw her yesterday”. He said he had seen her the day before.


that day, the same day

He said, “I am seeing her today”.

He said she was seeing her that day.

now, at the moment

then, at that moment

“I‟m shopping at the moment” said Asel.

Asel said she was shopping at that moment.


the next/following day

“I am going shopping tomorrow” said Asel.

Asel said she was going shopping the next / following day.

last week

the week before, the previous week

He said, “I saw her last week”. He said he had seen her the week before.

next week

the week after, the

following week

“I am going shopping next week” said Asel.

Asel said she was going shopping the week after, (the following




He said, “I can translate this article.”

He said that he could translate that article.



She said “I like these dresses”

She said that she liked those dresses



He said, “I saw her two days ago”.

He said he had seen her two days before.



“I usually shop here” said Asel.

Asel said she usually shopped there.




@ 1. Put the words “say” or “tell” where necessary and fill the sentences.

1.   Ann ______ goodbye to me and left.

2.   _________ us about your holiday. Did you have a nice time? 3. Don‟t just stand there! __________ something!

4.                    I wonder where Sue is. She ______ he would be here at                  8 o‟clock.

5.                    Jack _____ me that he was fed up with his job.

6.                    The doctor _______ that I should rest for at least a week.

7.                    Don‟t ______ anybody what I ________ . It‟s a secret just between us.

8.                    “Did she ____ you what happened?‟ “No, she didn‟t

_________ anything to me.”

9.                    George couldn‟t help me. He ______ me to ask Kate. 10. George couldn‟t help me. He ______ to ask Kate. 


@ 2. Translate the following sentences into indirect speech 

1.                    “You can‟t park here.” The police officer told Jack ________ .

2.                    “I‟ll see you in the morning, Helen” Peter told Helen _________ . 3. “I‟m taking the 5.30 train tomorrow evening.” Janet said _______ . 4. “I left my umbrella here two days ago.” Susan said that ________ 

5.                    “I liked this hotel very much.” Diana told me _______ .

6.                    “I think it‟s going to rain tonight.” William said ______ .

7.                    “What time does the film start, Peter?” I asked Peter ________


8.                    “Are you enjoying your flight?” The flight attendant asked me _____ .

9.                    “Have you ever been to Japan, Paul?” Sue asked Paul _________ . 10. “How does the photocopier work?” I asked the salesman _________ 

11.               “When will I know the results of the examination?” Maria asked the examiner _______ .

12.               “Are you taking much money with you to France?” My bank manager wanted to know ________ .

13.               “I‟m really tired.” _______ Polly said that ____________ .

14.               “I‟ve been swimming.” Michelle said ______ . 15. “I won‟t be at the next meeting.” Robert ____________ . 


@ 3. Translate the following sentences into indirect speech  What time does the text boat leave?

Can you tell me what time the next boat leaves?

1.                    Where can I change some money? Can you tell me ____________ ?

2.                    Where is the bank? Could you possible tell me __________ ?

3.                    Where do you come? Could you tell me __________ ?

4.                    How much does this pullover cost? “d like to know _________?

5.                    Does this train go to the Gatwick Airport? Can you tell me _______ ? 








1. Choose the right variant. The teacher promised _______ .

a)   that we can learn three English songs.

b)   if we learn three English songs

c)   we would learn three English songs

d)   whether we would learn three English songs

e)   who will learn three English songs.

2. Choose the right variant.

Bill: “Have you seen any interesting comedy lately, Nancy?” Bill asked Nancy ___.

a)   if he will see an interesting film

b)   if he saw an interesting comedy lately

c)   what comedy Nancy saw lately

d)   if she had seen any interesting comedy lately

e)   if she would see an interesting comedy

3. Choose the right variant.

Nick: “Did you see a bird in the tree?” Nick wonders _____ in the tree.

a)   if I saw a bird        d) whether I see a bird.

b)   that I saw a bird    e) if I have seen a bird

c)   if I had seen a bird

4. Choose the right variant.

Dick to Lucy: Have you received my telegram?

Dick asked if ______ .

a)               Lucy has received his telegram

b)               Lucy has received his telegram

c)               Lucy would receive his telegram

5. Choose the right variant.

Ann: Write down my address.

Ann asked me ________ .

d)               Lucy will receive his telegram

e)               Lucy received his telegram

a)   he wrote down my address

b)   to write down her address

c)   he had written her address

d)   she writes down her address

e) she wrote down his address

6. Choose the right variant.

He said, “I‟m very busy today”.

 He said _______ .



a)               he had been very busy that day

b)               he is very busy today

c)               he was very busy that day

7. Choose the right variant.

d)               I‟m very busy today

e)               I had been very busy that day


Lena said, “Where have you been yesterday?” Lena asked ___________ .

a)               where she had been the day before.

b)               where she had been yesterday

c)               where she was the day before

8. Choose the right variant.

He thought: “What am I going to do?” He thought _________ .

d)               where she could be the day before

e)               where she hasn‟t been before

a)   what was he going to do

b)   what he was going to do

c)   what he is going to do

9. Choose the right variant.

Mother asked me __________ .

d)   it he was going to do

e)   what is he going to do

a)               why I have spent all the money

b)               that I had spent all the


c)               if I had spent all the money

10. Choose the right variant.

“Don‟t play in the street?”

d)               when I spend all the money

e)               if I will spend all the


a)   My mother told me don‟t play in the street

b)   My mother said to play in the street

c)   She asked me to play in the street

d)   My mother told me not to play in the street

e)   My mother said I should play in the street

11. Choose the right variant.

Ann: “Is your sister good at English?” Ann asked me _______ .

a)   that my sister is good at


b)   if my sister was good at


c)   whether my sister is good at


12. Choose the right variant.

d)   my sister is good at


e)   her sister was good at


Tom: “Don‟t forget to bring my book, Ann”. Tom asked Ann: _________ .

a)               that she didn‟t forget to bring his book

b)               that she doesn‟t bring his book

d)               not to forget to bring her book

e)               if she didn‟t forget to bring the book

c) not to forget to bring his book

13. Choose the right variant.

Mother: “We are going to have supper”. Mother says __________ .

a)               they are going to have supper

b)               they were going to have supper

c)               that they would have supper

14. Choose the right variant.

Jack said: “I was at home yesterday”.

Jack said _________ .

d)               they won‟t have supper

e)               they haven‟t had supper yet

a)               he was at home

b)               Jack said he was at home   the day before.

c)               he will be at home

15. Choose the right variant. “Do you go for sports?”, he asked.

He asked __________ .

d)               he had been at home a week ago

e)               he had been at home the day before.

a)   he went in for sports

b)   if I went in for sports

c)   if I‟ll go in for sports

d)   I should go in for sports

e) if I had gone in for sports



16. Choose the right variant.

“Will Tom help me?” she said. She asked __________ .

a)   will Tom help her e) that Tom would be

b)   if Tom would help her    helping her

c)   whether he will help her

d)   whether would he help her

17. Choose the right variant.

Peter said, “Alice, are you busy now?” Peter asked Alice __________ .

a)   she was busy         d) if she wasn‟t busy

b)   if she was busy then       then

c)   she would be busy          e) if she is busy

18. Choose the right variant.

My sister said: “I hope we shall go on an excursion to the lake”. My sister said that ___________ on an excursion to the lake.

a)   she hopes we will go       d) she hoped we were

b)   she didn‟t hope that we shall    going

          go                                                              e) she hoped we can go

c)   she hoped they would go

19. Choose the right variant.

Teacher: “Tom, read the story, please‟. Teacher asked Tom _________ .

a)   to read the story    d) whether he reads the

b)   read the story        story

c)   that he reads it       e) it he read the story

20. Choose the right variant.

“Whose birthday is it?” said Jane.

Jane asked whose birthday _______ .

a)   it is    d) is it

b)   it       e) it had been 

c)   it was




Жақсыз етістіктерге тҧйық етістік (Infinitive), есімше (Participle), герундий (Gerund) жатады. Олар жаққа жіктелмейді, жекеше, кӛпше тҥрге бӛлінбейді.





















Герундий етістік пен зат есімнің ерекшеліктерін байланыстыратын етістіктің жіктелмеген формасы. Герундий кез-келген ағылшын етістігінің инфинитив формасына -ing жалғауы жалғау арқылы жасалады. Герундийде етістік пен зат есімнің белгілері болдаы. Оның етістік сияқты шағы, етіс категориялары бар


Герундийдің сӛйлемдегі қызметі мен қолданылуы

Subject - Бастауыш  Playing tennis is fun. 

Smoking is bad for you. 

Part of a compound nominal predicate Етіс болатын баяндауыш

Her greatest pleasure is travelling. Me favorite activity is swimming. 

ObjectТолықтауыш We enjoy playing tennis. I hate smoking. 


I had the pleasure of reading in the newspaper of your success. There are different ways of obtaining this substance. 

Adverbial modifier - Пысықтауыш  She walked out of the room smoking.

In writing the test the student made some mistakes. 


Етістік -ing формасында герундий (gerund) де, есімше

(participle I)  де бола алады, бірақ олардың мағыналары әртҥрлі.

A waiting room ( a room for waiting) – бастауыш 

A waiting train (a train that is waiting)  - есімше

A sleeping pillгерундий

A sleeping childесімше 


Герундий Indefinite, Perfect шақтарында және Active, Passive етіс формаларында келеді.


Form Indefinite

Active cleaning

Passive being cleaning


having cleaned

having been cleaned


►Егер герундий іс-әрекетті жасаушы қызметін атқаратын болса, онда герундий Active формасында қолданылады.

Ruslan likes washing his cat.

I remember having told the news.

Not knowing what to do, I went home.


Егер герундий басқа біреудің немесе нәрсенің тарапынан іске асырылып жатса, онда герундий Passive формасында қолданылады.

The cat likes being washed by Ruslan.

I remember having been told the news.

She loves being looked at.

She is not having been invited.


Мына етістіктер, есімдіктер, сын есімдерден кейін герундий жиі толықтауыш ретінде қолданылады:


to accuse of

to approve (disapprove) of to hear of the think of to suspect of to be afraid of

to be capable (incapable) of to be proud of doing

to be found of to be disappointed

to be surprised at  to be responsible for to be interested in to insist on to object to

to get used to / to be used to

to succeed in to prevent from 




Зат есімдер керек ететін демеуліктерден кейін герундий анықтауыш функциясында қолданылады. Оларға мыналар жатады:


apology (for) art of pleasure of importance o f plan (for)

chance, opportunity of

possibility of habit of preparation (for) hope of astonishment of thought of method of

problem of fear of interest (in) idea of process of

reason of skill (in) intention of objection to surprise of experience (of) necessity of


I hate the idea of getting old. (Not the idea to get old.) The thought of failing the exam, makes him angry.

I have no reason for telling the lie.

We were discussing the necessity of employing more stuff.

It was her first experience of living alone.

They have given up hope of finding any more survivors. I have no objection to sitting here.


Анықтауыш функциясында герундийдің қолданылуы: 1. On (upon), after, before, in уақытты білдіру ҥшін  Before doing the exercise, read the instructions.

After reading the story he answered the questions.

2.   For причина

Excuse me for shouting at you. 

3.   For мақсатты білдіру ҥшін

I need something for killing flies.

A lawn-mower is a machine for cutting grass and weeds. 


Герундиймен қолданылатын етістіктер тізбегі

I enjoy playing tennis.

I remember locking the door.

He admitted breaking the window.

I don’t fancy going out this evening. 

You should practice introducing yourself. 

He admitted stealing the money. 

She advised waiting until tomorrow.  

I anticipate having a good time on vacation. 

I appreciated heaving form them. 

He avoided answering my question. 

I can’t bear waiting in long lines. 

It began raining. 

I finally completed writing my term paper. 

I will consider going with you. 

He continued speaking. 

He delayed leaving for school. 

She denied committing the crime. 

The discussed opening the business. 

I dislike driving long distances. 

We enjoyed visiting them. 

She finished studying about ten. 

I‟ll never forget visiting Napoleon‟s tomb.

I hate making silly mistakes. 

I can’t help worrying about it. 

I keep hoping he will come. 

I like going to movies. 

I love going to operas. 

She mentioned going to a movie. 

Would you mind helping me with this?

I miss being with my family. 

Let‟s postpone leaving until tomorrow. 

The athlete practiced throwing the ball. 

Ann prefers walking to driving to works. 

He quit trying to solve the problem. 

I don’t recall meeting him before. 

I don’t recollect meeting him before.  

She recommended seeing the show. 

I regret telling him my secret. 

I can remember meeting him when I was a child. 

I resent her interfering in my business. 

I couldn‟t resist eating the dessert. 

She risks losing all of her money. 

I can’t stand waiting in long lines. 

It started raining. 

She stopped going to classes when she got sick. 

She suggested going to a movie. 

She won‟t tolerate cheating during an examination. 

I tried changing the light bulb, but the lamp still didn‟t work. 

I don‟t understand his leaving school. 


Герундий және Инфинитивпен келетін етістіктер:


Forget / remember

I remembered seeing the Alps for the first time.  (ӛткен шақта)

Asel always remembers to lock the door. (Әсел есікті жабуды ұмытпайды)

I‟ll never forget flying over the Pacific Ocean. It was wonderful.

(... ешқашан ұмытпаймын)

I forgot to switch on the machine. (қосуды ұмытып кетіппін) Mean

I think Bolat meant to break the glass. I didn‟t look an accident.

(шыны ыдысты сындыруға тырысты)

I‟m applying for a visa. It means filing in this form. 


Azar regretted not buying the house. (Ажар үйді сатып алмағанына ӛкінді)

I regret to tell you that you have failed. (айтуға ӛкінішті)


He stopped eating junk food because it is unhealthy. 

I stopped to buy some coffee. (сатып алу үшін тоқтады) Try

Why don‟t you try getting up early?(тырысу)

I tried to get up early, but I couldn‟t. (әрекет жасады)

Go on 

The teacher introduced herself and went on to explain about the course. (Түсіндіруге кӛшті)

The teacher told everyone to be quite, but they just went on talking. (Сӛйлесуді жалғастырды) 





@ Put the verbs in the following sentences:

Try, steal, meet, look, write, make, be run, wash, play, eat, splash, go, drive, take.

For example: Do you miss playing tennis every afternoon? 1. Could you please stop … … so much noise?

2.                    I don‟t enjoy …. letters.

3.                    Does your job involve … … a lot of people?

4.                    I considered … … the job, but in the end I decided against it.

5.                    If you use the shower, try and avoid … … water on the floor.

6.                    Jake have up … … to be an actor and decided to become a teacher.

7.                    Have you finished … … your hair yet?

8.                    The phone rang while Ann was having dinner. She didn‟t answer it; she just went on … . 9. She admitted … the car but denied … it dangerously. 

10.               Why do you keep on … at me like that?

11.               They had to postpone … away because their son was sick.

12.               If you cross the street without looking, you risk … … over by a car. 


@ 2. Open the brackets.  1. Please remember … to close … the door when you go out.

(close) I remember … the door, but I‟m not sure that I locked it.

2. I paid the electricity bill, but I don‟t remember … the rent, (pay) Oh dear! I think I forgot … the rent this month.  3. I tried … in a department store, but it wasn‟t a very good job. (work) You really must try … … harder.

4.  She just went on … about everything, (complain). She complained about everything else, and then she went on … about the price. 5. I remember … the money in the drawer, but it‟s not there now. (leave) I must remember … some money to pay for the repairs. 

6.                    I really regret … everyone what happened. I should have kept it a secret, (tell) I regret … you that there has been a serious accident.

7.                    I remember … to the dentist as a child, (go) I must remember … to the dentist on Wednesday.

8.                    I‟ll never forget … Paris for the first time, (visit). We mustn‟t forget … Monique when we‟re in Paris. 

@ 3 Open the brackets using the suitable form of the Gerund.  

1.   Excuse me for (to break) your beautiful vase. 

2.   You never mentioned (to be) to Greece. 

3.   She was proud of (to award) the cup of a champion. 

4.   I don‟t remember ever (to meet) your sister.  5. I don‟t remember (to ask) this question by anybody.

6.   The cat was punished for (to break) the cup.

7.   The cat was afraid of (to punish) and hid itself under the sofa.

8.   The machine needs (to clean). 9. I am quite serious in (to say) that I don‟t want to go abroad.

10.               He seemed sorry for (to be) inattentive to his child. 

11.               She confessed to (to forget) to send the letter.

12.               The old man could not stand (to tell) what he should do. 

13.               Going to the party was no use: he had no talent for (to dance). 

14.               The Bronze Horseman is worth (to see). 

15.               After thoroughly (to examine) the student, the professor gave him a satisfactory mark. 

16.               After thoroughly (to examine) by the examination commission, the student was given a satisfactory mark. 

17.               She accused him (to steal) her purse. 

18.               She reproached me for (not to write) to her. 

19.               This job is not worth (to take). 

20.               After (to look) through and (to mark) the student‟s papers, the teacher handed them back. 

21.               After (to look) through and (to mark), the papers were handed back to the students.

22.               These clothes want (to wash).

23.               David was very glad of (to find) his aunt. 


@ 4. Translate into Kazakh paying attention to the different forms of  Gerund:

1.Watching football matches may be exciting enough, but of course it is more exciting enough, but of corse it is more exciting  playing football. 

2.She stopped coming to see us , and I wondered what had happened to her. 

3.Can you remember having seen the man before? 

4.She was terrifield of having to speak to anybody, abd even more, of being spoken to 

5.He was on the point of leaving the club, as the porter stopped him.

6.After being corrected by the teacher, the students‟ papers were returned to them.  7.I wondered at my mother‟s having allowed the journey.

8.I understand perfectly your wishing to start the work at once. 

9.Everybody will discuss the event, there is no preventing it. 

10.At last he broke the silence by inviting everybody to walk into the dining-room. 

11.On being told the news she turned pale. 

12.The place is worth visiting. 



1. Бҧл сӛйлемде герундий ненің қызметін атқарып тҧр? Her greatest pleasure was swimming. 

a)   пысықтауыш       d) толықтауыш

b)   баяндауыш          e) бастауыш

c)   анықтауыш 2. Мысалға қарап қай формаға жататынын анықтаңыз:


a)   Indefinite Infinitive Active       d) Participle 2

b)   Gerund       e) Progressive Infinitive 

c)   Infinitive Passive 3. Герундий сӛйлемді табыңыз:

a)   He admitted stealing.

b)   She was stealing the money from father‟s pocket.

c)   I saw her stealing the money.

d)   She has been stealing my thoughts.

e)   He is going to steal her this evening. 

4. Мысалға қарап қай формаға жататынын анықтаңыз:


a)   Indefinite Infinitive Active       d) Participle 2

b)   Gerund       e) Progressive Infinitive 

c)   Infinitive Passive

5. Бҧл сӛйлемде герундий ненің қызметін атқарып тҧр? She was fond of drawing when she was a child.

a)   пысықтауыш       d) толықтауыш

b)   баяндауыш          e) бастауыш

c)   анықтауыш 6. Герундий сӛйлемді табыңыз:

a)   She has told me the lie.   d) I heard them telling

b)   I regret telling him my    funny stories.

          secret.                                                              e) There is a new

c)   She is telling me everything.    building near our house.

7. Бҧл сӛйлемде герундий ненің қызметін атқарып тҧр? Reading is her hobby.

a)   пысықтауыш       d) толықтауыш

b)   баяндауыш          e) бастауыш

c)   анықтауыш


8. Мысалға қарап қай формаға жататынын анықтаңыз: I was accused of stealing money from my teacher.

a)   Adjective    d) Participle 2

b)  Gerund       e) Progressive Infinitive  c) Infinitive 

9. Мысалға қарап қай формаға жататынын анықтаңыз:


a)   Infinitive Perfect   d) Participle 2

b)   Gerund       e) Infinitive Passive 

c)   Infinitive Simple

10. Бҧл сӛйлемде герундий ненің қызметін атқарып тҧр? Driving is pleasant.

a)   пысықтауыш       d) толықтауыш

b)   баяндауыш          e) бастауыш

c)   анықтауыш

11. Мысалға қарап қай формаға жататынын анықтаңыз: I‟m afraid of being alone. 

a)   Verb d) Participle 2

b)   Gerund       e) Infinitive 

c)   Adjective 12. Сӛйлемдегі етістікті тиісті формаға қойыңыз:

This book is worth (read)

a)   to read         d) read

b)   reading        e) to have read

c)   to reading

13. Сӛйлемдегі етістікті тиісті формаға қойыңыз: One of the boys admitted (break) the window.

a)   to break       d) broke

b)   breaking      e) to have broken 

c)   to breaking

14. Сӛйлемдегі етістікті тиісті формаға қойыңыз:

My brother has given up (smoke) He thinks it‟s a waste of money.

a)   to smoking d) smoke

b)   to have smoked     e) to smoke 

c)   smoking





15. Сӛйлемдегі етістікті тиісті формаға қойыңыз: I don‟t fancy (go out) this evening.

a)   to have gone out    d) to going out

b)   to go out     e) going out 

c)   go out

16. Сӛйлемдегі етістікті тиісті формаға қойыңыз:

Sam denied (cheat.)

a)   to cheat       d) cheat

b)   to cheating e) to have cheated

c)   cheating

17. Сӛйлемде герундий толықтауыш:

a)   Before sleeping I called my brother.

b)   Sleeping is my best friend.

c)   I‟m used to sleeping with the open window.

d)   Sleeping Beauty.

e)   The baby is sleeping. 

18. Choose the right variant Gerund or Participle?  We were tired of walking in the town. 

a)   Gerund       d) Adjective

b)   Adverb       e) Participle II

c)   Pronoun

19. Choose the right variant Gerund or Participle? 

The lady standing in the corner of the room was his mother. 

a)   Adverb       d) Partciple

b)   Verb e) Adjective

c)   Noun

20. Choose the right variant Gerund or Participle?  Go on reading and translating the text. 

a)   Noun d) Adverb

b)   Verb e) Adjective

c)   Gerund

21. Choose the right variant Gerund or Participle?  Entering the room I saw him. 

a)   Participle    d) Adverb

b)   Verb e) Adjective

c)   Noun




22 Choose the right variant Gerund or Participle?

The question discussed at the meeting was very interesting and useful. 

a)   Participle    d) Adverb

b)   Verb e) Adjective

c)   Noun

23. Choose the right variant Gerund or Participle?  He entered the room without seeing me.

a)   Verb d) Noun

b)   Participle    e) Adverb

c)   Gerund

24. Choose the right variant Gerund or Participle?  I am fond of collecting coins.

a)   Adverb       d) Noun

b)   Participle    e) Gerund

c)   Verb

25. Choose the right variant Gerund or Participle?  I watched the playing children with great interest. 

a)   Gerund       d) Noun

b)   Prticiple      e) Adverb

c)   Verb




Ағылшын тілінде есімше етістіктің жіктелмеген формасы. Ағылшын есімшесі сӛйлемде анықтауыштың немесе толықтауыштың қызметін атқарады.


Есімше формалары

Ӛзінен кейін тура толықтауышты қабылдайтын етістіктердің негізгі етісте екі есімше формасы және ырықсыз етісте ҥш есімше формасы бар.







Being written





Having written

Having been written


Есімшенің қолданылуы

Present Participle Active (Participle I)

Present Participle Active (Participle I) етістіктің инфинитив формасына (to бӛлшегінсіз) -ing жалғауын жалғау арқылы жасалады.

to cry – crying, to fall – falling, to make – making 


1. Present Participle Active – баяндауыш етістікпен қатар жүрген істі білдіреді.

   Who is the fat man sitting in the corner?

   You cannot sit watching television all day.

   He is lying in bed reading a novel.  

2. Present Participle  зат есімнен кейін анықтауыш функциясын атқарады:

   I love to look at falling leaves 

   The screaming children were playing in the kindergarten. 


Present Participle пысықтауыш функциясын атқарады:

a) мезгіл пысықтауыштың алдында әдетте while немесе 

when келеді:

While doing gymnastics I injured my knee. (=While I was doing.)

Opening the bottle, Mike poured the drinks. (=When Mike opened the bottle, he poured.)

ә) себеп-салдар пысықтауыш:

Knowing her pretty well, I realized something was wrong. (= As I knew her pretty well.)

Not wishing to continue her studies, she decided to become a hairdresser.  

б) қимыл-сын пысықтауыш:

He walked down the road limping. 


Perfect Participle Active

Perfect Participle Active  Present Participle формасындағы кӛмекші етістік to have және Present Participle формасындағы негізгі етістік арқылы жасалады (having asked).  

Perfect Participle Active баяндауыш-етістік кӛрсететін іске дейін аяқталған істі кӛрсетеді және себеп-салдар және мезгіл пысықтауыш функциясын атқарады.

Having failed my medical exams I took up desingning. (=As I had failed).  

Having spent all his money. Peter couldn‟t afford a new jacket. (= As he had spent).

Having repaired the car. Tom took it out for a road test. (=After he had repaired the car).

Having photocopied all the papers. Sarah put them back in the file. (=After she had photocopied).


Present Participle Passive

Present Participle Passive сӛйлеу кезінде басқа біреудің тарапынан атқарылған іс-әрекетті білдіреді.

Present Participle Passive being + Past Participle арқылы жасалады: being written, being asked being invited. 




Present Participle Passive қолданылуы: а) анықтауыш функциясында:

The building being painted is a new school. (=Which is being painted).

Yesterday teacher told us about the buildings now being built in Astana. (=The buildings which are now being built). 

ә) себеп-салдар және мезгіл пысықтауыш функциясында:

Being packed in wooden boxes, the goods arrived in good condition. (=As the goods were packed in wood boxes….)

Being invited to the party, he answered that he would be away for two weeks. (=When he was invited). 

Анықтауыш функциясын атқарып тҧрған Passive Particple Passive орнына Past Participle немесе Present Participle Passive жиі қолданылады. 

Being packed in wooed boxes. (=Packed / having been packed.) • Being invited to the party. (=Invited to the party). 


Past Participle Passive (Participle II)

Past Participle Passive етістіктің 3 формасы(Participle II = V3)

to ask - asked

to give - given

to break - broken

to clean – cleaned

to know - known

to watch –watched 

to do – done 

Not болымсыз бӛлшегі есімшенің алдында қойылады:

not asking - сұрамай, not sold – сатылмаған 


Past Participle зат есімнің функциясын анықтау үшін қолданылады:

The torn letter was lying on the floor.

She has got a broken heart.

Past Participle баяндауштың функциясында:

The window is broken.

You are fired. 



Past Participle себеп-салдар және мезгіл пысықтауыш функциясында:

Rejected by all his friends, he decided to become a monk.

Talked to you I felt better. 


Perfect Participle Passive

Perfect Participle Passive having been + Past Participle арқылы жаслады: having invited, having been bought. 

Having been done wrong the homework wasn‟t accepted. (=As the homework had been done wrong.)

Having been introduced we shook our hands. (=After we had been introduced). 


Object + Participle (clause)

 Сезім мҥшелері арқылы қабылдауды білдіретін етістіктерден кейін (to see – кӛру, to hear - есту, to feel - сезу, to watch - қарау, to notice - байқау, to smell – иіс шығару) объекті септік осы шақтың есімшесімен қолдынылады. Ол объектік септігі есімдік немесе жалпы септіктегі зат есім мен осы шақтың есімшесі (Present Participle) байланысын кӛрсетеді.

I saw him crossing the road. 

I saw him cross the road. 

 Дегенмен екеуінің арасында айырмашылық бар. Объектік есімше қҧрылымы істеліп жатырған істі кӛрсетсе (I saw him crossing the road) , объектік инфинитив қҧрылымы аяқталған істі кӛрсетеді  (I saw him cross the road.)

I heard him sing the song. (I heard the song from the beginning to the end)

I heard him singing the sing. (He was singing, I heard only part of the song).  

I found her eating my cake.  

He watched the tree being cut down. 


Participle Adjectives

Participle Adjectives іnteresting – interested сын есімдерінен жасалған есімше:

1. Past Participle interested, bored, excited and confused т.б.

сӛйлеушінің жай-кҥйін білдіреді.  

   I was very interested in the lesson.

   I did not enjoy the party because I was bored.  

   His explanation made me very confused. 

2. Present Participle interesting, boring, exciting, confusing  

She is an interesting teacher, and I‟m interested in her lesson.  

Tom told us an amusing story. We were amused at Tom‟s story.  

I did not enjoy the party. It was boring.  











@ 1. Use the right participle:

1.                    Joe was playing football. He hurt his knee. Joe hurt his knee playing football.

2.                    She finished her work. Then she went home. Having finished her work, she went home.

3.                    I was watching television. I fell asleep.

4.                    A friend of mine slipped and fell. He was getting off a bus. A friend of mine 

5.                    We bought our tickets. Then we went into the theatre. 

6.                    Laura was driving to work yesterday. She had an accident.

7.                    After I had done the shopping, I went for a cup of coffee. 

8.                    They had dinner and then they continued their journey. 

9.                    I was walking home in the rain. I got very wet. 

10.               I felt tired. So I went to bed early. 

11.               I didn‟t know his phone number. So I wasn‟t able to contact him.

12.               We had spent nearly all our money. So we couldn‟t afford to stay at a hotel.

13.               A boy was injured in the accident. He was taken to hospital. The boy …. was taken to …. hospital .

14.               A house was damaged in the storm. It has now been repaired. The house ….haven‟t   been found yet. 

15.               Some painting were stolen from the museum. They haven‟t been found yet. The … haven‟t been found yet. 


@ 2. Use the right participle, - ing, or – ed. 

1.   I was surprise __________ to see my boss there.

2.   It was surprise _________ to see him.

3.   I find this work very tir _____________ .

4.   It makes me tir_______ .

5.   Her exam results were disappoint _________ .

6.   She was pretty disappoint _________ .

7.   I was interest __________ in the lessons.

8.   Her lessons are always interest _________ .

9.   Do you ever get bor_________ at work. 10. My job‟s pretty bor__________ .




1. Choose the right participle: A … vase

a)   to breaking d) to break

b)   breaking      e) to broken

c)   broken

2. Choose the right verb:

I went to see how she was and found her …. .

a)   laughed       d) were laughing

b)   laughing      e) laughs

c)   has been laughing 3. Choose the right participle: The …. day

a)   followed      d) followed

b)   follow         e) following

c)   following

4. Choose the right participle: A … guest

a)   to come       d) has coming

b)   come e) came

c)   coming

5. Choose the right participle:

… people

a)   Being shouting      d) Has Shouted

b)   Shouting     e) Shout

c)   Shouted

6. Choose the right participle: She says she‟s got a … heart.

a)   breaking      d) broken

b)   break e) breaks

c)   having break

7. Choose the right participle: A meat …. animal

a)   had eaten     d) eating

b)   eat     e) to eat

c)   is eaten



8. Choose the right participle:

“The … Beauty”

a)   Sleeped       d) Having Slept

b)   Slepted       e) Slpet

c)   Sleeping

9. Choose the right participle: A … dog.

a)   losing          d) losed

b)   lost    e) losting

c)   lose

10. Choose the right participle: He is well …. in the art world.

a)   have known          d) knowing

b)   knew e) known

c)   know

11. Choose the right participle:

… … cake

a)   homing – made     d) home-makes

b)   home-made e) homing-making

c)   home-making

12. … etiquette

a)   Speaking     d) Spoken

b)   Spokening   e) Spoking

c)   Speaked

13. Choose the right participle: A very … child.

a)   frighting      d) frighten

b)   frightening e) frightending

c)   frightened

14. Choose the right participle:

a … cup 

a)   washed       d) washes

b)   washd         e) wash

c)   washing

15. Choose the right variant Gerund or Participle?  

Your dress wants cleaning 

a)   Gerund       d) Noun

b)   Participle    e) Adverb

c)   Verb

16.   Choose the right variant Gerund or Participle?  I have finished writing the dictation. 

a)   Adjective    d) Verb

b)   Gerund       e) Noun

c)   Participle

17.   Choose the right variant Gerund or Participle? 

Watching the animals in the Zoo was great fun for my sister. 

a)   Gerund       d) Adjective

b)   Verb e) Noun

c)   Adverb

18.   Choose the right variant Gerund or Participle?  This is a picture painted by Joseph Turner.

a)   Participle    d) Present Simple

b)   Verb e) Participle II

c)   Pronoun

19.   Choose the right variant Gerund or Participle?

  Arriving at the station I decided to buy a ticket and wait for the train.  

a)   Past Continuous    d) Participle II

b)   Participle    e) Present Simple

c)   Pronoun

20.   Choose the right variant Gerund or Participle?  Having completed our work we went shopping.

a)   Participle II d) Past Continuous

b)   Present Simple      e) Participle 

c)   Gerund         




Ағылшын тілінде инфинитив жақты, шақты, райды кӛрсетпей, іс-әрекеттің іске асуын тек қана айтатын етістіктің жіктелмеген формасы. Инфинитив не істеу? не жасау? деген сҧрақтарға жауап береді. Әдетте инфинитив “to‟ демеулігімен қолданылады.


Инфинитивтің сӛйлемдегі қызметі мен қолданылуы Subject – баяндауыш функциясын атқарады

   To make mistakes is easy. (Old English)

   It‟s easy to make mistakes. (Modern English)

   To wait for people who are always late makes me angry. 

   It makes me angry to wait for people who are always late.

   It was difficult to confess that I had stolen her money. 


Object – тура толықтауыш функциясын атқарады

   Police warned us not to go there.

   She asked me to wait a little.

   She wants to dance.

   She wants him to help her. 


Attribute – анықтауыш функциясында: зат есімнен кейін келеді немесе wish, desire, decide, need етістіктерінен жасалған зат есімнен кейін

   I have to wish to change. (=I don‟t wish to change)

   I told her about my decision to leave. I told her that I had made decision to leave. 

   Is there any need to ask Kamila? Do we need to ask Kamila? 


Инфинитив анықтауыш функциясын атқарғанда the first, the second, the third, the last, only сӛздерінен кейін жиі кездеседі

   Who was the first person to climb Everest without oxygen?  • She‟s the only scientist to have won three Nobel prizes. 


Adverbial modifiers of purpose – пысықтауыш функциясында

1) мақсат пысықтауыш

   I sat down to rest.

   I am going to Australia to learn German. 

   To switch on, press the red button. 

Сӛйлемде инфинитив алдында so as to немесе in order to деген жалғаулықтар тҧруы мҥмкін.

   He got up early in order to have time to pack. 

   I moved to a new flat so as to be near my work.  So as және in order кӛбіне болымсыз сӛйлемдерде кездеседі.

   I‟m going to leave now, so as not to be late. 

2) мекен пысықтауыш to, enough сӛздерімен

   I don‟t know him well enough to ask him for help.

   I was too young to understand what was happening. 


Part of a compound nominal predicate – есім сӛзді күрделі баяндауыш

   Her dream was to become an actress.

   To travel means to enlarge your horizons.


Part of a compound verbal predicate – етістікті күрделі баяндауыш (begin, start, continue, cease, used to, would)

   He began to speak about his plans.

   She started to make tea sandwiches. 


Инфинитив формасы

 Ӛзінен кейін тура толықтауыш қабылдайтын инфинитивтің негізгі етісте тӛрт формасы, ырықсыз етісте екі формасы бар. Ӛзінен кейін тура толықтауыш қабылдайтын инфинитивтің негізгі етісте екі формасы бар.


Етіс шақ



Indefinite (Simple)

to give

to be asked


to be giving


Perfect / (past)

to have given

to have been asked

Perfect continuous

to have been giving



Ағылшын тілінде ең кӛп қолданылатын формалары - Indefinite Infinitive Active және Passive. Қалған инфинитив формалары ӛте сирек қолданылады. Олардың ішінде басқаларына қарағанда жиірек қолданылатыны Perfect Infinitive. 

1. Indefinite Infinitive Active (Simple Infinitive) – to tell, to see.

• I want to see the manager. 

2. Continuous Infinitive Active (Progressive) – to be + Ving – to be telling, to be sitting, to be smoking.

It‟s nice to be sitting here.

I noticed that he seemed to be smoking a lot.

He is said to be living here. (They say that he is living here)  3. Perfect Infinitive Active – to have + past participle (participle II) – to have told, to have finished. 

It‟s nice to have read the book. = It‟s nice that I have read the book. 

I‟m glad to have seen her. = I‟m glad that I have seen her.

I was sorry to have disturbed him. = I was sorry that I has disturbed him.

We hope to have finished the job soon = … that we will have finished ….

He is said to have lived in Almaty. = … that he has lived… 


Perfect Infinitive сонымен қатар бір себептермен орындалмай қалған іс-қимылды (“unreal” past) кӛрсетеді:

I meant to have phoned, but I forgot.

He was to have been the new ambassador, but he fell ill. 


Perfect Infinitive could, might, ought, should, would, need not модальды етістіктерінен кейін орындалуы тиіс іс-қимылдың (unreal situations) орындалмай қалғанын білдіреді.  

You should have written the composition. (The person didn‟t write).

I would have gone to university if my parents had had more money. (The speaker did not go to university).

You could have helped him. (The person did not help). 


4. Perfect Continuous Infinitive Active – to have been + Ving – to have been doing, to have been watching.

I would like to have been sitting there when she walked in. 

He is said to have been living in Astana. (They say that he has been / was living in Astana.)

The ship is thought to have returned to India. 



5. Indefinite Infinitive Passive – to be + Past Participle – to be done, to be told. 

   There is a lot of work to be done. 

   She hopes to be chosen for the national team.

   She loves to be loved. 


6. Perfect Infinitive Passive – to have been Past Participle – to have been done.

   You could have been killed. 

   Gauhar is fortunate to have been given a scholarship. 


Infinitive to демеулігімен 

Infinitive әдетте to демеулігімен қолданылады: to buy, to write, to run etc.  Infinitive to демеулігімен келесі етістіктерден кейін қолданылады:

   afford: I can‟t afford to buy it.

   agree: They agreed to help us.

   appear: She appears to be tired.

   arrange: I will arrange to meet you at the airport. 

   ask: He asked to come with us.

   can’t bear: I can‟t bear to wait in long lines.

   beg: He begged to come with us.

   begin: It began to rain.

   care: I don‟t care to see that show.

   claim: She claims to know a famous movie star.

   consent: She finally consented to marry him.

   continue: He continued to speak.

   decide: I have decided to leave on Monday. 

   demand: I demand to know who is responsible.

   expect: I except to enter graduate school in the fall.

   fail: She failed to return the book to the library on time.

   forget: I forget to write the letter. 

   hate: I hate to make silly mistakes.

   hesitate: Don‟t hesitate to ask for my help.

   hope: Jack hopes to arrive next week.

   learn: He learned to play the piano.

   like: I like to do gymnastics.

   love: I love to go to operas. 

   manage: She managed to finish her work early.

   mean: I did not mean to hurt your feelings.

   need: I need to have your opinion.

   offer: The offered to help us.

   plan: I am planning to have a party.

   prefer: Ann prefers to walk to work. 

   prepare: We prepared to welcome them.

   pretend: He pretends not to understand.

   promise: I promise not to be late. 

   refuse: I refuse to believe his story.

   remember: I regret to tell you that you failed.

   seem: I remembered to lock the door. 

   cannot stand: I cannot stand to wait in long lines

   start: It started to rain.

   struggle: I struggled to stay awake.

   swear: She swore to tell the truth. 

   threaten: She threatened to tell my parents. 

   try: I‟m trying to learn English.

   volunteer: He volunteered to help us. 

   want: I want to tell you something. 

   wish: She wishes to come with us. 


To демеулігінсіз қолданылатын етістіктер:

1. can (could), may (might), should, must, will, shall, would модалді етістіктерінен кейін

   You must do it at once. 

   She can speak English • You should try to do your best.

   You had better go home now.

   You needn’t worry.  


2. let, make, see, hear, feel, watch, notice, help етістіктерінен кейін (American English)

   My father lets me drive his car.

   Let’s go to the cinema

   Could you help me lay the table?

   Sad movies make me cry.

   Did you feel the earth move?

   I heard him sing “Figaro”.

   I saw him cut the carpet. 


Есте сақтаңыз!

Ырықсыз етісте hear, make, see етістіктері to демеулігімен қолданылады:

Active (Ӛзгелік етіс)

   The teacher made me stand in the corner. 

Passive (Ырықсыз етіс)

   I was made to stand in the corner. 



The Objective Infinitive construction Complex object


 «Объективтік септік инфинитивпен» немесе «кҥрделі толықтауыш» қҧрылымы ағылшын тілінде кейбір етістіктерден кейін бағыныңқылы сӛйлемдердің орнына қолданылады. Ол объектік септіктегі есімдіктің немесе жалпы септіктергі зат есіммен инфинитивтің байланысы арқылы беріледі.


Мына етістіктерден кейін object + infinitive қолданылады:

   advise: She advised me to wait until tomorrow. 

   allow: She allowed me to use her car.

   ask: I asked John to help us. 

   beg They begged us to come.

   cause: Her laziness caused her to fail. 

   challenge: She challenged me to race her to the corner. 

   convince: I couldn‟t convince him to accept our help. 

   dare: He dared me to do better than he had done.

   encourage: He encouraged me to try again.

   expect: I expect you to be on time.

   forbid: I forbid you to tell him.

   force: The forced him to tell the truth.

   hire: She hired a boy to mow lawn.

   instruct: He instructed them to be careful.

   invite: Harry invited the John sons to come to his party.

   need: We needed Chris to help us figure out the solution.

   order: The judge ordered me to pay a fine.

   permit: He permitted the children to stay up late.

   persuade: I persuaded him to come for a visit.

   remind: She reminded me to lock the door.

   require: Our teacher requires us to be on time.

   teach: My brother taught me to swim.

   tell: The doctor told me to take these pills.

   urge: I urged her to apply for the job.

   want: I want you to be happy.

   warn: I warned you not to drive too fast. 


Prefer, would rather, had better

prefer + noun / - ing+ to + noun / - ing

Жалпы қалауды білдіреді

a)               I prefer biology to history.

b)               I prefer reading English texts to speaking in English.

would prefer + full infinitive + rather

than (+bare/full infinitive)

Қалауды білдіреді

a) I’d rather to have the lessons on Wednesday

rather than (to) have it on

Tuesday, if that‟s possible.

would rather + bare infinitive + than

(+bare infinitive)

Жалпы қалауды білдіреді

a) I‟d rather have the

lessons on Wednesday than

(have it) on Tuesday, if possible.

Would rather + sb + past simple / past continuous

Қалауды білдіру (біреуге қатысты)

a) I‟d rather you didn‟t sit next to me.

had better + bare infinitive

Кеңес беру

a) You’d better ask your

parents if you can come on the school trip.





@ Put the verbs to the right form: 1. Don‟t forget _______ the letter I gave you.

2.   Jill has decided not __________ a car.

3.   There was a lot of traffic but we managed _____________ to the airport in time.

4.   We were all afraid to speak. Nobody dared ________ anything.

5.   It was a nice weather, so we decided __________ for a walk. 6. He‟s learning __________ (cook) Chinese food.

7. Do not forget _______ (let) the cat out tonight. 8. I‟d love ________ (travel) around the world.

9.        We stopped _________ (rest) because we were tired.

10.   Max hopes ________ (go) to Bolivia next summer


@ 2. Put the verbs to the right form:

1.                    I‟ve never been to Australia, but I‟d like _______ go there.

2.                    They don‟t allow people __________ (park) in front of the building.

3.                    The film was very sad. It made me _______ (cry).

4.                    I don‟t recommend _________ in that restaurant. The food it‟s terrible. (eat).

5.                    She said the letter was personal and wouldn‟t let me ______

(read) it.

6.                    Let me ________ (carry) your bag for you.

7.                    Pauline couldn‟t manage ________ (eat) all the ice cream.

8.                    She wishes ________ (come) with us.

9.                    She threatened ___________ (tell) my parents.

10.               I hate ___________ (make) silly mistakes. 



@ 3. Put the verbs to the right form: - ing, infinitive.

1.   Sometimes I regret _________ (move) to this part of the country.

2.   I really miss (play) __________ tennis like I used to.

3.   It‟s not worth (buy) ___________ a second hand bicycle. 4. I promise I won‟t forget (feed) _______ the car.

5.        If you got a headache, try (take) ________ an aspirin.

6.        We‟ve arranged (meet) ________ outside the school at 4.30.

7.        Did you notice anyone (wait) ________ outside when you left?

8.        Rustem pretended (not notice) _______ the “No parking” sign.

9.        Aynur prefers (walk) ____________ to work.

10.   We enjoy (play) ________ piano.






































1. Put the verb in right form: It‟s nice … work.

a)   to having finished d) to have finished

b)   had finished          e) being having

c)   to have been finishing     finishing

2. Find the Indefinite (Simple) from the verb “understand”: It‟s nice … work.

a)   to having finished d) to have finished

b)   had finished          e) being having

c)   to have been finishing     finishing

3. Put the verb in the right form:

That dog seems … (be) friendly.

a)   to be d) to being

b)   to have        e) have being

c)   be

4. Put the verb in the right form: I promised … (not be) late.

a)   to not be.     d) not to be

b)   to be not.     e) not having been 

c)   not to being

5. Бҧл сӛйлемде инфинитив: To make mistakes is easy.

a)   анықтауыш          d) пысықтауыш

b)   баяндауыш          e) бастауыш

c)   толықтауыш 6. Бҧл сӛйлемде инфинитив:

I have phoned you to ask for advice. 

a)   анықтауыш          d) пысықтауыш

b)   баяндауыш          e) бастауыш

c)   толықтауыш

7. Инфинитив бастауыш функциясын атқарып тҧрған сӛйлемді кӛрсетіңіз:

a)   It‟s too hot to wear coat.

b)   Riding a horse is very exiting.

c)   They seem to have been cleaning this house for a long time.

d)   I am glad to have seen him.

e)   To know our history well is necessary on the exam. 

8. Бҧл сӛйлемде инфинитив:

I have phoned you to ask for advice. 

a)   анықтауыш          d) пысықтауыш

b)   баяндауыш          e) бастауыш

c)   толықтауыш 9. Бҧл сӛйлемде инфинитив: He gave me a book to read.

a)   анықтауыш          d) пысықтауыш

b)   баяндауыш          e) бастауыш

c)   толықтауыш

10. Инфинитив толықтауыш функциясын атқарып тҧрған сӛйлемді кӛрсетіңіз:

a)               to have a lot of money is my dream

b)               I hate making silly mistakes.

e) Our target is to enter

the university  


c)   My duty is to tidy the house.

d)  I want to drink a cup of tea. 11. Put the verb in the right form: You always make me … (laugh)

a)   laughing      d) laughed

b)   to laugh       e) to laughed

c)   laugh  

12. Put the verb in the right form: I want you … (tell) the truth.

a)   to have told d) to telling

b)   telling         e) told

c)   to tell

13. Put the verb in the right form:

I heard her … (open) the door and go out.

a)   to open        d) opens

b)   open e) having open

c)   opened

14. Choose the right variant:

I bought this new software ___________ Chinese.

a)   for learning d) learned

b)   learning       e) to learning

c)   to learn         



15. Choose the right variant:

It isn‟t difficult ________ this textbook.

a)   understand d) to understand

b)   in order to understand     e) understanding

c)   for understanding  

16. Choose the right variant:

Are you ready? It‟s time ___________ .

a)   for going     d) go

b)   to go e) to going

c)   going

17. Choose the right variant:

I talked to the students about working harder but I couldn‟t _______ them to study.

a)   make d) let

b)   get     e) made 

c)   got

18. Choose the right variant:

My mother ___________ do my homework before I go out.

a)   makes me    d) lets me

b)   helps me     e) forces me

c)   gets me

19. Choose the right variant:

Don‟t forget ________ home as soon as you arrive at your destination. 

a)   to call          d) to be called

b)   calling         e) to have called

c)   having called

20. Choose the right variant:

The man ________ in the garden is listening to music.

a)   work d) is working

b)   working      e) to work 

c)   worked





Zero conditional

Қашанда шындықты білдіретін жағдайды кӛрсетеді.  Form:

If + present simple / present simple If the sun shines the snow melts.


First conditional


Болуы мҥмкін шартты және оның келер шақтағы нәтижесін білдіреді. Іс-әрекет осы немесе келер шаққа қатысты.

Қазақ тілінде басыңқы және бағыныңқы сӛйлемде келер шақ қолданылады. Ағылшын тілінде бағыныңқы сӛйлемде (if clause) present simple қолданылады.


If + present simple / will + simple form

   If I don‟t eat breakfast, I will get hungry.  

   If it rains, we will not go to the picnic.

   If we hurry, we‟ll catch the bus. 

  Басыңқы сӛйлемде will кӛмекші етістігінің орнына модальді етістікті қолдануға болады




Second conditional


Бҧл шарттың орындалуы екіталай және шындыққа келмейтін іс-әрекетті білдіреді.


If + past simple / would + infinitive

   If I won the lottery I would buy an expensive car.

   If I had enough money, I would travel around the world.

   If I were you, I would accept their invitation. 

Есте сақтаңыз!

Were кӛмекші етістігі жекеше тҥрде де, кӛпше тҥрде де қолданыла береді.

   If I was / were rich, I would spend all my time travelling.

   If he was / were here, he would help us. (but he is not here…) 



Third Conditional (unreal past situations)


 Ӛткен уақытта болмай қалған жағдайларды сипаттау ҥшін қолданылады. Олар шын фактілерге қарама қайшылықты білдіреді.


If + Past Perfect / would have + Past participle

If you had told me about the problem., I would have helped you.

(But you didn‟t tell me…)

They would have passed the exam. If they had studied (But they didn‟t study and failed the exam …)

If the weather had been nice yesterday, we would have gone to the zoo. (But the weather wasn‟t nice yesterday…) 



Mixed Conditional Аралас шартты сӛйлем


 Кейде шартты сӛйлемнің екі бӛлігі де екі шаққа қатысты болуы мҥмкін. Мҧндай шартты сӛйлемді Mixed Conditional (Аралас шартты сӛйлем) деп атайды. Оның екі тҥрі бар:

а) Бірінші тҥрінде шартты сӛйлем ӛткен шақтағы іс-әрекетті

білдіреді, ал оның нәтижесі ӛткен шаққа қатысты болады.

б) Екінші тҥрінде шартты сӛйлем белгілі бір уақытты

білдірмейді, ал оның нәтижесі ӛткен шаққа қатысты болады.

• If you had taken your medicine yesterday, you would be well now.





Wish, if, only

1) I wish… would …, if only … would 

 Бҧл   қҧрылым   осы   шақта         болған        іс-әрекетке кӛңілі толмауды, риза болмауды, болашақта оған ӛзгеріс енгізілгенін қалауды білдіреді

   I wish you would make your bed. (I want you to make your bed).

   I wish he would stop talking. (I want him to stop talking).

   If only it would stop raining. (I want it to stop raining). 


2) Wish, if only + Past Indefinite   Осы шаққа қатысты ӛкініш жайлы айтқанда қолданылады.

(екінші шартты сӛйлемнің тҥрі сияқты

If you I could eat eggs. (I can‟t eat eggs).

I wish I spoke French. (I don‟t speak French).

If only I knew her phone number. (I don‟t know her phone number). 


Wish, if only + Past Perfect 

Wish, if only + Past Perfect ӛткен шаққа қатысты ӛкінішті білдіру ҥшін қолданылады. 

I wish I had saved some money . = I didn‟t save any money.

I wish I had studied for the test. = I didn‟t study for the test. 



Unless = if … not

I can‟t see if I don‟t wear glasses. = I can‟t see unless I wear glasses. • Unless you work much harder, you won‟t pass the exam.

He will go there if he isn‟t too busy. = He will go there unless he is too busy. 


Салыстыр if / in case

I‟ll bring in the washing if it rains. (I‟ll bring it in at the time it starts raining).

I‟ll bring in the washing in case it rains. (I‟ll bring it now because it might rain later). 



@ 1. Underline the necessary word. 

1.                    This time in six months. I‟ll be at university unless / if  I decide to take a year off first.

2.                    We‟d better leave early tomorrow unless / in case there‟s a lot of traffic when we get to Doncaster.

3.                    You can watch the film as long as / in case you promise to go straight to bed when it finishes.

4.                    Let‟s go to Mirabella‟s tonight unless / if you haven‟t been there before.

5.                    Unless / so long as I‟ve still got my health, I don‟t mind how poor I am.

6.                    You‟d better take a sweater with you know if / in case it gets cold tonight.

7.                    Do what you like provided / unless you don‟t make any noise.

8.                    I‟m not going to worry unless / as long as she hasn‟t called by midnight. 


@ 2. Use the verbs in right forms. 

Mr.Day: Can‟t you stop playing that computer? You‟re making an awful noise. 

Adam: Well, if … I don‟t practice … (I/not practice), I won‟t pass my exam.

Mr.Day: But why at night? It‟s half past twelve. If (1) …… (you/play) it in the daytime, (2) … … (I / not / hear) you because I‟d be at work. If (3) … … (you / tell) me about this trumpet when you first came here, (4) … … (I / not / let) you have the room. I‟m afraid it‟s becoming a nuisance. If (5) … …. (you / not / play) so loud, (6) … …. (it / not / be) so bad. 

Adam: I‟m sorry, but you can‟t play a trumpet quietly.

Mr.Day: if (7) … … (I / realize) a year ago what you were going to do, then (8) … … (I / throw) you out long ago. If (9) … … (you / go) on making this noise at night, (9) … …. (you / go) on making this noise at night, (10) … … (I / have) to complain to your college. 


@ 3 Underline the right verb in each sentence. 

If the machine stops / will stop, you press / will press this button.

1.                    If you help / helped me with this exercise, I will / would do the same for you one day.

2.                    According to the timetable, if the train leaves / left on time, we will / would arrive on time.

3.                    If it is / will be fine tomorrow, we go / will go to the coast.

4.                    If we find / found taxi, we will get / would get there before the play starts.

5.                    It‟s quite simple really. If you take / will take / took these tablets every day, then you lose / will lose / lost / would lose weight.

6.                    I don‟t like this flat. I think I am / I will be / I‟d be happier if I live / will live / would live / lived in a house in the country.

7.                    I don‟t know how to play baseball, but I‟m sure that if I will do / did, I play / will play / would play a lot better than anyone in this awful team.

8.                    If I phone / will phone / phoned you tonight, are you / will you be / would you be in?

9.                    Why didn‟t you tell me? If you told / had told me, I had helped / would have helped you.

10.               If Ann wasn‟t driving / didn‟t drive / hadn‟t driven so fast, her car didn‟t crash / wouldn‟t crash / wouldn‟t have crashed into a tree.

11.               Let me give you some advice. If you smoked / would smoke

/ had smoked less, you didn‟t feel / wouldn‟t feel / wouldn‟t have felt so tried.

12.               If you invited / had invited me last week, I was able / had been able / would have been able to come.

13.               I‟m sure your letter hasn‟t arrived yet. If it came / had came I‟m sure I noticed / had noticed / would have noticed it.

14.               We have a suggestion to make. How do you feel / would you feel if we offered / would offer / had offered you the job of assistant manager?

15.               Terry never catches anything when he goes fishing. And if he catches / caught / had caught a fish, he throws / would throw it back. 




1. Choose the right variant.

If it rains, we _________ at home.

a)   would say   c) stay

b)   would have stayed          d) will stay 

2. Choose the right variant.

If you _______ harder, you will fail the exam

a)   would not try        c) do not try

b)   would not have tried       d) will not try

3. Choose the right variant.

If you behave yourself, you _______ with us to the concert.

a)   would come          c) can come

b)   would have come d) will come

4. Choose the right variant.

If you do not work, you ________ holidays next week.

a)   would not have     c) do not have

b)   would have had     d) will not have

5. Choose the right variant.

If you ______ anything, ask me.

a)   would need c) need

b)   would have need   d) will need

6. Choose the right variant.

If we are leaving soon, I _______ my coat.

a)   would get    c) get

b)   would have got     d) will get

7. Choose the right variant.

If I _________ the work by ten o‟clock, I will be able to come.

a)   would finished      c) have finished

b)   would have finished       d) will finish

8. Choose the right variant.

If you have finished your homework, you _________ . a) would be able to go out c) can go out

             b) would have gone out                                   d) will go out

9. Choose the right variant. Eat less or you _________ fat.

a)   would get    c) get

b)   would have got     d) will get

10.   Choose the right variant.

If I ________ enough money, I would retire.

a)   would have c) had

b)   would have had     d) will have

11.   Choose the right variant.

If I lost my job, I ________ abroad for a while.

a)   would go     c) will go

b)   would have gone   d) might go

12.   Choose the right variant.

If he were careful, he ________ things.

a)   would not break     

b)   would not have broken    

c)   did not break         d) will not break

13. Choose the right variant.

If she were slimmer, she _______ much more attractive.

a)   would be     c) was

b)   would have been   d) will be 

14. Choose the right variant.

If you __________ me more information, I will not be able to help you.

a)   would not give      c) do not give

b)   would not have given      d) will not give

15. Choose the right variant.

They _________ their plane if they had not woken up late.

a)   would not missed c) did not missed

b)   would not have missed   d)      will    not     miss

16. Choose the right variant.

I ______ to the party if I ________ about it.

a)   might have gone, knew   c) might have gone, had


b)   went, had known   d) might go, had known

17. Choose the right variant.

I wish I _________ taller, because I am not very tall.

a)   were c) would be

b)   would have been   d) will be

18. Choose the right variant.I wish I _________ on holiday with you, but I am busy tomorrow.

a)   would go     c) went

b)   would have gone   d) could go





“Used to do something” және “be used to doing something”

Ағылшын тілінде “used to do something” конструкциясын бҧрын дағдылы болған, бірақ қазіргі уақытта жасалынбайтын ісәрекетті білдіру ҥшін қолданылады.

We used to live in a small village, but now we live in Astana.

I used to drive to work every day, but these days I usually go by bike. 

Болымсыз сӛйлемде кӛмекші етістік did немесе not бӛлшегі қолданылады

We didn‟t use to have computers (=We never used to have computers.)


“to be  used to + V ing” осы шақа қатысты «дағдылану» мағынасына сәйкес келеді

I wasn‟t used to wearing glasses – it seemed very strange at first.

I am used to getting up early. 


„to be used to + V ing‟ конструкциясына „to get used to + V ing‟ синонимдес.

Zhanar is getting used to live in the city. (She is becoming accustomed to live in the city)

They will soon get used to cooking their own meals. 


„I‟d like to do something‟ сӛз орамы 

„I‟d like to do something‟ сыпайы тҥрді білдіреді. Сҧраулы сӛйлемде “Would you like to + infinitive?”

Would you like to lay the table for me? – Yes, of course. 

I would like a brochure, please.

We would like to order our drinks first.

Would you like to visit the museum with us? 


“Suggest doing / suggest that you should do” 2 жағдайда қолданылады:

1) Хабарлы сӛйлемде 2 конструкцияда қолданылады.

Why don‟t we go for a walk?

She suggested doing for a walk OR She suggested that we should go for a walk 

2) Біреуге кеңес беретін болған жағдайда конструкциясы қолданылады. Бҧл жерде айтушы  адам кеңеспен жҥрмейді, ісәрекет тек бір адаммен ғана іске асады

Why don‟t buy some new clothes?

He suggested that I should buy some new clothes. (NOT he suggested buying new clothes.)


“There is / there are‟ сӛз орамдары

 Заттың, нәрсенің, атаудың белгілі бір жерде тҧрғанын, бар екенін білдіру ҥшін жекеше тҥрде „there is‟, кӛпше тҥрде „there are‟қолдынылады. „There is / there are‟сӛз орамдары сӛйлемнің басында қолданылады. To be етістігі шаққа байланысты ӛзгеріп отырады

There is a lamp on the table. There is some water in the glass.

There are lamps in the shop. There are four children in our family.

There wasn‟t anybody in the room.

Are there any flowers in your classroom?

Is there any air in Mars?



@ 1. Сӛйлемде There және be қажетті формаларында қойыңыз

1. There (isn‟t / aren‟t) any letters in the mail for you today. 2. There (isn‟t / aren‟t any mail for you today.

3.   There (is, are) a lot of problems in the world.

4.   There (is, are) a hole in his sock.

5.   There (is, are) over 600.000 kings of insects in the world.

6.   How many kinds of birds (is / are) there in the world? 7. Why (isn‟t / aren‟t) there a hospital close to those villages?

8.                    There (was, were) a terrible earthquake in Iran last year.

9.                    Why (is, are) there a shortage of available apartments for rent in this city at present?

10.               There (is, are) more women than men in my office.

11.               There (has been, have been) a line in front of that theater every night for the past two weeks.

12.               How many wars do you suppose there (has been, have been) in the history of the world since the dawn of civilization?


@ 2. Сӛйлемдерге  used to немесе be used to қойыңыз.

1.                    I (live) used to live in Jakarta, but now I live in Paris.

2.                    I (live) am used to living in Jakarta. I‟ve lived here all my life.

3.                    Jane (work) ________ for the telephone company, but now she has a job at the post office. 4. This work doesn‟t bother me. I (work) _________ hard. I‟ve worked hard all my life.

5.                    Dick (have) ______ mustache, but he doesn‟t anymore. He shaved it off, because his wife didn‟t like it. I (see, not) him without his mustache. He still looks strange to me.

6.                    When I was a child, I (think) ________ anyone over 40 was old. Of course, now that I‟m middle aged, I agree with those who say “Life begins at 40.

7.                    It (take) ______ weeks or months to cross the Atlantic Ocean from Europe to the Americas, but now it takes only a matter of hours.

8.                    Even though Jason is only 12, he (fly) __________ on airplanes. His father is a pilot and has taken Jason with him in a plane many times.

9.                    When I was growing up, my mother often sent me to the neighborhood store to get something for her. And each time I went there, Mr.Ditmar, the owner, (give) ________ me a piece of candy.

10.               Michael (take) ________ care of himself. He left home when he was 15 and has been on his own ever since. 




1. Find the right variant of negative sentence. We used to live in Taraz.

a)       We didn‟t used to live in          d) We had not live in

          Taraz.                                                      Taraz.

b)      We not use to live in Taraz.      e) We used not to lived

c)       We didn‟t use to live in in Taraz.


2. Find the right variant of negative sentence. I used to eat a lot of chocolate.

a)                    I use not to eat a lot of d) I didn‟t use to eat a chocolate. lot of chocolate.

b)                   I didn‟t used to eat a lot of e) I used not to eat a lot chocolate. of chocolate. 

c)                    I not use to eat a lot of     chocolate.

3. Choose the right form of the verb. There … some meat in the soup.

a)   are     d) wasn‟t

b)  be      e) aren‟t  c) „s

4. Choose the right form of the verb.

There … a lot of peach trees in our garden.

a)   be      d) are

b)  am     e) being  c) is

5. Choose the right form of the verb.

There … many polar bears in Arctic.

a)   was    d) am

b)   is       e) are 

c)   be

6. Find the right variant of negative sentence. My brother used to work as a shop assistant.

a)   My brother doesn‟t used to work as a shop assistant.

b)   My brother  used to didn‟t work as a shop assistant.

c)   My brother didn‟t used to work as a shop assistant.

d)   My brother not used to work as a shop assistant.

e)   My brother don‟t used to work as a shop assistant.

7. Choose the right form of the verb. There … some boys in the café.

a)   is       d) isn‟t

b)   are     e) are  

c)   was

8. Choose the right form of the verb.

… there any juice in the glass?

a)   be      d) am

b)   have e) are 

c)   is

9. Choose the right form of the verb.

There … a lot of milk in the bottle. Give me a little!

a)   was    d) were

b)  has    e) been  c) is

10. Choose the right form of the verb.

There … some potatoes and carrots in the bag.

a)   is       d) be

b)   are     e) was

c)   – 

11. Choose the right form of the verb.

There … a pen and some erasers in the pencil-case

a)   being d) are

b)   be      e) - 

c)   is

12. Choose the right form of the verb. There … little coffee in the cup.

a)   is

b)   were

c)   have

13. Choose the right variant:

Why don‟t we go for a walk?

d)   be

e)   are 

a)      She suggested that he should

go for a walk.

b)     She suggested going for a


c)      She denied going for a walk.

d)                   She promised going for a walk.

e)                    She advised to go for

a walk.



14. Choose the right variant:

Why don‟t you buy new trousers?

a)                    He suggested buying new d) His trousers were trousers. very cheap.

b)                   He asked about trousers. e) He suggested that I

c)                    He refused to sell the should buy new trousers. trousers.

15. Choose the right variant:

People used to be healthier than they are now.

a)                    Do people use the health d) Did  people use to be now?  healthier? 

b)                   Did people use the health?       e) Were people healthier

c)                    Do people use to be healthy?    before? 

16. Choose the right variant:

There … many children in the yard two hours ago.

a)   been d) is

b)   were e) was

c)   are

17. Choose the right variant:

When I was three, I … to the kindergarten.

a)   to be used to         d) used to go

b)   used go       e) using 

c)   am used to going

18. Choose the right variant:

Tell me, please, what you‟d like … .

a)   to be drinking       d) drink

b)   drinking      e) being drink

c)   to drink

19. Choose the right variant:

There … any soup left in the casserole.

a)   aren‟t          d) much

b)   is       e) wasn‟t 

c)   was

20. Choose the right variant:

Put on warm clothes. There … a cold wind outside.

a)   is       d) got

b)   was    e) are 

c)   had




General questions (Yes/No questions) – Жалпы сұрақ


Жалпы сҧрақтар кӛмекші етістіктер немесе модальдік етістіктерден басталады.

a)   Do you speak English? – Yes, I do / No, I don‟t.

b)   Can you swim? – Yes, I can / No, I can‟t.


Жай сӛйлем

Жалпы сӛйлем

Бастау ыш


Толықта уыш


пысықта уыш

Етісті к

Бастау ыш

Баянда уыш

Толықта уыш


пысықта уыш

Кӛме кші

етісті к

немес е

модал ьді

етісті к

Етіст ік

Кӛме кші

етісті к

немес е

модал ьді

етісті к







a book.




a book?



retur ned





returne d







the article



translat e

the article?
























translatio n in the evening





translatio n in the evening?


    Special questions (WH – questions) – Арнайы сұрақ


Арнайы сҧрақ сҧрау есімдіктері немесе ҥстеулерден басталып, сӛйлеушілерге белгілі оқиғалар, қҧбылыстар туралы нақты және толық жауап, хабар алу керек болғанда қойылады.

Whom what, which, whose, when, why, where, how, how long, how big, how often, how much / how many есімдіктері арқылы жасалады.

a)   What did the teacher read to the students yesterday?

b)   How many books have you read? 







is reading

a book

at the window?


is lying


on the table?


Who and what questions

Who және what сӛйлемде бастауыш немесе толықтауыш функциясын атқарады. Егер who немесе what  бастауыш  болса, онда кӛмекші етістіктер қолданылмайды.

   Who opened the window? (not Who did open the window?)

   What happened to your arm? (not What did happened to your arm?)

   Who phoned? (not Who did phone?) 

Егер сҧраулы сӛз толықтауыш функциясын атқарса, онда кӛмекші етістіктер қолданылады.

   Who do you believe? – him or me?

   What did you have for breakfast?

   Who will you ring? 

Alex loves Ann but Ann loves Tom. 

   Who loves Ann?Аннаны кім сүйеді? • Who does Ann love? Анна кімді сүйеді?

My sister helped me and I helped my mother to lay the table. 

   Who helped you? – Саған кім кӛмектесті? • Who did you help? Сен кімге кӛмектестің?






Disjunctive Questions (Tag questions)- Анықтаушы сұрақ


Анықтаушы сҧрақ екі бӛліктен тҧрады: хабарлы және сҧраулы. Бҧл сҧрақтың тҥрі хабарлы бӛліктегі берілген сҧрақты растау қажет болғанда қойылады. Егер сҧрақтың бірінші бӛлігі хабарлы формада келсе, екінші бӛлігі болымсыз формада келеді, егер бірінші бӛлігі болымсыз формада келсе, екінші бӛлігі хабарлы формада келеді. Сҧрақтың екінші бӛлігі кӛмекші етістік немесе модальды етістік арқылы жасалады. Сҧраулы бӛлігі жалпы сҧраққа ҧқсас болғандықтан «солай емес пе», «ия» жауапты қажет етеді.

•You speak English, don‟t you?

   You haven‟t seen Joe, have you?

   The children can swim, can‟t they?

   I shouldn‟t laugh, should I?

   It will be dark soon, won‟t it?

   There was a mistake, wasn‟t there?

   You aren‟t ill, are you?

   It is cold, isn‟t it? 


I‟m кӛмекші етістігінен  aren‟t I қолданылады

   I‟m right, aren‟t I?

   I‟m late, aren‟t?

   БІРАҚ: I am not late, am I?


Nobody, somebody, everybody және no one есімдіктерінен кейін they қолданылады.

   Nobody phoned, did they?

   Everybody is here, aren‟t they?

   Nobody likes her, do they?

   Somebody has forgotten their coat, haven‟t they?


Never, no, nobody, hardly, scarcely, little сӛздерінен кейін бӛлшекті сҧрақ хабарлы сӛйлемде қолданылады

   She never smiles, does she?

   She hardly spoke, did she?

   There is scarcely enough time, is there?


Nothing есімдігі ӛзінен кейін  it қосымшасын керек етеді

   Nothing can happen, can it?

   Nothing matters, does it?


Let‟s shall we есімдігімен бірге қолданылады

   Let‟s go to the cinema, shall we?


Alternative question – Балама сұрақ


Балама сҧрақ негізінде екі жалпы сҧрақтан тҧрады. Мҥмкін екі жауаптың бірін таңдауды қажет етеді, or жҧрнағы арқылы жасалады. Сҧрақтың екінші бӛлігі әдетте толық емес болып қалады.   

Do you like or (do you like) coffee? – I like tea. 

Is he studying or (is he) working? – He is studying. 

Do you want to see my mother or father? – I want to see your mother. 


Алтернативті сҧрақ сҧраулы сӛзден басталады. 

Which do you like: tea or coffee?

What is he doing: sleeping or working? 


Imperative sentences - Бұйрықты сӛйлем


Бҧйрықты сӛйлемдер бҧйрық немесе ӛтінішті білдіреді

   Don‟t open the window!

   Close your dictionary!

   Don‟t be late!

   Sit down!


Exclamatory sentences – Лепті сӛйлем

Егер айтылатын ой таңдануды, шатануды, наразылықты білдіретін болса, онда хабарлы, сҧраулы, бҧйрықты сӛйлемдер лепті сӛйлем бола алады.

   Have you ever seen such weather! 






Ағылшын тілінде сӛздер қатаң тҥрде тәртіппен тҧрады.

Жай сӛйлемнің сӛз тәртібі:

1.   Бастауыш (Subject)

2.   Баяндауыш (Verb)

3.   Толықтауыш (Object)

4.   Пысықтауыш  (Adverbial) 


David                    bought           a present               yesterday. 

(Бастауыш)             (баяндауыш  )         (толықтауыш)              (пысықтауыш


Егер сӛйлемде екі толықтауыш келсе (тура және жанама), онда тура толықтауыш етістіктен кейін келеді.

David bought a present 


►Жанама толықтауышы бар сӛйлемде, тура толықтауыш жанама толықтауыштан кейін келеді. 

David bought Lena (жанама толықтауыш) a present (тура толықтауыш) yesterday.


Кӛп етістіктер ӛзінен кейін жанама және тура толықтауышты керек етеді. Жанама толықтауыш тура толықтауыш пен етістіктің ортасында келеді.

David bought Lena a present.

He gave his wife a camera for Christmas. 

Could you send me the bill?  


Жанама толықтауышты керек ететін етістіктер:


























Қимыл-сын үстеуі әдетте етістіктен кейін келеді.

He drives slowly.

The sun shines brightly. 


Егер етістік ауыспалы болса, онда ҥстеу толықтауыштан кейін немесе етістіктің алдында келеді. 

Tom ate his breakfast quickly. NOT Tom ate quickly his breakfast. 

We played volleyball yesterday. NOT We played yesterday volleyball.

We asked permission politely. NOT We politely asked permission. 


Мезгіл үстеулер: always, often, seldom, ever, never, just, usually, generally, sometimes, soon, once  әдетте етістіктің алдында келеді, бірақ егер кӛмекші етістік немесе модальды етістік келсе, онда ҥстеу кӛмекші және модальды етістіктерден кейін қойылады

My friend has just given me the book.

They usually have dinner at 7 o‟clock. 

I once went there with my sister.

I really hate homework.

He is always late.

I don’t often go out in the evening.

The boss is usually in a bad temper.

You should never take unnecessary risks.

You must never got off the train when it is moving.

I can always help you. 


Yet, still және already.

Yet үстеуі (әлі де) сҧраулы немесе болымсыз сӛйлемнің соңында келеді. 

Vicky has got a present, but she hasn‟t opened it yet.

Wait a minute. I am not ready yet.

Have you read the newspaper yet?

Have you sent the letter yet? 


Хабарлы сӛйлемде still және already негізгі етістіктің алдында келеді, бірақ am, is, are, have, has, don‟t кӛмекші етістіктердің соңынан келеді. 

Sarah isn‟t home yet. She is still at work.

We wrote a month ago, and we are still waiting for a reply.

There is no need to tell me. I already know.

I am already exhausted. 


Сҧраулы сӛйлемде still және already бастауыштан кейін келеді.

Are you still waiting?

Has Tom already been on holiday? 


Мекен үстеулер әдетте сӛйлемнің соңында келеді.

Is there a phone box nearly?


Мезгіл үстеулер сӛйлемнің басында немесе соңында келеді.

Trevor wasn‟t very well last week.

Last week we had nothing to do. 

Everyday we go jogging.

There is a news summary every hour. 


Before, recently, lately сӛйлемнің соңында келеді.

I haven‟t seen this film before. 


Very, quite

Үстеуді немесе сын есімді білдіретін үстеу сӛздер ӛздері нақтылайтын ҥстеудің немесе сын есімнің алдында келеді.

It is very cold today.

The time passed quite quickly.

This dress is absolutely marvelous.

She doesn‟t want to marry him. She thinks he is too old. 


Enough (жеткілікті) сӛзі сын есімнен немесе ҥстеуден кейін келеді.

The water isn‟t hot enough. • This coat isn‟t warm enough for winter. 


Enough зат есімді айқындайды, бҧл жағдайда еnough зат есімнің алдында келеді.  Салыстырыңыз: 

The coffee isn‟t strong enough.

You didn‟t put enough coffee in. 


Too, either (сондай) үстеулері сӛйлемнің соңында келеді.

I will be there too.

I haven‟t seen this film either. 


Too (тіпті) сӛзі ӛзі айқындайтын сӛздің алдында келеді. 

It is too dangerous to walk at this time of night.

There are too many museums here to visit in a single day. 


Сұраулы сӛйлемдердегі сӛз тәртібі.

Сҧраулы сӛйлемдерде кӛмекші етістік бастауыштың алдында келеді

Have you received my letter of June 17? (not: You have received…)

Did you like the concert? 


Арнаулы сҧрақ сҧраулы сӛзден басталады, кейін кӛмекші етістік және бастауыш келеді.

What does the boss want?

Where are the President and his family stating? 


Егер who, which, what сӛздері бастауыш орнында келсе, онда кӛмекші етістік қолданылмайды.

Who left the door open?

Which costs more – the blue one or the grey one?

What happened? 


Сұраулы сӛйлемдердегі үстеулер. 

Has Andrew always liked Jessica?

Do you often go out in the evening? 













@ 1. Анықтаушы сұрақ қойыңыз. 

1.   Don‟t leave anything behind, will you?

2.   David is bringing some ice-cream, ___________ ?

3.   Nobody knows who invented the wheel, _________ ? 4. Let‟s invite the Ahmetovs from next door, __________ ? 5. It‟s a nice day, _________ ?

6. I was really first, __________ ? 7. She doesn‟t look well, ____________ ?

8.        They look like big candles, ____________ ?

9.        There is a light out there, ____________ ?

10.   He‟s a lovely little boy, ____________ ?


@ 2. Read the situations and put the questions.

You want to know if it is raining. ….. Is it raining? 

You need to ask Polly where she lives. Where do you live?

1.         You would like to ask Nancy where she bought her coat.


2.         You want to ask Susan if Amy can swim. ……………….

3.         You want to ask Simon which band he likes best.


4.         On the phone you want to know who you are speaking to.


5.         You need to know how much video recorders cost.


6.         You are asking permission to come in. ……………. 7. You need to find out how long the journey takes. ………….

8. You want to ask Adrain what he locked the door for. 9. You want to ask what happens next. ………….

10. You want to suggest that you all go out together.



@ 3. Сӛйлемдердегі қателерді түзетіңіз.

→  Would like you to go sailing? …. Would you like to go sailing? …

1.   Do you be a student here? …………………

2.   How many cakes have eaten you? ……………………

3.   Enjoyed you your walk? ……………………

4.   Where your friends have gone? ……………… 5. What kind music do you like? …………………..

6.   Does Peter plays tennis? …………………

7.   About what are you talking? …………………… 8. What has it happened? ………………….


@ 4. Put the sentences in right form. 

1.   I / love / really / these / trousers 

2.   is / rather / silly / this game

3.   already / I‟ve / paid / the bill

4.   easily / Jonathan / passed / the test

5.   a lot / cards / play / the children

6.   enough / isn‟t / loud / the alarm  7. didn‟t / enough / sell / they / tickets

8.        ask / many / questions / too / you

9.        a member / any more / of the club / I‟m / not

10.   enough / it‟s / outside / to sit / warm




1. Choose the right variant. 

He had no practice in composing music, _____________ ?

a)   didn‟t he     d) has he

b)   had he         e) doesn‟t he

c)   does he

2. Choose the right variant. 

You have read all Pushkin‟s book, __________ ?

a)   not you       d) aren‟t you

b)   have you     e) isn‟t it

c)   haven‟t you

3. Choose the right variant. 

You have a bad headache, ___________ ?

a)   isn‟t it         d) haven‟t you

b)   don‟t you    e) won‟t you

c)   does it

4. Choose the right variant. 

He never thought what might come out of it, ___________ ?

a)   does he        d) did he

b)   hasn‟t he     e) won‟t he

c)   didn‟t he

5. Choose the right variant.

She comes from the family of Donovan, __________ ?

a)   hasn‟t he     d) doesn‟t she

b)   didn‟t he     e) won‟t she

c)   do you

6. Choose the right variant.

You have fifnished your work, ___________ ?

a)   didn‟t you   d) won‟t you

b)   haven‟t you          e) have you

c)   don‟t you

7. Choose the right variant.

He isn‟t a student, ___________ he?

a)   is       d) isn‟t

b)   does   e) was

c)   do


8. Choose the right variant.

There are so many people in the street, __________ ?

a)   are they       d) aren‟t there

b)   are there      e) isn‟t there

c)   aren‟t they

9. Choose the right variant.

You don‟t play the piano, ____________ ?

           a)don‟t you                                                     d) does it

b)   do you         e) hasn‟t it

c)   doesn‟t you

10. Choose the right variant.

This winter is not very cold, __________ ?

a)   isn‟t it         d) won‟t it

b)   is it    e) hasn‟t it

c)   does it

11. Choose the right variant.

They have to ask somebody else to help them, ___________ ?

a)   haven‟t they         d) don‟t they

b)   have they    e) hasn‟t they

c)   do they

12. Choose the right variant.

There were many mistakes in your dictation, ___________ ?

a)   weren‟t they         d) weren‟t there

b)   were they    e) aren‟t there

c)   aren‟t they

13. Choose the right variant.

He had lunch at home today, ___________ ?

a)   hadn‟t he    d) didn‟t he

b)   wasn‟t he    e) had he

c)   did he

14. Choose the right variant.

You lived here 3 months ago, ___________ ?

a)   don‟t you    d) have you

b)   had you       e) do you

c)   didn‟t you




15.   Choose the right variant.

It isn‟t very early now, _____________ ?

a)   isn‟t it         d) han‟t it

b)   it is    e) is it

c)   doesn‟t it

16.   Choose the right variant.

Pete doesn‟t work hard, ___________ ?

a)   is he   d) he works

b)   he does        e) doesn‟t he

c)   does he

17.   Choose the right variant.

A sick man can‟t go out, can he?

a)   No, he can‟t.         d) No, he isn‟t.

b)   I didn‟t know.       e) Yes, he could.

c)   Yes, she could.

18.   Choose the right variant.

         Nothing can stop us now, __?

a)   don‟t it

b)   doesn‟t it

c)   can‟t it

d)   can it

e)   does it

19.   Choose the right variant:

You   want to       know who shouted “Fire”:

a)   Who was shouting “Fire”?

b)   Who was near the fire?

c)   Whom did he shout at?

d)   Who did shout “Fire”?

e)Who shouted “Fire”

20.   Choose the right variant: The woman I saw was wearing a red sweater and black jeans. a) What is she wear?

b)   What was she wearing?

c)   What is she wearing?

d)   What has she wearing?

e)   What she wore? 



Ағылшын тілінің сӛздік қҧрамы ӛзінің даму барысында басқа тілдегідей ҥздіксіз ӛзгерісте болды. Мҧндай ӛзгерістердің даму заңдылықтары оларға тҥрлі жаңа сӛздердің қосылуы арқылы жасалады.

Бҧлар екі тҥрлі жолмен жасалады:

а) басқа тілдерден енген сӛздермен толығуы арқылы

ә) сӛз тудыру арқылы


► Ағылшын тілінде сӛз жасам жҥйесі әр тҥрлі жолдармен жасалады:

1)                   Сӛз мҥлдем ӛзгермейді

2)                   Сӛз тудыру (қосымшалар, префикстер мен жҧрнақтар жалғану арқылы)

3)                   Сӛздегі екпіннің орны ауысуы арқылы

4)                   Тҥбір сӛздегі дауысты және дауыссыздардың ӛзгеруі арқылы

5)                   Сӛздің бірігуі (екі немесе бірнеше тҥбірдің бірігуі арқылы)


1. Сӛз мүлдем ӛзгермейді.

Ағылшын тілінде кейбір сӛздер айтылу мен жазылуы ӛзгермей зат есім, етістік, сын есім немесe етістік бола алады. 

   answer  (жауап) - to answer (жауап беру)

   clean (таза) – to clean (тазалау)

   change (ӛзгеріс) – to change (ӛзгеру)

   dirty (лас) – to dirty (ластану


2. Зат есімдер етістіктерден сӛздегі екпіннің орын ауыстыруы арқылы жасалады, зат есімдерде екпін бірінші буынға түссе, етістіктерде екінші буынға түседі

   íncrease - to incréase

   éxport - to expórt

   ímport – to impórt 

   tránsport – to transport 




3. Түбір сӛздегі дауысты, дауыссыз дыбыстардың ӛзгеруі арқылы:

woman - women

use - use

advice - advise

proof – prove 


Префикстер мен жұрнақтардың жалғануы арқылы

Префикстер сӛздің басында келеді де, жҧрнақтар сӛз соңында келеді. Префикстер сӛздің мағынасын ӛзгертеді, бірақ сӛз сол сӛз табында қала береді. Жҧрнақтар әдетте бір сӛз табын, екінші сӛз табына ӛзгертеді.


Жиі қолданылатын префикстер:

anti: cyclone – anticyclone; social – antisocial 

counter: action – counteraction; claim-counter-claim 


Сӛзге болымсыз мағына беретін префикстер:

dis: honest – dishonest (арам), appear – disappear (жоғалу); like – dislike (жақсы кӛрмеу)

in: мына әріптердің алдында ӛзгереді: l, r, m, p: in + l + ill; in + r = irr; in + m – imm; in + p = imp): capable – incapable (қабілеті жоқ); legal – illegal (заңсыз); responsible – irresponsible (жауапсыз)  

non: content – non-content ( риза болмау), essential – nonessential (мардымсыз)

un: pleasant – unpleasant (жайсыз), to lock – to unlock 



Зат есімдер кейде сӛздердің бірігуі арқылы жасалады. (Бҧл жағдайда екінші қосынды зат есімнен болады)

black + board = blackboard (сынып тақтасы)

time + table = timetable (сабақ кестесі)

text + book = textbook (оқулық) 






       ► Қарама-қарсы мағына беретін префикстер:

de: merit-demerit 


«Жасау» деген мағына беретін шылау:

en: large – enlarge, circle – encircle; rich – enrich 


«Бұрынғы» деген мағына беретін шылау:

exchampion – ex-champion, ex-president, ex-minister 


«Арасында, бірге» деген мағына беретін шылаулар:

inter: action (іс-қимыл)  – interaction (бірдесіп),  town – intertown  (қалааралық)


«Дұрыс емес» деген мағына беретін шылаулар:

mis: to understand – to misunderstand (дұрыс түсінбеу), to hear – to mishear (дұрыс естімеу)


«Үстінде» деген мағына беретін шылаулар:

over: to feed (тамақтандыру) – to overfeed (асыра тамақтандыру) , to estimate (бағалау) – to overestimate (асыра бағалау


«Кейін» деген мағына беретін шылаулар:

post: war (соғыс) – post war (соғыстан кейін) 


«Алдында, ертерек» деген мағына беретін шылаулар:

pre: historic (тарихи) – prehistoric (тарихтан бұрын) 


«Тағы да, қайта» деген мағына беретін шылаулар:

re: to open – to reopen (қайта ашу), to read – to reread

(қайта оқу)  


«Астында» деген мағына беретін шылаулар:

sub: marine – submarine (су асты) 


«Үстінде» деген мағына беретін шылаулар:

super: natural – supernatural 


«Бір нәрсе арқылы» деген мағына беретін шылаулар:

trans: to plant – to transplant 


«Ультра, жоғары» деген мағына беретін шылаулар:

ultra:          violet –        ultra-violet (ультракүлгін),    ultrashort



«Жеткіліксіз» деген мағына беретін шылаулар:

under: to value – to undervalue (бағаламау), to pay – to underpay (тӛмен жалақы тӛлеу)


Жиі қолданылатын жұрнақтар: Зат есімнің жұрнақтары:

- ability, -ibility: probability, possibility.

- age: leakage, marriage, passage.

- al: arrival, approval.

- ance, ence: importance, difference.

- dom: freedom, boredom, kingdom, wisdom

- ee: employee, interviewee, addressee

- er, -or: buyer, teacher, worker, writer, director, inventor, translator, visitor.

- hood: brotherhood, childhood, neighborhood

-ian: historian, Russian, Hungarian

-ion (-ation, -tion, -sion, -ssion): collection, production, connection, submission, production

- ism: tourism

- ist: terrorist, physicist, extremist, artist 

- ment: agreement, development, government, payment 

- ness: kindness, oldness, darkness, weakness

- our: colour

- ship: friendship, leadership

- th: depth, growth 

- ty: safety

- ure (-ture): creature, mixture, pressure, departure, pleasure


Сын есімнің жұрнақтары:

- able, -ible: eatable, changeable, convertible 

- al: central, cultural, formal, postal

- ant, - ent: different, resistant

- ary, - ory: secondary

- en: wooden

- ful: beautiful, careful, fruitful, useful

- ic: heroic

- ish: Scotish, reddish, Polish

- ive: active, comparative, effective, talkative 

- less: hopeless, useless, homeless, helpless

- ous: dangerous, famous, glorious

- y: cloudly, dirty, sunny, rainy, frosty, windy, thirsty 


Етістіктің жұрнақтары:

-ate, - ute: to indicate, to execute

-en: to sharpen, to blacken, to shorten

- ify: to purify, to simplify, to classify

- ise, -ize: to characterize, to crystallize, to sympathize  


Үстеудің жұрнақтары:

- ly: easily, firstly, daily, weekly

- wards: homewards, northwards, backwards, upwards


Екі немесе одан да кӛп сӛздердің бірігуінен жасалған сӛз жасам:

Rain (жаңбыр) + bow (доға) = rainbow (кемпірқосақ)

Snow (қар) + man (адам) = snowman (қар адамы)

After (кейін) + noon (түс) = afternoon (түстен кейін)

Fire (от) + place (орын) = fireplace (камин)

Though (ой) + less аздау) = thoughtless (қамсыз)

White (ақ) + wash (жуу) = whitewash (әктеу)


Кейбір сӛздер дефис арқылы жасалады:

Empty-headed (топас)

Counting-out-rhyme (санамақ)

Chimney-sweeper (мұрша тазалағыш)

Merry-go-round (карусель)

First-class (бірінші класс) 





@ 1. Зат есімдерді сын есімдерге ауыстырыңыз.

1.        care - ___________

2.        cheer - __________

3.        grass - ___________

4.        peace - __________

5.        health - __________

6.        noise - ___________

7.        hope - ___________

8.        smoke - __________

9.        shame - __________

10.   use – ___________


@ 2. Етістікті болымсыз түрге айналдырыңыз:

1.        like - ____________

2.        spell - ____________

3.        agree - ___________

4.        believe - __________

5.        understand - ____________

6.        cover - ______________

7.        dress - _____________

8.        connect - ___________

9.        please - ______________

10.   do - _____________


@ 3. Сын есімді болымсыз түрге айналдырыңыз:

1.        able - __________

2.        possible - _____________

3.        capable - ___________

4.        necessary - ____________

5.        patient - ______________

6.        proper - ______________

7.        correct - ______________

8.        conscious - ___________

9.        complete - ___________

10.   polite - _____________




1. Жҧрнақ жалғау арқылы сын есімге тҥрлендіріңіз:


          a) –ly               b) – ous  c) – ish           d) – ic  e) – word

2. Префикс арқылы сын есімге тҥрлендіріңіз:


a) un   b) in   c) mis  d) dis  e) non  3. Префикс арқылы жасалған етістікті табыңыз:

a)   remember    d) electrify

b)   reconstruct e) locate

c)   continue

4. Жҧрнақ жалғау арқылы зат есімге тҥрлендіріңіз: invent

             a) er b) age            c) hood       d) tion         e) or

5. Болымсыз мағыналы сын есімді табыңыз:

a)   understandable      d) regular

b)   international         e) illegal

c)   note

6. Жҧрнақ жалғау арқылы зат есімге тҥрлендіріңіз:

          a) able           b) – al          c) – en         d) – ish        e) – age

7. Болымсыз мағыналы сын есімді табыңыз:

a)   honest         d) social

b)   modest        e) transplant

c)   irregular

8. Жҧрнаққа қарай отырып, дҧрыс аудараманы табыңыз:


a)   easiness      d) easier

b)   easily          e) easiless

c)   easiest

9. “Equal” сӛзінің қарама-қарсы мағынасын табыңыз:

a)   disequal      d) unequal

b)   imequal       e) ilequal

c)   inequal

10.  Префикс арқылы жасалған етістікті табыңыз:

a)   make           d) paint

b)   resell e) speak 

c)   enjoy

11. Етістіктен жасалған зат есімді табыңыз:

a)   art     d) agreement

b)   winter         e) kindness

c)   friendship

12. Берілген қай сӛз сӛйлемде етістік:

a)   Did you like her answer?

b)   My brother hasn‟t received the answer yet.

c)   I‟m waiting for the answer.

d)   It was a brilliant answer.

e)   He seldom can answer the question? 

13. Берілген қай сӛз сӛйлемде етістік:

a)   All the work is very difficult.

b)   She fell asleep working on the computer.

c)   He usually works in his room.

d)   They employ a couple of young men to do the heavy work.

e)   The follow definite standards in their work. 14. Зат есімді табыңыз:

a)   kingdom     d) reopen

b)   seven e) historical 

c)   unpleasant

15. Болымсыз мағыналы сын есімді табыңыз:

a)   wooden       d) indefinite

b)   active          e) dirty

c)   careful

16. Етістіктен жасалған зат есімді табыңыз:

a)   computer     d) childhood

b)   production e) historian

c)   realism

17. Жҧрнақ жалғау арқылы зат есімге тҥрлендіріңіз: weak

           a) ment         b) er            c) hood        d) ness        e) ion

18. Етістіктен жасалған зат есімді табыңыз:

a)   idealism      d) difference

b)   wisdom       e) running

c)   Russian




19. Дҧрыс аударманы табыңыз: Қайта қҧру

a)   construction          d) underconstruction

b)   unconstruction      e) overconstruction

c)   reconstruction

20. Префикс арқылы жасалған етістікті табыңыз:

a)   watch          d) dislike

b)   come e) dance

c)   remember

21. Жҧрнақ жалғау арқылы зат есімге тҥрлендіріңіз:

           a) – ful              b) – ous  c) – ance  d) – al              e) -  ish 

22. Префикс арқылы жасалған етістікті табыңыз:

a)   eat     d) write

b)   move e) enlarge 

c)   location

23. Болымсыз мағыналы сын есімді табыңыз:

a)   beautiful     d) comic

b)   unthinkable e) glorious

c)   doubtful 24. Жҧрнаққа қарай отырып, дҧрыс аудараманы табыңыз:


a)   Governful   d) Ungoverned

b)   Governess   e) Regovern.

c)   Government



Демеуліктер (предлогтар) зат есімнің немесе есімдіктің сӛйлемдегі басқа сӛздерге қарым-қатынасын білдіретін кӛмекші сӛздер болып табылады. Ағылшын тілінде септік жалғауларының болмауына байланысты, сӛйлемдегі сӛздер тәртібі мен демеуліктер аса маңызды қызмет атқарады.

In, on, at (орын) демеуліктерімен кездесетін тҧрақты сӛз тіркестері:



In prison / hospital – түрмеде / ауруханада

In the lesson - сабақта

In a book / newspaper – кітапта / газетте

In the photo / picture – фотода / суретте

In the country - елде

In the middle - ортасында

In the back / front of a car – артта / машинада 

In a queue / line / row – кезекте / ретте 



On the platform - платформада

On the farm - фермада 

On the page / map - бетте / картада

On the screen - экранда

On the island / beach / coast – аралда / жағажайда / жағалауда

Drive on the right / left – оңға қарай бұрылу / солға қарай бұрылу

On the back of an envelope – конверттің сыртқы бетінде 



At station / airport – темір жол вокзалында / әуежайда

At home / work – үйде / жұмыста 

At school – мектепте 

At the top / bottom of hill – тӛбеде / таудың етегінде 

At the end of the corridor – коридордың соңында 


18.2 In, on, at  In 

We bought the flat in 2003.

In + жыл / ай / жыл мезгілі 

In 2012

In September

In winter

st century 

In the 21


In + жұма / жұмадан кӛп

In the New-Year holiday

In the summer term In + күннің бір бӛлігі 

In the morning

In the evening 



I woke up in the night (=in the middle of the night)

I can‟t sleep at night (=when it is night) 


The exam is on Monday.

On + жұманың бір күні / күннің жады 

On Wednesday

On 19 April

On that day


On + нақты күн 

On Christmas Day

On Independence Day 


On + жұманың бір күні + күннің бір бӛлігі  

On Friday morning

On Tuesday evening

In happened on Monday night 



The film starts at seven thirty. 


At + уақыт (сағат) / тамақтанатын уақыт 

At three o‟clock

At lunch (-time)

At that time 


At the moment


Еvery, last, next, this, tomorrow, yesterday сӛздерінің алдында in, on, at демеyліктері қолданылмайды.

We go to Greece every summer

I‟ll see you next Friday.

My brother got married last year.

I leave school this year.

The party is tomorrow evening.

The group arrived yesterday morning.


In time or on time?

In time (for smth/ to do smth) = soon enough for… (уақытында болу, кешікпеу, белгілі оқиғада

I must hurry. I want to get home in time to see the football match on television. 

I‟ve sent Asem her birthday present. I hope it arrives in time. 


On time = punctual, not late (дәл уақытында)

Buses aren‟t on time like planes.

The 11.35 train left on time. (=it left at 11.35) 


At the end or in the end? 

At the end (something) = уақыттың аяқталуы немесе бір заттың соңы 

I‟m going away at the end of August.

All the players shook hands at the end of match. 


In the end = ақырында, соңында 

Erlan had a lot of problems with his car. In the end he sold it and bought another one. • Rashid couldn‟t decide where to go for a holiday. He didn‟t go anywhere in the end.  


For, since, before демеуліктері Present Perfect  шағында жиі қолданылады

For іс-қимылдың қаншалықты уақыт созылғанын білдіреді.

I‟ve been waiting for you forty minutes. – Мен сені күткеніме 40 минут болды

I‟ve known him just for two days.- Мені оны танысқаныма 2 күн болды. 

He has worked at the factory for three years. – Ол фабрикада жұмыс жасағанына 3 жыл болды


For – басқа шақтармен де қолданылады.  

He worked at the factory for three years. – Ол фабрикада 3 жыл жұмыс жасады.

I will stay abroad for a week. – Мен шет елде 1 жұма боламын


Since іс-қимылдың басталған уақытын білдіреді

I‟ve been waiting since ten o‟clock. - Мен сағат 10-нан бері күтудемін.

I‟ve known him since Monday. - Мені оны дүйсенбіден бері танимын.

Mila has been living here since last year. - Мила бұл жерде былтырдан бері тұрады


Beforeбҧрын деген мағынаны білдіреді

I have to finish my work before 5 o‟clock. Мен жұмысымды сағат беске дейін бітіруім керек

Let‟s have a walk before breakfast. - Таңғы асқа дейін қыдырып қайтайық.

I had passed my driving test three months before. - Мен жүргізушілік тестін үш ай бұрын тапсырдым

I have heard that before. - Мен бұны бұрын естігенмін


Әртүрлі демеуліктермен қолдынылатын                   тұрақты сӛз тіркестері:

After all – ақыры соңында 

Day after day (week after week) – күннен күнге (апта сайын)

The day after tomorrow – бүрсігүні  

Long after – кӛп уақыт ӛткен соң

At the age (of) – ұлғайған шағында

At the beginning - басында

At dinner (supper, tea) – түскі ас уақытында, (кешкі аста, шайда)

At the end - аяғында

At the expense (of) – біреудің арқасында

At first - бірінші

At the head (of) - басқаруымен

At home  - үйде

At least – дей тұрғанмен

At last - соңында

At low / high price – тӛмен / жоғары бағамен

At night - түнде

At once - лезде

At first sight – бір кӛргеннен

At a time – бір уақытта

The day before yesterday – алдыңғы күні

Long before – бұдан бұрын

Beyond belief – мүмкін емес

Beyond doubt – шүбә келтірмеу 

Beyond hope - үмітсіз

Beyond one’s strength (power) – шамадан тыс

By accident - кенет

By heart – жатқа  

By land (sea, air) – жерде, (суда, әуеде)

By mistake – қателесіп  

Step by step – қадам қадаммен

By train (bus, ship) – поезда, (автобуста, пароходта)

By the way - дегенмен

Up and down – жоғары және тӛмен

Upside down – тӛңкеріліп

For ever – мәңгі

For instance - мысалы

For example - мысалы

For this purpose – сол мақсатпен

For the first (last) time  - алғашқы / соңғы рет 

From the beginning to the end – басынан аяғына дейін 

From day to day – күннен күнге

From time to time – мезгілден мезгілге дейін

From my (his) point of view – менің (оның) ойынша

In addition to – толықтыру үшін

In case of – егер  

In any case – қалай дегенмен де   

In demand - сұраныста

In favor of – пайда үшін

In front of – алға, қарама-қарсы

In the East / West – шығыста, батыста

A belief in - сену

In general - жалпы

In a loud voice – қатты дауыспен

In the market – базарда  

In the meantime – сол уақытта 

In the morning (afternoon) – таңертең (күндіз)

In the open air – аспанда

In one’s opinion – оның ойынша

In pencil (pen) – қарандашпен (қаламмен) 

In conclusion - қорытынды

In the direction – бағыт бойынша

In sight – кӛз алдында

In the spring … (summer…) – кӛктемде, жазда  

In the street – кӛшеде

In the sun - күнде

In stead of - бірге

In vain - текке

In spite of -  қарамастан

Plenty of, a lot of – кӛп

A number of -  рет

Of course - әрине

It’s kind / stupid of him – оның тарапынан бұл ізеттілік / ақымақтық

On an (the) average - орташа

On behalf of – біреудің атынан

On holiday – демалыста

On business – іс-сапармен

On condition that – шартпен, егер 

On the contrary - керісінше

On demand - қажеттілікпен

On foot - жаяу

On the other hand – бір жағынан

On purpose - әдейі

On the right (left) – оңға, солға

On sale - саттықта

On the sea - теңізде

On television (radio) – теледидардан, радиодан

On the way – жолда

On the whole - жалпы

And so on – т.с.с.

Later on - кейін

Out of danger – қауіпсіз жерде

Out of date – мерзімі ӛткен

Out of necessity – қажеттілік бойынша

Out of pity (envy) – аяныштан (қызғаныштан)

Out of work - жұмыссыз

All over the world – бүкіл дүние бойынша

The lesson is over – сабақ аяқталды

Round the corner - бұрышта

All around - әр жерде

To the end – соңына дейін

To the right (left) – оңға (солға)

Under the circumstance – бұл жағдайда 

Up-to-date - қазіргі

Up to here - әлі күнге дейін (мекен)

Up to now - әлі күнге дейін (мезгіл) • The time’s up – уақыт аяқталды

What’s up? – не болып қалды?

Without doubt – күмәнсіз

Without fail – міндетті түрде




@ 1. Choose the right variant:

1.                    Cat was leaning by / against the wall with its hand in / into his pockets.

2.                    I got at / to the station just in time to see my mother getting from / off the train.

3.                    The café is among / between the chemist‟s and the butcher‟s and across / opposite the library.

4.                    Merlan lives at / in Taraz, which is at / in the south of Kazakhstan. 

5.                    Travelling by / in your own car is better than going by / on foot.

6.                    Maral had a hat on / over her head and a veil above / over her face.

7.                    We arrived at / in England at / in Gatwick Airport.

8.                    Terry isn‟t here. He‟s away in business / on business.

9.                    I can‟t disturb her now. She‟s at bed / in bed.

10.               Madina always arrives exactly in time / on time for her lessons.


@ 2. Put in, on, at. We spent the hole holiday … on … the beach.  1. I read about the pop festival …………… a magazine.

2.   My parents‟ flat is …………. the twenty-first floor.

3.   Melanie was holding a small bird …….. her hands.

4.   I‟ll meet you ………. the airport.

5.   Natasha now lives ……….. 32 the avenue.

6.   I was standing ……….. the counter in the baker‟s shop, waiting to be served.

7.   London is ….. the Thames.

8.   There weren‟t many books ……. the shelves. 9. The passengers had to stand ………. a queue.

10. The woman sitting next to me left the train …………





@ 3. Choose the right preposition. 1. I‟ll send someone to call ___________ the parcel on Thursday.

2.                    I came _______ one of your novels in a second-hand bookshop.

3.                    I‟m not interested in buying anything. I‟m just looking ___________ .

4.                    Don‟t you think the manager should deal ___________ this problem.

5.                    George came _______ a lot of money when his uncle died.

6.                    I arrived ____________ the station.

7.                    She is very good _____________ languages.

8.                    Congratulations ____________ your success.

9.                    The bus crashed _________ a tree.

10.               It all depends ___________ weather.

11.               I divided the cake ___________ three parts.

12.               Why is she dressed __________ black? 13. I‟m interested __________ most sports.

14. He was very kind ___________ her. 15. I‟m looking __________ a place to live.













1. Choose the right variant.

I remember that it was ______my fifteenth birthday that she first put them ______ my hands.

a)   in / on         d) into / on

b)   on / into      e) at / on

c)   on / at

2. Choose the right variant.

I think we‟ll have read the article _______ 5 p.m. today.

a)   at       d) by

b)   to       e) in

c)   for

3. Choose the right variant.

It‟s necessary _____ him to do it _________ this year.

a)   of / in          d) for / by

b)   for / - e) to / -

c)   to / during

4. Choose the right variant.

I wanted a book _____ Oscar Wilde and asked the librarian to show _____me some ________ his books.

a)   by / - / of     d) on / on / with

b)   of / with / at          e) by / to / by

c)   of / to / by

5. Choose the right variant.

Take a piece ______ chalk and write the sentence ________ the blackboard.

a)   of / at

b)   of / of

c)   on / on

d)   of / in

e)   of / on

6. Choose the right variant.

______ Monday morning I had been waiting _____ you ____two hours but you didn‟t come.

a)   in / for / at   d) on / for / for

b)   on / - / for    e) on / for / -

c)   - / with / during

7. Choose the right variant.

What is happening _________ this picture?

a)   at       d) in

b)   from e) off

c)   of

8. Choose the right variant.

Do you agree _________ her?

a)   to       d) by

b)   of      e) with

c)   for

9. Choose the right variant.

“___ your place I‟d ask the boy to apologize ____ you,” Ann said ____ her friend.

a)   on / with / in         d) with / on / on

b)   in / to / to    e) up / with / to

c)   at / to / for

10. I arrived ________ the station ___________ a taxi.

a)   to / by         d) at / in

b)   to / on         d) into / by

c)   at / by

11. Choose the right variant.

A traveler who visits New York ______ the first time admires ____ the new architecture.

a)   with / of      d) in / with

b)   of / of          e) at / to

c)   for / -

12. Choose the right variant.

The girl was dressed ______ the latest fashion but my clothes were quite _____ fashion.

a)   after / out    d) for / off

b)   by / out       e) on / to

c)   in / out of

13. Choose the right variant.

He is waiting _____ us ________ .

a)   to / round    d) for / outside

b)   over / above          e) until since

c)   out of / from


14. Choose the right variant.

I looked ____ the box, but there was nothing ______ .

a)   inside / into d) off / upon

b)   into / inside e) out of / inside

c)   around / of

15. Choose the right variant.

I have read some articles ________ this subject _____ the books you gave me.

a)   about / for   d) down / by

b)   except / during      e) on / besides

c)   beyond / between

16. Choose the right variant.

We protested ____ delays ______ delivery _________ the goods. a) against / in / of       d) against / of / in

b)   across / over / after         e) along / behind /

c)   about / under / of   beside

17. Choose the right variant.

I can see all the details; the boy lazy cat spread out ____ the fireplace, my aunt ______ one chimney corner.

a)   with / without       d) within / beyond

b)  in front of / in        e) above / over c) in / on

18. Choose the right variant.

My contract has been extended ______ another tear.

a)   to       d) for

b)   during         e) over

c)   in

19. Choose the right variant.

Think ______ the end _______ every beginning.

a)   for / with     d) with / with

b)   to / for         e) about / at

c)   of / in



Фразалық етістіктер


Фразалық етістіктердің қҧрылысы мынадай: етістік + демеуліктер (үстеу).

For example: come in, sit down, take off. 

Ағылшын тілінде фразалық етістіктер ӛте кӛп.

About, along, around, away, back, behind, by, down, forward, in, off, on, out, over, round, through, up демеуліктері фразалық етістіктер тобын қҧрайды.

Егер сіз әр сӛздің мағынасын білсеңіз, фразалық етістіктерді тҥсіну ӛте оңай. Дегенмен кейбір етістіктер идиома болып келедіТура мағына беретін фразалық етістіктер:

You may come in and sit down. The man in front turned round and stared at me. 


Идиомалық (фразеологиялық) мағынасы бар фразалық етістіктер:

Fortunately, the plan came off (=succeed)

Why did you turn down such a good offer? (=refuse) 


Жиі қолданылатын фразалық етістіктер


find out = discover go back = return go  on = continue  leave out = omit  send out = distribute  throw out = discard  give up = stop  hold up = delay  put off = postpone  put on = wear  look for = seek  try on = wear 

bring in = introduce  turn up = arrive, appear  go away = disappear  fix up = arrange  go off = explode  make up = invent 

come about = happen  fall in = quarrel  work out = calculate  turn on= connect  switch on = connect  look after = care 

get up = get out of bed  come back = return 

fall away = disappear 

go in for = have smth as interest or

give back = return smth to its owner  stand up = be on your feet  put up with = tolerate  come across = meet by chance  come in = become fashionable  come along = arrive  to look up = find information  to go ahead = be in front of others 

to go on = continue  

come through = arrive by phone, radio 

look at = examine smth closely 

hobby  to get through = use up smth  put down = make smb feel stupid  look for = expect smth  go out = leave  give up = stop trying to do smth  wash up = wash dishes after meal  take off = leave a place  look through = pretend not to see smb  put on = wear 

look after = take care of smth 


Proverbs – Мақал мәтелдер


Knowledge is power – Білікті бірді жығады, білімді мыңды жығады.  • There is no royal road to learning – Оқу инемен құдық қазғандай 

No grass grows on his heel – Еңбекпен ер кӛгерер.

Better late than never – Ештен кеш жақсы.

East or West home is best – Ӛз үйім - ӛлең тӛсегім.

Experience is the mother of wisdom - Кӛр жасағаннан сұрама, кӛп кӛргеннен сұра. 

Many men many minds – Қанша адам болса, сонша пікір.

Good health is above wealth – Денсаулық зор байлық

He who laughs at crooked man should walk very straight – Күлме досқа, келер басқа.

No gain without pain – Бейнетсіз зейнет жоқ. 

Patience is a virtue – Сабыр түбісары алтын.

Practice makes perfect – Кӛш жүрсе түзеледі.

Promise is a debt – Ер жігіттің екі сӛйлегені - ӛлгені.

Two heads are better than one – Елмен кӛрген еленбес.

Look before you leap – Жеті рет ӛлшеп, бір рет кес.

Let sleeping dogs lie – Жатқан жыланның құйрығын баспа.

Many words hurt more than swords – Сӛз сүйектен, таяқ еттен ӛтеді.

Seeing is believing – Естігенге емес, кӛргенге сен.

Nothing venture, nothing have - Әрекет болмай, берекет болмас.

Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today -  Бүгін бітер істі ертеңге қалдырма. 

Never say die – Үмітсіз шайтан

One man does not make a team – Жалғыздың үні шықпас, жаяудың шақы шықпас. 

Where there is a will there is a way – Іздеген мұратына жетеді

All is not gold that glitters – Жылтыруықтың бәрі алтын емес

All bread is not baked in one oven – Бес саусақ бірдей емес

Good beginning makes good ending – Істің басы байлы болса, аяғы сайлы болар 

Be slow to promise and quick to perform – Уәде бердің айтыс жоқ, қолдан бердің қайтыс жоқ.

Better be born lucky than rich – Таудай талап бергенше, бармақтай бақ бер.

Bird in the hand is worth two in the bush – Аспандағы сұңқардан қолымдағы тұрымтай жақсы

Blind men can judge no colours – Соқыр тауыққа бәрі бидай

By doing nothing we learn to do ill – Тамағы тоқтық, жұмысы жоқтық, аздырар адам баласын 

Clothes make the man – Адамның кӛркі шүберек

Custom is second nature -  Ауру қалса да, әдет қалмайды. • Cut your coat according to your cloth – Кӛрпеңе қарай кӛсіл • Curiosity killed the cat – Тек жүрсеңтоқ жүресің.

Curses like chickens come home to roast. – Біреуге ор қазба ӛзің түсерсің 

First think, then speak – Ойланбай сӛйлеген ауырмай ӛледі

Friend in need is a friend indeed – Жоқ кездегі досдос, бар кездегі досбос 

Friend‟s frown is better than a foe‟s smile – Дос жылатып айтады, дұшпан күлдіріп айтады

Handsome is that handsome does – Тәні сұлу сұлу емес, жаны сұлусұлу 

Silence is golden, speech is silver – Кӛп сӛзқола, аз сӛзалтын 

There is reason in all things – Жел тұрмаса шӛптің басы қимылдамайды.

Strike while the iron is hot – Темірді қызған кезде соқ



@ 1. Берілген сӛйлемдерді тӛмендегі сӛздермен толықтырыңыз.

Across, against, for, in, into, on, round, to, up, with

1.   I‟ll send someone to call … the parcel on Thursday.

2.   You‟ll have to work hard to keep …. with the rest of the class.

3.   Jean didn‟t expect to come up … such difficulties. 4. It‟s not fair. You‟re always picking … me.

5. Terry sang the first verse and then everyone joined … . 6. I came … one of your novels in a second – hand bookshop.

7. I‟m not interested in buying anything. I‟m just looking …. 8. Don‟t you think the manager should deal … this problem?

9.        George came … a lot of money when his uncle died.

10.   You look very guilty! What have you been getting up … ? 


@2. Курсивпен берілген сӛздерді фразалық етістікке айналдырыңыз.

1.                    I think that you invented this story. __________ .

2.                    When do you think your book will be published? _________

3.                    I think that the weather is improving. __________ 

4.                    I can‟t find an answer to this problem. ___________

5.                    Be careful! You are going to fall. _____________

6.                    I‟m afraid, William tends to stop trying. __________

7.                    The plane is going to leave the ground. ___________

8.                    I think that Sue and Neil have quarreled. ___________

9.                    She longed to visit the house in Artvin, where she was brought up as a child. _________

10.               The car suddenly stopped, and I realized that we had no more petrol. _______ 


@ 3. Фразалық етістікті жай етістікке айналдырыңыз

1.                    At half past six, the alarm clock went off. ___________

2.                    Jim is very good at talking off his teacher. ___________

3.                    Please don‟t bring up that subject again. _____________

4.                    There is one small matter I would like to clear up.


5.                    Jean is really good at picking up languages. __________

6.                    All my old clothes need taking up. _______

7.                    The whole cost of the equipment works out at ₤450. _____________

8.                    Jackie broke down and everyone felt sorry for her. ______________

9.                    Although none of us wanted to go on picnic, it turned out to be quite enjoyable. ________

10.               John‟s finally got over his operation now and is back at work.

____ .


@ 4. Қазақша баламасын беріңіз.

1.        Handsome is that handsome does. ______________

2.        Business before pleasure. ____________

3.        Better late than never. ______________

4.        Half a loaf is better than no bread. ___________

5.        So many men, so many minds. ___________

6.        Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. _________

7.        Everything is good in it‟s season. ____________

8.        When the cat is away, the mice will play. _____________

9.        Something is better than nothing. _____________

10.   Live and learn. ______________






















1. End the proverb. Last, but not ….


a)   small

b)   big

c)   least

2. End the proverb. All is well that … .

d)   lost

e)   best

a)               … you can do today.

b)               … before pleasure.

c)               … you see. 3. End the proverb.

Health is …

d)   … ends well.

e)   … makes bell.

a)   … money

b)   …  half a dollar

c)   … light 

4. End the proverb.

Every country has its … .

d)   … better than wealth

e)   … hospital 

a)   keys

b)   president

c)   knight

5. End the proverb.

Wear the old coat … .

d)   customs

e)   culture

a)   … and buy the new book.

b)   … than never.

c)   … and new boots.

d)   … and eat chips.

e)   and have a pleasure.

6. Мақалдың дҧрыс баламасын табыңыз.  Ӛз ҥйім - ӛлең тӛсегім.

a)   Guests come with eating.

b)   A man can sit but once.

c)   East or West, home is best.

d)   Custom is a second nature.

7. End the proverb. A fly in the … .

e) A cat in gloves catches no mice.

a)   … words.

b)   … good as a rest.

c)   … home is best.

d)   … ointment.

e)   … I‟ll scratch yours.


8. End the proverb.

Be slow to promise and quick to … .

a)   … advise     d) … perform

b)   … talk         e) … run

c)   … sleep

9. Фразеологизмді аяқтаңыз. Out of sight, out of …

a)   mind d) hair

b)   heart e) nose

c)   kidney

10. Фразеологизмді аяқтаңыз. Without a … 

a)   money         d) stitch

b)   problem      e) mouth

c)   hitch

11. Фразеологизмді аяқтаңыз. A storm in a …. .

a)   street d) sea

b)   mouth         e) jar

c)   tea-cup

12. Фразеологизмді аяқтаңыз. No … without pain.

a)   health          d) life

b)   gain   e) illness

c)   lesson

13. Фразеологизмді аяқтаңыз. To make both ends … .

a)   meet d) sleep

b)   sharp e) finish

c)   go apart

14. Фразеологизмді аяқтаңыз. Every dog has his … .

a)   tail     d) plate

b)   day    e) kennel

c)   owner





15. Фразеологизмді аяқтаңыз.

… is the sports of kings.

a)   Volleyball   d) War

b)   Art    e) Golf

c)   Army

16. Фразеологизмді аяқтаңыз.

A bird may be known by its … .

a)   nest   d) leap

b)   feather        e) song

c)   beak 17. Фразалық етістігі бар сӛйлемді табыңыз:

a)                    There are many clouds in d) May I come in? the sky. e) I‟m going to buy a pet.

b)                   The sun is setting.

c)                    He was born in France.

18. Фразалық етістігі бар сӛйлемді табыңыз:

a)     She doesn‟t study anywhere.

b)    They do voluntary work.

c)     You have to take off your

coat when you come in.

19. Аударыңыз:

«Спортпен айналысу»:

d)   Children have already

fallen asleep.

e)    They took him to the

hospital right away.

a)   to be good at sport

b)   to make sport

d)   to go in for sport

e)   to have sport

c) to do sport

20.               «Лақтыру» деген мағына беретін фразалық етістікті табыңыз :

a)   to give across        d) to give for

b)   to give on    e) to give up

c)   to give away

20. Фразалық етістігі бар сӛйлемді табыңыз:

a)                    She has put too much salt d) Don‟t put your hands into the soup.       on the table.

b)                   Put the book into your bag.      e) Put some sugar into

c)                    In winter people put on   your tea. warm clothes not to get cold.




21.               Дҧрыс фразалық етістікті табыңыз:

The teacher told us not to … him for a minute.

a)   look to        d) look for

b)   look on        e) look at

c)   look up

22.               Фразалық етістігі бар сӛйлемді табыңыз:

a)                    I have to look after my little d) Don‟t touch my piece brother. of cake.

b)                   I don‟t like guests.         e) When do you usually

c)                    We will have new uniform go to school? next year.

23.               Дҧрыс фразалық етістікті табыңыз:

Could you please … the light. It‟s too dark here.

a)   turn on        d) turn over

b)   turn off        e) turn up

c)   turn left

24.               Дҧрыс жауапты табыңыз:

In case you don‟t know any word, you may … it … in the dictionary.

a)   look on        d) look for

b)   look up       e) look from

c)   look    




►- ful жҧрнағы бір l әріпімен жазылады:




►Сын есімнен ҥстеу жасалғанда l әрпі екі еселенеді:  




► Бір буынды сӛздерге - ing, -ed, -er жалғанса, дауыссыз дыбыс екі еселенеді:

   swim - swimming

   thin - thinner

   fit – fitter 


► Екі буынды сӛздердің екінші буынына екпін тҥсетін болса, онда соңғы дыбыс екі еселенеді:

   prefer – preferred 


► Егер етістік – ie аяқталса, онда – ie әрпі – y әрпіне айналады да, - ing жалғауы жалғанады. Ал – ed жалғанатын болса, онда тек – d жалғанады. 

   die – dying - died

   lie – lying – lied 


- Ough-қа аяқталатын сӛздер:


Now сӛзі сияқты оқылады:




Cuff сӛзі сияқты оқылады:






Toe сӛзі сияқты оқылады:




Off сӛзі сияқты оқылады:



Т әрпі оқылмайтын сӛздер:



   hasten, fasten






B әрпі оқылмайтын сӛздер:

   Plumber, thumb, comb, lamb, tomb

   Debt, doubt, subtle, dumb 




@ 1. Open the brackets.

• supply (ing) – supplying 

1.   destroy (ed) - ____________

2.   apply (ing) - _____________

3.   beauty (ful) - _____________

4.   regretful (y) - _____________

5.   hopeful (y) - ______________


@ 2. Fix the spelling errors.

1.   diferent       6. dauhgter

2.   loverly        7. milkmiad

3.   holliday      8. introdecu

4.   lugage         9. montauni

5.   sincerely     10. exbihition


@ 3. Put the end to the following verbs – ind and - ed:

1. try: trying, tried 



6. offer: ___________

2. boil: __________



7.  prefer: __________

3. stay: __________



8. gain: ___________

4. type: _________



9. study: __________

5. tap: __________



10. die: ___________




1. Compile the word from the following letters:  f, w, a, u, l.

a)   waulf d) uflaw

b)   faluw e) aulwf

c)   awful

2. Choose the correctly written word:

a)   friendship   d) frendship

b)   freindchip   e) championship

c)   frienchip

3. The correctly written noun:

a)   doores         d) flowers

b)   bottles         e) haes

c)   cutain

4. Compile the word from the following letters: a, u, r, e, b, u.

a)   uraebu        d) urebau

b)   bureau        e) eaubru

c)   ruubea

5. Choose the correctly written word:

a)   intresting     d) interesting

b)   itresting      e) intertin

c)   interting

6. Compile the word from the following letters: w, r, t, e, a, i.

a)   writea         d) eawrit

b)   teawir         e) waiter

c)   reawit

7. Choose the correctly written word:

a)   honest         d) unest

b)   onist e)honst

c)   honist

8. Choose the correctly written word:

a)   development         d) mentdevelop

b)   development         e) development

c)   vedelopment

9.        Compile the word from the following letters: p, p, o, o, t, t, r n, i, y, u.

a)   nuiptortyo   d) unitytoporp

b)   porptuinoty e) optuiportty

c)   opportunity

10.   Choose the correctly written word:

a)   pretty

b)   petty





1.1. Етістіктен зат есім тудыратын жұрнақтар


- er, - or



to direct

жетекшілік жасау



to inspect




to invent

ӛнер табу


ӛнер тапқыш

to produce




to sell




to supple




to read




to teach 




to translate




to visit




to work 

жҧмыс істеу






to trust




-ition (-ation, - tion, - sion, -ssion)



to collect




to connect




to dictate

айтып жаздыру



to introduce




to produce

шығару, ӛндіру



to transmit



хабар, жеткізуші




to agree




to develop




to govern




to pay







to depart




to press




1.2. Сын есімнен зат есім тудыратын жұрнақтар


-ance, ence жұрнағы – ant, -ent 







әр тҥрлі







-dom жұрнағы










- ness жұрнағы


















-ity жұрнағы



















1.3.  Зат есімнен зат есім тудыратын жұрнақтар


- hood жұрнағы










балалық шақ


ер адам




ана, шеше







- ship жұрнағы



























1.1. Етістіктен сын есім тудыратын жұрнақтар

-able, - ible




to change  to compare  to convert  to eat

ӛзгеру  салыстыру айналдыру жеу

changeable comparable convertible  eatable 

ӛзгермелі салыстырмалы айналған  жеуге жаратйын 

-ant, -ent




to differ  to insist  to resist 

ӛзгешелену  кӛндіру қарсылық кӛрсету 

different  insistent  resistant 

әр тҥрлі  қайсар  кедергі, қарсылық

- (at) ive




to act 

to compare  to restrict  to talk  to effect 

істеу  салыстыру  шек қою  сӛйлесу әсер ету 


comparative restrictive  talkative effective 


салыстырмалы шектегіш сӛзшең  нәтижелі 


2.2. Зат есімнен сын есім тудыратын жұрнақтар


- al 




central culture  form  post 

ортасы мәдениет форма почта 

central  cultural formal  postal 


мәдетиетті формалъды почталық 





beauty care  doubt  use 

әдемілік  қамқор кҥдік  пайда 

beautiful careful doubtful useful 

әдемі қамқоршы  кҥмәнді  пайдалы 

- less 





use  home  help 

ҥміт  пайда  ҥй  кӛмек 

hopeless  useless homeless  helpless 


пайдасыз ҥйсіз  кӛмексіз 





fame  danger 

атақ  қауіп 

famous  dangerous 

атақты қауіпті 

courage glory 

батылдық  атақ

courageous glorious 

батыл  атақты 





cloud  fog rain 

бҧлт тҧман  жаңбыр 

cloudy foggy  rainy 

бҧлтты  тҧманды  жаңбырлы 





red pole  swede 

қызыл  Поляк 


Reddish  polish  swedish 


Польшалық  Шведтік





wood  gold  wool 

ағаш алтын жҥн

wooden golden  woolen 

ағаштан жасалған алтын  жҥннен жасалған 




3.1. Сын есімнен етістік тудыратын жұрнақтар

-en жұрнағы



black  sharp  short wide 

қара ӛткір  қысқа  кең

to blacken  to sharpen to shorten  to widen 

қаралау  қайрау  қысқарту  кеңейту 

-fy жұрнағы



false simple  pure 


қарпайым  таза

to falsify  to simplify  to purify 

бҧрмалау  қарапайым болу



3.2. Зат есімнен етістік тудыратын жұрнақтар


-ize жұрнағы



character  crystal  sympathy 

мінез  кристалл  ниет білдіруші (симпатия)

to characterize  to crystallize  to sympathize  

мінездеме беру кристалдану  ниет білдіру 

-en жұрнағы





to strengthen 









4.1. Сын есімнен тудыратын жұрнақтар


- ly 




nice  bad  slow  bright  brave  hard  angry 

жақсы жаман  ақырын  жарық  батыр 

қатты  ашуланшақ

nicely  badly  slowly  brightly  bravely  hardly  angrily 

жақсырақ жаманырақ ақырынырақ жарықтау батырырақ  қатты ашулы





A.  Full stop (.), question mark (?) and exclamation mark (!) A sentence ends with one of these punctuation marks.

Full stop:  It‟s cold today.

          The office was closed.     Please be careful.

Question mark: Who‟s that?

                        Did you see the show?

                        Could you wait, please?

Exclamation mark: Oh, no! I don‟t believe it!

* In the US a full stop is called a “period”.

B    Semi-colon (;)

We can use a semi-colon between two separate statement which are linked in meaning.

Melanie is a very kind person; she visits David in hospital every day.

We could also use a full stop here.

C   Colon (:)

We can use a colon before an explanation or before a list. 

Vicky felt nervous: she hated the dark. There wasn‟t much in the fridge: a couple of sausages, some butter, and half a bottle of milk.

D   Dash (-)

A dash is rather informal. It is sometimes used instead of a colon or a semi-colon.

I‟m having a great time – there‟s lots to do here. Vicky felt nervous – she hated the dark.

E Comma (,)

We often use a comma when we link two statements with and, but or or.

Daniel was tired, and his feet were hurting. It‟s a really good camera, but I can‟t afford it. Note the two subjects in each sentence: Daniel … his feet and It … I. When there is only one subject, we do not use a comma.

Daniel sat down and took his shoes off.

We can also use a comma when a sentence has a linking word like when or although.

When the office is busy, Sarah has to work late. For commas with relative clauses.

Sometimes a comma can separate off an adverb or a phrase.

Sarah, unfortunately, has to work late. On busy days, Sarah has to work late. Here the commas separate off on busy days and unfortunately.

The rules about commas are not very exact. In general, commas are more likely around longer phrases. With a short phrase there is often no comma. On busy days Sarah has to work late. Sometimes she was to work late.

It is less usual to separate off something at the end of the sentence.

Sarah has to work late when the office is busy. She stayed late to get the work done. We do not usually put a comma before to expressing purpose.

We also use commas in a list of more than two. The last two are linked by and, often without a comma. 

I went out with Rachel, Vicky, Emma and Matthew.

F Quotation marks („‟)

We put direct speech in quotation marks.

Laura said, “You haven‟t put those shelves up yet” “I haven‟t had time / replied Trevor. 

We normally use a comma to separate the direct speech from the rest of the sentence. The comma comes before the quotation mark.

Quotation marks are also called „quotes‟ or „inverted commas‟.

Double quotation marks are sometimes used. Laura said, “You haven‟t put those shelves up yet.”

We can put quotation marks around titles.

Do you watch that American comedy series called “Roseanne”? We often use quotation marks when we mention a word or phrase.

What does „punctuation‟ mean? Rap music is also called „hip hop‟.

G Hyphen (-)

We sometimes use hyphens in these structures.

Compound noun: eating ice-cream

Compound expression before a noun: an oven-ready meal

Noun formed from a phrasel verb: ready for take-off

Noun + ing form: interested in rock-climbing

Before the last word of a compound number: a hundred and twenty-six people

After some prefixes: anti-aircraft guns

The rules about hyphens are not very exact. For example, you may see a compound noun written as phonecard, phone-card or phone card. Hyphens are not very frequent in British English, and they are used even less in American English. If you are unsure, it is usually safer to write two separate words.

H                      Apostrophe („) Look at these examples.

Today we‟re going for a drive in the country. Everyone is looking at Nick‟s car. We use an apostrophe („) in short forms, when there is a missing letter, e.g. we‟re (=we are). We also use an apostrophe with s to form the possessive of a noun, e.g. Nick‟s car.

I   Capital letters

There are two capital letters (big letters) in this sentence.

The boss said I could leave early.

We use a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence and for the word I.

We also use a capital letter to begin the names of people, places, companies, etc.

                Mark and Sarah New Orleans the High Street               Somerset

House General Motors

This includes the names of books, films, magazines, etc. Al the  important words start with a capital letter.

The Spy Loved Me  Four Weddings    and    a        Funeral       Newsweek

We also use a capital letter fir days of the week, month of the year, holidays and festivals, historical times, nationalities and most abbreviations.

Monday, August Easter the New Year the Industrial revolution some Italian wine the UN (=the United Nations)


APPENDIX – 3 The Difference between British and American English  - Британия және Америка ағылшын тілдерінің айырмашылығы

 A Present Perfect and Past


The British use the Present Perfect for recent actions, and especially with just, already and yet. 

Bob has washed the dishes, look.


We‟ve already eaten our lunch.


I‟ve just seen Elaine.


Have you corrected your work yet? 




The British normally use the Present Perfect with ever and never, not the Past Simple.


Have you ever played cricket?


The child has never seen snow before.



The British use will for the future, but they can also use shall in the first person.



American can use either the Present Perfect or the Past Simple in these sentences. 


Bob has washed the dishes, look.

or Bob washed the dishes, look. We‟ve already eaten our lunch. or We‟ve already ate our lunch.

I‟ve just seen Elaine. or I just saw Elaine. 

Have you corrected your work yet? 

or Did you correct your work yet?


Americans normally use the Past Simple with ever and never, but the Present Perfect is possible. 

Did you ever play baseball? 

Have you ever played cricket? The child never saw snow before. 

The child has never seen snow before.



Americans do not normally use shall for the future.



I will / shall be here tomorrow. We will / We shall contact you. The British use shall to make an offer. 

Shall I make the coffee?

The British can use Shall we…?

For a suggestion.

Shall we go for a walk? 

I will be here tomorrow. We will contact you.  Americans normally use should. 

Should I make the coffee? Americans do not normally use shall in suggestions. 

How about a walk?

Would you like to take a walk? 


The British do not use gotten.


He‟s made a lot of money from his business activities.

Your driving has got better. 


In the US, have gotten expression an action. He‟s gotten / made a lot of money from his business activities.

Americans also use gotten meaning „become‟.

Your driving has gotten better. 

C “The”

The British use „the‟ with a musical instrument. I can play the piano.


The British say in hospital.

My sister is still in hospital.


Americans can leave out the. 


I can play piano / play the piano. 

Americans say in the hospital.

My sister is still in the hospital.

D Numbers

The British use and between hundred and the rest of the number.

Six hundred and twenty


Americans can leave out and. 



Six hundred twenty or six hundred and twenty

E Dates


23 June

„the twenty-third of June‟

„June the twenty-third‟

The British write 




June 23

“June twenty-third”


Americans write


F Prepositions in Bond Street 

at the weekend, at weekends  stay at home 


on Fifth Avenue 

on the weekend, on weekends  stay home 

a player in the team  ten minutes past four  twenty to seven  write to me  talk to someone  meet someone 

a player on the team  ten minutes past / after four  twenty to / of seven  write me / write to me  talk to / with someone  meet with someone 










Participle II

Participle I






пайда болу, шығу





ояту, ояну


was, were






borne / born


туу, туылу



beaten / beat


ҧру, соғу






















































broadcastin g

радио арқылы хабарлау







burned / burnt

burned burnt


жағу, жану




















аулау, ҧстау










жабысып қалу










тҧру баға 






























сурет салу



dreamed / dreamt

dreamed / dreamt


тҥс кӛру, армандау















тҧру, тоқталу















тамақ беру










кҥресу табу







fit / fitted 

fit / fitted







қашу, тасалау















тиым салу


















gotten / got



























асу, ілу





ие болу, бар болу















ҧру, соғу

















kneeled / knelt 

kneeled / knelt 



















leaned / learnt 

leaned / learnt





leaped / leapt 

leaped / leapt




leaned / learnt 

leaned / learnt












қарыз беру





рҧқсат беру







lighted / lit 

lighted / lit


жарық беру















мағына білдіру






























кету, қалдыру










атпен немесе кӛлікпен жҥру 

























арамен кесу








































тӛгу (қан, кӛз жасын)




















тыржиту, қысқарту











ән айту






















smelled / smelt



иіскеу, иіс













sped / speeded 

sped / speeded







әріптеп айту







spilled / spilt

spilled / spilt














spoiled / spoilt 

spoiled / spoilt









sprang / sprung






































ҧрсу, ант ету























































жҥру, аяқ басу

understan d



understandi ng



woke / waked

woken / waked

















жеңу, ҧту





бҧрау, ӛрлеу


































1.                    Баданбекқызы З.Р. English grammar in tables. Almaty 1998

2.                    Бонк Н.А., Котий Г.А. Бонк Н.А., Котий Г.А. Ағылшын тілінің оқулығы. 1 бӛлім

3.                    Васильев В.А. және басқалар. Ағылшын тілінің фонетикасы. Ленинград, 1980.

4.                    Голицинский Ю.Б. Грамматика. Жаттығулар жиниғы. Санкт-Петербург.

5                       Исаева М.К Исева М.К Ағылшын тілінің фонетикасы.

Алматы., 2007

6                       Качалова К.Н. Ағылшын тілінің граматикасы. «Внешторгиздат», 1964.

7.                    Кеңесбаева Ҥ.А.. Ағылшын халқының мақал-мәтелдері.

Алматы 2004

8.                    ШЫҢ КІТАП. Ағылшын тілі. тест жинақтары. Алматы 2009.

9.                    Ahmetova S.G., Tursunbaeva English-Kazarh dictionary. Almaty 2004. 

10.               Broukal Milada. TOEFUL Test Assistant Мәскеу, Астрель * Аст 2004

11.               Dubrovin I.M. Situational Grammar. / P. II. M., 1974.  

12.               Grammar Express. For Self-study and Classroom Use.

Longman, 2000. 

13.               English Grammar in Use / Cambridge

14.               Oxford Practice Grammar. Oxford University Press 2009

15.               Thomson A.J., Martinet A.V. A Practical English Grammar. Oxford University Press. 

16.               Shershneva T.Y. Digest of Theoretical English Grammar. Almay 2001.
















UNIT     І ………………………………………………………….....3 THE NOUN – ЗАТ ЕСІМ ……………………………………....…...3 Зат есімнің тҥрлері …………………………………………...…......3

Зат есімнің классификациясы………………………………………4

Зат есімдердің кӛпше тҥрінің жасалуы ……………………..…..…4 The Case Зат есімнің тәуелдік жалғаулары ………………..…..…..7 Exercises      ………………………………………………….............9

The article – артикль……………………………………….…….…11

The zero article  артикльдердің қолданылмайтын кездері …........14

Exercises        …...………………………………………………......16

Testyourself …          …………………………………………….…20 UNIT     ІІ…………………………………………………………...24

THE PRONOUN – ЕСІМДІК ……………………………………...24

Personal pronouns  ………………………………………………….24

Possessive pronouns.   Тәуелдік есімдіктері ……………………....25

Demonstrative pronouns.   Сілтеу есімдіктері …………………….25

Interrogative pronouns Сҧрау есімдіктері …………………………26

Self-pronouns (Reflexive pronouns) Ӛздік есімдіктері ……………26 Many және Much есімдіктері ……………………………………...28

All және Both есімдіктері ………………………………………….29

Either және Neither есімдіктері ………………………………........30

Each (әрқайсысы) және Every (әрбір) есімдіктері ……………….31

Exercises       ......................................................................................32 Testyourself........................................................................................36

UNIT ІІІ…   ……………………………………………………….40

THE ADJECTIVE - СЫН ЕСІМ ......................................................40

Сын есімнің тҥрлері .........................................................................40

The degree of comparison Сын есімнің шырайлары .......................40

Сын есімдердің шырайларының жасалу жолдары....................... .41

THE ADVERB – ҤСТЕУ..................................................................42

The degree of comparison Ҥстеулердің шырайлары .......................43

Exercises….........................................................................................44 Testyourself........................................................................................47

UNIT IV…………………………………………………………….50

THE NUMERAL -  САН ЕСІМ …………………………...........…50 1.1. Есептік сан есімдер …………………………………………...50

1.2 Реттік сан есімдер…………………………………………...…50

1.3 Ағылшын тіліндегі даталар ………………………...…………51

1.4 Fractional numbers – Бӛлшектік сан есімдер………...……......51

1.5 Telling the time ………………………………………...……….51

1.6 Money ………………………………………………...………...52

1.7 Telephone numbers ……………………………………...……...52



UNIT V…………………………………………………...…………58 THE VERB – ЕТІСТІК......................................................................58

THE PRESENT SIMPLE (INDEFINITE) TENSE ...........................59


THE PAST SIMPLE (INDEFINITE) TENSE ...................................65


Exercises…. .......................................................................................67 Testyourself........................................................................................70

UNIT VI……………………………………………………...……..75

THE PRESENT PERFECT TENSE ..................................................75

THE PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS ....................................77

THE PAST PERFECT .......................................................................79 THE PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS ............................................80

Exercises…..........................................................................................81 Testyourself.........................................................................................85

UNIT VII……………………………………………………………89

THE FUTURE INDEFINITE TENSE ...............................................89


THE FUTURE PERFECT TENSE ....................................................92

FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE ..................................93

FUTURE IN THE PAST ....................................................................94

Exercises…. .......................................................................................96 Testyourself........................................................................................99

UNIT VIII………………….……………………………...…….103

MODAL VERBS .............................................................................103

CAN (COULD) ................................................................................104

MAY (MIGHT) ................................................................................105

MUST ...............................................................................................106

HAVE TO  модальді етістігі ..........................................................107

SHOULD, OUGHT TO, HAD BETTER модальді етістігі ...........108

Exercises…. .....................................................................................109

Testyourself.......................................................................................112 UNIT ІХ…………………………………………………………...116

VOICE -  ЕТІС ................................................................................116

Exercises……....................................................................................119 Testyourself.......................................................................................121

UNIT Х ………………………………………………………..…..125


тӛлеу сӛз ..........................................................................................125 Reported questions ...........................................................................126

Changing Imperative sentences and Interrogative sentence from Direct into Indirect Speech Бҧйрықты сӛйлем және сҧраулы сӛйлемде тӛл сӛздің тӛл сӛзге ӛзгеруі..................................................................127

Тӛл сӛздің тӛлеу сӛзге айналуында сілтеу есімдіктерінің шағы

мен орнының ӛзгеру ережесі. .......................................................128 Exercises…..  ...................................................................................129 Testyourself......................................................................................131

UNIT ХІ……………………………………………………….…..135

NON-FINITE FORMS OF THE VERBS Жақсыз етістіктер….....135

THE GERUND – ГЕРУНДИЙ .......................................................136

Exercises…. .....................................................................................141


PARTICIPLE – ЕСІМШЕ (-ING AND –ED FORMS)...................148

Есімшенің қолданылуы ..................................................................148

Жаттығулар  ....................................................................................153


INFINITIVE – ИНФИНИТИВ .......................................................157

The Objective Infinitive construction Complex object ....................162

Exercises  .........................................................................................164


UNIT ХІІ…………………………………………………………..169


First conditional ................................................................................169

Second conditional............................................................................169

Third Conditional (unreal past situations) ........................................170

Mixed Conditional Аралас шартты сӛйлем ...................................170

Exercises…. .....................................................................................172


UNIT ХІІІ…………………………………………………………176

CONSTRUCTIONS – КОНСТРУКЦИЯЛАР ...............................176

Exercises ........................................................................................ .178 Testyourself.......................................................................................180

UNIT ІVХ…………………………………………………………183

THE SYNTAX – СИНТАКСИС ....................................................183

General questions (Yes/No questions) – Жалпы сҧрақ...................183

Special questions (WH – questions) – Арнайы сҧрақ ....................184

Disjunctive Questions (Tag questions)- Анықтаушы сҧрақ ...........185

Alternative question – Балама сҧрақ ...............................................186

Imperative sentences - Бҧйрықты сӛйлем ......................................186

UNIT ХV…………………………………………………………..187

WORD ORDER – СӚЗ ТӘРТІБІ ....................................................187

Жай сӛйлемнің сӛз тәртібі ……………….....…………................187

Exercises ..........................................................................................191


UNIT ХVІ ………………………………………………………...196

WORD BUILDING – СӚЗ ЖАСАМ..............................................196

Қарама-қарсы мағына беретін префикстер ..................................198

Exercises…. ……………………………………..........……...........201

Testyourself ………………………….................................……….202

UNIT ХVІІ…………………………………………………..…….205


Әртҥрлі демеуліктермен қолдынылатын тҧрақты сӛз тіркес..…208

Exercises…. …………………………………………………….…212

Testyourself ……………………………………………………….214

UNIT ХVІІІ……………………………………………………….217

THE LEXICOLOGY – ЛЕКСИКА  ………………………….......217

Фразалық етістіктер.............................................................. …….217

Жиі қолданылатын фразалық етістіктер …....……………..........217 Proverbs – Мақал мәтелдер ……........……………………………218

Exercises ….…………………….………………………................220

Testyourself …....……………………………………………….….222

UNIT ХІХ…………………………………………………………226

SPELLING PROBLEMS – ОРФОГРАФИЯ..................................226

Exercises….. ………………………………………………............228

Testyourself ………………………………………………………..229

APPENDIX – І ................................................................................231


APPENDIX –  ІІІ .............................................................................240 The Difference between British and American English-Британия

және Америка ағылшын тілдерінің айырмашылығы


VERBS – БҦРЫС ЕТІСТІКТЕР  ………………………………...243

ҚОЛДАНЫЛҒАН ӘДЕБИЕТТЕР .................................................248



Көлемі 15,8 б.т. Таралымы 500 дана. Офсет қағазы.

Тапсырыс № 115














@ 1. Write the plural of the following nouns:

Piano, shelf, army, potato, safe, wolf, cliff, wife, schoolboy, schoolchild, leaf, life, factory, knife, man, roof, photo, toy, tomato, class, room, copy, book, note, house, wife, news, paper, home, land, mother, country, student, typist, writer, pilot, doctor, officer, architect, actor, actress, painter, sailor, dentist, teacher, mechanic, locksmith, driver, composer, shop-assistant. 


@ 2. Rewrite in the plural:

1. This is a desk. 2. That‟s a clock. 3. This is a lamp. 4. Where is the picture? 5. The picture is in the book. 6. The chair is in the room.

7. The map is on the table. 8. This is a pen. 9. That is a window.                  10. The book is on the table. 11. The map is on the wall. 12. The blackboard is on the floor. 13. I have a picture on the wall. 14. My picture is not in the bag. 15. She has a pen and a pencil in the bag. 


@ 3. Put the following nouns in the plural form: 1. What is that child‟s name? 2. The cat has caught a mouse.                3. There was a lady, a gentleman, a boy and a girl in the room. 4. In the farm-yard we could see an ox, a sheep, a cow and a goose. 5. Is this worker an Englishman or a German? – He is a Frenchman.                  6. Why don‟t you eat this potato? 7. This strawberry is still green.                  8. The withered leaf has fallen to the ground. 9. Can you see a bird in that tree? 10.  Does your tooth still ache? 11. I held up my foot to the fire to warm it. 12. His child studies very well. 13. This man works at our office. 14. There is a new house in our street. 15. This story is very interesting. 16. I have hurt my foot. 17. The wolf has been shot.

18. He keeps his toy in a box. 19. Put this knife on that table. 


@ 5. Put the following nouns in the plural form:

1. This is a bird. 2. Is that also a bird? – No, it isn‟t. That is a cat. 3. Is that a good horse? – Yes, it is. 4. Is that a cow big or small? – It is big. 5. This is an apple and that is a flower. 6. Where is the coin? – It is in the box. 7. What colour is the box? – It is green. . 8. What is it made of? – It is made of wood. 9.What is that man? –He is a clerk.   10. Is he in the office? – Yes, he is. 11. Is that woman a typist? –No, she isn‟t.- What is she?- She is a doctor.12.Is his brother at home?Yes. he is. 13.This house has a balcony looking out on the street.              

14. The architecture of this building is quite modern. 15. This is a new district of St. Petersburg. 16. There is a shop. A cinema and a theatre in the new district. 17. He is a retired worker. 18. I am a doctor.                19. We hear the sounds of a child‟s voice. 20. She is a nice girl. 


@ 6. Open the brackets put the nouns in the plural or in the singular forms: 

1.                    I met some interesting _________ at the meeting. (man)

2.                    I need some ________ the light the fire. (match)

3.                    The baby got two new _______ . (tooth)

4.                    The farmer loaded his cart with _______ (box) of fresh vegetables to take to market. His cart was pulled by two _______ (ox)

5.                    Alex saw some _______ running across the floor. (mouse)

6.                    The north side of the island has no ____. There are only ________ steep. No one can climb these steep walls of rock. (beach, cliff).

7.                    If a houseplant is given too much water, its lower ________ turn yellow. (leaf)

8.                    Before Marie signed the contract, she talked to two ______ (attorney)

9.                    New scientific _ are made every day in __ throughout the world, (discovery, laboratory)

10.               I caught several ________ in the lake (fish)

11.               On our trip in the mountainous countryside, we saw some ________ , _________ , and wild _______ (wolf, fox, deer, sheep)

12.               When we spoke in the cave, we could hear _________ of our voices. (echo)

13.               The music building at the university has 27 __________ .

Students need to sign up for practice times. (piano)

14.               Thunder and lightning are ________ of nature. (phenomenon)

15.               People get most of their news about the word through the mass _________ , that is, through radio, television, the Internet, newspapers, and magazines. (medium) 





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