Инфоурок Английский язык Другие методич. материалы:English Phonetics–Ағылшын тілінің фонетикасы" авторлық бағдарлама ҚМЖ

:English Phonetics–Ағылшын тілінің фонетикасы" авторлық бағдарлама ҚМЖ

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Алматы Облысы

Алакөл ауданы

Ақши ауылы

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Ағылшын тілі пән мұғалімі

Абдельданова Акмарал Махмутовна

/ «English Phonetics–Ағылшын тілінің фонетикасы»

авторлық  бағдарламасы  бойынша ҚМЖ/


School:  S.Seifullin secondary school


Teacher name:  Abdeldanova  Akmaral


Type   of   vowels. Open syllable


Number present:


Learning objectives(s)

to learn English sounds and  open  syllables.

to develop communicative skills and abilities        

recognize the sounds of phonemes and phoneme blends

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

to learn English sounds

Most learners will be able to:

to learn English sounds and  open  syllables.

to develop communicative skills and abilities        

Some learners will be able to:



identify phonemes and phoneme blends

read and spell  words

matching sounds with words

Assessment criteria

Explain a vowel in open syllables and that in short words

To develop students’ reading, writing  skills.

Previous learning


Cross curriculum


ICT of skills

Audio , PPT, video


Planned timings

Planned activities



Beginning of the lesson 






I.Org. moment.

A) greetings

-Good  morning , students!                                                         

 -How are you today?    .

a)  opening conversation

b) checking attendance

Today we will learn about open syllables. You are familiar with many of the open-syllable words in this lesson. Although these words are short and might seem easy, it’s important to learn them because later, you will combine open syllables with other syllables to read and spell many words

Phonetic drill:

Send me set seven, set ten

I see and test them

Set seven, set ten

I lend them Emm

1. We’ll study how use them and do training exercises connected with our theme.

     To introduce the new theme/video/

A)  English ABC. There are 26 letters in English ABC

B) There are 20 consonants and 6 vowels in English alphabet

Vowel sounds:[ei],[i:],[ai],[әu],[ju:],Yy [wai]

The letter Ee 

1) [i:]-in opened syllable,

Letters Ii, Yy

a)Type 1 of the reading [ai] life, tie, my,type

 The letter Aa

1.Type 1 – [ei] plane,name

2. Type 2 [æ] – plan,man

Letter combinations ai, ay are read as [ei] - main [mein], May [mei]

Letter combination ea is readas [i:] - please [pli:z]

The letter  Oo 

1) [әu]-in opened syllable,

The letter   Uu 

1) [јu:]-in opened syllable





























Middle of the lesson












2.  Matching sounds with words

[i:] [e] [l]

Dee-deed- deep ten-pen let – tell

Be-been-beet den-men led – bell

Me-meed-meet Ted-bed leep-peel

Fee-feed-feet net-vent leep-peel


- matching sounds with words

-spelling letters

-read correctly

FA “Graphically”

3.Read in the correct sounds

1)         pale, plate, name, take, table, made, behave, gate, tale

2)         bat, pan, man, mad, apple, cattle, bad, fat

3)         go, no, rose, nose, stone, bone, phone, pole, hole, sole, noble, joke

4)         not, rock, cock, long, God, hot, dog,ox, fond, clock, fog, doctor

5)         blue, use, amuse, accuse, tulip, duke, Tuesday, tube, mute, student

6)         but, sun, bus, cut, rub, fun, hunt, just, jump

7)         ice, pine, nine, five, tie, smile, time, fine, rise, drive

8)         big, fill, kiss, win, mint, mix, sing, ill, sit, is, lip, six


- read  correctly  .

-spelling letters

-finds the appropriate letters;

 FA “Graphically”























How many letters are there in English?

How many vowels and consonants are there in English alphabet?

How many types of reading do you know?

What sounds have you studied?

VI. Home work :letters and sounds  




School: S.Seifullin secondary school


Teacher name: Abdeldanova  Akmaral


Closed  syllable


Number present:


Learning objectives(s)

Give  a definition of a closed syllable leaners  will auditorily discriminate between closed syllable and non-closed syllable.


Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

definition of a closed syllable

Most learners will be able to:

to learn English sounds and  closed syllables.

to develop communicative skills and abilities        

Some learners will be able to:



identify between closed syllable and non-closed syllable

read and spell  words

matching sounds with words

Assessment criteria

explain  definition of a closed syllable

to develop students’ reading, writing  skills.

identifying closed syllables

Previous learning


Cross curriculum


ICT of skills

PPT Poster with syllable type definitions, whiteboard.


Planned timings

Planned activities

(replace the notes below with your planned activities)


Start (Beginning of the lesson)      






I.Org. moment.

What is Closed Syllable?/poster/

Closed Syllable is the syllable that also consists of one vowel, though that vowel is always bounded up with the consonant in end of the word. This syllable is referred as ‘closed’ as the consonant follows up the vowel and comes in the end of word and makes it relatively a shorter sound as compare to the open syllables. On the other hand, vowels in the closed syllable didn’t sound similar to the name of the letter. Example of closed syllable :’bob, rob, bed, bat’ are the few of the words having one vowel bound with the consonant in the end. A word can also have more than one closed syllable in some cases, here are the few examples of this: ‘dentist, contact, happen, predict, combat‘.

Task 1. Write  the   closed  syllables in the closed syllables house. Cross off  the  words that  don’t belong  in the closed syllable house.





A leaner

- identifying closed syllables

-read correctly
















Worksheet 1

Middle of the lesson





Task 2. Closed syllables

Read each word. Underline the closed syllable

Candle, better, puzzle, table, sun, my, tie, collect, dog, cat, bag, cry, book, mine.


-spelling letters

-read correctly

FA “Graphically”

Worksheets 2










If students are able to successfully complete the independent practice then I will consider the lesson successful.

VI. Home work : make up examples            



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