Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыИгра "TIC-TAC-TOE" по теме "Словообразование"

Игра "TIC-TAC-TOE" по теме "Словообразование"

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Задания для TIC-TAC-TOE


Task 1. Define parts of speech of the given words and prove.


Correctness, specialize, formality, speculate, monotonous, boyish, brilliance, mysterious, fasten, ceremonious, attendance, instructive, speechless, really, business, incorrect, unfruitful, illness, ninth, television, re-enter, unusual


Task 2. Analyze the given words, define what part of speech they are and fill in the gaps with these words.


Include, including, included, inclusion, inclusive

1. We were seven ___ Dan and Patsy.

2. Everyone must follow these rules, you ___.

3. Megan's ___ in the project helped a lot.

4. Did you ___ the flight expenses?

5. Our seats are 2-7___. 


Task 3. Fill in the table, making up new parts of speech.







































Task 4. Fill in the gaps with appropriate roots according to the context.


1. Beethoven con___ed (-cide- -corp- -ject- -duct-) many of his symphonies.

2. He ab___ed (-duct- -grad- -ject- -tact-) the kids and hid them in the country.

3. Homi___ (-mort- -grat- -cide- -cred-) is the most serious crime.

4. Breathing is a ___al (- tang- -vit- -string- -sequ-) part function of any creature, it can't live without oxygen.

5. The old man wanted to ___fy (-strict- -viv- -mort- -omni-) himself, he didn't take any food or water, he was eager to die.

6. Betty is very self- con___ent (-fid- -cur- -duct- -grad-), she always relies on her knowledge and experience.

7. The director made two ___els (-flex- -grat--sequ- -vict-) to the film, he is going to shoot one more to follow the plot.

8. He has made a significant pro___ (-tig- -secut- -gress- -cur-) in learning languages.


Task 5. Fill in the gaps with appropriate prefixes according to the context.


1. He took part in (de- con- anti- dis-)___monarchical demonstrations, as he is against the idea of monarchy.

2. He managed to (over- de- under- sub-)___come his fear and entered the dark room.

3. The (post- un- pro- pre-)___liminary notes helped to understand the book better.

4. They decided to (over- re- extra- bi-)___fresh the colour of the walls as they had fainted away.

5. Margaret is so (ad- pro- extra- re-)___vagant, she always buys the latest fashion clothes from Paris.

6. As Mary (over- dis- ante- post-)___slept, she couldn't get to the meeting on time.

7. Generals have a lot of (un- out- sub- over-)___ordinates.

8. The work is (un- dis- im- in-)___complete, can you finish it, please?


Task 6. Do morphemic and derivational analysis of the given words.


Vaccinate, disapproval, percentage, clockwise, expressible, unprofitable, holiday-maker, underestimate, cold-blooded, postbox, birdlike, monolingual, heartbreaking, underworld


Task 7. Give meanings of the given affixes or groups of affixes.


1.      un-, dis-, in-, non-, il-, im-, ir-;

2.      sub-;

3.      over-;

4.      under-;

5.      mis-;

6.      re-;

7.      -er, -or, -ar;

8.      -ist;


Task 8. Fill in the gaps with the correct derivatives of the given words.




The importance of animals in British life is reflected in many ways. In the past, landowners liked to be portrayed with their dogs and horses. _______ pictures     of this kind can be seen in art galleries and private residences.


Animals are _______ used in advertising in magazines and on television.


The Royal Society for the _______ of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) is one of the largest charities in Britain.


RSPCA is a part of a more general _______ in support of animal rights that has emerged recently in Britain and the USA.


Animal rights organizations use _______ tactics: picketing stores that sell furs, harassing hunters in the wild, or breaking into laboratories to free animals.


Their main aim is to ban the cruel treatment and killing of animals both in laboratory experiments and in factory farming. The irresponsible and neglectful treatment of animals by some zoo and pet _______ is also their concern.





















Task 9. Make up all possible derivatives from the given words.


Do, make, think.











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