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Исследовательская работа "Мои корни"

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                Мои корни.

Hello, my name is Husnutdinov A . I’m a student of Kucherbay secondary school.

I’d like to tell a story about my family .  As a title for my project I have chosen the Russian proverb «The tree is strong with its roots». I’ll try to tell about four  generation of my  family .

The Husnutdinovs are an ordinary family, but on the other hand they are absolutely unique.

This is my family tree. (слайд 1) The main root of this family was Asylgarey.He had 6 sons. One of his sons Achmetsha is my ancestor. According to the genealogic tree ,made by Ismagil (1907), my ancestors were local inhabitants. They were bashkirs.

My tribe – the Min . (слайд 2)

The tree – a birch

The bird –a  hawk

 Appeal –

  Tamga (sign, token) – X, Y, Г . (слайд 3)

My great- grandfather’s name was Gumar. He was the participant of the First World War. He was a prisoner a long time but managed to return ( could return) home alive.

My great- grandmother was his second wife. . (слайд 4)

 Her name was Gulsum. She was born in 1902. She was much younger than her husband. My great- grandmother knew arabic alphabet. She sang folk songs very beautifully and wrote poems. I like to write poems too.  The saying “Like mother like daughter” is completely about us.

She was the heart of the family. She was kind, clever and responsible woman.  She died in 2004   at the age of 102. (слайд 5)

 We celebrate her 100th birthday  at school . The members of the school museum of regional ethnography made a gift her.

My great- grandparents had __ сhildren. . (слайд 6)

 Рафкат is my grandfather. He was born in 1930. He worked on the farm for many years. He got a lot of medals for his hard work

My grandmother’s name is Шарифа.  . (слайд 7)

She worked in a collective farm. She got married in 19_____   

She was a machine operator.  She has a few awards too. They brought up 3 sons: Тимергали, Марат, Ришат. . (слайд 8)

 Ришат is my father. He is patient and has a strong sense of justice. When I was small, he never shouted at me. Instead, he tried to explain me what is good and what is bad. He is an agronomist by profession.

This is my mother. . (слайд 9)

  She is the dearest person in my life. She works as a shop assistant, but also she looks after my younger brother and younger sister. She always manages to do everything: to tidy our flat, cook delicious dinner. 

. (слайд 10)

 I have a younger brother Linat by name. He is twelve.

. (слайд 11)

My little sister’s name is __________. She is four years old. She likes sleeping, eating and playing.

А few words about myself. I like learning English. I am good at History.  (слайд 12)

Every year I participate in the Histiory Olimpiads and win prizes.  My hobby is reading. In my free time I like writing rhymes. . (слайд 13) I have a booklet of my rhymes. My first poem was published in children’s magazine ‘Аллюки”and was dedicated to my mom.

. (слайд 14)

 My father was in the navy in the Baltic. I am proud of him. I dedicate this rhyme to him. These are my first poetry steps in English.

Neither general, nor corporal

Were you brave soldier,

I’ll serve as you Motherland

Believe, when I get older.

. (слайд 15)

My mother does the gardening. She grows beautiful flowers.

 . (слайд 16)

We like gardening and spend all our time growing potatoes, tomatoes and so on.

. (слайд 17) Spring is the most favourite season in our family, because popular active leisure for our family is gardening.

 (слайд 18) This poem about my first steps in poetry.

Poetry is my hobby. My dream is to become a lawyer in the future.

I'm a man with a real strong sense of right and wrong. It is due to my father.


I am the descendant of the Min’s tribe. I am grateful to my ancestors for their sacrifice. Not knowing one's family tree is like being without roots. And it is not necessary to belong to a noble family. I’ll do all my best to keep the memory of my ancestors.


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