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Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку для 8 класса

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8th form                                                                                                                              Var-I

1) Listening

Listen to three people talking about cities they like or live in.

A)  Match the speakers with the statements:

Speaker 1 _______                                   A. This person's parents live in a quiet city._____

Speaker 2._________                                                     B. There are plenty of things to see and do in this city.___

Speaker 3.________                                  C. A famous music band lived there.______

B)  Listen again and complete the sentences with the missing information:
Speaker 1

He lives in a large (1)______________ city. It's famous for (2)________teams, and it’s The Beatles’ (3)_________.

Speaker 2

Her favourite city is in (4)_______________ .

Speaker 3

She is from (5)______________________ .  Her village is near the (6) _________.

(max 9 points)

2) Reading

A puzzling discovery

1.  Read the text and put the missing sentences (A-E) in the correct spaces (1-5).

A. At last, on September 6th, everything was ready again. Once more the ships set out to sea.

B. He wanted to sail west from Europe, west across the Ocean Sea, west to the lands of Asia called
Indies. He would find a sea route to the pearls, gold, spices, silk and perfumes of the Indies.

C. Then, on the evening of September 9th, the last trace of island disappeared. Now the voyage had

D. And in this world the only known lands were Europe, Asia and Africa. Together they formed a
island surrounded by the Ocean Sea.

E. Their names were the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria. Aboard them there were ninety men
the command of Columbus.


His name was Christopher Columbus, and he was a sailor with a bold plan. (1).________ For year

traders had carried these riches overland to Europe. Now, with land routes closed by war, trade had stopped.

Columbus studied maps and read geography books. He asked the experts for advice. He planned, and when he was ready he began to search someone who would give money to make a trip. Finally he found a backer in Isabella. Queen of Spain.

And so it happened that on the morning of August 3d, 1492, three small ships sailed from Palos,
. (2)______ .

But the voyage was not yet really under the way. On the third day out, the Pinta's rudder broke. The
had to stop at the Canary Islands for repairs. (3)______ .

At first the winds were light sometimes dying altogether. For the few days the men could still see the
peaks of the Canary Islands. (4)_____ . They were sailing into the unknown.

In his cabin Columbus had a chart that he had drawn himself. Like the best maps of his day, it
a world much smaller than the one we know.
(5)_______ .


2.  Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

1.  Christopher Columbus wanted to find new route for trade on the land.______

2.  Columbus' plan was important because the trade routes were closed because of the war.______

3.  He did a lot to prepare for the trip._______

4.  He started the voyage on the 6th of September, 1492._______

5.  His voyage was not difficult_____


3) Grammar and Vocabulary in Use

1) Choose the correct answer:

1. When I ... up this morning it___

a. got, snowed     b. was getting up, snowed            c. got up, was snowing

2........ any bread for dinner.

a. it isn't             b. there isn't                    c. there aren't

3.  Paul ... to concerts. He isn't interested in music.
a. goes        b. is going         c. doesn't go

4.  We ... Jacob and Ryan since last Saturday.
a. haven't met              b. were meeting              c. didn't meet

5.  Does... want to come with me?
a. somebody             b. any                   c. anybody

6.  I'm cold. Who ... the window?
a. closes            b. is going to close            c. is closing

7.  Mozart... a lot of wonderful pieces of music.
a. has composed               b. composed              c. was composing

8.    In  2050 every person in the world ... have a mobile phone.
a. will              b. is going to              c. are going to

9.    My parents ….. in Nefteyugansk for twenty years.
a. live             b. have lived             c. have been living

10. .I'm sorry, … my mum …. I can speak French and we can’t understand those young men.
a. Neither …nor              b. Either …or       c. Both …and


2)  Complete the text with the words in the correct form.

Clare is my best friend. Our daily routines are not the same because our families are (1)____.          DIFFER

Clare's family don't listen to pop music because her parents prefer

(2) ______music. We listen to a lot of pop music.                                                                    CLASSIC

Clare's family never exercise! They aren't (3)_______________ in sports.                        INTEREST

My family play a lot of sports; it is fun, Clare's family eat meat every day.

And her parents drink litres of coffee!

I never drink coffee. I don't think that is (4)_____________ .                                       HEALTH

However. Clare's and my parents are very (5)_______________ and                                FRIEND

(6)_________.                                                                                                          UNDERSTAND                                                                      


3) Complete the text with the words from the box. You won't need 3 words.

Are     both     each    few    is    little    only     over    slowly    on     old     its    was


There (1)__________ five types of rhino in the world today. The Black and White Rhino live in the

open fields of Africa, the others live in the forests in Asia.

All rhinos have big, heavy bodies. Their skin is very hard and they have very (2)___________ hair.

The great body of a rhino stands (3)_________ four short legs. (4)____________ foot has three toes.

They usually walk very (5)    __________ , but they can run at 50 kilometers an hour.

Rhinos are quiet and calm animals, and they (6)_____________ eat grass and other plants. A baby

rhino weighs 40 kilos when it (7)_____________ born. It has been inside (8)_________ mother for

about fifteen months. An adult rhino weighs (9)_____________ 200 kilos and may live to be 50 years

(10)_______ .


4) Change the sentences from the Active into the Passive Voice

1) They sell bread in this shop.

2) I bought potatoes yesterday.

3) They will show this film on TV.

4) They are repairing the clock now.

(49 points)



4) *Writing a letter

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Alexander who writes:


… There are only ten pupils in our class. Each class has its own room and a class teacher. There is an excellent swimming pool and spacious football and cricket grounds where we play. Do you practice any sport? What sports do you do in your P.T. lessons? What games do you play?

            In England we play a lot of sports and games…


Write a  letter to Alexander.

In your letter:

- Answer his questions

- Ask 3 questions about sports and games popular among teenagers in England

Write 100-120 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.






























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Выбранный для просмотра документ Var 2 final test 8.doc


8th form                                                                                                                              Var-II

1) Listening

Listen to three people talking about cities they like or live in.

A)  Match the speakers with the statements:

Speaker 1 _______                                   A. This person's parents live in a quiet city._______

Speaker 2._________                                                     B. There are plenty of things to see and do in this city.______

Speaker 3.________                                  C. A famous music band lived there._______

B)  Listen again and complete the sentences with the missing information:
Speaker 1

He lives in a large (1)________________ city. It's famous for (2)________teams, and it’s The Beatles’ (3)_________.

Speaker 2

Her favourite city is in (4)________________ .

Speaker 3

She is from (5)_______________________ .  Her village is near the (6) _________.

(max 9 points)

2) Reading

How did restaurants start?

I. Read the text and put the missing sentences (A-E) in the correct spaces (1-5).

A. The chief business of these cookshops was the sale of cooked meat which customers carried
with them.

B. This is the first time this word was used.

C. They often became 'dining clubs', and these existed in the fifteen century.

D. No matter how good mother's cooking is, we like to go to a restaurant sometimes.

E. Sometimes they served meals, too.


(1)_____ . It's not just because there's different food to eat, but we also enjoy going out

Long before there were restaurants, there were taverns where people gathered to talk, have some­thing to drink and to eat. In London, there was another kind of place that was also the forerunner of the

restaurant. This was the cookshop. (2)______ . But sometimes they also served meals on the premises

and was somewhat like a restaurant. There were cookshops in London as long ago as the twelfth century!

The first place where a meal was provided every day at a fixed hour was the tavern in England.

(3)_____ . By the middle of the sixteenth century, many townspeople of all classes had the habit of

dining out on taverns. Many of them became meeting places of the leading people of the day.

About 1650 coffeehouses also appeared in England. They served coffee, tea, and chocolate, which
all new drinks at that time. (4)_______ .

In 1765 a man named Boulanger opened a place in Paris which served meals and light refreshments,

and he called his place a 'restaurant'. (5)____ . It was great success and many other places like it soon

opened. In a short time, all over France, there were similar eating places called 'restaurants'.

But the word 'restaurant' was not used in England until the end of  the nineteenth century.

2. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F):

1.  People like to go to a restaurant to eat different food.______

2.  Cookhouses in London sold cooked meat.________

3.  Taverns became popular in England in the sixteenth century.______

4.  Coffeehouses were the places where people could try different drinks._______

5.  The first restaurants appeared in France in the seventeenth century.________


3) Grammar and Vocabulary in Use

1) Choose the correct answer:

1. Please, ... to me now. I... to answer some questions.

a. not talk,  am trying;   b. don't talk, have tried;   c. don't talk, am trying

2. Charles Dickens was an outstanding writer. He... many stories and novels.
a. has written      b. wrote         c. writes

3. I  ... here since 1982, ever since I ... school in fact.

a. have been  living, left     b. have lived, left       c. am living, have left

4.   Robbie's parents often buy .... bananas.
a. a little     b. a few     с. a

5.   It looks a bit like New York,.... it?
a. does it    b. isn't it     c. doesn't it

6. Yesterday I … finish my homework earlier? I wanted to sleep.
a. will have to   b. was     c. had to

7.    What  is not about broadsheets?
a. They are heavier   
        b. They use intriguing headlines.
        c. They never publish gossip.

8.   Your fax …. at the moment.
a. Is being sent      b. is sent            c. has been sent

9. They will be asked about homework.

a. Они спросят о домашней работе
b. Их спросили о домашней работе
c. Их спросят о домашней работе

10.  My best friend likes to read science fiction.
a. Neither do I      b. So do I            c. So I do


2) Complete the text with the words in the correct form.

1. She spoke so ________ that I could hear her.                                             QUIET

2. My sister is very ________ - she sings and plays the piano.                       MUSIC

3. If you are ________ you can become rich and                                             AMBITION
_________.                                                                                                       FAME

4. “Can I borrow your bicycle?” _____________ not!                                     CERTAIN

5. At the age of sixty he was a ________ writer.                                               SUCCESS


3) Complete the text with the words from the box. Yon won't need 3 words.

other     must     but    first     is     another    the     more    over    weighs    has    an       of



Chad Rowan is 24 years old. He's (1)________ American from Hawaii, (2)________ he lives and

works in Japan. He's even got a Japanese name- Akebono. It means "sunrise".

Akebono is the (3)________ non-Japanese person to become a yokozuma- a top rank sumo

wrestler. Sumo wrestling is 2,000 years old and (4)________ a very popular sport in Japan. The rules

5)_______ sumo are simple- one man tries to push (6)__________ out of a circle on (7)                 

Ground. Big is good when you're a sumo star. Akebono is (8)     2 metres tall and he (9)  211

kilos. To stay heavy, he (10)_______ to eat a lot - plates and plates of rice, fish, vegetables and




4) Change the sentences from the Active into the Passive Voice

1) They built this house 100 years ago.

2) The children listen to the radio attentively.

3) We have sold the car.

4) Kate will send the letter tomorrow.



4) Writing a letter

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Alexander who writes:


… There are only ten pupils in our class. Each class has its own room and a class teacher. There is an excellent swimming pool and spacious football and cricket grounds where we play. Do you practice any sport? What sports do you do in your P.T. lessons? What games do you play?

            In England we play a lot of sports and games…


Write a  letter to Alexander.

In your letter:

- Answer his questions

- Ask 3 questions about sports and games popular among teenagers in England

Write 100-120 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.


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