Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыКонспект конференции на тему "Честь языка - честь народа" 9-11 классы

Конспект конференции на тему "Честь языка - честь народа" 9-11 классы

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Conference on theme: Honour of language – Honour of people

Aim: To raise interest to the richness of the native language; promote linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism.

Objectives: development of cognitive activity of students through performances of children to stimulate children's interest in learning the native language.


-Good day, dear participants of our today’s conference and guests. So, today will be talking about the languages. Today is the International Mother Language Day, the Great 21st February 2013. I want to congratulate with this holiday all of you. And I want to tell about the languages shortly.

International Mother Language Day (International Mother Language Day), proclaimed by the General Conference of UNESCO on 17 November 1999 has been observed every year since February 2000 to promote linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism.

  In turn, the United Nations General Assembly in its resolution declared 2008 the International Year of Languages ​​(International Year of Languages). 2010 the International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures in the name (International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures).

  Languages ​​are the most powerful instrument of preserving and developing our tangible and intangible heritage. UNESCO estimates that half of the approximately 6,000 languages ​​in the world may soon lose the last carrier.

-   So, as you know, language is a conventional, arbitrary system of sounds used for communication in a human linguistic community.  And how to arise human language?

Words on the brain: from 1 million years ago?

All social animals communicate with each other, from bees and ants to whales and apes, but only humans have developed a language which is more than a set of prearranged signals.

Our speech even differs in a physical way from the communication of other animals. It comes from a cortical speech centre which does not respond instinctively, but organises sound and meaning on a rational basis. This section of the brain is unique to humans.           

 When and how the special talent of language developed is impossible to say. But it is generally assumed that its evolution must have been a long process.

Our ancestors were probably speaking a million years ago, but with a slower delivery, a smaller vocabulary and above all a simpler grammar than we are accustomed to.           

 The origins of human language will perhaps remain forever obscure. By contrast the origin of individual languages has been the subject of very precise study over the past two centuries.

There are about 5000 languages spoken in the world today (a third of them in Africa), but scholars group them together into relatively few families - probably less than twenty. Languages are linked to each other by shared words or sounds or grammatical constructions. The theory is that the members of each linguistic group have descended from one language, a common ancestor. In many cases that original language is judged by the experts to have been spoken in surprisingly recent times - as little as a few thousand years ago.

The United Nations' (UN) International Mother Language Day yearly celebrates mother tongue miscellany and diversity universally on February 21. It also keeps in mind events for example the killing of four students on February 21, 1952, because they fought to formally bring into play their mother language, Bengali, in Bangladesh.  Its ceremonial was also officially known by the United Nations General Assembly in its declaration establishing 2008 as the International Year of Languages. International Mother Language Day is observed yearly by UNESCO member states and at its command centre to encourage linguistic and cultural assortment and multilingualism. International Mother Language Day is a civic holiday in Bangladesh, where it is also known as Shohid Dibôsh, or Shaheed Day. It is a worldwide adherence but not a public holiday in other parts of the globe.

And, now, let’s start our conference. Our dear participants , you had to prepare your reports to our conference “Honour of language is honour of people.”

So, the first report is about the history of the languages.

1. Shashatskaya Mariya – The history of languages.

2. Eraly Umit – International and modern languages.

3. Kim Viktoriya – 21st February – International Mother Language day.

4. Vaint Kristina – Law of threelingualism in Kazakhstan.

5. Pikina Vera – The emergence of the Kazakh language.

6. An Alexandra – The emergence of the Russian language.

7. Smailova Zhansaya – The Origin and History of the English language.

8. Rysdauletova Roza – Language alliance. Trends of a new era.

9. Pavlenko Regina – Learning the state languages in Kazakhstan.

10. Rysdauletova Raisa – The Language’s Day in Kazakhstan.


-An International Mother Language Day memorial was constructed at Ashfield Park in Sydney, Australia, on February 19, 2006.  It comprises of a block of slate build up vertically on an elevated podium. There are stylized engravings of the Shaheed Minar and the world on the facade of the stone. There are in addition, the words "We will remember the martyrs of 21st February" in English and Bengali and words in five alphabets to symbolize mother tounges on five continents where public exists.


-         Let’s make conclusion of our conference.

All steps to facilitate dissemination of mother tongues are not only promoting linguistic diversity and multilingual education, the development of more comprehensive coverage of linguistic and cultural traditions throughout the world, but also the solidarity based on understanding, tolerance and dialogue.

February 21, 2003 on the occasion of the International Mother Language Day, UNESCO Director-General Koichiro Matsuura said: "Why so much focus on the mother tongue? Because languages ​​are a unique expression of human creativity in all its diversity. As a tool of communication, perception and thought, language and describes how we see the world and reflects the relationship between the past, present and future. Languages ​​bear traces of chance meetings, the various sources from which they are filled, each according to its own individual story.

 Native languages ​​are unique in the sense that what they put on the fingerprint of every person from birth, giving it a distinctive vision of things that never really disappear, despite the fact that later man masters many languages. Learning a foreign language - it is a way to get acquainted with a different vision of the world, with other approaches "





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Conference on theme: Honour of language – Honour of people Aim: To raise interest to the richness of the native language; promote linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism. Objectives: development of cognitive activity of students through performances of children to stimulate children's interest in learning the native language. -Good day, dear participants of our today’s conference and guests. So, today will be talking about the languages. Today is the International Mother Language Day, the Great 21st February 2013. I want to congratulate with this holiday all of you. And I want to tell about the languages shortly. International Mother Language Day (International Mother Language Day), proclaimed by the General Conference of UNESCO on 17 November 1999 has been observed every year since February 2000 to promote linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism. In turn, the United Nations General Assembly in its resolution declared 2008 the International Year of Languages (International Year of Languages). 2010 the International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures in the name (International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures). Languages are the most powerful instrument of preserving and developing our tangible and intangible heritage. UNESCO estimates that half of the approximately 6,000 languages in the world may soon lose the last carrier. - So, as you know, language is a conventional, arbitrary system of sounds used for communication in a human linguistic community. And how to arise human language? Words on the brain: from 1 million years ago? All social animals communicate with each other, from bees and ants to whales and apes, but only humans have developed a language which is more than a set of prearranged signals. Our speech even differs in a physical way from the communication of other animals. It comes from a cortical speech centre which does not respond instinctively, but organises sound and meaning on a rational basis. This section of the brain is unique to humans. When and how the special talent of language developed is impossible to say. But it is generally assumed that its evolution must have been a long process. Our ancestors were probably speaking a million years ago, but with a slower delivery, a smaller vocabulary and above all a simpler grammar than we are accustomed to. The origins of human language will perhaps remain forever obscure. By contrast the origin of individual languages has been the subject of very precise study over the past two centuries. There are about 5000 languages spoken in the world today (a third of them in Africa), but scholars group them together into relatively few families - probably less than twenty. Languages are linked to each other by shared words or sounds or grammatical constructions. The theory is that the members of each linguistic group have descended from one language, a common ancestor. In many cases that original language is judged by the experts to have been spoken in surprisingly recent times - as little as a few thousand years ago. The United Nations' (UN) International Mother Language Day yearly celebrates mother tongue miscellany and diversity universally on February 21. It also keeps in mind events for example the killing of four students on February 21, 1952, because they fought to formally bring into play their mother language, Bengali, in Bangladesh. Its ceremonial was also officially known by the United Nations General Assembly in its declaration establishing 2008 as the International Year of Languages. International Mother Language Day is observed yearly by UNESCO member states and at its command centre to encourage linguistic and cultural assortment and multilingualism. International Mother Language Day is a civic holiday in Bangladesh, where it is also known as Shohid Dibôsh, or Shaheed Day. It is a worldwide adherence but not a public holiday in other parts of the globe. And, now, let’s start our conference. Our dear participants , you had to prepare your reports to our conference “Honour of language is honour of people.” So, the first report is about the history of the languages. 1. Shashatskaya Mariya – The history of languages. 2. Eraly Umit – International and modern languages. 3. Kim Viktoriya – 21st February – International Mother Language day. 4. Vaint Kristina – Law of threelingualism in Kazakhstan. 5. Pikina Vera – The emergence of the Kazakh language. 6. An Alexandra – The emergence of the Russian language. 7. Smailova Zhansaya – The Origin and History of the English language. 8. Rysdauletova Roza – Language alliance. Trends of a new era. 9. Pavlenko Regina – Learning the state languages in Kazakhstan. 10. Rysdauletova Raisa – The Language’s Day in Kazakhstan. -An International Mother Language Day memorial was constructed at Ashfield Park in Sydney, Australia, on February 19, 2006. It comprises of a block of slate build up vertically on an elevated podium. There are stylized engravings of the Shaheed Minar and the world on the facade of the stone. There are in addition, the words "We will remember the martyrs of 21st February" in English and Bengali and words in five alphabets to symbolize mother tounges on five continents where public exists. - Let’s make conclusion of our conference. All steps to facilitate dissemination of mother tongues are not only promoting linguistic diversity and multilingual education, the development of more comprehensive coverage of linguistic and cultural traditions throughout the world, but also the solidarity based on understanding, tolerance and dialogue. February 21, 2003 on the occasion of the International Mother Language Day, UNESCO Director-General Koichiro Matsuura said: "Why so much focus on the mother tongue? Because languages are a unique expression of human creativity in all its diversity. As a tool of communication, perception and thought, language and describes how we see the world and reflects the relationship between the past, present and future. Languages bear traces of chance meetings, the various sources from which they are filled, each according to its own individual story. Native languages are unique in the sense that what they put on the fingerprint of every person from birth, giving it a distinctive vision of things that never really disappear, despite the fact that later man masters many languages. Learning a foreign language - it is a way to get acquainted with a different vision of the world, with other approaches "

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