Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыКонспект урока по английскому языку на тему "Air pollution" 11 класс

Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему "Air pollution" 11 класс

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Date: 24.11.15

Grade: 11A

The theme of the lesson: Air pollution

The objectives of the lesson:

1.      Educational: to enlarge pupils’ knowledge and  vocabulary by the theme "Air pollution"

2.      Educative: to make students be disciplined at English lessons.

3.      Developing:  to develop pupils' oral, speech-memory, attention, cognitive skills, thinking.


  I.             Organizing moment

-          Good morning!

-          What is the date today?(The 24th of November)


II.            Warm up

Warm-Up: Air Pollution in Your Town

 1. Write the words “Air Quality” on the board and ask students the following questions:

 a) Do you think the quality of the air in this area is good or bad?

b) How do you know? What evidence is there of air pollution? Answers might include smog, a high occurrence of asthma or other respiratory diseases, a bad smell, or particulates settling out of the air. Or they may infer there is poor air quality without evidence because of the presence of industrial practices nearby. Alternatively, they may believe air quality is good because of the absence of all these things.

 c) Have you ever experienced burning eyes, itchy throat, or shortness of breath on polluted days?

 d) What time of the year does the air seem dirtiest? Kids may not notice, but air pollution is typically worse in the summer months because of higher temperatures and more sun which both help create certain pollutants like ozone. Also, there is less rain to wash pollutants out of the air and away.

2. Ask students why there is so much talk about air quality? Guide them to identify the importance of air for living things. Explain that bad air can contribute to a variety of illnesses such as asthma and cancer. Air pollution can also decrease the efficiency with which plants photosynthesize, making them less productive.

III.            Checking up of the home task

- What was your home task for today? Let's check up


IV.            New theme

- Today the theme of the lesson is Air pollution.  Open your copybooks and write down date and theme

Work with new words

- Open your vocabularies. Now we will write down new words.


damaging - разрушение

increase - увеличение

Consequently - в следствие этого

occurs - имеет место, встречается

death rates - смертность

lungs - легкие

affect - влиять

insulator - изолятор

preventing - предотвращение

heat - тепло, жар

probability of increase - вероятность увеличения


Work with text

-Now I give you text and we will read and translate


Air pollution is actually the addition of any harmful substances to the atmosphere, which causes the damaging of the environment, human health and the quality of life. With the development in industry, came along the increase in air pollution, which occurs inside homes, schools, offices even in the countryside. Consequently there has been an increase in the death rates resulting from various diseases caused by air pollution varying from breathing problem to lung cancer. Air pollution does not only affect people but it also damages the whole ecological system in which plants and animals are harmed as well. Air pollution has reached such a critical stage where it affects the earth's atmosphere as it lets in more harmful radiation from the sun. Polluted atmosphere is becoming a better insulator, thus, preventing heat from escaping back into space. That is why there is a global rise in temperature which scientists refer to as " global warming". As a result of this rise in temperature the world food supply and sea level will be affected, also there is the probability of increase in the tropical disease.

V.            Strengthening

- Next task is find the equivalent. You should find the English equivalent for these phrases from the text.


VI.          Home task

-Your home task is to write little essay "Solutions of air pollution"




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