Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыКонспект урока по английскому языку по теме: «Fun is their business»

Конспект урока по английскому языку по теме: «Fun is their business»

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Theme: Fun is their business.

Aims: to revise and practice grammar “modal verbs”, to read and listen to the text about extraordinary jobs, to develop listening, reading and speaking skills.

Extra material: CDs, pictures, cards,Inspiration-4.

                                                                          Lesson procedure

I. Organization moment.

II. Warm up.

Students work in pairs. They should say what ordinary and extraordinary jobs they know.

III. Grammar revision.

Teacher asks students the questions.

1.When do we use must, have to and need to?

2.When do we use mustn’t?

3.Past Tense of the verbs must and have to.

4.Past Tense of the verb need to.

5.When do we use negative form don’t  have to, don’t need to and needn’t.

6.What are the past forms don’t have to and don’t need to.

IV.Grammar practice.

Ex.5p.59 S.B. Complete the correct form of the modal verb.

1.You ----pay for the most valuable things in life like love and friendship.(have to)

2.A bad dancer----say it’s the fault of the floor.(must)

3.You can stop trouble coming, but you----give it a chair to sit on.(must)

4.The sign of the office wall says ‘You ----be mad to work here but it helps.(have to)

5.My father used to say that you----learn to walk before you could run.(have to)

6.In Japan people used to say that if you wanted to catch a tiger, you----go into the tiger’s cave.(need)

7.A British saying is that if you want to eat the fruit, you---- first climb the tree.(must)

8.You----be afraid of a noisy dog, but you should be afraid of a quite one.(need)


1.p.60 Ask Ss to look at the photos of people working at three famous British tourist’s attractions.

After reading Ss should match them with these places: Jorvik Viking Centre, The London Aquarium, Madame Tussaud’s.

2.Ss listen and read the text for their comprehention.

3.Ss answer the questions about the text.

a. Why don’t Richard Branson’s eyes move?

b. What does Jo do on arrival t work every morning?

c. Why mustn’t Jo use a very hot hairdryer?

d. What sticks to Mark clothes?

e. Does Mark have to create new smells every day?

f. Why doesn’t Mark have to heat the oil himself?

g. What is unusual about the largest shark’s name?

h. Why does Jeanette say we needn’t worry about her?

i. Why do the team have to clean the tank wall regularly?

VI. Listening.

Ex.6 p.59 S.B. Ss work in pairs. They listen to the text and complete the chart.

Have to +, mustn’t ++,needn’t +++

Jobs qualifications

Flight attendant

Yacht crew

Human cannonball

Be over 21 years old




Be over 1.5 metres tall




Be over 1.88 metres




Be physically fit




Have a driving licence




Speak a foreign language




Have a degree




Have safety training




Be willing to travel





After completing the chart Ss talk about the qualifications for the three jobs.


The teacher puts marks for the lesson and explain the hometask.ex.1,2 p.52 W.B.











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Краткое описание документа:

Данная разработка урока по английскому языку предназначена для девятого класса с углубленным изучением английского.

На данном уроке учащиеся закрепляют и практикуют употребление модальных глаголов. Ученики знакомятся с необыкновенными профессиями.

В ходе урока учащиеся прослушивают, читают, беседуют по теме.

С помощью данной разработки не только ученики но и учителя узнают о необыкновенных профессиях.

На завершающем этапе урока ученики заполняют таблицу о квалификации по определенным профессиям и дают комментарии по услышанному.

Theme: Fun is their business.

Aims: to revise and practice grammar “modal verbs”, to read and listen to the text about extraordinary jobs, to develop listening, reading and speaking skills.

Extra material: CDs, pictures, cards,Inspiration-4.

"Lesson procedure

I. Organization moment.

II. Warm up.

Students work in pairs. They should say what ordinary and extraordinary jobs they know.

III. Grammar revision.

Teacher asks students the questions.

1.When do we use must, have to and need to?

2.When do we use mustn’t?

3.Past Tense of the verbs must and have to.

4.Past Tense of the verb need to.

5.When do we use negative form don’t have to, don’t need to and needn’t.

6.What are the past forms don’t have to and don’t need to.

IV.Grammar practice.

Ex.5p.59 S.B. Complete the correct form of the modal verb.

1.You ----pay for the most valuable things in life like love and friendship.(have to)

2.A bad dancer----say it’s the fault of the floor.(must)

3.You can stop trouble coming, but you----give it a chair to sit on.(must)

4.The sign of the office wall says ‘You ----be mad to work here but it helps.(have to)

5.My father used to say that you----learn to walk before you could run.(have to)

6.In Japan people used to say that if you wanted to catch a tiger, you----go into the tiger’s cave.(need)

7.A British saying is that if you want to eat the fruit, you---- first climb the tree.(must)

8.You----be afraid of a noisy dog, but you should be afraid of a quite one.(need)


1.p.60 Ask Ss to look at the photos of people working at three famous British tourist’s attractions. After reading Ss should match them with these places: Jorvik Viking Centre, The London Aquarium, Madame Tussaud’s.

2.Ss listen and read the text for their comprehention.

3.Ss answer the questions about the text.

a. Why don’t Richard Branson’s eyes move?

b. What does Jo do on arrival t work every morning?

c. Why mustn’t Jo use a very hot hairdryer?

d. What sticks to Mark clothes?

e. Does Mark have to create new smells every day?

f. Why doesn’t Mark have to heat the oil himself?

g. What is unusual about the largest shark’s name?

h. Why does Jeanette say we needn’t worry about her?

i. Why do the team have to clean the tank wall regularly?

VI. Listening.

Ex.6 p.59 S.B. Ss work in pairs. They listen to the text and complete the chart.

Have to +, mustn’t ++,needn’t +++


Jobs qualifications


Flight attendant


Yacht crew


Human cannonball


Be over 21 years old








Be over 1.5 metres tall








Be over 1.88 metres








Be physically fit








Have a driving licence








Speak a foreign language








Have a degree








Have safety training








Be willing to travel







After completing the chart Ss talk about the qualifications for the three jobs.


The teacher puts marks for the lesson and explain the hometask.ex.1,2 p.52 W.B.

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