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The history of the cinema began in the Grand Café in Paris...

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    The history of the cinema began in the Grand Café in Paris on the 28th of December, 1895. The Lumiere brothers demonstrated the first three-minute film “Arrival of the Train”. On seeing the train on the screen, the spectators ran away from the hall. That evening, for the price of one franc, the history of cinema began.

  • Make a sentence

    2 слайд

    Make a sentence

  • You can watch one part of the first filmClick here

    3 слайд

    You can watch one part of the first film
    Click here

  • FAMOUS RUSSIAN DIRECTORSAndrei Tarkovski      Nikita Mikhalkov    Andron Konc...

    4 слайд

    Andrei Tarkovski Nikita Mikhalkov Andron Konchalovski Alexandr Rou
    (1932-1986) (1945) (1937) (1906-1973)

    “Solyaris” “Urga” “Sibiriada” “Aibolit 66”
    “Stalker” “Burnt in the Sun” “Uncle Vanya” “Chuchelo”

  • The EndReturn to beginning

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What Do You Know About Cinema?


познавательный аспект — знакомство с историей возникновения кинематографа в России и за рубежом, знакомство с историей Голливуда, с известными актерами, продюсерами и режиссерами;

развивающий аспект — развитие способности к анализу, синтезу, классификации и систематизации, к догадке, способность осуществлять репродуктивные речевые действия, способность осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия, развитие воображения;

воспитательный аспект — воспитание чувства сопричастности к мировой истории, памятникам искусства, более глубокое осознание своей культуры;

учебный аспект — формирование лексических навыков чтения и говорения;

сопутствующие задачи — развитие умения читать и аудировать с целью извлечения конкретной информации.

Речевой материал: рецептивный: лексический — screen, studio, silent и могут быть усвоены слова из упр. 2 Рабочей тетради: electrician, stunt man / woman, sound mixer, editor, boom operator; продуктивный: лексический — a director, a genre, a melodrama, to shoot; грамматический — для повторения придаточные определительные (Relative Clause) Mary Pickford is an American film star who took part in action films.

Оборудование: изображения и слова, тексты для аудирования, карты памяти, карточки для упражнения рабочей тетради.

Ход уроков.

I Этап подготовки учащихся к ознакомлению с новым материалом.

Разделение студентов на рабочие пары. Студенты получают части предложений, которые, соединив, находят себе пару с которой будут работать в течении всего урока.


E. Ryazanov is a Russian director


who created a lot of comedies.


Warner Brothers are American producers


who founded WB company.


S. Eisenstein is a Russian director


who created ‘The Battleship Potemkin’.


‘Titanic’ is an American film


which won 11 Oscars.


L. Gaidai is a Russian director


who shot ‘The Caucasian Prisoner’.


II.  Этап развития грамматических умений и навыков.

1.     Просмотр фильма и прослушивание песни, по которым необходимо составить предложения со словосочетаниями со слайда.

Leonardo DiCaprio

French inventors

is famous all over the world


an American film

made people ran out of the hall

‘Independence Day’

an American actor

starred in ‘Romeo and Juliet’.

Lumiere brothers

French film

created the first full-screen film

‘Arrival of a train’

A Russian writer

wrote all Dozors

III Этап ознакомления с новым материалом.

1.     Просмотрите вопросы, выберите тот, который вы писали на прошлом занятии.

a.     When was the first cinema festival?

b.     When was the first film shot?

c.     Who was the first director of a colored film?

d.     In how many films did Angelina Jolie star?

e.     When was the first colored film shot?

f.      What was the first Bred Pitt’s film?

g.     Who created the first film?

h.     In what year the film ‘Titanic’ was shot?

i.       For how many years was Hollywood built?

j.       How much money do actors earn?

k.     What was the first Oscar awarded for?

l.       What was the name of the first actress?

m.  Who is the author of the first talkie?

n.     What was the first film in Russia before revolution?

o.     What was the first Charlie Chaplin’s role?

p.     How did Charlie Chaplin appeared in cinema?

q.     How did the first camera work?


2.     Просмотрите ответы на вопросы и найдите ответ на свой вопрос.

a.      The first ceremony of awarding for cinema-making in America was in 1929 in California. There were only 250 people and the ticket cos5t 10 dollars.

b.      The official birthday of the cinema is on the 28th of December 1895, when brothers  Lumiere made the first commercial  film-watching.

c.      One of the first color films was ‘Gone With the Wind’ which director was Daniel Selznic. 

d.      Angelina Jolie starred in 37 films. Her fist film was ‘ Lookin' to Get Out’, made in 1982 and the last – ‘Salt’.

e.      The satisfactory colored films appeared in the 30-s, among them was the film ‘Gone With the Wind’ made in 1939.

f.       In 1988 Bred Pitt got the main role in the film 'The Dark Side of the Sun’ but the main part of the film was lost till 1998 when it was demonstrated.  

g.      The inventors of the cinema were French brothers August and Luis Lumiere.

h.      The American film ‘Titanic’ was shot in 1996 by director Robert Lieberman.

i.        In 1910 the first film  was made in Hollywood by Griffith and his company and by 1940 it became famous as cinema industry. The first studio was named ‘Nestor Studio’.

j.        Between January 2005 and December 2009 559 films total were screened and bring more than $200 million to its actors.

k.      On the first ceremony of awarding three Oscars were for a male role,  female role and best film.

l.         The name of the first famous actress was Mary Pickford.

m.     In 1927 there was a grand revolution in the world of cinema: the addition of sound. The Warner brothers, founders of Warner Bros studios, created the first talkie “The Jazz Singers”

n.      Untill 1920 in Russian Empire there were screened more that 300 films and most of them were documentaries.

o.      The first Charlie Chaplin’s role was cat in fairy-tale ‘Cinderella’.

p.      Famous film director noticed Charlie Chaplin and invited him to cinema studio named ‘Key Stone Film’.

q.      The Lumiere’s apparatus was easy to use: in small wooden box there were an objective, mechanism to move photos and two cassettes. It was hand-moving.


3.     Просмотрите полученные изображения и назовите профессии киноиндустрии, с ними связанные. Найдите их в рабочей тетради в рамке по-английски, найдите их описание по-английски, прочтите, переведите их. Выполните письменно.

4.     Посмотрите упражнение № 3. Прочтите, переведите. Просмотрите текст, сопоставьте информацию по схеме: who – did – what - when

5.     AB Unit 6, ex.2,3 – письменно на оценку.





















a.         The first ceremony of awarding for cinema-making in America was in 1929 in California. There were only 250 people and the ticket cos5t 10 dollars.

b.         The official birthday of the cinema is on the 28th of December 1895, when brothers  Lumiere made the first commercial  film-watching.

c.         One of the first color films was ‘Gone With the Wind’ which director was Daniel Selznic. 

d.         Angelina Jolie starred in 37 films. Her fist film was ‘ Lookin' to Get Out’, made in 1982 and the last – ‘Salt’.

e.         The satisfactory colored films appeared in the 30-s, among them was the film ‘Gone With the Wind’ made in 1939.

f.          In 1988 Bred Pitt got the main role in the film 'The Dark Side of the Sun’ but the main part of the film was lost till 1998 when it was demonstrated.  

g.         The inventors of the cinema were French brothers August and Luis Lumiere.

h.         The American film ‘Titanic’ was shot in 1996 by director Robert Lieberman.

i.           In 1910 the first film  was made in Hollywood by Griffith and his company and by 1940 it became famous as cinema industry. The first studio was named ‘Nestor Studio’.

j.           Between January 2005 and December 2009 559 films total were screened and bring more than $200 million to its actors.

k.         On the first ceremony of awarding three Oscars were for a male role,  female role and best film.

l.            The name of the first famous actress was Mary Pickford.

m.        In 1927 there was a grand revolution in the world of cinema: the addition of sound. The Warner brothers, founders of Warner Bros studios, created the first talkie “The Jazz Singers”

n.         Untill 1920 in Russian Empire there were screened more that 300 films and most of them were documentaries.

o.         The first Charlie Chaplin’s role was cat in fairy-tale ‘Cinderella’.

p.         Famous film director noticed Charlie Chaplin and invited him to cinema studio named ‘Key Stone Film’.

q.         The Lumiere’s apparatus was easy to use: in small wooden box there were an objective, mechanism to move photos and two cassettes. It was hand-moving.

Прямоугольник: скругленные углы: 1.	When was the first cinema festival?
2.	When was the first film shot?
3.	Who was the first director of a colored film?
4.	In how many films did Angelina Jolie star?
5.	When was the first colored film shot?
6.	What was the first Bred Pitt’s film?
7.	Who created the first film?
8.	In what year the film ‘Titanic’ was shot?
9.	For how many years was Hollywood built?
10.	How much money do actors earn?
11.	What was the first Oscar awarded for?
12.	What was the name of the first actress?
13.	Who is the author of the first talkie?
14.	What was the first film in Russia before revolution?
15.	What was the first Charlie Chaplin’s role?
16.	How did Charlie Chaplin appeared in cinema?
17.	How did the first camera work?






































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E. Ryazanov is a Russian director

who created a lot of comedies.

Warner Brothers are American producers

who founded WB company.

S. Eisenstein is a Russian director

who created ‘The Battleship Potemkin’.

‘Titanic’ is an American film

which won 11 Oscars.

L. Gaidai is a Russian director

who shot ‘The Caucasian Prisoner’.


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