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Методическая разработка занятия по иностранному языку для 1 курса СПО

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Государственное автономное профессиональное образовательное учреждение

Краснодарского края «Краснодарский гуманитарно-технологический колледж»                     



на заседании предметной                                                  

(цикловой) комиссии языкознания                                    Утверждаю

Председатель П(Ц)К                                                           Зам.директора по НМР

___________А.В.Роменский                                              ________ Н.И. Тутынина

«__» ____________2017 г.                                                  «__» ____________2017 г.









План проведения открытого урока

по дисциплине «Иностранный язык»


Тема: «My hobby»

«Мое увлечение»










Группа 22-18                                                                        Дата проведения: 21.02.2017

09.02.03 «Программирование в                                         Время проведения: 15:00

компьютерных системах»                                                   Кабинет 202

Преподаватель: Путылина В. Г.



Аннотация: предлагаемое занятие рекомендуется для проведения в группах 1 курса СПО, обучающихся по общеобразовательной программе.

Тема занятия:«My hobby. Мое увлечение»

Форма занятия: практическое занятие (комбинированное занятие)

Цели занятия:

·        познакомить учащихся с видами хобби на иностранном языке; 

·        развить навыки устного высказывания;

·        расширить лексический запас учащихся;

·        развить навыки восприятия иноязычной речи на слух.

Задачи занятия:

Образовательные: обучение вокабуляру, обучение чтению, обучение говорению, обучение аудированию.

Развивающие: активизировать употребление лексики по теме, формировать умение высказать своё мнение.

Воспитательные: формировать потребности в практическом использовании языка, развить у учащихся самостоятельность мышления, познакомить учащихся с современными видами хобби.

Применяемые технологии:

·        Личностно-ориентированное обучение;

·        Коммуникативные технологии;

·        Информационно-коммуникационные технологии (ИКТ);

·        Здоровье сберегающие технологии;

·        Саморазвивающие технологии

Формы работы на занятии: фронтальный опрос, групповая работа, индивидуальная работа, сотрудничество.

Наглядные пособия: доска, столы, стулья, проектор, интерактивная доска, компьютер, раздаточный материал, учебник, CD-диск, презентация.

Мультимедийные приложения: MSWord, MS Power Point.

Межпредметные связи: русский язык

Формирование ОК и ПК: ОК 1- 9





I. Организационный момент. Warm-up

Приветствие. Определение целей и задач занятия

Преподаватель: Good morning, dear students. How are you? Sit down, please. What is the date today? What’ s the weather like today?

Do you have much free time?

What is your favorite hobby?

Why do you like your hobby?

Are there any hobbies you would like to try?

Which hobbies do you think are the most difficult?

Which hobbies do you think are the most interesting?

·        Could you tell me the theme we are going to discuss today?

That’s right it’s hobby! Thank you very much.

Фонетическая зарядка:

Repeat after the teacher.

     What are little boys made of, made of?

     What are little boys made of?

     Frogs and snails

     And puppy-dogs’ tails,

     That’s what little boys are made of.

II. Презентация на тему «Хобби»

Now I’d like to meet you some kinds of hobbies. Look at the screen, read and translate, please.

III. Введение новой лексики

Hobby - увлечение

Concern - беспокойство

To share sbs ideas with sb. – делиться мыслями с кем-либо

Activity - деятельность

Entertainment - развлечения

Performanceспектакль, представление

To attend - посещать

Leisureотдых, досуг

Sense - чувство


Expectationожидание, надежды

Pursuit - занятие

To pass sbs free timeпроводить свободное время

Environment - экологический

Occupation - занятие

To surf the Internet – сидеть в Интернете

To go in for sport – заниматься спортом

Contestсостязание, конкурс


Calm - спокойный

Widespread - распространенный

Rabbit -кролик

Trick - трюк

Plant - растение

Cacti - кактусы

Motorbike - мотоцикл

Part - деталь

The World Wide Web – Всемирная паутина

Reggae - регги

Gainer - предпочтение

Fantasy - фэнтези

To develop - развиваться

To satisfy удовлетворять


IV. Обучение чтению. Reading

Do you remember our friend Alexander? Would you like to know his ideas about hobbies? Let’s read and translate the text using new words and expressions as prompts.

Alexander thinks that he has too many hobbies and too little time. He wants to share his concern with his friend Peter from Poland. As Peter is coming to Moscow only in two month’s time, Alexander decides to write him. But before writing an email, he puts his ideas in his diary:

“Nowadays it’s hard to name all the activities, entertainment and hobbies practiced by people in their free time. A growing number of people prefer watching films, performances, sporting events on TV to attending them. There exist quite different sorts of leisure activities which give thousands of people a sense of excitement and expectation. There are various pursuits that people choose to pass their free time. Today people spend hours watching Different informative, educational or environment programmes.  Other popular occupations are surfing the Internet, playing computer games, listening to the radio, reading books (e-books), painting and so on. Many people prefer to go in for different kinds of sports and lead an active way of life. Sometimes they participate in competitions or contests and have a very good past time. There are people that prefer a calm way of spending their free time. They are fond of walks in parks or gardens.  More serious people prefer to visit museums, art galleries or theaters.

Aerobics and shopping are two of the most popular pursuits for women. Cooking is also a very widespread activity among them. But nothing can be compared to your favorite hobby. A hobby is a special interest or activity that you do in your free time. Some people have animals as hobbies. They keep rabbits, or go fishing, or train dogs to do tricks. Some people are crazy about plants. They try to grow cacti or tropical flowers in their kitchens and sitting-rooms. Others are mad about their cars and motorbikes. They spend their Saturdays and Sundays washing them, painting them or buying new parts to make them go even faster. Many people make things as a hobby…


·         Now let’s have a rest.

Close your eyes and listen to me. Let’s pretend it’s summer. You are lying on a beach. The weather is fine. A light wind is blowing from the sea. The birds are singing. You have no troubles. No serious problems. You are quiet. Your brain relaxes. There is calm in your body. Nothing diverts your attention. You are relaxing.


V. Обучение говорению. Speaking.

Are these statements true or false? Сorrect the false ones.

1.     Alexander writes in his diary a list of all activities, entertainments and hobbies practiced by people in their free time. 

2.     Alexander has no hobby and wants to select one.

3.      He meets with his friends to discuss the problem.

4.     Hobbies give people a sense of excitement and expectation.

5.     Today people spend a lot of time watching different informative, educational or environment programmes.

6.     Women prefer aerobics, shopping and cooking.

7.     A hobby is an active pastime lie sport or training dogs.

8.     In order to relax most people prefer a calm way of spending their free time.

9.     Animals can also be a hobby.

10. People prefer ready-made things to hand-made ones.


VI. Обучение аудированию. Listening.

Listen to the text and name all Alexander’s hobbies. Listen again and check.

VII. Активизация вокабуляра. Vocabulary.

Divide into 3 groups, then take a card and call me

1.     hobbies which are more suitable for men, for women and for both:

playing chess, mountain climbing, astrology, reading , model trains collecting, animal communication, playing football, knitting, horse riding, photography, yoga, parachuting, riding motorbikes, cooking, exploring volcanoes and underwater caves, sewing, travelling, dancing, fishing, computers, fashion, windsurfing, playing the piano, aerobics in the water, collecting postcards, diving.

2.     Put the words under the following headings: knitting and sewing, drawing and cooking:

Watercolors, spoon, exhibition, wool, salt, album, frying pan, canvas, pattern, gas cooker, pencil, needle, food processor, sewing machine, cutting board, button, brush, scissors, knife, fabric, forceps, eraser, measuring tape, fork, mannequin, sketch, cotton, pepper, thread, paper, catalogue.

3.     And the last task for you! Listen to the text and try to guess what hobby is described:

I love to spend the winter thinking about what I want to plant. I enjoy cleaning out the beds in the spring and finding the little shoots coming out of the ground for another year. I love to plant annuals in my containers. I love to wander out in the mornings or evenings just to see what has grown since the last time I was out. It amazes me how fast some things grow!


VIII. Обучение говорению. Speaking.

Talk about your favourite hobby using the following prompts.

I have … (many, several, a  few, only one) hobbies/ hobby.

My favorite hobby is …

I enjoy …

It is … (expensive, cheap, free).

I do it … (alone, in a company).

This hobby is done … (inside, outside).

I love it because it’s … (funny, relaxing, intellectual …).

The best thing about my hobby is that …

But I dont like


IX. Подведение итогов. Выставление оценок.

Преподаватель подводит итоги занятия и оценивает работу учащихся, задаёт домашнее задание.

·        Your homework is to write an essay about your hobbies. (10-15 sentences)

·        Let’s sum up. What new did you learn today?

·        Will you try to study anything else about hobby?

·        You worked hard and your marks for today are …..

·        See you later! Thank you! Good-bye!




Hobbies for Men

Hobbies for Women

Hobbies for Both


playing chess, mountain climbing, astrology, reading , model trains collecting, animal communication, playing football, knitting, horse riding, photography, yoga, parachuting, riding motorbikes, cooking, exploring volcanoes and underwater caves, sewing, travelling, dancing, fishing, computers, fashion, windsurfing, playing the piano, aerobics in the water, collecting postcards, diving.


playing chess, mountain climbing, astrology, reading , model trains collecting, animal communication, playing football, knitting, horse riding, photography, yoga, parachuting, riding motorbikes, cooking, exploring volcanoes and underwater caves, sewing, travelling, dancing, fishing, computers, fashion, windsurfing, playing the piano, aerobics in the water, collecting postcards, diving.


playing chess, mountain climbing, astrology, reading , model trains collecting, animal communication, playing football, knitting, horse riding, photography, yoga, parachuting, riding motorbikes, cooking, exploring volcanoes and underwater caves, sewing, travelling, dancing, fishing, computers, fashion, windsurfing, playing the piano, aerobics in the water, collecting postcards, diving.

Knitting and Sewing

Drawing and Painting



Watercolors, spoon, exhibition, wool, salt, album, frying pan, canvas, pattern, gas cooker, pencil, needle, food processor, sewing machine, cutting board, button, brush, scissors, knife, fabric, forceps, eraser, measuring tape, fork, mannequin, sketch, cotton, pepper, thread, paper, catalogue, silk,


Watercolors, spoon, exhibition, wool, salt, album, frying pan, canvas, pattern, gas cooker, pencil, needle, food processor, sewing machine, cutting board, button, brush, scissors, knife, fabric, forceps, eraser, measuring tape, fork, mannequin, sketch, cotton, pepper, thread, paper, catalogue, silk,


Watercolors, spoon, exhibition, wool, salt, album, frying pan, canvas, pattern, gas cooker, pencil, needle, food processor, sewing machine, cutting board, button, brush, scissors, knife, fabric, forceps, eraser, measuring tape, fork, mannequin, sketch, cotton, pepper, thread, paper, catalogue, silk,


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