Инфоурок Английский язык Другие методич. материалыОткрытый урок по английскому языку на тему "Types of holidays and holiday activities" (6 класс)

Открытый урок по английскому языку на тему "Types of holidays and holiday activities" (6 класс)

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Unit 6 - Holidays and Travel

School: 31

Date: 21/02/2020

Teacher: Grushko T.A.

Grade: 6 A

Number present:


Theme of the lesson:

Types of holidays and holiday activities

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

6.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups

6.L5 understand most specific information and detail of supported, extended talk on a range general and curricular topics

6.S4 respond with limited flexibility at both sentence and discourse level to unexpected comments on a range of general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

·      Enlarge vocabulary on the topic

·      Use new vocabulary in the speech

·      Develop speaking and writing skills

Most learners will be able to:

·      Improve listening skill for understanding details of a conversation

Some learners will be able to:

·      Present the getting information clearly

Language objectives

Describing places and activities on holiday

Assessment criteria

• Expand vocabulary by topic
• Use new words in the speech
• Develop speaking and writing skills

Previous learning

Types of holidays, activities to do

Use of ICT

Computer to show a video, CD

Value links

Cooperation, respect to each other, collaborative work

Cross curricular links


Intercultural awareness

Travelling in Kazakhstan and abroad

Kazakh culture

Talking about what activities people do in Kazakhstan

Pastoral Care

To develop leadership skills      

To provide opportunity to work autonomously

To create a friendly atmosphere for collaborative work

Health and Safety

Make sure power cords are not a tripping hazard

Everyday classroom precautions


W – whole class discussion

I – individual work

P – pair work

G – group work

f – Formative assessment


Planned timings

Planned activities




7 minutes























I. Greetings:                                                                                                  Greeting students.

T. Hello my friends! How are you today? Fine thank you.

Reception “We are happy!”.                                                                   Establishes positive atmosphere in the classroom.

T. Let’s begin our lesson. All go to the blackboard and make please the circle, take your hands, look one another and say 3 times “We are happy!”.                                                                                 https://i.pinimg.com/originals/e0/eb/dd/e0ebddc2fe4b560c8ba49485df6bc0b4.jpg   https://yt3.ggpht.com/a/AGF-l7_k-KIalNwsnug33IGLBa-MeD2EwDWmMeXUVg=s900-c-k-c0xffffffff-no-rj-mo

Pupils divide into 2 groups by pictures.

Teacher divided students into 2 groups.                                                              1 group will be “Holiday”. 2 group will be “Travel”.

T. Very good! Thank you sit down please.

Clarifies and announces the topic and objectives of the lesson.

II. Brainstorming. (W)

T. Now look please the video.                                                                    Teacher focuses students on the main goal of the lesson.                                  T. Let’s guess the theme our lesson. Who guessed? Ok! You are right! The theme our lesson is “Types of holiday and holiday activities”.                       T. Look please at the blackboard and listen the lesson objectives. Students discuss learning objectives. 

Lesson objectives:                                                                                              •   You should enlarge vocabulary on the topic.                                                                  • You should use new vocabulary in the speech.                                                                •     You should develop speaking and writing skills.

Warming up: (W, I) Strategy “Questions – Answers”.                            T. Answer to my questions. Who quickly and correctly answers the question, he gets a point.

1.  Do you like travelling?                                                                                   2.  Would you like to travel around the world?                                                   3.           Which places would you like to visit?                                                             4.  Where do you usually stay when you travel? (in a hotel, campsite)                  5.          Where do you want to go on your spring holiday?                                          6.      Where do you want to go on your summer holiday?                                       7.  What activities do the people when they are visiting the Kazakhstan?     8.       What types of holiday do you know?

Assess learners orally.                                                                                   - Excellent!  Nice One! Super Job!

Students brainstorm all types of activities during holidays. Teacher gives the instructions and demonstrates presentation with the phrases about types of holiday and holiday activities.


Pre-teaching vocabulary: (G,P)                                                                       Speaking time approach                                                                     Teacher gives clear instructions and hands out the papers.                           Task 1. Students should match the words with the pictures and with their definitions. They have 3 minutes to get ready. Then read their answer to the class. For each correct answer they will get 1 point.


Task 1




    A learner

  • works in groups(pairs);
  • discusses and selects an appropriate

topical vocabulary on topic;

  • match the words with pictures and with their


Most able students will have the task without any support.

Less able students will have a minimal support as the pictures are given.

Teacher is monitoring while students are doing the task.

Peer checking.  Less able and most able students might work in pairs so they will help each other.

Teacher should drill the pronunciation of the words with the class.

Self-assessment sheet and teacher’s feedback.

Pre-speaking: (I, P)

Teacher demonstrates the presentation on CD through them students should make the sentences and the dialogue.                                              Students share their ideas in individually (pair).

Differentiated tasks.                                                                                        The task is for the Less able students                                                                 Task 2. Students should make the sentences. Which of the following do you like doing while on holiday? They have 3 minutes to get ready. Then say their answer to the class. Whoever makes the task faster gets a point.

safari, beach holiday, walking holiday, sightseeing holiday, skiing holiday, cruise 

  • sunbathe                                    go sightseeing   
  • take photographs                       visit museums                                           
  • send postcards                           go to the beach                                                                                                                                                                                     
  • swim in the sea                          go skiing    
  • buy souvenirs                            eat local dishes                                                                                                     
  • sit by the pool                            relax
  • stay at a hotel                             play in the snow                                                                                                                                                                              
  • stay in a tent                               enjoy nature 

For example: I like beach holidays. I usually go to the beach, sunbathe and swim in the sea.


Task 2




A learner

  • works individually;
  • discusses and selects an appropriate topical

vocabulary on topic;

  • divide the words into the types of holiday

and holidays activities.

  • makes the task faster


The task is for the Most able students                                                            Task 3. Students should make the dialogue. Which of the following do you like doing while on holiday? They have 5 minutes to get ready. Then say your answer to the class. Whoever makes the dialogue gets a point.


Task 3


A learner

·         works in pair;

·         makes the dialogue using topical vocabulary                                                                               on topic;

Then class discussion.

Self-assessment sheet and teacher’s feedback.

After-speaking: discussion. (G)                                                                                 The task is for the Less able students                                                                                                                                                  Task 4. Students should divide the words into the types of holiday and holidays activities. They have 2 minutes to get ready. Then read your answer to the class. Whoever makes the task faster gets a point.


Task 4




A learner

·         works in groups;

·         discusses and selects an appropriate topical

vocabulary on topic;

·         divide the words into the types of holiday and

holidays activities.

·         makes the task faster


The task is for the Most able students

Task 5. Put the words in the box under the following headings.

Types of holiday

Places where people stay on holiday

Places people visit on holiday

Things people do

on holiday

Problems people can have on holiday



























Beach, relax, sightseeing, hotel, excursion, youth hostel, camping,

safari, delays, sunbathing, farm stay, galleries, lost baggage, cruise,

museum, queues, crowds, tent, skiing



Task 5




A learner

·         works in groups;

·         discusses the vocabulary;

·         put the words in the box.


Self-assessment sheet and teacher’s feedback.

Reading task: (I,P)                                                                                            Teacher gives the instructions, explains success criteria and hands out the papers. Students should read the text carefully. Students will have to identify if the given sentences are correct (True) or incorrect (False).

Task 6. Read the text and mark sentences True or False.

Planning a Holiday

Sam and his friends want to go on holiday together. They usually spend their holidays at the beach. They looked at some holiday brochures, but are not sure where they want to go for their holiday. Sam likes city breaks and playing in the parks, but he doesn’t like camping. All his friends like beach holidays. His friend, Egor likes city breaks, but he also likes camping and city parks. Another friend, Nick likes to spend his holiday at the beach, but he doesn’t like city parks. He thinks they are noisy.

1.Sam’s friends spend their holidays in the village.   True   False     2.Sam enjoys city breaks.                                            True  False 3.Sam’s friends prefer beach holiday.                         True  False 4.Egor dislikes camping and city parks.                      True  False 5.All Sam’s like city parks.                                          True  False


Task 6


A learner

·         reads the text

·         marks sentences True and False

Teacher shows the answers on the presentation according to them students might check themselves. After self-assessment, teacher’s feedback. Teacher explains common mistakes. 


 1. False, 2. True, 3. True, 4. False, 5. False

Self-assessment sheet and teacher’s feedback.

(G, f) Speaking (Creative work) Task 7.

Learners work in a group of 6-7. Learners should present a mind map to the classmates. Learners brainstorm an appropriate vocabulary related to the topic Holidays and Travel.  They present their mind maps to the class. As a model you can show mind maps from different links.

Task 7. You should make a mind map on topic Holidays and travel. You have 5 minutes to get ready. Present your poster to the class. While speaking you should participate equally in presenting your ideas.



Task 7.





A learner

·         works in groups;

·         discusses and selects an appropriate topical vocabulary on topic;

·         conveys feelings and ideas clearly;

·         uses proper topical vocabulary.

The 1st group. Produce a poster “Mind map” about Holidays                 The 2nd group. Produce a poster “Mind map” about Travel

Let’s check the answers. Assess each other. Assess another group.

Task 8. In groups you should repeat useful vocabulary related to the topic «Holiday and Travel» and fill in the table with as many words as you can. How many words you write, how many points you get. 1 word is 1 point




























Task 8


A learner

·         Works in group

·         Discusses and select an appropriate topical vocabulary on topic

Self-assessment sheet and teacher’s feedback.



















Video https://yandex.kz/video/preview/?filmId=17068653536130389567&text=types+of+holidays+and+holiday+activities+video&where=all

PPT slide 1





PPT slide 2





Presentation CD English Grade 6_6.3A_Travel and Holidays pre-teaching vocabulary

Handout 1














CD English Grade 6_6.3A_Travel and Holidays                         PPT slide 3



Handout 2


















Handout 3











Handout 4








Handout 5





















Handout 6




















Handout 7

Poster, markers, pictures, glue

















Handout 8




30 minutes




























































3 minutes


Reflection: Air ballon (I)


Teacher asks students to take the pupils and to write:  


I learned ... to make sentences                                                                             I figured it out … how the types of holidays differ from the holidays activities                                                                                                                   I remembered…  I remember a lot of words                                                                   I can now… make a poster                                                                                     I can teach … my classmates how to make dialogs on the topic                                   I am proud that … I worked today and was active in the lesson

Teacher says students to sign students and put them in the basket. Now make a wish and let it be fulfilled.

Home task:  Write essay about “My dream holiday”

T. Our lesson is over! Goodbye children! See you later! I wish you to be happy.



FA sheet



Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Critical thinking

 Differentiation by the task in pre-teaching vocabulary and by individual support.


·      Teacher observes learners while students are discussing and makes records to provide constructive feedback

·      Students  assess themselves  according to the answers provided by the teacher

Critical thinking skill is developed through predictions the topic and meaning of new words.


Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic? Did all learners achieve the LO?

If not, why?

Did my planned differentiation work well?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan and why?

Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson. 


Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?





What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?





What have I learned from this lesson about the class or achievements/difficulties of individuals that will inform my next lesson?




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