Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыПлан - конспект урока « What kind of people do you admire? »

План - конспект урока « What kind of people do you admire? »

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Гимназия №64

7 «Д» класс

Гайтова Виктория Геннадиевна

Учитель: Вольфсон Марина Евгеньевна






Тема урока: « Do you have an example to follow? »


Подтема урока: « What kind of people do you admire? »


Учебная задача: совершенствование грамматических навыков говорения (придаточные …); развитие умения монологической речи


Сопутствующая задача: понимать на слух с целью полного понимания содержания; совершенствование ЛНГ

Книга для чтения: чтение с пониманием основного содержания, умение читать с полным пониманием, умение определять значение незнакомого слова по аналогии с родным языком/по знакомым элементам, умение соотносить (слова, картинки, тексты и т. д.), умение понимать скрытую идею текста.


Развивающая:  развить способности к соотнесению, выявлению языковых закономерностей, способности к формулированию выводов;


Воспитательная: сформировать способности осознавать свою культуру через контекст культуры англоязычных стран, чувства гордости за свою страну;


Социокультурная(развивающая): знакомство с известными людьми страны изучаемого языка и родной страны (Amelia Earhart, Mary Shelley, Charles Darwin, Charles Dickens, the Wright brothers, Pavel Nakhimov,

Nikolai Pirogov, Vladimir Vysotsky, Dmitry Mendeleev);


Речевой материал:

продуктивный: грамматический — relative clauses with whose;

рецептивный: лексический — what kind of; an army, a duty, royal (Книга для чтения).


Оснащение: учебник и дополнительная информация, рабочая тетрадь, книга для чтения


Учебник: Английский язык: учебник для 7 класса, общеобразовательных учреждений. В.П. Кузовлев, Н.М. Лапа, Ю.Н. Кобец, Э.Ш. Перегудова, О.В. Дуванова.





Этап урока

Речевая деятельность учителя

Речевая деятельность учеников






00:00                               00:00





Good day class. Take your seats.  I’m glad to see you.


Nice to meet you!






00:01                               00:01



2.Речевая разминка

Who is on duty today? What date is it today?

Who is absent today?

Ok, thank you.

Very good.

«Good» – answer in chorus

P1: I am on duty today. Today is March, 3.

All are present







00:03п                             00:02



3.Совершенствование ГНГ (придаточные …)


Let's do some exercises for which we did not have time yesterday

In your Activity book on page 95 №1 you need to make sentences using who and whose

But first of all let's refresh our knowledge and review the rules for the use of relative clause (p.203)


Приложение №1


P1 - A good doctor is someone who treats sick people well. A good doctor is someone whose patients feel good.

P2 - A good writer is someone who writes interesting books. A good writer is someone whose books are sold in many countries

P3 - …

Рабочая тетрадь стр. 95-96 №1

Учащиеся выполняют упражнение 1 из Рабочей тетради. В упражнении учащиеся трансформируют два простых предложения в одно, используя придаточные предложения с союзными словами whose и who.






Упр.по соверш-ю: подстановка


Another task, open your book on page 132 №3. In this exercise you need to use who or whose

Приложение №2



P1 - My hero is Pavel Nakhimov (1802—1855). He was a Russian admiral who won many sea battles

P2 - I admire Nikolai Pirogov (1810—1881). He was a famous doctor who saved many people after many battles

Учебник стр. 132

Учащиеся должны правильно использовать союзные слова

whose и who.





4.Проверка домашнего задания

Развитие умения в чтении

At home you read a text. ( reader, p 54 and now tell me please: What this story is about?

Ok, that is right, thank you. Now let`s do some exercises. ( раздаточный материал,

Приложение №3

1.Answer the following questions, please:

- Who is Helen Sharman?

- What did she carry with her?

-Where did Helen Sharman work?

-Whad did Miss Sharman say when she left the capsule?

2. Say if the statements are true of false. If it is false correct them.

- Helen Sharman, 28-year-old and from Briston -

-Hellen Sharman carried with her only a photograph of the Queen-

-Miss Sharman was a chemist. +

-Miss Sharman was chosen from over 10.00 persons to be the British member of the Russian space mission -

- Miss Sharman doesn`t speak Russian well.-

- Miss Sharman spent 8 days in space+

- Miss Sharman works as a lecturer and broadcaster in science education. +


Right you are, thank you, very good.

So, let’s revise your home task. Ex№ 2 and 3.


P1 This story is about the first British astronaut.

Ученики отвечают на вопросы по тексту.
Выполняют упражнение
True or false.


Книга для чтения стр.54

раздаточный материал.

Осуществляется проверка д/з, ученики задают вопросы, если таковые присутствуют






Today we continue to speak about outstanding people who made important contributions to the history of the country.











6.Совершенствование ЛНГ



Now, let`s refresh our memory and go over the words and phrases that you learnt at the previous lessons.

Close your books and copybooks and translate the following words.

Lesson 1

an action

an astronaut ['æstrənɔːt]

a century

to commemorate [kə'meməreɪt] – чтить память

a cosmonaut ['kɔzmənɔːt]

courage - мужество

to develop

a disease

a hero

to invent

an inventor - изобретатель

a leader

a machine


a scientist


to treatотноситься; лечить



Lesson 2



Lesson 3

what kind of


Lesson 5


to be with

on the other hand


Lesson 6

to grow up

sick – больной



an army


a duty


to envy

to make a launch – запускать, делать запуск

a mission



Ученики переводят слова устно

Учебник, стр. 142

Данные лексические единицы были введены 2 урока назад. Осуществляется их повторение, так как через один урок ученикам предстоит писать по данным словам диктант. Учитель произносит слова, ученики должны их перевести с русс. на англ. и наоборот










5. Развитие умения говорения: монолог


Let’s recollect the famous people we have learnt about recently

And now, tell me please, what other famous people do you know.

Tell me, please
Who is:

-Valentina Tereshkova

-Alexander Suvorov

-Leif Eriksson

- Elizabeth Anderson

- Captain James Cook

-Richard Burbage

-Vasili Livanov

-Ivan Pavlov

Ok, thank you, very good.

P1.  - V. Tereshkova is the first woman cosmonaut.

P2  - Alexander Suvorov was a great military leader

P3 -  Leif Eriksson was the first European to land in North America

P4 – Elizabeth Anderson was the first English doctor to treat people.

P5 – Captain James Cook was the first European to come to the South Pole.

P6- Richard Burbage was the first English actor to play the role of Hamlet

P7- Vasili Livanov was the only Russian actor to get a British Order for the role of Sherlock Holmes

P8 – Ivan Pavlov was the first to get a Nobel Prize in medicine


Учебники и тетради закрыты

Выполняется проверка остаточных знаний учеников





I invite you to assess your work independently how well you have learned the new material. if you understood everything you need to clap your hands loudly and vice versa if the material of the lesson was difficult and was not clear to you then clap your hands quieter


Ученики хлопают в ладоши


При помощи данной манипуляции учитель может отследить кто из детей хорошо усвоил информацию, а у кого остались пробелы 





7.Подведение итогов урока/

Выставление оценок

And now let's refresh our knowledge and review the rules about relative clauses with whose. Give me examples of using this structure


Thank you for the lesson, I liked it very much.

P1. Deserves a good mark…..


At home you should…

In your Reader on page 55 you need to make tasks №2.1, №2.2, 2.3 and №2.4

Moreover, you have to be ready to write dictation


P1 - A good writer is someone who writes interesting books

P2 - …







Записывают д/з; задают вопросы.











Тетрадь для чтения стр. 55


Подготовка к диктанту


Ученики рассказывают правило и приводят свои примеры







Объяснение выполнения домашнего задания






Правила на повторение


*** Relative clauses with whose

Придаточные определительные с союзным словом whose


Когда мы описываем то, что связано с человеком, предметом, мы используем придаточное определительное предложение с союзным словом whose:

I like people whose ideas can change the world for the better.

Мне нравятся люди, чьи идеи могут изменить мир к лучшему.



*** Infinitive as an attribute

Неопределённая форма глагола в качестве определения


Когда мы сообщаем, что кто-либо стал первым, последним, единственным, совершив какое-либо действие и т. д., мы используем неопределённую форму глагола в функции определения после the first, the last, the only.

На русский язык такая конструкция переводится с помощью придаточного определительного предложения:

Leif Eriksson was the first European to land in North America in the eleventh century.

Лиф Эриксон был первым европейцем, который высадился в Северной Америке в одиннадцатом веке.






Приложение №1



1)      A good doctor treats sick people well. His patients feel good

2)      A good writer writes interesting books. His books are sold in many countries

3)      A good singer chooses wonderful songs. His songs are liked and sung everywhere

4)      A good engineer invents new machines. His machines work well.

5)      A good sportsman wins championships. His results are always high

6)      A good architect creates beautiful buildings. His buildings are often interesting for tourists

7)      A good actor can play different roles. His roles are wonderful






Ключи к упражнению 1 из Рабочей тетради:

1) A good doctor is someone who treats sick people well. A good doctor is someone whose patients feel good. 2) A good writer is someone who writes interesting books. A good writer is someone whose books are sold in many countries. 3) A good singer is someone who chooses wonderful songs. A good singer is someone whose songs are liked and sung everywhere. 4) A good engineer is someone who invents new machines. A good engineer is someone whose machines work well. 5) A good sportsman is someone who wins championships. A good sportsman is someone whose results are always high. 6) A good architect is someone who creates beautiful buildings. A good architect is someone whose buildings are often interesting for tourists. 7) A good actor is someone who can play different roles. A good actor is someone whose roles are wonderful.






Приложение №2



1) My hero is Pavel Nakhimov (1802—1855). He was a Russian admiral who won many sea battles. 2) I admire Nikolai Pirogov (1810—1881). He was a famous doctor who saved many people after many battles. 3) I like listening to the old songs of the Time Machine (Mashyna Vremeni). It is a popular Russian rock group whose music attracts many people and whose songs are nice to listen to. 4) I admire the works of Vladimir Vysotsky (1938—1980). He was a poet who wrote many popular songs. And he was an actor whose roles in theatre performances and films made him famous. 5) I ad151 mire the pictures of Vassily Surikov (1848—1916). He is a well-known Russian painter whose pictures show the life in old Russia. 6) I like the plays of Alexander Ostrovsky (1823—1886). He was a popular dramatist who wrote many wonderful plays. 7) Dmitry Mendeleev (1834—1907) was a great Russian scientist whose Periodic Table was a revolution in chemistry.




Приложение № 3



Do you have an example to follow?



1. Answer the following questions, please:

1)   Who is Helen Sharman?

2)   What did she carry with her?

3)   Where did Helen Sharman work?

4)   What did Miss Sharman say when she left the capsule?


2. Say if the statements are true of false. If it is false correct them.

a)    Helen Sharman is 28 years and she is from Briston

b)   Hellen Sharman carried with her only a photograph of the Queen

c)    Miss Sharman was a chemist.

d)   Miss Sharman was chosen from over 10.000 persons to be the British member of the Russian space mission

e)    Miss Sharman doesn’t speak Russian well.

f)     Miss Sharman spent 8 days in space

g)   Miss Sharman works as a lecturer and broadcaster in science education.












Text 1

Yuri Gagarin was a Soviet cosmonaut and the first person to orbit the Earth. He was born in the Smolensk region. Yuri Gagarin  was a worldwide hero. Gagarin and his historical flight are remembered officially in many ways. Nowadays  his courage serves as an example for many people of the world.

Valentina Tereshkova was the first woman-cosmonaut to make a space flight. She made 48 orbits of the Earth. Tereshkova spent almost 3 days in space. On the 6th  of March Valentina Tereshkova celebrated her the 75th jubilee. 


Text 2

Nikita Mikhalkov is a worldwide known Russian film- maker and an actor. He got an Oscar for his film ‘Burnt by the sun’. His films are known all over the world.

Fyodor Bondarchuk is a Russian film director. He is a producer of the film ‘Heat’ and the film ‘The 9th Company’. Also he presents several programmes on the STS network ( channel).Both of them  are attractive and good-looking men.


1. Fill in the gaps with the words:

He was a worldwide….

Gagarin and his historical….. are remembered officially in many ways.

His….. serves as an example for many people.

Valentina Tereshkova was the 1st …. to make a space flight…

On the 6th of March , 2012  she

……the 75th her…..

Woman-cosmonaut       celebrated      jubilee      hero     flight       courage


2. Say if it is true or false:

V.Tereshkova is a ballet dancer.

Y.Gagarin was an astronaut

V.Tereshkova made 48 orbits of the Earth

She celcbrated her jubilee on the 6th of February

V.Tereshkova spent almost 3 days in space


3. Put the sentences in logical order:

His courage serves as an example for many people of the world

Gagarin was born the Smolensk region

He was the worldwide hero

Y.Gagarin was the first person to orbit the Earth


4. Choose the right variant:

F.Bondarchuk is a producer of the…

a) a cartoon    b) a film   c) an opera

N.Mikhalkov is a worldwide known….

a) a cosmonaut   b) a sportsman    c) a film maker

He got for his film

a) an Oscar     b) flowers    c) a present
















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Краткое описание документа:

Данный урок проводится по плану в соответствии с тематическим планированием. Объем нового материала оптимальный по учебной программе, базируется на уже имеющейся в опыте учащихся систему знаний. Урок комбинированного типа: позволяет закрепить  лексический  материал  по теме «Whatkindofpeopledoyouadmire?» и грамматический материал  по теме «Relativeclauses» и «Infinitiveasanattribute».  Включает все основные виды  деятельности: чтение и говорение. Урок построен с учётом средних способностей обучающихся (при построении собственных высказываний ученик опирается на ключевую фразу - клеше, которую видит перед собой, что помогает сформировать у детей навыки устной речи). На данном уроке использовались различные методические приемы, методы и средства: групповая работа, беседа, фронтальная работа, индивидуальная работа. Методические приёмы соответствовали возрастным и психологическим особенностям учащихся, целям, поставленным в начале урока

В основе урока лежит личностно - деятельностный подход, урок способствует развитию коммуникативной, социокультурной, кооперативной, поисковой компетенции.

Так же имеются приложения и  дополнительный материал по теме урок, способствующие автоматизации навыков.

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