Инфоурок Иностранные языки ПрезентацииПрезентация по английскому языку на тему Canada

Презентация по английскому языку на тему Canada

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  • Maple leave

    1 слайд

    Maple leave

  • CanadaThe title of the lesson:

    2 слайд

    The title of the lesson:

  • Geographical location: … north of Northern America.
Capital: … 
Total area: …...

    3 слайд

    Geographical location: … north of Northern America.
    Capital: …
    Total area: … square kilometres.
    Population: …people.
    Principal towns: … Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal.
    The longest river: … Mackenzie
    Principal industries: … zink, nickel, gold, coppers.
    Head of State … Queen … represented by …
    Animals: …
    National emblems: …
    Tell about Canada using the chart:

  • Geographical position

    4 слайд

    Geographical position

  • 1  All Great lakes are situated in Canada.2 People speak American English in...

    5 слайд

    1 All Great lakes are situated in Canada.
    2 People speak American English in Canada.
    3 The second official language in Canada is Spanish.
    4 The capital of the country is Ottawa.
    5 There live 18 mln people.
    6 In size Canada is the second in the world after Russia.
    7 Canada consists of two states and six territories.
    8 Machine-building became the first important industry in Canada.
    9 Canada’s natural resources are rich.

  • 2.	Match the dates with the facts of Canada.              40, 330,000  , 33...

    6 слайд

    2.Match the dates with the facts of Canada.
    40, 330,000 , 33 , 1931 , 2 , 10, 25.000
    1. In the country there are ____ Indians and _____ Eskimos, who live mostly in the north.
    2. Today more than ____ per cent of the people of Canada came originally from Britain
    3. The population of Canada is over ______ million people.
    4. There are _______ provinces and three territories in Canada
    5. Canada is the _______ largest country in the world.
    6. in ______Canada became independent from Britain

  • 2.	Match the dates with the facts of Canada. 
1. In the country there are 330...

    7 слайд

    2.Match the dates with the facts of Canada.

    1. In the country there are 330,000 Indians and 25.000
    Eskimos, who live mostly in the north.
    2. Today more than 40 per cent of the people of Canada came originally from Britain
    3. The population of Canada is over 33 million people.
    4. There are 10 provinces and three territories in Canada
    5. Canada is the 2 _ largest country in the world.
    6. In 1931 Canada became independent from Britain

  • What Do You Know about Canada?What is the capital of Canada?

    8 слайд

    What Do You Know about Canada?
    What is the capital of Canada?
    Which city is the largest?
    What is Canada’s nearest neighbour?
    The USA
    What is a popular Canadian animal?
    What is the national tree in Canada?
    What is the official Languages in Canada?
    English and French

  • Animals in Canada:Text with picturesOur planet is home for many animals. They...

    9 слайд

    Animals in Canada:Text with pictures
    Our planet is home for many animals. They live everywhere. The fauna of Canada can be grouped into mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fish, birds, and insects. Canada is known for its mammals such as American bison, Arctic hare , beaver, black bear,
    Canada lynx, reindeer , coyote, grizzly bears, gray wolf, red fox, lemming, meadow mice and many others. , (белка) and (заяц) live in the forest. (лягуш) lives in the lake. е lives in the field. And (летучая lives in the dark places.

  • Our project work

    10 слайд

    Our project work

  • Homework: to search the Internet and find more information about Canada,

    11 слайд

    to search the Internet and find more information about Canada,

  • It is situated on the bank 
of the Ottawa river

    12 слайд

    It is situated on the bank
    of the Ottawa river

  • The Skylon Tower

    13 слайд

    The Skylon Tower

  • Dinosaur park

    14 слайд

    Dinosaur park

  • Parliament Building

    15 слайд

    Parliament Building

  • Oscar Peterson  Famous CanadiansPamela 
Jim Carrey Joseph Jacques

    16 слайд

    Oscar Peterson 
    Famous Canadians

    Jim Carrey
    Joseph Jacques
    Omer Plante
    Joni Mitchell
    Keanu Reeves,

  • “What do you know about Canada?”
( at the beginning of the next lesson)

    17 слайд

    “What do you know about Canada?”
    ( at the beginning of the next lesson)

  • 1. Canada is the… country in the world
a) Largest
b) Fifth largest
c) Second...

    18 слайд

    1. Canada is the… country in the world
    a) Largest
    b) Fifth largest
    c) Second largest
    d) Third largest
    2. There are … provinces and three territories in Canada
    a) 50
    b) 12
    c) 10
    d) 8
    3. Canada is …
    a) a federal republic
    b) a parliamentary republic
    c) a monarchy
    d) an independent federative state

  • 4. Canada is situated on the … American continent
a) West
b) North
c) East

    19 слайд

    4. Canada is situated on the … American continent
    a) West
    b) North
    c) East
    d) South
    5. Canada is very … in forest, minerals and fur-bearing animals.
    a) rich
    b) poor
    6. Official languages of Canada are English and… .
    a) Italian
    b) Spanish
    c) German
    d) French

  • 7. The capital of Canada is … .
a) London
b) Moscow
c) Ottawa
d) Liverpool8....

    20 слайд

    7. The capital of Canada is … .
    a) London
    b) Moscow
    c) Ottawa
    d) Liverpool
    8. Canadian industries produce … .
    a) toys (игрушки)
    b) cars
    c) produce (продукты)
    d) clothes

  • 9. Its area is almost … million square kilometers.
a) 10
b) 20
c) 30
d) 4010....

    21 слайд

    9. Its area is almost … million square kilometers.
    a) 10
    b) 20
    c) 30
    d) 40
    10. It is famous for its … parks.
    a) terrible (ужасный)
    b) wonderful (замечательный)
    c) awful (страшный)
    d) beautiful

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