Инфоурок Английский язык ПрезентацииПрезентация- проектная работа по английскому языку"Потенциал-2022"(10класс)

Презентация- проектная работа по английскому языку"Потенциал-2022"(10класс)

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«Communication without borders»

The project was carried out by Victoria Verenikina, a student of the 10th "A" class, under the guidance of Zh.I. Lobanova,

English language teacher















Antoine de Saint-Exupery said: “The only real luxury is the luxury of human communication”.








I. Introduction II. Main body:

1.   The most popular foreign language

2.   English in the world

3.   English as a way of communication

4.   Volunteering

5.   Olympic games

6.   Coronovirus

7.   Survey

III.  Conclusion









I. Introduction

The modern world is becoming smaller all the time. Every day distances between different countries seem less. For this reason it’s becoming more and more important to know different languages, especially English. 

1. What is the most common language in the world?

¢ First and foremost, English is the most widely spoken language in the world, not only because of the great number of native speakers, but also because so many people learn it as a foreign language. It is the official language on 6 out of 7 continents (65% of native speakers are Americans).

¢ It’s a well-known fact that English has its position owing  to the British Empire, the largest state in the history of mankind. The power had colonies all over the planet, and its area reached 32 million km². In Australia, New Zealand, India, the USA, Canada and many former colonies, English still has the status of an official language. 

¢ As far as I am concerned, statistics for 2021 shows that approximately 1.35 billion people around the world speak English nowadays. This is 17% of the world's population.

¢ Also, English is recognized as an official language by law in 55 countries around the world. This is 28.5% of the countries of the world.

¢ I want to highlight that English is the language of science and technology, innovation, business and trade, politics and diplomacy, it isn’t surprising that so many people around the world want to learn it.

2. Why do I need English?

¢ Increase your value in the labor market.

Firstly, when hiring an employee the office manager is always interested in whether he speaks any foreign languages. Competition between specialists is very high today, and if you know a foreign language, the chances of successful and promising employment are significantly increasing.






¢ Memory training.  

Secondly, when you learn a new language, you remember new information, therefore, your memory works better. In the era of information flows, it is very important to train your brain.

¢ Doubtless, the ability to watch movies without translation, as well as many different programs is very important. English is an international language, as a result, most of the television channels broadcast in it.

¢ Travelling.  

However, not forget that learning English is especially important for travellers. When vacationing abroad, you will never experience discomfort. You will easily find a common language with the locals, you will be able to communicate with sellers at the markets and in shops, you will never get lost in the city. And finally, knowledge of English will allow you to get to know a new country better.

3. English as a way of communication.

¢ It can’t be denied that knowledge of English is a unique opportunity to expand the borders of communication. Thanks to the Internet today, we can easily talk with residents of other countries. If you know English, you can easily make new friends and acquaintances, learn more about the culture and the heritage of different countries.

¢ Even when travelling, you can find new acquaintances and spend time together. If you want to learn more about the country at first hand, then you have the opportunity to get to know the locals and ask them all the questions you are interested in.

¢ And for those who are still in the process of learning English, but know the basics, this is a chance to communicate with inhabitants and get practice in speaking.

4. Volunteering

¢ One should accept that there are volunteers everywhere: people who help others in a variety of activities. Knowing English, you can help people in different countries, gain experience and benefit around the world.



¢ There are kind souls in every corner of the world who want to help others. Likeminded people can get together and act in groups, thereby gaining the opportunity to do more useful things.

5. Olympic games

¢ Now the Winter Olympic Games are taking place, where participants from all over the world have gathered. In order to communicate with each other, you need a language that everyone knows, and, of course, it is English.

¢ It’s a well-known fact that athletes, judges, commentators communicate and work in English.

6. Coronovirus

¢ Due to the severe viral situation, symposiums are held all over the world, doctors conduct research and, of course, different countries share their scientific discoveries and experiments with each other. And even here, everyone speaks English.

¢ It also happens that tourists get sick in other countries and to get medical help, you need to know English.

7. Survey

To confirm my theory, I conducted a survey among the students of my school and teachers. Let's look at its results.

¢ 2. Have you ever been asked about your knowledge of English at an interview?

¢ 3. Do you have friends who speak English?

¢ 4. Have you managed to meet anyone in other countries?





¢ 5. Has English helped you find information in the Internet?











¢ To sum up, we should also point out that  English isn’t just a subject at school, it is a language for communicating people from all over the world, it is an opportunity to learn the culture and mentality of other countries, study and work in large, international companies, travel and help people around the world. Teach it, develop it, and then a great number of opportunities will open up to you!









List of sources and materials

¢ https://ienglish.ru/blog/angliyskiy-dlia-turistov/angliiskiy-yazik-dliaputeshestviy/zachem-puteshestvenniky-angliyskiy

¢ https://www.englishpatient.org/articles/pochemu-vazhno-znat-anglijskij#

¢ https://englex.ru/english-as-an-international-language/

¢ https://infourok.ru/doklad-angliyskiy-samiy-populyarniy-yazik-v-mire3834566.html

¢ https://lingvohabit.com/blog/v-kakix-stranax-govoryat-na-angliiskom-yazyke



















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    «Английский язык (базовый уровень)», Вербицкая М.В., Маккинли С., Хастингс Б., Каминс Д. Карр, Парсонс Д, Миндрул О.С. / Под ред. Вербицкой М.В.


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