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Проектно-исследовательская работа "По следу Вифлиеемской звезды... "

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Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное  учреждение

«Средняя общеобразовательная школа №4 г. Щигры Курской области»



Проектно-исследовательская работа


«По следу Вифлеемской звезды…»




                                                                                        Работу выполнил:

                                                                              Борзенкова Екатерина -

                                                                                     обучающаяся  9 «а»


                                                                                               Полякова Н. Н.

                                                                     учитель иностранных языков




                                                                  Щигры,    2016 год                        


ЦЕЛИ моего проекта ПРОЕКТА:

·         Воспитание у школьников толерантности, интереса и уважения не только к культуре своей страны, но и к другим культурам  (к культуре Великобритании).

·         Развитие устойчивого интереса к русской народной культуре  и повышение эффективности духовно-нравственного воспитания в процессе ознакомления с православными праздниками.

 В ходе работы над проектом  мною были поставлены следующие задачи :

·         Повышать интеллектуальный уровень школьников, формировать интерес к культуре и традициям Великобритании и России.

·         Воспитывать чувства причастности к русской культуре, обществу, которое дорожит своим прошлым, как достоянием.

·         Помочь школьникам понять сходство и различие празднования Рождества в России и Великобритании.

·         Обучаться поиску информации, её анализу и синтезу.

·         Формировать готовность к выражению  собственного мнения и суждений.

·         Формировать лингвистические навыки, и уметь  излагать свои мысли на английском языке.

·         Учиться представлять результаты исследования в электронном виде (презентации, публикации).

В чём актуальность темы моей работы:

·         На Руси праздники нередко называли Божьими днями, а их основной цикл - Святками, т.е. святыми днями. Сходное значение имеет слово «праздник» и в английском языке: holiday- «святой день».

·         Праздники переключают наш эмоциональный строй на более возвышенный лад, обращая к глубинным истокам бытия. Праздник дает ощущение полноты жизни, осознание себя частью единого общества, чувство приобщения к единству мироздания, поддерживает духовное здоровье народа.

·         Праздник объединяет людей, устанавливая преемственность глубоких национальных традиций. В большинстве случаев, эти традиции имеют сходства с традициями родной страны.

 Отсюда  возникает  Основополагающий вопрос всего проекта:

Почему люди празднуют Рождество Христово?

 А ,исходя из основополагающего вопроса,  можно вывести проблемные вопросы:

1.       Кто такой Иисус Христос?

2.       В чём сущность Рождества Христова?

3.       Как люди в Великобритании и на Руси готовились к Рождеству?

4.       Санта Клаус и Дед Мороз - кто они такие? Где они живут?

 В итоге «родилась» Гипотеза:

Если мы будем знать особенности празднования Рождества  разными народами, то сможем лучше понять душу этих народов.


     Let’s start my   public speech.  And I will tell you  some facts from History of Christmas :

    There is  Problem question here :  What is the origin of Christmas?


  Christmas is a Born of God’s Son.  We begin to count years from the birth of Jesus Christ. Today is 2016 so it is 2016 years since the time when Jesus Christ was born.  New Year and Christmas holidays are very near to each other.  We celebrate Christmas in our country  according to new calendar—on 7th of January and in Great Britain people celebrate it according to old calendar—on 25th of December


   Christmas is a religious holiday. It is devoted to birth of Christ  and it is based on the Bible events.


  There is a strict fast before Christmas. It lasts 40 days.  The last day of the fast and the day before Christmas is called Christmas Eve. The Russian word  сочельник  is from word  сочиво. It is a mix of corns and berries.  People can eat only this dish during the day.  They must not eat till the first star appears on the sky.

   Twelve days after Christmas till the Epiphany are called holly days. People do not fast during these days.

Holly days are not only joy and fun.  It is a tradition to attend Christmas services, to make charity things.


 What are differences in Celebration of Christmas in these countries?

 And we have another Problem question: How do people celebrate Christmas in Great Britain and Russia?


   From the end of November people in Great Britain arrange Christmas Sales, buy presents, decorate houses, offices, streets, make competitions.

 Children wait for Santa-Claus, write letters to him, put stockings for presents on their beds or above the fire-place.

 Religious people go to Christmas service. It starts in the midnight. The other people gather at Christmas table.

  There are many different  Christmas traditions of Great Britain: But Carol singing is a traditional part of Christmas. In the evening children come to the door of a house and sing for a person who lives in this house. Then he or she gives children nuts and candies.

There are many interesting and beautiful Symbols of Christmas in Great Britain:

Candles and Christmas tree,  

Bells and Christmas wreath,  

Christmas presents and Candy cane

Christmas log  and Holly







  And what about Orthodox Christmas?  Calm quiet holiday People celebrate it in families.

Churches organize services, make Christmas mysteries. People go round carol singing, sing hymns to Christ and  health to hosts of the house.

         Traditional Christmas dinner in the UK always includes a Turkey with potatoes, carrots and other vegetables. After dinner follows the Christmas pudding and  tea.


   We, Russian, are very  hospitable and generous people.  Christmas menu in Russia is another: Baked goose with apples; Meat jelly; Salted cucumbers, apples, potatoes and Cakes, biscuits for carol singers.

   Decoration of Christmas tree is a real art. English people usually use 1-2 colours in decoration of the tree. They decorate it with balls, bells and bows.

   In Russia we decorate a tree before New Year and it usually stands till Christmas. Russian people have traditional style of decoration. They use different types of toys, balls and garlands. We put a star on the top of the tree. Public houses the Russians often decorate with electric garlands. But they usually do not decorate their houses outside.

  And  I am sure that all children have only one Problem question: Santa-Claus and Father Frost, who are they?

   At first I try to find Who is Santa-Claus?

Santa-Claus is not a gnome or a fairy-tale person, he is a real man. His name is Nicolay, he was an episcope from Myra, in Turkey. He helps poor and unhappy people and put gold money in their shoes and put cakes on the windows. After his death he becomes Saint . The pilgrims from different countries in North America begin to call him Father Frost. In Great Britain he is called Father Christmas.

And who is Father Frost?  Father Frost is a necessary person for our New Year.  He has a very long origin story. On Christmas Eve in Russia women cry “Frost, Frost, go and eat Kutya”.   According to another version Father Frost and Santa-Claus have a common ancestor- episcope St. Nicolaus.   According to the third version Father Frost is  God of Winter.

Santa-Claus lives in Laplandia .  And Father Frost lives in Velikiy Ustjug .

   Every year there is a very big Christmas tree in the centre of London, in Trafalgar Square. This is a present from the people of Norway to the people of Great Britain. They send a Christmas tree to Londoners every year. Londoners decorate the Christmas tree. In the evening before Christmas people like to come to Trafalgar Square.

   Every year there is a very big Christmas tree in the centre of Moscow, in Red Square.  Many people and thousands of tourists come here to see our city.







       Conclusions of my project:

       Russia and Great Britain have different religions  and they celebrate Christmas in different days because they use old and new calendars.

        Legend about Jesus Christ born is based on the Bible.

        There are 40 days fast before Christmas.

       Traditions of celebration Christmas in Great Britain and Russia are very various.

       There are both church and folk traditions.

       The main traditions of Christmas celebration in Great Britain are similar with Russian but there are a few different.

       Christmas symbols are the same for the whole Christian world.

       Both Russia and Great Britain has the tradition to decorate houses for Christmas holiday and to pack presents, but each country has its differences

       In Russia we put presents under the tree, in Great Britain they put them in special stockings and boxes.

       Both countries have the tradition to set Christmas table but the dishes are different.

       During my search I learn a lot of new information about familiar Santa-Claus and Father Frost.

       I  think that the information which we get will help us to understand better Christmas holiday and like it as a miracle.

В заключение моего выступления хочу сделать следующий вывод - Какие бы ни были традиции, блюда, символы Рождества, оно является одним из самых  любимых праздников людей любой национальности и вероисповедания.

 Благодарю вас всех за внимание.








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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • По следу Вифлеемской звезды…Автор проекта: 

Борзенкова Екатерина

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    По следу Вифлеемской звезды…
    Автор проекта:

    Борзенкова Екатерина
    обучающаяся 9 класса «А»

    Руководитель проекта:
    Полякова Н. Н.
    учитель иностранных языков

    МБОУ «СОШ №4 г. Щигры Курской области»

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    Развитие устойчивого интереса к русской народной культуре и повышение эффективности духовно-нравственного воспитания в процессе ознакомления с православными праздниками.

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    Праздник объединяет людей, устанавливая преемственность глубоких национальных традиций. В большинстве случаев, эти традиции имеют сходства с традициями родной страны.

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    People decorate houses, offices, streets, make competitions.

  • All the family gathers together pupils and students have holidays, adult peo...

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    All the family gathers together pupils and students have holidays, adult people have day offs.
    Children wait for Santa-Claus, write letters to him, put stockings for presents on their beds or above the fire-place.
    Religious people go to Christmas service. It starts in the midnight. The other people gather at Christmas table.

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    Balls-masquerades and pantomimes
    Christmas services
    Fairs and sales
    New programs in theatres, concert-halls.

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  • Orthodox Christmas Calm quiet holiday 
People celebrate it in families

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    Orthodox Christmas
    Calm quiet holiday
    People celebrate it in families
    Churches organize services, make Christmas mysteries.
    People go round carol singing, sing hymns to Christ and wish welfare and health to hosts of the house.
    On Christmas Eve and Holy days people tell fortunes.

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Night of candles.
Candle is the light of Jesus Christ. T...

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    Night of candles.
    Candle is the light of Jesus Christ. There is a tradition to decorate houses with candles, lanterns, garlands.
    Christmas tree
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    Christmas wreath
    a wreath from evergreen tree with for candles, they symbolize Christ’s wreath

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Christmas Day is the holiday in Great Britain. It is...

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    Candy cane
    Solid caramel stick in the form of a cane is another attribute of Christmas in the UK. It is traditionally white with red stripes, and has a taste of mint and cinnamon. Form treats symbolizes the cane of the shepherd, because shepherds were among the first apostles. In addition, this form resembles the letter "J", which is the first letter of the name of Christ (Jesus).

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    Christmas log was prepared in England for the year before Christmas. On the feast of the Nativity of the wood from this tree brought into the house only the head of the family . The log was supposed to burn for twelve days and nights.

    Christmas log

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Christmas pudding (people often put...

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    Traditional Christmas dishes in England

    Christmas pudding (people often put a coin in it and the wish of a person who gets it will come true.

    Fry turkey or goose.

    Sand biscuits and cakes.

    Drinks – el and glint wine

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Meat jelly;
Salted cu...

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    Christmas menu in Russia
    Baked goose with apples
    Meat jelly;
    Salted cucumbers, apples
    Drinks from cranberry and foxberry
    Cakes, biscuits for carol singers

  • 27 слайд

  • Decoration of Christmas Tree in EnglandDecoration of Christmas tree is a real...

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    Decoration of Christmas Tree in England
    Decoration of Christmas tree is a real art. There are even decoration festival in Great Britain. English people usually use 1-2 colors in decoration of the tree. They decorate it with balls, bells and bows.

  • In Russia In Russia we decorate a tree before New year and it usually stands...

    29 слайд

    In Russia
    In Russia we decorate a tree before New year and it usually stands till Christmas.
    Russian people have traditional style of decoration. They use different types of toys, balls and garlands. We put a star on the top of the tree
    Public houses the Russians often decorate with electric garlands. But they usually do not decorate their houses outside.

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    Legends and Myths About Santa-Claus and Father Frost…

  • Problem question: Santa-Claus and Father Frost, who are they?

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    Problem question:
    Santa-Claus and Father Frost, who are they?

  • Who is Santa-ClausSanta-Claus is not a gnome or a fairy-tale person, he is a...

    32 слайд

    Who is Santa-Claus
    Santa-Claus is not a gnome or a fairy-tale person, he is a real man. His name is Nicolay, he was an episcope from Myra, in Turkey.

    He helps poor and unhappy people and put gold money in their shoes and put cakes on the windows.

    After his death he becomes Saint and a Beneficiary of children.
    The pilgrims from different countries in North America begin to call him Father Frost. In Great Britain he is called Father Christmas.

  • The image of Santa-Claus combines St. Nicolas, Christmas Elf and Old Nick....

    33 слайд

    The image of Santa-Claus combines St. Nicolas, Christmas Elf and Old Nick.
    In 19th century American write Clark Moor in his poem “Christmas is in the air or the come of Santa-Claus” describes him as a kind elf. He comes in sledges with eight deer and gets into the house through chimney.
    Painter Sadden Sandblom makes Santa a big man. He presents him a white and red fur-coat and red hood and gives him a new deer Rudolph.

  • And who is Father Frost?  Father Frost is an necessary person for our New Yea...

    34 слайд

    And who is Father Frost?
    Father Frost is an necessary person for our New Year. He has a very long origin story. On Christmas Eve in Russia women cry “Frost, Frost, go and eat Kutya”. They call the spirit of their ancestors. This pagan God comes from another world.
    According to another version Father Frost and Santa-Claus have a common ancestor- episcope St. Nicolaus.
    According to the third version Father Frost is an image of folklore, God of Winter. He is a powerful mad with a wither. There is no Father Christmas in Russian fairy-tales, just Frost (Morozko).

  • Where is their Motherland?Santa-Claus lives in LaplandiaFather Frost lives in...

    35 слайд

    Where is their Motherland?
    Santa-Claus lives in Laplandia
    Father Frost lives in Velikiy Ustjug

  • Every year there is a very big Christmas tree in the centre of London, in Tra...

    36 слайд

    Every year there is a very big Christmas tree in the centre of London, in Trafalgar Square. This is a present from the people of Norway to the people of Great Britain.
    They send a Christmas tree to Londoners every year.
    Londoners decorate the Christmas tree. In the evening before Christmas people like to come to Trafalgar Square.

  • Every year there is a very big Christmas tree in the centre of Moscow, in Red...

    37 слайд

    Every year there is a very big Christmas tree in the centre of Moscow, in Red Square. Many people and thousand of tourists come here to see our city.

  • ConclusionsRussia and Great Britain have different religions  and they celebr...

    38 слайд

    Russia and Great Britain have different religions and they celebrate Christmas in different days because they use old and new calendars.
    Legend about Jesus Christ born is based on the Bible.
    There are 40 days fast before Christmas.
    The interview of pupils shows that most of them know the legend about Christ’s born but they know a little about Christmas Eve and fast and I think it is also important.
    Traditions of celebration Christmas in Great Britain and Russia are very various.
    There are both church and folk traditions.
    The main traditions of Christmas celebration in Great Britain are similar with Russian but there are a few different.
    Christmas symbols are the same for the whole Christian world.
    Interview of pupils shows that many of them do not know well symbols and traditions of Christmas celebration and it underlines the importance of my topic!

  • Both Russia and Great Britain has the tradition to decorate houses for Christ...

    39 слайд

    Both Russia and Great Britain has the tradition to decorate houses for Christmas holiday and to pack presents, but each country has its peculiarities.
    In Russia we put presents under the tree, in Great Britain they put them in special stockings and boxes.
    Both countries have the tradition to set Christmas table but the dishes are different.
    The analysis of questionnaires shows that many families celebrate Christmas but they do not make toys and the Christmas dinner is like a typical holiday dinner. Pupils do not know much about Great Britain.
    During my search I learn a lot of new information about familiar Santa-Claus and Father Frost.
    Interview of pupils shows that although many of them do not believe in Santa-Claus they still love it and even write letters to him.
    I learn from questionaries that many pupils do not know the origin of these heroes.
    I think that the information which we get will help us to understand better Christmas holiday and like it as a miracle.

  • Какие бы ни были традиции, блюда, символы Рождества, оно является одним из са...

    40 слайд

    Какие бы ни были традиции, блюда, символы Рождества, оно является одним из самых любимых праздников людей многих национальностей .

  • Thank you for your attentive!

    41 слайд

    Thank you for your attentive!

  • Appendix

    42 слайд


  • Do you know symbols of Christmas?

    43 слайд

    Do you know symbols of Christmas?

  • Have you ever gone and sung carols on Christmas?

    44 слайд

    Have you ever gone and sung carols on Christmas?

  • Have you ever been to Christmas service in church?

    45 слайд

    Have you ever been to Christmas service in church?

  • Does your family celebrate Christmas?

    46 слайд

    Does your family celebrate Christmas?

  • Do you give presents for Christmas in your family?

    47 слайд

    Do you give presents for Christmas in your family?

  • Do you know what date is the celebration of Christmas devoted to?

    48 слайд

    Do you know what date is the celebration of Christmas devoted to?

  • Does Russia and Great Britain celebrate Christmas in one day?

    49 слайд

    Does Russia and Great Britain celebrate Christmas in one day?

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Выбранный для просмотра документ вопросник.docx


1.       Знаете ли вы символы Рождества и их значение?

2.       Какие традиции празднования Рождества  на Руси вы знаете?

3.       А вы на Рождество  ходите колядовать?

4.       Вы когда-нибудь были на Рождественской  службе в церкви?

5.       Знаете ли вы какие-нибудь традиции празднования Рождества в Великобритании?


1.       Ваша семья отмечает рождество?

2.       Вы украшаете ёлку самодельными игрушками?

3.       В вашей семье принято делать  друг другу подарки на Рождество?

4.       В вашей семье готовят на Рождество особые, специальные блюда?

5.       Какие блюда на рождество являются традиционными для британцев?

6.       А вы знали, что в Британии принято украшать на Рождество дома как внутри, так и снаружи?


1.       Вы знаете чему посвящено празднование Рождества?

2.       Россия и Великобритания празднуют Рождество в один день?

3.       Вы знаете историю рождения  Иисуса Христа?

4.       Вы знаете, какие дни люди называют «святые дни»?


1.       Вы верите в Санта Клауса и Деда Мороза?

2.       Вы знаете, где они живут?

3.       Вы когда-нибудь писали письмо Деду Морозу?

4.       Вы знаете какие-нибудь фильмы или мультфильмы, где можно встретить этих героев?

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