Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыРазработка урока по английскому языку "Мир профессий. Сфера обслуживания" (8 класс)

Разработка урока по английскому языку "Мир профессий. Сфера обслуживания" (8 класс)

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МОУ « Майская гимназия Белгородского района Белгородской области»







Разработка открытого урока

по английскому языку


“The world of jobs.

The sphere of service”.


« Мир профессий.

Сфера обслуживания»




                                                              Учитель: Галаган О.Н.



Открытый урок

  по теме: «Мир профессий. Сфера обслуживания».

“ The world of jobs. The sphere of service”

Учитель – Галаган О.Н.

Класс – 8 «А»

Четверть – I

УМК  - Программа общеобразовательных учреждений. Английский язык. Автор: В.В. Сафонова « Школа с углубленным изучением английского языка». Москва, Просвещение, 2006 год.

Учебник английского языка для школ с углубленным изучением английского языка, гимназий, лицеев, колледжей “English – 7”. Москва, Просвещение, 2004 год.

Тип урока – урок применения полученных знаний.

Форма проведения – классический урок с элементами ролевой игры, с использованием компьютерных технологий: презентаций, творческих проектов.

Формы работы:

·       Фронтальная

·       Парная

·       Индивидуальная

Дидактическое сопровождение: компьютер, проекционная аппаратура, мультимедийное пособие “ Click on Russia”, презентации учащихся, тест – задание для аудирования, тест – задание для проведения рефлексии.

Цель урока  - развитие речевых умений.


·       Совершенствование речевых умений

·       Совершенствование умений аудировать с целью извлечения необходимой информации

·       Развитие навыка диалогического общения по теме



I.      Организационный момент.

T: Hello, children! I am glad to see you! How are you today?

P-s answer the question.

T: Children, look at the blackboard, please! The topic of our today’s lesson is “The world of jobs. The sphere of service”. Today we shall read, listen to the text, speak about your future careers. But first, here on the blackboard we have our flower. In the middle is written “ The world of jobs”. Come up to the blackboard and fill in the empty parts of the flower, writing what topics can we touch while speaking on our topic.

Овал: The world of jobs








II.  Речевая разминка

T: Dear, children! Let’s have a very short talk about different jobs and professions.

1.     Have you ever thought about your future career? Have you made any decisions?

2.     What do your parents advise you to do as a job?

3.     Would you prefer to work with your hands or with your brain?

4.     What do you feel about working with people?

5.     Do you think it is difficult?

6.     In what spheres do we work with people?


III.             Основная часть урока.

Повторение названий профессий.

A)  But do you remember the names of jobs connecting with people?

Here on the table you can see coloured lists of paper with different jobs. I shall ask you to come up to the blackboard listen to my description of this or that job, take the proper card and stick it to the blackboard.


1.a job of keeping the money ( a banker)

2.  a job of selling goods ( a shop assistant)

     3. a job of cutting men’s hair ( a barber)

4. a job of stopping fire ( a fireman)

5. a job of mending or pulling bad teeth ( a dentist)

6.     a job of making and selling medicine ( a chemist)

7.     a job of making photographs ( a photographer)

8.     a job of making your holidays happy ( a travel agent)

9.     a job of preparing food ( a cooker)

10. a job of making new glasses ( an optician)


B)T: Children, do you know the difference between some synonyms in English?

Look at the blackboard, please! You can see some pictures. Come up to the blackboard take any picture you like and tell us the difference between the words.

Picture № 1 -  a barber

Picture № 2 – a hairdresser

Picture № 3 – a tailor

Picture № 4 – a dressmaker

Picture № 5 – a shop assistant

Picture № 6 – a salesman- a saleswoman


C)  T: Different people choose different professions. Tastes differ you know. Can we say that some jobs are attractive and some are not?

The qualities that make jobs attractive or unattractive.  Look at the screen, please!

 ( on the screen the children can see the description of  professions)

Attractive jobs                                                Unattractive jobs

·       Creative                                               Backbreaking

·       Challenging                                         Boring   

·       Exciting                                               Dangerous 

·       Interesting                                           Exhausting

·       Pleasant                                               Messy 

·       Popular                                                Monotonous                                             

·       Prestigious                                          Not respected

·       Satisfying                                            Tiring                                        

·       Rewarding

T: I shall give you cards. Your task will be to choose the correct adjectives to complete the sentences and characterize the occupations mentioned in the task.


Task for children on the cards.

1.     Linda says that teaching is a very ………………………… and ……………………………..  profession.

2.     Last year John gave up a really ……………………………business career and became a farmer.

3.     People who work as firemen should be brave as their job is very………………………..

4.     I have always thought that the work in the theatre is very………………………….

5.     Careers of fashion is very…………………….. nowadays.

6.     Can you agree that the jobs  of photographers, journalists and writers are………………………………………….

7.     Jobs of plumbers and carpenters can be characterized as………………………………………..


Speaking.  Monologues

T: I am very interested in jobs you would like to try in future.

Your task for today was to speak about your future job\ professional career of a famous person you like.

While speaking try to explain:

·       If it needs a qualification;

·       Where you can get the necessary qualification;

·       How long it will take you to get the job you want;

·       How you can characterize the job you have chosen;

·       Why you have chosen it.

a)     P1, P2  are speaking about their jobs:

b)    P3, P4 are speaking about the professional career of some  famous people. (using presentations)



The teacher uses the disk “ Click on Russia”

Now, children, I advise you to listen to some short stories about famous Russian  people.  Work in pairs. The task is on the screen.

The task is: match the texts to the correct pictures.


Texts ( A,B,C,D)












( The pupils listen to the  text, then they do the task in pairs for 15 seconds)

T: Will you pronounce the results, please.

P-s: show the results of their work.

T: Now pay attention to the screen, let’s check your work. (the teacher shows the keys on the screen).


T: So, children it was mentioned already that each of you will choose this or that job, some of you will work with hands, some with brain, you will work in different spheres of service. But what do you think what is the main sphere of service? What places do we need and visit every day?

P-s: Shops!

T: What kind of shops do you know?

P-s: answer the question.

T: Do you want to know some facts about shopping in Britain?

a)     Read the text of ex.15 p.100 ( 3 minutes)

b)    Do ex.16 p.101 ( 2 minutes)

Role – game.

A)  Preparing for the role game.

Card №1

·       Practice reading the following question and answer. Learn them by heart.

What do you buy at the baker’s?

I buy bread there.

·       Work “ in chain”, asking and answering the above question, each time using the name of different department and “ buying” different foodstuffs.

Example: P1- What do you buy at the butcher’s.

                P 2- I buy meat at the butcher’s. What do you buy at the……  ?

Card №2

Say as many sentences as you can, using the following pattens:

Yesterday I went to the








To see what I can get for







They didn’t have







Sour cream





but there was a good choice of















B)T: Now, imagine, please that you are in the shop.

Dialogue  №1.

A-  Hello, Bess.

B-  Hello, Jane. I see you are in a hurry.

C-  Yes, I’ve got quite a lot of shopping to do, and it is already late. As a rule I do my shopping much earlier. How are you all?

D-  Thanks, all right. What is it you’d like to buy?

E-   Well, some sugar, some ham and perhaps a tin of sprats. Would you like to come with me?

F-   M-m, all right, let’s go. I will see what I can buy for breakfast tomorrow: my fridge is nearly empty.

G-  There is a fine shop across the street. Let’s go there!

H-  Yes, I know this shop, it’s very good. Jane, won’t you come to my place tomorrow?

I-      Let me see. Tomorrow. Well, that’s a good idea.

J-     Settled!

Dialogue № 2.

A – What can I do for you?

B – Please, I want half a kilo of sausage at 35 rubles, two hundred grams of caviar, and three hundred grams of  cheese.

A – Will you have the cheese sliced?

В -  No, thank you. Shall I pay you or at the cash – desk?

A-  At the cash desk, please!

B-  Oh, and have you got oil? And I also want salt and pepper.

A-  You can get it at the grocer’s over there across the hall.

B-   Thank you!

Dialogue № 3

A.   Hello, madam. Can I help you?

B.   Yes, have you got any shoes like these?

A.   What size do you need?

B.    Size five.

A.  And what colour?

B.   Black.

A.I am sorry, we haven’t. We have one pair size five, but blue.

B. But my sister bought this pair last month.

A. Did she buy them here?

B. No, she bought them in the USA.

A. We had some shoes like these a month ago, but we haven’t any now.

B. Could you get a pair for me, please?

A. I am afraid we can’t. You see such shoes were in fashion last year and the year before last. But they are out of fashion this year.

B. And what shoes are in fashion this year?

A. These shoes are in fashion now.

B. But they look very uncomfortable.

A. They are really uncomfortable. But women always wear uncomfortable shoes.

B. Oh…



Dialogue №4.


A.   Where are you going, Mary?

B.    To the post office. Shall I do some shopping for you on the way back?

A.   Yes. Please buy a few things for me there. It won’t take you long. The super market is next to the post office.

B.    Oh, I don’t mind it a bit. I’ll do all the shopping you want. What shall I buy?

A.   Tomorrow is Sunday and  we want something nice for dinner. Here is the shopping list: a kilo of flour, the best kind, half a kilogram of sugar, half a kilogram of butter and ten eggs. Then I think we haven’t got any more tomatoes left.

B.    How many shall I buy?

A.   Buy a kilogram.

B.    How much will it come to?

A.   Here is fifty rubles. Be careful not to lose the money and count the change. Now run a long, or the shop may close.

T: Thank you very much for these nice dialogues of yours.

But tell me please are there many shops in M. district? I know that two girls interviewed  the teachers and the students of our grammar school on the topic   “Shops in Maysky”.  What are the results of your work?

P1-P2 show the results of their work using computer presentation.



Children, I shall  give you lists of paper. You will tell me what do you think about your work at the lesson.



Today I was simply brilliant. I was very attentive. I tried to do everything. I can say that I was at the top of the class.


I was rather good today. I tried  to work hard.


I was not good at English today.



The results of the lesson:

·       Marks

·       Home task (ex. 15 p.100.)





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