Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыТехнологическая карта урока по теме "Система смазки двигателя"

Технологическая карта урока по теме "Система смазки двигателя"

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                           Руденко Е. В.

                           «___»_______2017 г.                                                                                   








                         План-конспект урока

по дисциплине «ОГСЭ.03 ИНОСТРАННЫЙ ЯЗЫК»


по специальности:  23.02.04 Техническая эксплуатация подъемно-транспортных, строительных, дорожных машин и оборудования                  (по отраслям)














Новосибирск, 2017 г.

Преподаватель: Ежова О.Ю., первая квалификационная категория

Тема урока: Система смазки двигателя.

Дата проведения урока:

Группа: 263

Тип урока: Урок применения предметных знаний, умений.

Методы обучения:


Обучающая: познакомить обучающихся с работой, назначением системы смазки двигателя.

Развитие общеучебных умений-обучение устной речи –монологической; выделение главного в  тексте; владение основными видами ответов -тематический ответ, строить определение понятий.

Развивающая: Развитие умения читать с извлечением полной информации.Развитие умения говорить (монологическая речь).

Восприятие на слух и понимание речи, предъявляемой преподвателем и в

Воспитывающая: Воспитание потребности в практическом использовании языка в различных сферах деятельности.


Личностные: Обучающийся осознает смысл учения и понимает личную ответственность за будущий результат.

У обучающегося сформирована учебная мотивация.



Коммуникативные: Обучающийся может сотрудничать с другими людьми в поиске необходимой информации.

Обучающийся может создавать устные и письменные высказывания.

Умение выражать свои мысли, строить высказывания в соответствие с задачами коммуникации.



Познавательные: Обучающийся может структурировать найденную информацию в нужной форме. Обучающийся умеет вести поиск и выделять необходимую информацию.


Регулятивные: Обучающийся умеет составлять план действий.

Обучающийся осознает то, что уже усвоено и что еще подлежит усвоению, а также качество и уровень усвоения.


Оборудование: проектор, классная доска

Дидактический материал: карточки, плакат, видеофильмы



План урока


I.       Организационный момент  -  2  мин.

II.      Актуализация опорных знаний   -  4    мин.

III.    Объяснение нового материала   -    6     мин.

IV.    Проверка понимания нового материала -  5    мин.

V.      Закрепление нового материала   -   7    мин. 

VI.    Контроль полученных знаний      -  15        мин.

VII.   Домашнее задание    -  2   мин.

VIII.  Итог урока     -    4  мин.




Этапы урока

Деятельность преподавателя

Деятельность обучающихся


       I.            Организационный момент




    II.            Актуализация  знаний


Система смазки:
I — подача масла под высоким давлением

 II—засасывание масла

 III — подача масла разбрызгиванием и самотеком

А — слив масла из радиатора

 Б — подача масла к масляному радиатору

 1 — центробежный фильтр тонкой очистки масла  

2 —углубление для слива масла

 3— маслозаливная горловина

 4— коромысло

 5— штанга толкателя

 6 — шатун

 7 — центральный масляный канал

 8 — коленчатый вал

 9 — сливной клапан

10 — предохранительный клапан

11 — редукционный клапан

12—радиаторная секция

13 — основная (нагнетательная) секция

 14 — масляный поддон

15 — распределительный вал

16 — ось толкателей

 17 — перепускной клапан

18— фильтр предварительной очистки масла

 19— полость в шатунной шейке


I — подача масла под высоким давлением

high pressure oil supply

II—засасывание масла

oil suction

III — подача масла разбрызгиванием и самотеком

splash and gravity feed lubrication


А — слив масла из радиатора

oil discharge


Б — подача масла к масляному радиатору

oil cooler supply


1 — центробежный фильтр тонкой очистки масла  

secondary oil filter

2 —углубление для слива масла

oil groove

3— маслозаливная горловина

oil filler/ opening

4— коромысло

rocker arm

5— штанга толкателя

pusher bar

6 — шатун

connecting rod

7—центральный масляный канал

main oil passage


8 — коленчатый вал


9 — сливной клапан

drain valve

10 — предохранительный клапан

safety valve


11 — редукционный клапан

pressure-reducing valve


12—радиаторная секция

radiator casing

13 — основная (нагнетательная) секция

discharge casing

14 — масляный поддон

oil pan/ sump

15 — распределительный



16 — ось толкателей

pusher axle

17 — перепускной клапан

oil bypass valve


18—фильтр предварительной очистки масла

oil precleaner


19— полость в шатунной шейке

rod journal space



 III.            Объяснение нового материала

Видео 2: 06 How does car engine oil work

How the engine is lubricated

Friction between moving metal parts in the engine is minimized by a thin film of oil.

Stored in a reservoir, called the sump, at the bottom of the engine, the oil is sucked into the pump, which sends it under pressure through various feed pipes and channels to the moving parts of the engine and then back to the sump.

The oil is circulated under pressure at a rate of several litters per minute. The pressure is controlled in the pump by a relief valve; when the pressure is excessive, it leaks some of the oil back to the sump.

Oil forced out of the crankshaft journals is thrown against the cylinder walls. This is known as 'splash lubrication'.

Before reaching the engine, the oil passes through a filter attached to the pump, which removes sludge and potentially abrasive particles such as debris resulting from engine wear.

If the pressure drops - usually through mechanical failure - or if there is an oil deficiency, the moving parts of the engine wear rapidly and eventually seize.


 1. Reduce friction between moving parts, which minimizes engine wear, and the creation of heat.

2. Cools a variety of internal engine parts and removes some heat from the engine.

3. Removes dirt, abrasives and contaminants from inside the engine.

4. Assists sealing of the combustion chamber by forming a film between the piston rings and the cylinder wall.

5. Absorbs shock loads between bearings and gears thus, cushioning and protecting engine parts while minimizing engine noise production.

6. Stores an adequate supply of oil for lubricating internal engine parts.

7. Minimizes corrosion of internal engine components

The lubrication system accomplishes some of the above tasks with the help of a number of lubrication system components.

• Oil pump

• Oil pan

• Oil cooler

• Oil filter(s)

Lubricating System Indicators




IV.            Проверка понимания нового материала


Видео 1:12 How a Car Engine Lubrication System Works.mp4

 True+/ False-

1.     Engine Lubrication System is used to increase friction between moving metal parts.-to reduce

2.     A typical lubrication system consists of a sump, an oil pump and oil galleries.+

3.     Oil galleries are small passages in the cylinder block that direct the oil to the moving parts.+

4.     Oil that is being pumped to the crankshaft main bearings travels through oil ways to the connecting rods.+

5.     Oil cannot be splashed from the connecting rods onto the cylinder walls.-may be splashed


   V.            Закрепление нового материала


The Working of an Engine's Lubrication System

What is a lubricating system of an engine and how does it work? Let us read more to learn about the purpose and operation of this important system.

·                                                                                 Purpose Of Lubricating System

The lubricating oil performs the following functions in an engine:

·                                                                                               The oil lubricates moving parts to minimize wear by sealing the clearances between moving parts such as bearings, shafts, etc. Thus, the parts move on layers of oil, and not in direct contact with each other, which reduces power loss in the engine.

·                                                                                               The oil obtains heat from the moving parts of the engine which is transferred into the cooler oil in the oil pan. Therefore, the oil performs the function of a cooling agent. Some engines have oil nozzles which spray oil at the underside of the pistons, thereby removing heat from the pistons.

·                                                                                               The oil fills the clearances between rotating journals(шейка вала) and the bearings. When heavy loads are abruptly placed on the bearings, the oil acts as a cushioning agent, which reduces the wear on bearings.

·                                                                                               The oil creates a seal between the walls of the cylinder and the piston rings, thereby reducing exhaust gas blowby.

·                                                                                               The oil performs the function of a cleaning agent by picking up dirt particles and taking them to oil pan. Larger particles are retained at the bottom while smaller particles are filtered out by oil filters.

·                                                                                 Parts And Operation Of Lubricating System


·                                                                                               Oil Pump: The gear-type oil pump has a pair of meshing gears. The spaces between the teeth are filled with oil when the gears unmesh. The oil pump obtains oil from the oil pan and sends oil through the oil filter to the oil galleries and main bearings. Some oil passes from the holes in the crankshaft to the rod bearings. Main bearings and rod bearings are lubricated adequately to achieve their desired objectives. In the rotor type oil pump, the inner rotor is driven and drives the outer rotor. As the rotor revolves, the gaps between the lobes are filled with oil. When the lobes of the inner rotor move into the gaps in the outer rotor, oil is forced out through the outlet of pump. An oil pump can also be driven by a camshaft gear that drives the ignition distributor or by the crankshaft.


·                                                                                               Oil Pan: Oil also flows to the cylinder head through drilled passages that make up the oil gallery, lubricates camshaft bearings and valves, and then returns to oil pan. Some engines have grooves or holes in connecting rods, which provide extra lubrication to pistons and walls of cylinders.


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·                                                                                               Oil Cooler: Oil cooler prevents overheating of oil, by flow of engine coolant past tubes carrying hot oil. The coolant picks excess heat and carries it to the radiator.


·                                                                                               Oil Filter: The oil from oil pump flows through oil filter before reaching the engine bearings. The oil filter retains the dirt particles and allows only clean filtered oil to pass.

·                                                                                 Lubricating System Indicators

There are indicator lights which are “on" when the engine oil pressure is low. Electric analog and electronic digital gauges are used to indicate the oil pressure. A dipstick is used to measure the oil level in the oil pan, while in some vehicles oil change indicator lights are used to identify the quality of oil.



VI.            Контроль полученных знаний



TASK.Define the Purpose Of Lubricating System


The oil fills

a seal between the walls of the cylinder

 and the piston rings.

The oil obtains

moving parts to minimize wear by sealing

 the clearances between moving parts such

 as bearings, shafts, etc.

The oil creates

the function of a cleaning agent by picking up

 dirt particles and taking them to oil pan.

The oil performs

heat from the moving parts of the engine

which is transferred into the cooler oil in

the oil pan.

The oil lubricates

the clearances between rotating journals and

the bearings.

TASK. Match Parts And Operation Of Lubricating System


Oil Pump

prevents overheating of oil, by flow of

 engine coolant past tubes carrying hot oil.

Oil Pan

retains the dirt particles and allows only

clean filtered oil to pass.

Oil Cooler

is a removable metal chamber or bowl

(usually of sheet steel or cast alloy) at the

 bottom of the crankcase into which the oil

 drains to be stored. 

Oil Filter

are used to indicate the oil pressure.

Lubricating System Indicators

obtains oil from the oil pan and sends oil

 through the oil filter to the oil galleries

 and main bearings.


VII.            Домашнее задание



Engine Lubrication System Technology

There are basically two types of oil systems in vehicles: wet sump and dry sump.

Most cars use a wet sump system. That means the oil pan is at the bottom of the engine, and the oil is stored there. The advantage of a wet sump system is its simplicity. The oil is close to where it will be used, there aren't too many parts to engineer or repair, and it's relatively cheap to build into a car.

Some cars, especially high-performance cars, use a dry sump system. That means the sump isn't underneath the engine - in fact, it can be located anywhere within the engine compartment. A dry sump system gets you a couple of bonuses: First, it means the engine can sit a little lower, which gives the car a lower center of gravity and improves stability at speed. Second, it keeps extra oil from soaking the crankshaft, which can lower  horsepower. And, since the sump can be located anywhere, it can also be any size and shape.

Two-stroke engines, by the way, use a completely different type of technology. Scooters, lawn mowers and other two-stroke machines have the oil mixed right in with the gasoline. When the gasoline evaporates in the combustion process, the oil is left behind to do its slick business.

Sometimes you have to do this yourself, measuring the correct amounts before filling the tank. But sometimes, as in most motor scooters, there's an injection system that takes oil from the reservoir and mixes it with the gasoline for you in just the right proportions.

Task. Answer the Questions:

1)    What are the main types of oil systems in vehicles?

2)    Describe a wet sump system.

3)    Describe a dry sump system.

4)    What type of lubricating technology do two-stroke engines use?

5)    How is the motorist aware of the correct amount of oil in his motor?


1) There are basically two types of oil systems in vehicles: wet sump and dry sump.

2) There are basically two types of oil systems in vehicles: wet sump and dry sump.

3) That means the sump isn't underneath the engine - in fact, it can be located anywhere within the engine compartment.

4) Two-stroke engines, by the way, use a completely different type of technology. They have the oil mixed right in with the gasoline.

5) Sometimes they have to do this themselves, measuring the correct amounts before filling the tank. But sometimes, as in most motor scooters, there's an injection system used.



VIII.            Итог урока






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