- Учебник: «Немецкий язык», Бим И.Л., Садомова Л.В., Крылова Ж.Я. и др.
- Тема: Kapitel 3. Wir bereiten uns auf eine Deutschlandreise vor
- 04.10.2020
- 1213
- 8

Theme : “Eating Out”
6 grade
Aim: By the end of the lesson students will be able to choose the eating-out place
according to the situation.
· Do you often eat out?
· What places do you prefer? Why?
Handout on “Eating Out”
Task A: Read the descriptions of British places to eat out and match them with their names.
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1. Now it’s very common in Britain. People like it because the service is very quick. It has special offers for families and do their best to attract children, e.g. organize birthday parties. People from any class background can feel comfortable in it.
5. It’s an important part of British life. People talk, eat, drink, meet new people and
their friends, relax there. In the past it served nothing but beer, now you can
also order wine, coffee and even hot food. It is not as formal and expensive as
restaurants. Its name and old fashioned design appeal to long traditions of the
Task B: Look through descriptions in task A and answer the questions.
Which place(s):
- can you taste a foreign cuisine in?
- serve mostly British food ?
- are for casual meals ?
- is the most formal of all ?
- is a favorite place to socialize in Britain ?
- is especially popular with younger customers ?
- do not customers stay for a long time in ?
- looks old even if it’s quite modern ?
Task C: Complete the table about types of service in different eating-out places asking “ Yes “ / “ No “ questions to your partner. Table A is for student 1, table B is for student 2.
Table A
restaurant |
pub |
fast food restaurant |
cafe |
fish and chip shop |
The customer may have a reservation there. |
_ |
_ |
The places are never reserved there. |
_ |
+ |
+ |
The manager usually accompanies the customer to the table. |
+ |
_ |
The customer usually chooses a table and occupies it. |
+ |
+ |
+ |
There is waiter service. |
+ |
_ |
The customer goes and asks for food and drink at the bar. |
_ |
+ |
The customer may have breakfast, lunch and dinner there. |
+ |
_ |
The customer may have only lunch and dinner there. |
+ |
_ |
The customer may have take-away meals there. |
_ |
_ |
+ |
Table B
restaurant |
pub |
fast food restaurant |
cafe |
fish and chip shop |
The customer may have a reservation there. |
+ |
_ |
The places are never reserved there. |
+ |
+ |
The manager usually accompanies the customer to the table. |
_ |
_ |
_ |
The customer usually chooses a table and occupies it. |
_ |
+ |
There is waiter service. |
_ |
+ |
_ |
The customer goes and asks for food and drink at the bar. |
_ |
+ |
+ |
The customer may have breakfast, lunch and dinner there. |
_ |
+ |
The customer may have only lunch and dinner there. |
+ |
_ |
+ |
The customer may have take-away meals there. |
_ |
+ |
Task D: Read the situations and choose the best eating-out place for each. Explain your choice.
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Анкетат "Get to know me", подходит для работы с новыми учениками. Благодаря этой анкете можно вспомнить старую лексику и выучить новую. Приятное оформление привлечет внимание ваших учеников и повысит интерес к вашему предмету.
Курс повышения квалификации
Курс профессиональной переподготовки
300/600 ч.
Курс повышения квалификации
36 ч. — 144 ч.
Курс повышения квалификации
36 ч. — 144 ч.
Еще материалы по этой теме
Рабочие листы
к вашим урокам
Theme : “Eating Out”
6 grade
Aim: By the end of the lesson students will be able to choose the eating-out place
according to the situation.
· Do you often eat out?
· What places do you prefer? Why?
Handout on “Eating Out”
Task A: Read the descriptions of British places to eat out and match them with their names.
1. Now it’s very common in Britain. People like it because the service is very quick. It has special offers for families and do their best to attract children, e.g. organize birthday parties. People from any class background can feel comfortable in it.
5. It’s an important part of British life. People talk, eat, drink, meet new people and
their friends, relax there. In the past it served nothing but beer, now you can
also order wine, coffee and even hot food. It is not as formal and expensive as
restaurants. Its name and old fashioned design appeal to long traditions of the
Task B: Look through descriptions in task A and answer the questions.
Which place(s):
- can you taste a foreign cuisine in?
- serve mostly British food ?
- are for casual meals ?
- is the most formal of all ?
- is a favorite place to socialize in Britain ?
- is especially popular with younger customers ?
- do not customers stay for a long time in ?
- looks old even if it’s quite modern ?
Task C: Complete the table about types of service in different eating-out places asking “ Yes “ / “ No “ questions to your partner. Table A is for student 1, table B is for student 2.
Table A
fast food restaurant
fish and chip shop
The customer may have a reservation there.
The places are never reserved there.
The manager usually accompanies the customer to the table.
The customer usually chooses a table and occupies it.
There is waiter service.
The customer goes and asks for food and drink at the bar.
The customer may have breakfast, lunch and dinner there.
The customer may have only lunch and dinner there.
The customer may have take-away meals there.
Table B
fast food restaurant
fish and chip shop
The customer may have a reservation there.
The places are never reserved there.
The manager usually accompanies the customer to the table.
The customer usually chooses a table and occupies it.
There is waiter service.
The customer goes and asks for food and drink at the bar.
The customer may have breakfast, lunch and dinner there.
The customer may have only lunch and dinner there.
The customer may have take-away meals there.
Task D: Read the situations and choose the best eating-out place for each. Explain your choice.
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