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урок по английскому языку

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Theme : Eating Out”

6 grade


Aim: By the end of the lesson students will be able to choose the eating-out place

         according to the situation.




  1. Brainstorming. What places can Kazakh  people eat out in?


Овал: Eating out in



·        Do you often eat out?

·        What places do you prefer? Why?


  1. Read the descriptions of British places to eat out and match them with their names (task A in handouts).


  1. Look through the descriptions once more and answer the following questions (task B in handouts).


  1. Divide into pairs. Each student of the pair will be given a table with a part of information about types of service in eating-out places. Not looking at each other’s table ask your partner Yes/No questions to find out the information which is missed in your table. Ask questions in turns. Then give a brief description of service type in each place (task C in handouts).


  1. Read the situations below and choose the best eating-out place for each. Give reasons for your choice (task D in your handouts). Be aware that all the situations take place in Great Britain.                                                                                         



Handout on “Eating Out”


Task A: Read the descriptions of British places to eat out and match them with their names.


                Овал:     fast food      
Овал:        pub



Овал:       cafe Овал:    fish and   
  chip shop



1.    Now it’s very common in Britain. People like it because the service is very quick. It has special offers for families and do their best to attract children, e.g. organize birthday parties. People from any class background can feel comfortable in it.


  1. It is for everyday purpose and is used in the evening for “take-away” meals, mostly fried fish.


  1. It is mostly used on special occasions like birthday or wedding anniversaries. It’s especially popular among aristocracy or business people because the company pays the bill! You can eat Chinese, Indian, French, Italian and also British food in it.


  1. It is used for everyday purpose. You can have any meal in it. It’s comparatively cheap and offers a filling meal, a menu for all tastes and an informal atmosphere.


      5.   It’s an important part of British life. People talk, eat, drink, meet new people and

       their friends, relax there. In the past it served nothing but beer, now you can

       also order wine, coffee and even hot food. It is not as formal and expensive as

       restaurants. Its   name and old fashioned design appeal to long traditions of the



Task B: Look through descriptions in task A and answer the questions.                                         


Which place(s):





















-    can you taste a foreign cuisine in?                     

-       serve mostly British food ?

-       are for casual meals ?

-       is the most formal of all ?

-       is a favorite place to socialize in Britain ?

-       is especially popular with younger customers ?

-       do not customers stay for a long time in ?

-       looks old even if it’s quite modern ?





 Task C: Complete the table about types of service in different eating-out places asking  “ Yes “ / “ No “ questions to your partner. Table A is for student 1, table B is for student 2.


Table A





 fast food restaurant


 fish and chip shop

The customer may have a reservation there.






The places are never reserved there.






The manager usually accompanies the customer to the table.






The customer usually chooses a table and occupies it.






There is waiter service.






The customer goes and asks for food and drink at the bar.






The customer may have breakfast, lunch and dinner there.






The customer may have only lunch and dinner there.






The customer may have take-away meals there.







Table B





 fast food restaurant


 fish and chip shop

The customer may have a reservation there.






The places are never reserved there.






The manager usually accompanies the customer to the table.






The customer usually chooses a table and occupies it.






There is waiter service.






The customer goes and asks for food and drink at the bar.






The customer may have breakfast, lunch and dinner there.






The customer may have only lunch and dinner there.






The customer may have take-away meals there.







Task D:  Read the situations and choose the best eating-out place for each. Explain your choice.



  1. You have no plans for today’s evening but you want to meet some people and relax.


  1. Your friends are coming to see you today’s evening but you are very busy at work and have to stay extra hours. So you have no time to cook at all.


  1. In two weeks it’s your parent’s wedding anniversary. They discuss how to celebrate it.



  1. You are on holiday in London and have already visited 2 museums since morning. Now you feel hungry. Mind that the sightseeing bus you reserved a ticket in departs in 40 minutes.



































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Theme :Eating Out”

6 grade


Aim: By the end of the lesson students will be able to choose the eating-out place

         according to the situation.




  1. Brainstorming. What places can Kazakh  people eat out in?





·        Do you often eat out?

·                                                                                       What places do you prefer? Why?


  1. Read the descriptions of British places to eat out and match them with their names (task A in handouts).


  1. Look through the descriptions once more and answer the following questions (task B in handouts).


  1. Divide into pairs. Each student of the pair will be given a table with a part of information about types of service in eating-out places. Not looking at each other’s table ask your partner Yes/No questions to find out the information which is missed in your table. Ask questions in turns. Then give a brief description of service type in each place (task C in handouts).


  1. Read the situations below and choose the best eating-out place for each. Give reasons for your choice (task D in your handouts). Be aware that all the situations take place in Great Britain.                                                                                         



Handout on “Eating Out”


Task A: Read the descriptions of British places to eat out and match them with their names.










1.    Now it’s very common in Britain. People like it because the service is very quick. It has special offers for families and do their best to attract children, e.g. organize birthday parties. People from any class background can feel comfortable in it.


  1. It is for everyday purpose and is used in the evening for “take-away” meals, mostly fried fish.


  1. It is mostly used on special occasions like birthday or wedding anniversaries. It’s especially popular among aristocracy or business people because the company pays the bill! You can eat Chinese, Indian, French, Italian and also British food in it.


  1. It is used for everyday purpose. You can have any meal in it. It’s comparatively cheap and offers a filling meal, a menu for all tastes and an informal atmosphere.


      5.   It’s an important part of British life. People talk, eat, drink, meet new people and

       their friends, relax there. In the past it served nothing but beer, now you can

       also order wine, coffee and even hot food. It is not as formal and expensive as

       restaurants. Its   name and old fashioned design appeal to long traditions of the



Task B: Look through descriptions in task A and answer the questions.                                         


Which place(s):





















-    can you taste a foreign cuisine in?                     

-       serve mostly British food ?

-       are for casual meals ?

-       is the most formal of all ?

-       is a favorite place to socialize in Britain ?

-       is especially popular with younger customers ?

-       do not customers stay for a long time in ?

-       looks old even if it’s quite modern ?





 Task C: Complete the table about types of service in different eating-out places asking  “ Yes “ / “ No “ questions to your partner. Table A is for student 1, table B is for student 2.


Table A





 fast food restaurant


 fish and chip shop

The customer may have a reservation there.






The places are never reserved there.






The manager usually accompanies the customer to the table.






The customer usually chooses a table and occupies it.






There is waiter service.






The customer goes and asks for food and drink at the bar.






The customer may have breakfast, lunch and dinner there.






The customer may have only lunch and dinner there.






The customer may have take-away meals there.







Table B





 fast food restaurant


 fish and chip shop

The customer may have a reservation there.






The places are never reserved there.






The manager usually accompanies the customer to the table.






The customer usually chooses a table and occupies it.






There is waiter service.






The customer goes and asks for food and drink at the bar.






The customer may have breakfast, lunch and dinner there.






The customer may have only lunch and dinner there.






The customer may have take-away meals there.







Task D:  Read the situations and choose the best eating-out place for each. Explain your choice.



  1. You have no plans for today’s evening but you want to meet some people and relax.


  1. Your friends are coming to see you today’s evening but you are very busy at work and have to stay extra hours. So you have no time to cook at all.


  1. In two weeks it’s your parent’s wedding anniversary. They discuss how to celebrate it.



  1. You are on holiday in London and have already visited 2 museums since morning. Now you feel hungry. Mind that the sightseeing bus you reserved a ticket in departs in 40 minutes.







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