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Enjoy English. Домашняя работа по английскому языку (ГДЗ). 3 класс (Биболетовой М.З.).

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И.В. Захарова

Домашняя работа по английскому языку за 3 класс

к учебнику «Английский язык:

Английский с удовольствием / Епјоу English:

Учебник для З кл. общеобраз. учрежд. /

М.З. Биболетова, О.А. Денисенко,

Н.Н. Трубанева. — Обнинск : Титул, 2012»






ББК 74.268.1Англ-9 338

И.иена авторов и название цитируелюго изДапия указаны на титу.7ьно.и листе Данной книги (ст. 1274 п. 1 части чепшёртой ГражДанского коДекса Российскоп ФеДерации).

Условия заданий и упражнений приводятся исключительно в учебных целю: и в необходги:о.п объёме как шиюстративный .иатериал.

Изображение учебника «АНГЛИЙСКЕП7 язык. Английскгп7 с „удовольствием 7' Епјоу Engli.sh: Учебник для З ют. общеобраз. учрежд. / М. З. Биболепюва, О.А. Денисенко, Н.Н. Трубанева. — Обнинск : Титул, 2012» привеДено на обложке Данного изДапия исњиючительпо в качестве шътюстративного .натериааа (ст. П 74 п. 1 части четвёртой Гражданского кодекса Российской Федерации).

Захарова, И.В.

З 38 Домашняя работа по английскому языку за З класс к учебнику М.З. Биболетовой и др.  язык: Английский с удовольствием / Епјоу English: Учсбник для 3 кл. общеобраз. учрежд.» / И.В. Захарова. — М. : Издательство «Экзамен», 2013. — 62, [2] с. (Серия <<Рсшебник»)

ISBN 978-5-377-06257-8

Предлагае.мое учебное пособие содержит образцы выполнения всех заданий и упражнений из рабочей тетради и учебника «Английский язык: Английский с удовольствием / Епјоу English: Учеб ник для З кл. общеобраз. учрежд. / М.З. Биболетова, О.А. Денисенко, Н.Н. Трубанева. — Обнинск: Титул, 20l 2».

Пособие адресовано родителям, которые с.могут проконтролировать детей, а в случае необходимости помочь и.м в выполнении домашней работы по английскому языку.

удк 372.8:811.111

ББК 74.268.1Англ-9

Формат 84х 108/32. Гарнитура «Г Гаймс».

Бумага газетная. Уч.-изд. л. l,6l. Усл. печ. л. 3,36. Тираж 20 000 экз. Заказ м 12834.

             ISBN 978-5-377-06257-8           С Захарова И.В., 2013

С Издательство « ЭКЗАМЕН», 2013



Lesson 2

Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5

Lesson 6 Lesson 7

Lesson 8

Lesson 910

Lesson 10                                                                                                     10

Lesson I I

Lesson 12

Lesson 13. 12 Lesson 1412 Lesson 15. 12 Lesson 1613 Part I.13

Pan 21 3 Lesson 1814

Lesson 19

Lesson 2014 Lesson 2115

Lesson 22                                                                                                   ..15

Lesson 23 Lesson 24 Lesson 25

Lesson 26

Lesson 27

Lesson 28

Lesson 29

Lesson 30

Part I




Lesson 4024 Lesson 41..25

Lesson 42. ...25

Lesson 43.26

Lesson 44. ....27

Lesson 45 .. ...27

Lesson 46......28

Lesson 47

Lesson 4829

Lesson 4929

Lesson 50

                                         Part I. . .                                               ................30

Part 2..........31

Lesson 53.31

Lesson 54...........32

Lesson 5533

Lesson 56. .... ........33 Lesson 57     ..... ..... .. .............34

Lesson 58

Lesson 59........35

Lesson 60

Lesson 6136                                                                                                   

Lesson 62                                                                                                    37

Lesson                                                                                                          63


Lesson 64

Lesson 65

Lesson 68


Lesson I

Lesson 2 3







Lesson 10.44 Lesson 11   .44

Lesson 12 Lesson 13

Lesson 14

Lesson 15...45 Lesson 16..46 Lesson 1746

Lesson 18                                                                                                   ..46

Lesson 19

Lesson 20

Lesson 2147

Lesson 2247

Lesson 23

Lesson 2448

Lesson 25                                                                                                     48

Lesson 26

Lesson 27

Lesson 28

Lesson 29

Lesson 30

Lesson 31 Lesson 33

Lesson 34 Lesson 35 Lesson 36

Lesson 37

Lesson 38

Lesson 39

Lesson 40 Lesson 41 Lesson 42 Lesson 43 Lesson44 45




49 .


5 1 57

Lesson 5358

Lesson 54             . ...58 Lesson 55 ..58 Lesson 56 .

Lesson 57.. ...59 Lesson 58 ..59 Lesson 59 ... 59 Lesson 60 ..60 Lesson 61.60 Lesson 62 . .               60 Lesson 63 ..

Lesson 64 ...

Lesson 65 .6 1

Lesson 66-67..62 Lesson 68..62


2.    Good morning, pupils! I am your teacher. My name is Mr Greenwood. What is your name? — My name is Thomas (Bess, Jack, Nick, Jane, Pam, Peter, Martin).

3.    Ten pupils. She is a mouse. Her name is Mary. His name is an elephant. His name is Thomas. She is a fox. Her name is Bess. He is a cockerel. His name is Nick. She is a monkey. Her name is Pam. He is a rabbit. His name is Martin. He is a pig. His name is Peter. He is a bear. His name is Billy.

4.    TeMa ypoKa: English alphabet.

6.    He is Martin.

7.    I have got a friend. He is nine. He is not lazy. He can run, draw and sing. He can't swim. We go to school together.

Lesson 2

1.    Age 7. Can run, swim. Family — not big (a mother and a father.)

2.    He is seven. He can run and swim. He has got a mother and a father.

3.    I think Billy has got a yellow book. I think Pam has got a blue book. I think Nick has got a green book. I think Jack has got an orange book. I think Jane has got a green book. I think Bess has got a pink book. I think Thomas has got a brown book.

4.    Has Pam (Nick, Jack, Jane, Bess, Thomas, Martin) got a green (orange, brown, pink, red, blue, yellow) book? — Yes, he/she has. / No, he/she hasn 't.

6. Dino and Thomas.



1.    She is Miss Chatter.

2.    Miss Chatter, he is Martin. He is nine. He can run and jump. He can read well. ..

3.    HanpHMep:

My cat is fat,

My cat is black.

My cat likes rats, Thin and fat.

4.    My name is. I am nine. Yes, I can/ No, I can't. Yes, I can/ No, I can't. Yes, I can/ No, I can't. Yes, I have/ No, I haven't.

5.    Dima can run and play football well. Kate can swim and run well.

Lesson 4

2.    Do you like milk (bread, juice, cake, cheese, butter, ham, fish, eggs)? — Yes, I do./ No, I don't.

3.    a)          b) [el], c) [ct:].

4.    A black cat 4, a green and red cockerel 3, a strong farmer — 2, a black car — l .

Lesson 5

2.    Do you like ham (cheese, sweets, a cake, fish)? Would you like some ham (cheese, sweets, cake, fish)?

3.    Do you like milk? — Yes, I do. — Would you like some milk? Yes, please.

4.    park, farmer, farm, car, are, smart.


1. Would you like some bread? — No, thank you. Would you like some cakes? — No, thank you.

3.    I like to run. I like to swim. I like to dance, read and sing.

4.    He/She (It) likes to     I (you, we, they) like to.. ..

5.    [o:] — strong, frog, dog, cockerel, box, song, forest, not, long. [ou] — go, home, nose, no, close.

6.    Rex can play football, take Jill's bag to school, count pens and pencils, sing songs and dance well.

Lesson 7

2. Jill (Jim)! Would you like some fish (cheese, ham, bread, butter, cake, sweets)? — Yes, please./ No, thank you.

4.    [o:] — for, short, or, com, morning, horse.  [a:] — farm, are, farmer, park, car, dark.

5.    A cockerel.

6.    I have got a pet. It is small. It can't swim. It likes to sing. It is blue. It likes com. (a parrot).

Lesson 8

1.    Yes, I do. I like honey and sweets.

2.    forest, nice, have, go, sweets, corn, like,

3.    He is funny and kind. Billy is smart and merry.

4.    Yes, he does. Yes, he has. Yes, he can. Yes, he does. No, he doesn't. Yes, he does.

5.    Does Mary like cheese? Does Martin like carrots? Docs Martin like cabbage? Does Bess like milk? Does Peter like tomatoes? Does Pam like jam? Does Jack like eggs? Does Nick like nuts? Does Jane like potatoes? Does Thomas like corn? Does Peter like juice? Does Billy like cakes and sweets?

6.    Good moming! — Good moming! — Do you like cakes and sweets? — Yes, I do. — Would you like some cake? — Yes, please.

Lesson 9

2.    She has got some ham (some porridge, some coffee, some soup, a sandwich, a banana, an orangc).

3.    I think Billy likes some honey, sweets and tea.

4.    Help yourself.

5.    I like some porridge, some ham, some bread and butter, some cake and some tea.

6.    b) — Do you like soup/ tea/ porridge/coffee/ meat/ oranges/ sandwiches ? — Yes, I do/ No, I don't

Lesson 10

1.    Martin and Billy.

2.    Mary and Pam: — Do you like soup? Sorry, I don't like soup. — Do you like bananas? — Yes, I do. — Would you like some bananas? — Yes, please. — Help yourself.

girl, bird, her, shirt, dirty. farmer, butter.

5.     1 a, 4 — b. Martin.

6.     Where do you live? When do you go to school? Why do you like Pam?

Lesson 11

1.    Jim would like some soup, a ham sandwich and some tea. Jill would like some porridge, a cheese sandwich and some orange juice.

2.    I would like a ham sandwich, some tea and a banana.

3.    Does he/she like porridge (soup, fish, potatoes, a cheese sandwich)?

: — farmer, car, park, farm, are.

: — horse, short, corn, or, morning. : — girl, shirt, bird, her, dirty.

5.    like — [ail, live — take — [ell, see — [i: l, short — bad — [æ], girl — dark —

6.    She is a monkey. Her name is Pam. She lives in the forest. I would like to meet your friend.

7.    My friend is not big. He is nice. He is brave and strong. He isn't lazy. His nose is short. His eyes are dark. He can run and jump. He can count and read. He likes cabbage and potatoes. But he doesn't like honey and oranges. We go to school together.

Lesson 12

1.    Tom.

2.    I have got a friend. His name is Dima. He can sing and dance well. He can't ride a horse. He likes sweets and cakes.

3.    They like to play football. They like to skate. They like to ride a bicycle.

4.    Breakfast: butter, eggs, a sandwich, some porridge, coffee. Dinner: some soup, fish, cheese, ham, sweets. Supper: a cake, milk, a banana, a sandwich.

7. He, we, they, she, it.

Lesson 13

2.    Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. Friday, Saturday.

3.    They read on Monday. They write on Tuesday. They count on Wednesday. They play chess on Thursday. They swim on Friday. They sing on Saturday.

5.    A cake and some honey.

6.    A cake, butter, honey, a banana, some apples, milk, sweets, eggs, coffee, jam, tea, some ham, an orange, juice.

7.    Hello! — Good morning! — Give me some jam and some apples, please. — Here you are! — Thank you. — You are welcome.

Lesson 14

1.    A parrot.

2.    I have got a pet. He is nice and funny. He can run and jump. He likes fish and milk. He likes to play. He is smart. (He is a cat).

3.    Meat shirt, close, speak, bird, tea, her, corn, teacher, jeans, please, read, ice cream.

4.    Horses don't like meat. Dogs don't drink tea. Birds don't like milk. Pigs don't eat fish. Rabbits don't like ice cream.

5.    HanpHMep: They play tennis on Sunday. They count on Saturday.

Lesson 15

1.    They would like to buy carrots, apples, a pen and a pencil.

2.    I think I can buy bananas, oranges, lemons, carrots, cabbage and apples in the Green Shop. I think I can buy eggs, ice cream, but-

ter, milk and cheese in the White Shop. I think I can buy coffee, tea, bread, a cake and sweets in the Sweet Shop. I think I can buy books, workbooks, rulers, pens, pencils, rubbers and bags in the School Shop.

3.    The White Shop: milk, butter, eggs, cheese, ice cream.

The Green Shop: corn, oranges, cabbage, carrots, lemons, bananas.

The Sweet Shop: tea, coffee, sweets, bread, honey, cakes. The School Shop: books, pencils, workbooks, pens, bags.

4.    A smart dog, a grey mouse, a lazy rabbit, a blue parrot, a brave horse.

5.    No, it can't. Yes, they do. No, it doesn't. Yes, they are. Yes, they are. Rabbits do. A bird (parrot) can. Yes, I can. Foxes live in the forest. Pigs like cabbage, potatoes. Yes, I would.

6.    No, the bird can't read.

7.    Rocky, com, speaks, Mr Greenwood, read.

Lesson 16

Part 1

1. Jack. 2.

3. farm.

5.    I —a, 2   b 3—c,4—c.

6.    I like to play football (play chess, dance, sing, swim) on Sunday.

Part 2

1.   He is a rabbit. His name is Martin. He is smart. His ears are long. He lives in the forest. He goes to school. He can run and jump. He likes to read.

2.   Hello! — Hello! — Do you like ham? — No, I don't. Do you like carrots? — Yes, I do. — Would you like some carrots? — Yes, please. — Help yourself.

Lesson 18

1.    Tuesday — a ham sandwich, tea. Wednesday — some porridge, a cake, somc milk. Thursday — eggs, a cheese sandwich, coffee. Friday — some porridge, a cake, tea.

2.    Kate (Misha)! Let's work together!

3.    -Do you like carrots? — No, I don't. — Do you like ham'?—

Yes, I do. — Would you like some ham? Yes, please. Help yourself.

Lesson 19

1. tea, please, jam, thank.

3.     Would you like some cake? — Yes, please. — Here you are. — Thank you. May I have some coffee? — Of course. Hcre you are. — Thank you. — You are welcome.

4.     1

5.     It is big, strong and kind. It is very smart. It can run and jump. It has got nice eyes and not very long neck. It likes to run, it can swim. It likes to eat grass. It is not fat. (A horse).

Lesson 20

1.    A hat, a brown pencil.

2.    I think the bag is orange. I think the pen is black. I think the book is green. I think the workbook is white. I think the rubber is pink. I think the pencil is brown. I think the jeans are blue. I think thc hat is vellow.

3.    [i:] — clean, read, tea, eat, speak, please, teacher, meat, jeans, ice-cream.            

[e] — bread, healthy, head, breakfast.

 4. A crocodile.

5.    3)

6.    Yes, I do. Yes, they do. Yes, I do. Yes, it does. No, I don't. No, it doesn't. Yes, I do. No, it doesn't.

7.    Do you like tea? Do you like bananas? Do you like cheese? Do you like milk?

Lesson 21

1. Good moming, Jim! — Good morning, Jill! — Would you like some porridge? — No, thank you. But I would like some tea and a cheese sandwich. — OK! Here you are. Help yourselfl — Thank you, Jill! — You are welcome.

3.   I am Jim. I am nine. I go to school. I can read and write. I like  to swim and skip. For breakfast I like sandwiches, cakes and ice cream. I have got many friends. We play together o Sundays.

4.   What, how, where, when.

5.   A long neck, short ears, a short tail, a short neck, funny ears, a funny nose, a funny face, funny eyes, a strong tail, strong teeth, black ears, a black nose, black eyes, white ears, white  teeth, clean ears, clean teeth, clean face.

6.   meat, milk, coffee, corn, juice.

Lesson 22

2.    You must wash your hands and face. You must clean your teeth. You must run, you must jump.

3.    I think you must skip (ride a bike, swim, ski).

6.    I must eat carrots, apples, cabbage, porridge, cheese, drink milk and juice. I must wash my hands and face. I must clean my teeth every day. I must run, skate, ski, swim, skip, jump, play football or tennis, walk with my friends.

7.    eat. have, drink, wash. clean, run, skate, ski, swim, skip, jump, play, walk.


Every day, in the morning.

Lesson 23

1. You must take some bread, some cheese, some ham, some juice, somc apples, some bananas, your hats, glasses, plates and a ball to play.

3.     [i:] — ee, ea, e.

4.     Much: coffee, cheese, brcad, butter, com, porridge, soup, tea, jam, meat, ham, ice cream.

Many: trees, birds, rabbits, oranges, doctors, foxes, potatoes, cakes, teachers, teeth.

S. many, a lot of, many, much, much, many.

6.    I can eat a lot of soup (cheese, bananas, sweets, ice cream, ham, soup).

7.    A snake.

Lesson 24

1.   It is a parrot.

2.   Is it big? Is it slim? Can it fly? Can it run? Can it jump?

4.    One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.

5.    One busy morning eleven busy cats wash their faces and clean their teeth in the house. Twelve busy monkeys play football in the zoo. Thirteen busy pigs read good books at school. Fourteen busy rabbits write in their workbooks. Fifteen busy foxes  count their pencils. Sixteen busy dogs run and jump in the park. Seventeen busy ducks swim in the river. Eighteen busy birds fly in the sky. Nineteen busy frogs skip in the forest. Twenty busy cockerels on the farm. And only one little Baby Elephant sleeps in his room.

6.    Who... — a little Baby Elephant does. What.. — They read books. Where... — They sing on the fann. When... They wash their faces one busy morning. How many . . . — Sixteen dogs do. Why. . . — They like to count.

                                      Lesson 25

1. Twelve, eighteen.


4.    Yes, you may. No, you may not. No, you may not. Yes, you may. No, you may not. Yes, you may.

5.    May I go out (play football, read, write, count to 20)?

6.    Kate and her seven cats.

7.    It is the Saturday Cat. It is black and white. It is very smart. It likes ice cream. It can play chess. It doesn't like to dream.

 Lesson 26

1.   Bess reads books on Sunday. Jack plays football on Sunday. Nick plays tennis on Sunday.

2.   Twenty four — 24, twenty five, twenty six, twenty seven, twenty eight, twenty nine, thirty.


4.     b.

5.     I like to play with my friend, skate in the park, go to the zoo.

6.     What do you like to do on Sundays? — I like to

What does your father (mother, sister, Granny, brother) like to do on Sundays? — He/she likes to

7.     He likes to play football. His father likes to ski and play hockey. His mother likes to read and dance. His grandmother likes to read and walk in the park. His sister likes to draw and swim.

Lesson 27

1. Eleven, twelve, thirteen, twenty five, thirty one, forty six, fifty six, sixty two, seventy four, eighty eight, ninety three, one hundred.

bread, healthy, breakfast, head, pen. [el] — grey, away, play, say, today, may.

4. He is late, he is wet and dirty.


7.    When... He goes to school in the morning. What.. he has got a bag with books, pens and pencils. Where... sees a frog in the park. How. He can swim well. Why...... He is late for school. He is dirty.

8.    My friend goes to school in the morning. He sees a little bird it skips on the road. He runs and looks at her. And he secs a red cat. It is nice and it can jump on the tree. My friend is on the tree too. And he can't go down. His brother helps him, and he goes to school. He is late.


3.    Jill would like new skates.

4.    We like Christmas. Wc love you, dear Santa! I would like new skates. Wc have got a nice Christmas tree. Merry Christmas! Happy Ncw Year!

5.    Jill is seven, and Jim is nine. They go to school. Jim and Jill help their mum. Rex is a nice black dog. Jim would like a new bike. They have got a nice Christmas tree.

6.    I would like a new bike (a parrot, a dog, a bag.. .).

Lesson 29

1.    Dino would like to have a red, blue and yellow butterfly.

2.    Billy would like to have honey. Mary would like to have cheese. Pam would like to have bananas. Jack would like to have a ball. Jane would like to have a bike. Thomas would like to have a bag. Peter would like to have a hat. Bess would like to have sweets. Nick would like to have skates.

3.    They can sing a Christmas song.

4.    They write fixnny poems, play tennis, read books, dance and sing, play football, skip, ride a bike, play chess.

5.    c)

6.    l) Yes, 1 do

2)         Yes, 1 do

3)         Yes, 1 do 4) Yes, I am

5) Yes, 1 am

6) Yes, 1 can

7) Yes, I can.


7.    Merry Christmas and New Year are happy holidays with a lot of presents. We can sing merry songs. I can dance with my friends. I can eat many sweets and orangeS. We have got a Christmas tree.

Lesson 30

Part 1

1. Nick.


3.     Three pens, eleven cakes, seventeen oranges, twenty lemons.

4.     l) much,

2)  many,

3)  many, 4) likes, 5) go.

5.     school, write, football, likes, honey, carrots.

Part 2

1.    Eat carrots, apples and cabbage. Have porridge, cheese and milk for breakfast. Drink juice every day. You must wash face and hands, clean your teeth every day, run in the morning, skate, sky, and play football. Don't be lazy.

2.    My name is Mary. I am nine. I go to school. I like to read, write and count. I can dance and sing. I have got many friends. I like to play with them. Wc go to the park. I like to ridc a bike and skip. I like to swim. I like Christmas. I have got a nice Christmas tree. I love you, dear Santa. I would like a Christmas present. I would like a new bike. Merry Christmas!


1.    I think he is nice and kind. He is not angry. He can read. He lives in the forest.

2.    He is nine. He doesn't speak Russian. He likes to write fairy tales. He hasn't got sisters or brothers. He has got a lot of friends. He lives in the forest. — Can you count? Can you swim? What do you like to do? What do you like to eat?

3.    Tiny's friends like his poems and fairy tales, they like to walk in the forest and play chess together.

6.    He can speak and read English. I can do it too. He can write fairy tales. I can't write fairy tales.

7.    He lives in the English forest. HE is funny and kind. He is smart and merry. He can speak and read English. He likes to write fairy tales and poems.

Lesson 34

1.   Tiny writes fairy tales on Wednesday. He plays computer games on Saturday.

2.   I walk in the park on Saturdays. I play chess on Saturdays. I draw pictures in Sundays. I listen to music on Sundays.

4. The Country Mouse.

 5. l) play computer games,

2)  read and draw pictures,

3)  dance well,

4)  write poems.

6. The Town Mouse lives in a town. She lives in a big house. She is white and merry. She has got a funny face. She likes to play computer games. In the morning she listens to music. She can dance well.


2.    I like winter. I can skatc, ski and play hockey in winter.

3.    Do you like winter (spring, summer, autumn)? — Yes, I do/ No, I don't. — Why do you like winter (spring, summer, autumn)? — I can ski and skate (play football, swim in the river, ride a bike).

5.    2. The country Mouse likes to read. 4. The town Mouse and Country Mouse are friends.

6.    The Country Mouse doesn't like jam.

7.    The Country Mouse has cheese, bread, sweets and a red apple for breakfast.

8.    Pa3b1rpaTb nnanor H3 N! 6

Lesson 36

1.    Spring is green.

Summer is bright.

Autumn is yellow. Winter is white.

2.    In sumrner: we can swim, ride a bike. In winter: we can skate, ski, play snowballs, play hockey. At any season: we can play tennis, play football.

4.    I think they listen to music.

5.    The Country Mouse doesn't like her friend's house because a big cat lives there.

6.    2) the Cat can cat the mice.

7.    white, Town, computer, dance.

8.    I am the Country Mouse. I am grey and smart. I have got black eyes, small ears and a long tail. I like to read and draw pictures. I can write poems.


1. Jim likes summer. Jill likes autumn.


3.    I like summer. I like to swim in the river. I like to ride a bike.

4.    What season do you like? What do you like to do in winter (spring, summer, autumn)?

5.    March, April, May, August, September, October.

April, August, December, February, January, July, June, March, May, November, October, September.

6.    December, February.

March, May.

July, August.

September, October.

8. No, I don't. In June, July and August. Yes, I can/ No, I can't. On Saturdays/on Sundays. In the park. Summer.

Lesson 38

2.    HarrpHMep: I would like to speak English well. I would like to get a letter.

3.    Would you like to get a letter? Would you like to get a present (to dance, to play chess well, to play football well, to sing well)?

4.    AApecoBaH0 Miss Chatter. It is from Jim's mum.

5.    twenty-third, twenty-fourth, twenty-fifth, twenty-sixth, twentyseventh, twenty-eighth, twenty-ninth, thirtieth. Fiftieth, sixtieth, seventieth, eightieth, ninetieth.

6.    May, July, September, August, November, December.

7.    My birthday is in January (February, March, April, May, Junc, July, August, September, October, November, December).

Lesson 39

2. B is the second letter, I is the ninth letter, R is the eighteenth letter, T is the twentieth letter, H is the eighth letter, D is the fourth letter, A is the first letter, Y is the twenty-fifth letter in the ABC.

4.    My birthday is on the second of July. My mother's birthday is on February, 15 th . My father's birthday is on the twenty-fifth of October. My brother's birthday is on March, 27th

5.    HanpHMep: «My birthday is on the 23th of April.»

6.    March, April, February; January; June; May; November; August; September; December; October; July.

7.    The 2 nd , 5 th , 8 th, 10th, 13 th , 17 th , 21 st ofFebruary.

Lesson 40

1.    Pupil's present is a computer game.

2.    I'd like to have a scooter (a computer game, a player, roller skates, a ball, a bike).

4.    Rex has got a lot of presents: a red ball, a nice teddy bear and a bone.

5.    Rex's birthday is on the 28 th of February. Rex is three. Mussy, Doggie and Patrick come to see Rex. They have got a birthday cake, meat for Doggie, ham for Rex, carrots for Patrick and fish for Mussy. It is a birthday party, they have a lot of fun.

6.    Rex has got a lot of presents: a red ball, a nice teddy bear and a bone.

7.    We would have a big birthday party. My pet's friends would come to see him. They are a black cat Pussy, a white dog Lessy. He would have a lot of presents.

                                      Lesson 41        

3.    Jim's birthday is on the tenth of February. Jim has got a lot of presents (a puzzle, a teddy bear, a ball, a scooter, roller skates and a player) for his birthday. They have got a birthday cake for Jim's birthday. Pam likes to play with a teddy bear; Jim and Martin like to play computer games.

4.    Do you like to play computer games? — Have you got a new computer game? — OK! Let's!

7.    He doesn't like to play with a doll. But I like to play with a doll. He likes to play Lego. I like to play Lego, too. I like to roller skate. He likes to roller skate, too. He likes to sing and dance. But I don't like to sing and dance.

8.    I like birthday parties. When it is my birthday a lot of friends come to me. They give me a lot of presents. We have got a birthday cake on the table. We have got a lot of sweets, ice cream, bananas, oranges, juice, tea... We play many games: we play ball, play computer games, play with a teddy bear, play chess.

Lesson 42

2. l) I can see a postman in the picture. 2) The letterbox is red.

3)  I can see six stamps in the picture.

4)  I can see a Christrnas tree in the poster.

5)  I can see three envelopes in the picture.

4.    A letter, a new post office, a nice postcard, white paper, an old stamp, count stamps, a red letterbox, write an address, an English postman, draw a postcard, have got a lot of envelopes and stamps.

I like to write letters to my friends. Mother usually goes to the new post office. I get nice postcards when I have got a birthday. You can buy white paper in the post office. My Grandfather has got a lot of old stamps. There arc a lot of stamps, I can't count them all. Mum usually throws letters into the red letterbox. You must write an address on the envelope. I would like to see an English postman. My friend likes to draw postcards. A postman has got a lot of envelopes and stamps.

5.    An envelope and a stamp to Russia, blue writing paper.

6.    I think I can buy envelopes, stamps, postcards, writing paper.

7.    Hello! Can I help you? — Hello! I'd like to send a postcard to my friend. Have you got postcards? — Here you are. — Have you got stamps? — Here you are. You can take any. Would you like an envelope? — No, thank you. Bye! — Bye-bye.

Lesson 43

2.    2) Miss Chatter gets a letter., 5. Miss Chatter reads the letter., 1 Miss Chatter writes a letter., 4.She writes an address on the envelope, 6. She posts the letter, 3. She sends a letter.

3.    paper, write, envelope, stamp, address, post office, post.

4.    I am on the farm. I am here with my family (mum, dad, Jim,  grandma, grandpa and Rex).l have my dog. It likes to swim in the river and to play on the farm. In the morning I ride a bike, walk in the forest or play with my doll. At the post office they have got a lot of stamps for my collection. Now you know my address.

Lesson 44

4.    To: Evan Brown, 5, Green Street, London 19 PA, Great Britain.

To: Oleg Ivanov, 45, Petrovskaya Street, Moscow 123765, Russia.

 To: Betty Smith, 13, Wall Street, New York 357 ND, the USA.

To: James Talor, 2, Broadway, New York 45 NM, the USA.

5.    a letterbox and a lamp

6.    l) Near the letterbox there stands a lamp.

2) The lamp shows the people where to post their letters.


The letterbox and the lamp are good friends. The lamp shines in the dark night. The postman takes the letters and the postcards.

Lesson 45

1. Great Britain, Cambridge. Russia, Moscow.

3.   Ba6Y111KHHb1 UBeTb1, Benocnnem ero narlbl, rmpor Moeä Marvfbl, AHHH nneep, MapKa TaiHH, caMOKaT Å)KHMa, pyYKH Ma.11bHHKOB, MOJIOKO KOTOB, ITOPTd)eJIH yyeHHKOB.

4.   My mum's hat... My dad's computer game... My grandpa's bike... Rex's teddy bear is funny.

5.   Miranda helps the people.

7. The lamp is ill. — The light goes out.

Miranda quacks. — Shc wants to help people. People are happy. — They post their letters.

Lesson 46

1.   9 — She has got nine pets.

Thc 16th — Her birthday is on thc 16th of April.

2.   My name is... My surname is. ...I'm from Russia. I live in Moscow. I'm nine. I'm a student. I'm in the third form. Yes, I've got a pet. My birthday is on the .. .of. I like to.

4.     I like the first letter. I like football, too. / I like the third letter. I have got a lot of pets, too.

5.     l) Evan's birthday is in spring. 2) Andrew has got three pets.

6.     Diana is seven. Evan has got his birthday on. . . Andrew has got. Andrew lives in London. Diana is in the 2nd form.

7.     Diana's cats. ...Andrew's dog. . *Andrew's birds. Diana's dog.

8.     Diana Tunen. She is seven. She is from Great Britain. She lives in Cambridge. She has got 9 pets. Diana has got 3 cats, I dog and 5 fish. She lives with her dad, mum, brother and two sisters. She is in the 2nd form. Her birthday is on the 16th of April.

Lesson 47

1.    Do you like to ask questions? Yes, I do.

2.    What; what; where; where; how; when; what; what; how many; how many.

3.    My name is... My surname is... I'm from Russia. I live in Moscow. I'm nine. My birthday is on the... of. . . My favourite holiday is New Year. I like to draw and sing. I have got 5 friends. I have got two pets.

4.    The I st of January is the New Year's Day. The 25 th of December is Christmas Day in England. The I st of May is May Day.

The I st of June is the Children's Day. The I st of September is the first day of school. The 7th of January is Christmas Day in Russia. The 14th of February is St Valentine's Day.

5.    I like Christmas Day. I can walk, play snowballs, play hockey. I like the 1 st of September. I can go to •school and see my friends, I can leam a lot of things.

6.    What is your name? What is your surname? How old are you? Where are you from? When is your birthday? What do you like to do? Have you got a pet? What is your favourite holiday?

Lesson 48


3.    Where do you walk? When does Billy visit his friend? Why does Tiny like summer? What do they draw? How many letters does Mary draw?

4.    Tiny.

5.    Who writes fairy tales? Who likes to write letters? Who has got a pet? Who is a pupil of Green School? Who is from Great Britain?

6.    I am a teacher. I work at Green School. I am kind. I have got a pet. It is a parrot. I teach him to read. I like to play chess on Sundays.

Lesson 49

1.    Andrew has got a player.

2.    The first postcard is for a birthday. My birthday is on the...


The second postcard is for the New Year's Day. It is on the I  of January.

The fourth postcard is for Christmas Day. It is on the 7th of January.

The fifth postcard is for the first day of school. It is on the of September.

3.    the 3 rd picture.

4.    3) She likes to ask questions.

5.    1) smart. 2) four dolls, a doll's house, two teddy bears, three balls and a bike. 3) Ask a lot of questions. 4) Dad and me a lot of questions every day. 5) Answer Rose's questions.

6.    1 — 2) The boy's postcards are beautiful. , 2 3) The girls' dolls are nice. , 3 — l) The boy's ball is red and blue.

7.    My name is... My surname is... I am nine years old. I am from Russia. I live in Moscow. I have got a big family: I have got a mother, a father, two sisters, a grandfather and a grandmother. I can read, write, count and draw. I can swim, ride a bike. I like to dance. I usually dance on Sundays. I like to draw and sing. In summer I like to swim in the river. My favourite holidays are  my birthday and the New Year's Day. On the New Year's Day we have got a Christmas tree, we have got a lot of presents. We have a lot of fun.

Lesson 50

Part 1

1.    Tiny gets a big cake for his birthday.

2.    I Tom's birthday is on the eighteenth of July. , 2 He can play tennis, draw, ride a bike and play computer games. , 3 Tom would like to have a cat.

3.    are, likes, live, write, first.

4.    I —a) Thee girl's flowers are nice. 2 — b) The boys' stamps are old.

5.    When is your birthday? Who lives in the forest? Why does he like spring? Can you play tennis?

6.    school, beautifill, swim, ride, third.

7.    Dear Tom,

I am from Russia. My birthday is on the ...of. My favourite holiday is the New Year's Day. I can swim, ride a bike, roller skate and play tennis. I like to sing and dance.

Your pen friend,

Part 2

l. Tiny is a pupil. He goes to Green School. He lives in the Eng: lish forest. He is kind and energetic. His favourite season is sun-mer. He likes jam, sweets and cakes. His favourite holiday is Christmas. He likes to play with his friends. He can write fairy tales and poems. He likes to swim in the river, listen to music, play computer games, draw funny pictures, watch TV.

2. — Hello...! — Hello! — What do you like to do? — I like to draw funny pictures and listen to music. — And what can you do? — I can play tennis, I can swim, I can draw. — What season do you like? — I like summer. I have got a birthday in summer. — When is your birthday? — My birthday is on the 3 rd of July. — What would you like to get for your birthday? I would like to get a new bike.

Lesson 53

4.     (a) Big nose (ears, eyes, feet, (a) head, (a) mouth, (a) hand), long ears ((a) leg, (a) arm, fingers), short ears, a short leg, a short arm, short fingers, nice eyes, nice hair, a nice hand, a nice face, white teeth, black eyes, a kind face, kind eyes, clean


feet, a clean hand, a red nose, a red mouth, beautiful eyes, beautiful hair, a beautiful face, angry eyes, an angry face.

5.     It has got a long nose. It has got three eyes. It has got four legs. It has got funny hair.

6.     What is your name? — My name is.

How old are you? — I am nine.

Are you a student? — Yes, I am. I am in the third form.

do you like to do? — I like to read and draw pictures. Can you fly? — No, I can't.

7.     my sister, smart, student, draw, summer.

8.     We have got only parrots and fish. We don't go to school, computers arc our teachers. We have post offices and postmen. Wc can't play football. We have only summer. We have got mountains.

Lesson 54

1.    It is Tiny.

2.    He has got a short nose. He has got brown eyes. Ha has got bog ears. His face is merry. He has got grey hair. He has got long arms. (Martin)

3.    l) toes,

2)         nose, mouth, neck,

3)         ears, alms, hands, legs, feet, knees, 4) teeth.

5. Rose and Andrew go to bed at nine o'clock. Their mum wants to tell them about Tiny.

7. l) Where,

2) when, 3)what,

4)   when,

5)   how many.

6)   When does he go to school?

Lesson 55

2.    face — round, lovely; eyes — brown, ears — small, brown, nose —black, hair — dark,

3.    Is his nose black? Are his eyes brown? Are his ears pink? Is his hair red?

4.    His face is round. His eyes arc green. His nose is short. His hair is blond. His ears are small.

5.    Tiny is a gnome. He often plays jokes. He likes to roller skate, ride his scooter.

6.    l) He always smiles. His eyes are kind. He has very big ears.

2) He likes ice cream, cakes, sweets, chocolate and jam. 3) He likes to listen to music and roller skate.


9. a gnome; a fairytale forest; very big ears; cakes, ice cream, sweets, chocolate and jam; play computer games, listen to music, ride his scooter and roller skate.

                                        Lesson 56

2.    It's half past seven. It's time to wash your hands and face.

It's eight o'clock. It's time to have breakfast.

          It's half past eight. It's time to go to school.

          It's half past twelve. It's time to have lunch.          

It's three o'clock. It's time to go home.

It's half past four. It's time to do your homework. It's nine o'clock. It's time to go to bed.

3.    I get up at seven o'clock. I have breakfast at half past seven. go to school at eight o'clock. I have lunch at half past twelve. I have dinner at three o'clock. do my homework at half past four. I go to bed at nine o'clock.

5.    I —4-oe npezn.,

2           — 5-oe npewl.,

3           — 6-oe rrpewr.,

4           — 7-oe lipewr.,

5           — At half past six Dino plays computer games, 6 — 10-oe rpean.

6.    What do you do at seven o'clock? I get up. What do you do at twelve o'clock? — I have lunch. What do you do at three o'clock? — I have dinner. What do you do at five o'clock? I do my homework. What do you do at nine o'clock? I go to bed.

7.    Martin gets up at seven o'clock. He washes his face, hands and ears at half past seven. He has breakfast at eight o'clock. He goes to school at half past eight. Martin has lunch at half past twelve. He goes home at three o'clock. He does his homework at five o'clock. He plays chess at seven o'clock. He goes to bed at nine o'clock.

Lesson 57

2. At 7.00 am Billy must get up. At 7.40 am he must have breakfast. At 8.10 am he must go to school. At 12.30 pm he must have lunch. At 3.00 pm he must do his homework. At 6.20 pm Billy must read a book. At 9.00 pm he must go to bed.

4.    I get up at 7.00 am. I clean my teeth at 7.15 am. I wash my hands and face at 7.20 am. I have breakfast at 7.30 am. I go to school at 8.00 am. I come home at 2.30 pm. I do my homework at 4.00 pm. I play with my toys at 6.00 pm. I read books at 7.00 pm. I watch TV at 8.00 pm. I go to bed at 9.00 pm.

5.    I usually get up at 7.00 am. CMOTPHTe ynp. 4.

6.    kind, green, long, big, dark, strong,.

7.    It's time to go to bed. — I don't want to go to bed. I want to play with my toys. — You must go to bed. Don't forget to clean your teeth. — Ok! Good night. — Good night.

Lesson 58

2.    You must clean your teeth, wash your hands and face. You must not watch TV all day long. You must run and jump, ride your bike and swim.

3.    Do you wash your hands and face? — Yes, I do.  

When do you have breakfast? — have breakfast at 7.30 am. When do you do your homework? — I do my homework at

4.00 pm.

Do you walk int the park? Yes, I do.

When do you go to bed? — I go to bed at 9.00 pm.

4.    Kirill has breakfast at 7.40 am. He does his homework at 5.00 pm. He doesn't walk in the park. He goes to bed at 9.30 pm.

6.     l) looks like, 2) looks like, 3) look, 4) look at.       

7.     like, get up, wash, teeth, play, write, please. Martin and his friends listen to fairy tales and write letters.

Lesson 59

1.    Her doll's name is Alice.

2.    His name is Ufo. He is one hundred years old. His eyes are grey. His nose is long. His ears are big. He has got three eyes. His feet are big. He has got two hands and four legs.

4.    Ufo doesn't ride his bike on Thursday. He writes letter on Thursday.

He doesn't roller skate on Friday. He plays football on Friday. Ufo doesn't write letters on Saturday. Ufo roller skates on Saturday.

5.    No, you don't have small ears. You have big ears- No, you don't have a long nose. You have a nice nose. No, don't have an angry face. You have a kind face. No, you don't have yellow teeth. You have white teeth. No, you don't have a big mouth. You have a small mouth. No, you don't have small hands and feet. You have big hands and feet.

6.    Where does he run in the morning? What does he do at 7.45 am? When does he come home? What does he do then? When does he have tea? When does he go to bed?

Lesson 60


3. Jill cleans her teeth and has breakfast in the morning. She has lunch, does her homework and waters flowers in the afternoon. She plays with her teddy bear, a puzzle, watches TV and goes to bed in the evening.

5.    In the afternoon. In the evening. In the afternoon. In the afternoon. In the morning.

6.    When does Tiny get up? Is he busy? Does Tiny listen to fairy tales? Do his friends know that Tiny is hospitable? Can he play the piano?

7.    Does he likc to blow bubbles? - Yes, he does. He blows bubbles in the afternoon. When does he do his homework'? — He does his homework at 2.30 pm. When does he go to bed? — He goes to bed at 9 0'clock.

Lesson 61

1.    5 pigs and 6 hens.

2.    two hens (cockerels, pigs, fish, mice, rabbits, boys, monkeys, girls, men, children, women).

3.    a tooth, men, a mouse, a woman, children, a fish. rooms, a box, foxes, a horse, hens, a letter.

4.    flowers, bubbles, evenings, friends, fairy tales.

5.    At 8 am he has breakfast. At 9 am he goes to school. At I pm he has lunch. At 3 pm he goes home. At 4 pm he has dinner. At 5 pm he does his homework. At 7 pm he writes fairy tales. At 8 pm he watches TV. At 9 pm he goes to bed.

6.    What is Tiny? — He is a gnome. How old is he? How old is Tiny? — He is nine. Is he a student? — Yes, he is. Where does he live? — He lives in the English forest. When does he get up? — He gets up very early, at 7 am. Can he write fairy tales? — Yes, he can. Has he got many friends? — Yes, he has.

Lesson 62

1.           play the piano, + dance and sing, +speak English.

2.           I can ride a scooter. I can ride a bike. I can't roller skate. I can play computer games. I can play puzzles. I can't play the piano. I can dance and sing. I can speak English.

3.           Can you ride a scooter (roller skate, play computer games, play puzzles, play the piano, dance and sing, speak English)? Yes, I can/ No, I can't.

4.           We can play computer games. We can't play the piano. I can dance and sing but Sasha can't dance and sing. We can play puzzles. We can't roller skate.

5.           friends, boys, girls, months, teeth, eyes, hands, feet, toys, cats, mice, fish, foxes, balls, horses, toys, children. Dima has got 2 cats, 3 mice, 4 fish, 2 foxes, 2 balls, 2 horses and a rabbit.

6.           I usually come home at 2.00 pm. I think Jill has dinner at 2.00 pm. I do my homework at 3.50 pm. I think Jim does his homework at 3.50 pm. I usually play with my toys at 5.40 pm.

I think Jill watches TV at 5.40 pm. I usually read books at 6.10 pm. I think Jill listens to music at 6.10 pm. I usually play computer games at 7.30 pm. I think Jill washes her hands and face at 7.30 pm. I wash my hands and face at 9.00 pm, I think Jill goes to bed at 9.00 pm.

Lesson 63

1.    Alex, Ben.

2.    She is smart and kind. Her eyes are brown. She can play tennis. She likes to play jokes.

3.    a big foot, a favourite fairy tale, a funny book, a beautiful woman, a nice child, an angry man, a small child, a brave girl, a clean tooth, a long fairy tale, a white tooth, a little fish, a grey mouse.

4.    5 favourite fairy tales, 8 funny books, 6 beautiful women, 3 nice children. 2 angry men, 4 brave girls, 7 clean teeth.

5.    He meets Mary, Peter and Martin.

6.    His name is Ufo. His eyes are grey. His nose is long. His ears are big. He has got three eyes. His feet are big. He has got two hands and four legs.

7.    I am a robot. I have not got any friends. I want to find friends.

Lesson 64

1.    Kate.

2.    Ann has got blond hair. Her eyes are grey. She can be a Cinderella.

Rose has got brown hair. Her eyes are brown. She can be...

3.    Ufo has got 5 friends: Mary, Martin, Peter, Bess and Billy.

5.   I think Peter the pig goes to school at 8.30 am. I think Mary the mouse has lunch at 11.40 am. I think Ufo goes home at 2 pm. I think Bess the fox has dinner at 3.15 pm. I think Billy the bear reads a book at 7.45 pm. I think Ufo watches TV at

       8.30 pm.

6.   Is Mary the mouse little? — Yes, she is. Can Peter the pig dance? — I think he can. Does Martin the rabbit like Bess the fox? — Yes, he does. Where do the friends live? — They live in the forest. Would you like to live with six friends? — Yes, I would.

7.   His name is Ufo. His eyes are grey. His nose is long. His ears are big. He has got three eyes. His feet are big. He has got two hands and four legs. He wants to have friends. He meets five friends.

Lesson 65

Part 1

1.   It is Steve.

2.   l) b, 2) b, 3)c, 4) John likes football and tennis. Harry likes carrots, cabbage and bread. Betty and Kate like fairy tales.

3. 1

4.    gets up, face, breakfast, home, his, watches, usually.

5.    I am nine. I live with mum, dad and my sister. I like to play football and tennis. I can dance and play puzzles. I have got a pet, a parrot.

Part 1

1.   My name is... My surname is... I am nine. I am from Russia. I live in Moscow. I live with my mum, dad and my brother. I can play tennis. I like to play computer games and puzzles. My birthday is on the . . .of. . . I like winter because I like to play snowballs, I like to ski and skate. I have got a pet. it is a parrot, his name is Kesha. He is nice, he is green. He likes to speak.

2.   Do you like Bess the fox? How old is Tiny? Do you like Martin? What does Mary like to do?

Lesson 68

Dear Martin,

My name is. . . My surname is. . . I am nine. I am from Russia. I

 live in Moscow. I live with my mum, dad and my brother. I can play tennis. I like to play computer games and puzzles. My birthday is on the . . .of.. . I like winter because I like to play snowballs, I like to ski and skate. I have got a pet. It is a parrot, his name is Kesha. He is nice, he is green. He likes to speak.



Lesson 1

2.    [æ] — sad, [ei]               brave, Lai] — nine, [D]      long, [ou] — nose.

3.    Friends, welcome, school, read, run, jump, forest, go, school, together, pupils.

4.    2) name,

4)         kind,

5)         read and write, 6) dance, 7) go.

Lesson 2

Welcome to school.

2. swim; six, can.

4. Peter! Count to ten, please! Martin! Write the ABC, please! Jane! Take your books, please! Pam! Dance, please! Nick! Count your pens, please!

Lesson 3

1.    dance, sing, write, count, read.

2.    Her name is Jane. She is a nice girl. She can dance well. She has got a red hat.

3.    My name is Dima. I am nine. Yes, I can sing. I can't dance. I can't play chcss. Yes, I have.


1.    sweet, butter, cake, bread, juice.

2.    car, park, far, farm.

3.    I live on the farm.

4.    We are pupils. Do you like music? I like red cars. Do they go to school?

Lesson 5

1.    hat, hen, car, nose, park. Pupil, clock, fanner, bag, six, pen. Thank. Please.

2.    butter — [b to], egg leg], cake [keik], car they — [öci], park — [pa:k], milk — [milk].

3.    Do you like to ride a bike? — Yes, I do. — Would you like to ride a bike in the park? — Yes, please.

4.    My name is Sasha. Yes, I do. Yes, I am brave. Yes, I can swim. No, I don't plat tennis. Yes, I'm strong. I can skate. Yes, 1 do.

Lesson 6

1.    com, six, forest. I would like a horse.

2.    but, butter, run. Farm, park, car. Fly, bike, kind. Ball, corn, short.

3.    am, is, is, are, are.

4.    I like to sing and dance. You like to visit Green School. He likes to live in the forest. We like to run in the park. They like to play football.


1.    Cabbage, carrot, nut, butter, potato, apple, egg, corn. Ha U.]KOJ1bHOM oropoae cabbage, carrot, nut, potato, apple, corn.

2.    I would like to skate in the park. I would like to have six friends. I would like to swim in the morning. I would like to ride a horse.

3.    Cheese, a horse, a car, corn, milk, cake, sweets, butter, a  farmer, a park.

Are, is, am.

Go, read, ride, count, like, play.

Lesson 8

1.    Would you like to have some honey? — Yes, please. (Yes, I


2.    Does he live in the forest? Has he got many friends? Does he go to school? Does he like cabbage? — It is Billy.

3.    forest, nice, have, go, sweets, com, like.

Lesson 9

1.    Where, what9 who, why.

2.    egg, eat, jam, coffee, sweet, cake.

3.    Good morning, Jim! Good morning! I'm hungry. — Would you like some porridge? I don't like porridge. I would like some cheese. — Good! Take some cheese. — Thank you.

4.    Breakfast: porridge, a sandwich, coffee. Lunch: soup, ham, bread, an orange. Dinner: fish, potatoes, a cake, tea.


1.    bird, fox, girl ,her, shirt, funny, box, dirty, run, black.

2.    Corn, short, horse. Sad, bag, bad, can, have. Bird, work, dirty. Pupil, music, you. Run, but, butter, some.

3.    Her name is Bess. She is merry and nice. Bess is not lazy. Bess does not like porridge. She can sing and dance.

4.    Where do you live? What do you like to do? When do you go home? Why do you like Pam? What do you like to eat?

Lesson 11

1.    A white bird, a black pen, a dirty shirt.

2.    likc — [ail, live — take — [co, see — girl dark —

3.    is, has got, can, likes.

4.    My friend is not big. He is nice. He is strong. He isn't lazy. His nose is short. His eyes are dark. He can dance. He can count and play chess well. He likes cabbage and potatoes. But he doesn't like honey. We go to school together.

Lesson 12

1. carrot, cabbage, tomato, apple, potato.

girl, [J ] short, [0] morning, [h] — who, [d] ¯ with.

3.    brave boy, crocodiles, shirt, nice, short.

4.    we, she, they, it.


1.    Sunday, Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.

2.    Dino plays chess on Tuesdays. Pam skis on Wednesdays. Thomas writes and reads on Thursdays. Peter and Nick play football on Friday.

3.    I like ham. But I don't like cheese. I like cabbage. But I don't like carrots. I like bananas. But I don't like oranges. I like cake. But I don't like potatoes.

Lesson 14

1.   Meat, eat, coffee, speak, ice cream, tea, cheese, bread, sweet.

2.   Clean — dirty, bad — good, long short, black = white, happy — sad.

3.   Jane sings on Sundays. Thomas counts on Sundays. Peter swims on Sundays. Jack plays football on Sundays.

4.   I like to dance on Saturday and Sunday. I like to walk in the park on Saturday and Sunday.

                                Lesson 15       

1.    Coffee, milk, sweet, cheese, butter, corn, carrot.

2.    Mary likes cheese. Nick likes corn and bread. Jane can't eat lemons. Pam likes red and green apples. Jack eats meat and ham in the morning.

3.    Is Thomas smart? Are we brave? Is Mr Greenwood strcng? Are pupils nice? Is his pet funny?


1. Jack comes to Billy.


3.    farm.

4.    a)


6. I like to watch TV on Sunday. I like to swim on Sunday. I like to play chess on Sunday.

Lesson 17

l. It is five. She is seven. They are ten.

2.    is, am, am, are, is, is, are, is.

Yes, I am a pupil. I have got a pet - a cat. It is funny.

3.    Jill skates and skis in the park, too. Jim rides a horse, too. Billy likes sweets, too. My friend plays tennis on Sunday, too.

4.    He is not sad. He can sing. He lives in the zoo.

5.    No, I am not. No, I don't. Yes, I can. Yes, I have. Yes, it is.

6.    a horse, milk, carrots, red.

Lesson 18

Menu. Tuesday a ham sandwich, tea. Wednesday some porridge, a cake, some milk. Thursday eggs, a cheese sandwich, coffee. Friday — some porridge, a cake, tea.


1. ears, face, eyes, neck, mouth, tail. This is a kangaroo.

 2. Would you like some fish? — Yes, please. May I have some bread? — Here you are. — Thank you. — You are welcome.

3. lives, like, drinks, drink, eat.

Lesson 20

1.    Tea with lemon.

2.    A fox — red — meat — forest — run, jump — dance. A cat — black, white, red, brown, grey — milk, fish — farm — run, jump — sing. A rabbit — grey, red, white, black — carrots— farm — run count, speak.

3.    I like to eat eggs, sandwiches for breakfast, I like to drink tea for breakfast.

Lesson 21

1.    Bread, coffee, meat, please, three, cheese, tea, breakfast, green, sweet, teeth, teacher, head, see.

2.    Who? — KT0?What? —             Where? — rne?    — qeMY?

3.    meat; juice; com; coffee; milk.

4.    nine, school, read, like, breakfast, ice cream, friends, together.

Lesson 22

2.    Play tennis, clean teeth, wash hands and face, have breakfast, drink juice.

Cleans his teeth, play tennis, wash our hands and face, have breakfast,            orange juice.

3.    You must clean your teeth, wash your hands and face, run in the park, ski and skate. You must not go to bed late, watch TV a lot, eat too many sweets.

Lesson 23

1.    a) cabbage, bread, cheese, meat, cake, coffee, carrot, sweet, butter. — BREAKFAST.

b) I like to have eggs, sandwiches, cake and tea for breakfast.

2.    Much checsc, coffee, meat, corn, tea, butter, bread, milk, juice, porridge. Many sweets, carrots, cakes, potatoes, tomatoes, apples, bananas, lemons, nuts, eggs, sandwiches.

3.    It is very tall. It has got funny ears. It has got kind eyes. It has hot a long neck. It likes to eat fruit and leaves. It is yellow and brown. It can walk and run. (A giraffe)

Lesson 24

1.    meat; bread; fish; cake.

2.    Jill has got fivc tomatoes, three carrots, two lemons, some butter, some meat, six apples, six bananas, some tea and some coffee.

3.    Eightcen, thirteen, fifteen, seventeen, nineteen, fourteen, sixteen.

4.    Eleven sweets, thirteen apples, fifteen oranges, seventeen carrots, eighteen tomatoes, twenty nuts.

                                      Lesson 25

1.    Twelve sweets, sixteen carrots, eighteen apples, thirteen oranges, twenty lemons.

2.    a lot of, much, many, many, a lot of, many.

3.    good cheese, a lot of cakes, strong tea, green cabbages, nice sweets, white eggs.

4.    May I come in? Can you play hockey? May T take a pen? Do you swim in the morning?

Lesson 26

1.    Twenty, seventy, fifty, forty, ninety, thirty, eighty, sixty.

2.    I like to play football, walk in the park, play computer games, draw. I don't like to eat porridge, count, ski, eat carrots.

3.    Does Nick like to play chess? Does Peter like to dance? Does Jane like to sing? Does Mary like to walk in the forest'?

Lesson 27

1. Twenty three pens, sixty two bags, forty five pencils, seventy eight bikes.


3. Do they go to the park? Do her friends play tennis on Sundays? Do we go to school together? Do you speak and read English well? Do the sisters •drink tea for breakfast?

Lesson 28

2.    A Christmas tree, a bike, a ball, skates, a sock, Santa Claus.

3.    My name is Olga. T am nine. I can sing, dance, swim and skate. Can I have new skates for Christmas, please? . ...With love, Olga.

Lesson 29

1.    Cake, orange, skates, Christmas, Santa Claus, present, tree, merry, sing, happy.

2.    in, with, in, with, for, on.

3.    Dear Santa Claus,

.1 go to school. I can count and write. I likc sweets. I'd like to have a butterfly.

Lesson 30

1. Nick.


3.    Three pens, eleven cakes, seventeen oranges, twenty lemons.

4.    much, many, many, likes, go.

5.    school, write, football, likes, honey, carrots.

Lesson 31

1.    You can't eat your cake and have it. b)     3.

2.    Help yourself.

b) cabbage soup, meat and potatoes, cheese sandwich, ham sandwich, ice cream, orange juice.

3.    Can you swim? Do you play tennis? Do you run in the park? Do you drink coffee for breakfast?

4.    Read, are, ride, sing, sit, skate, can ,ski, jump, play, swim, drink, eat, fly.

5.    is, are, are, is, am.

6.    Does the pupil read and speak well? Does Billy live in the forest? Does Bess skate in thc park? Does Martin play chess?

7.    Jane doesn't like to eat. Jill and Pam don't play hockey. Pam can't ride a horse. Rocky doesn't sing at home. Dino isn't a teacher. Pupils aren't lazy.

Lesson 33

1.    Big — small, fat — slim, good — bad, nice — ugly, kind angry, short — long, smart — stupid, sad — merry.

2.    is, can, are, am, am, has.

3.    I live in the English forest. I think I am nice. But I am not angry. I can speak and read English. But I can't speak Russian. I like to write fairy tales. I like coffee, cakes and sweets.

Lesson 34

1.    five, Thursday, day, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday, Friday, Saturday, poem, room. I like Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

2.    draw funny pictures, play computer games, watch TV, listen to music.

3.    big, Country, draw, friend.

Lesson 35

1. Spring is green. Summer is bright. Autumn is yellow. Winter is white.

3.    Would you like an apple? — Yes, I'd like a green äpple. Here you are. — Thank you. — You are welcome.

4.    Bess walks in the forest in spring, too. Tiny visits friends in winter, too. Pam plays tennis in summer, too. My friend rides a bike in autumn, too.

Lesson 36

1.    In summer. We can swim. We can ride a bike. In winter: we can skate, ski, play snowballs, play hockey. At any season: we can play tennis, play football.

2.    Do you like autumn? Do you play tennis in summer? Can you ski and skate? Has he got a nice bike? Does she like spring?

3.    I live in the country. I can read and write. I do not like carrots and jam. I have got a friend. I visit my friend on Sundays.

Lesson 37

1.    I do not like November and March. I can skate in winter. I swim in the river in summer. I like May and September. I like spring and autumn. — Tiny likes spring and autumn. He likes May and September.

2.    January, February, December are winter months. I like May and October. What month do you like? — August. They skate on Sundays and Saturdays.

3.    31 days: January, March, May, July, August, October, December. 30 days: April, June, September, November. 28 or 29 days February.

Lesson 38

1.    second; think; June.

2.    I would like to meet Pam. I would like to get new skates. I would like to have holidays. I would like not to have porridge for breakfast. I would like to speak to Billy.

3.    fifth, seventh, eighth, tenth, twelfth.

4.    9 — nine — the ninth,

13 — thirteen — the thirteenth,

15 fifteen — the fifteenth, 18 — eighteen — the eighteenth,

20 — twenty — the twentieth,

29 — twenty nine — the twenty ninth.

Lesson 39

1.    Monday is the second day of the week. Tuesday is the third day of the week. Wednesday is the fourth day of the week. Thursday is the fifth day of the week. Friday is the sixth day of the week. Saturday is the seventh day of the week.

2.    The twenty first of January is Bess's birthday. The ninth of March is Mary's birthday. The twenty second of August is Billy's birthday. The third of June is Martin's birthday.

3.    The twentieth of April, the twelfth of March, the twenty third of May, the second of August, the thirty first of July, the twenty second of June, the nineteenth of November, the thirteenth of February, the sixteenth of October.

                                Lesson 40       

1.    Bear, rabbit, computer, scooter, elephant, doll, ball, bicycle.

2.    Would you like to come to us? When is your birthday? I would like to get a computer for my birthday.

3.    The twelfth of September is my dad's birthday. The twentieth of October is my dad's birthday. The thirteenth of January is my sister's birthday.

Lesson 41

1.    Happy birthday to you.

2.    Puzzle, ball, teddy bear, computer, game, roller skates, present,  doll, biéycle.

3.    I'd like to have a birthday today. — What would you like to have for your birthday? — I'd like to have a scooter and a lot of sweets. — Oh, I can give you a sweet. Here you are. It's great. Thank you.

4.    on the ...of.. My friends and I eat a lot of cakes, sweets and ice cream. I get a lot of presents. We play games, run and jump, go for a walk to the park.

Lesson 42

l. envelope, pen, postcard, stamp, paper, street. LETTER. Knroq,


2.    a lot of, blue and pink, black and blue, new Christmas.

3.    Four postcards, eight letters, five stamps, nine envelopes, two posters.

Lesson 43

1.    Postman, pen, stamp, letterbox, street, address, post, paper, letter.

2.    Letter —         post — [ou], paper — [ei], get —    write

Lai], street — read        send        stamp poster — [ou].

3.    I can write (post»get, take) a letter.

4.    family (mum, dad, Jim, grandma, grandpa and Rex), dog, swim, play, ride a bike, play with my doll, post office, stamps, address.


1.   Poster, stamp, paper, postman.

2.   Postman — [ou], address — [9], friend — [e], postcard town — [au], street

3.   Tiny wHtes letters to his friends. We like to get letters. Where are the envelopes? Where are you from? I do not like this postcard.

4.   To: James Talor, 2, Broadway, New York 45 NM, the USA.

To: Olga Takhina, 45, Lesnaya Street, Moscow 173254, Russia.

Lesson 45

1.    Tiny

10, Fairytale Street, Green Forest, Great Britain.

2.    Miss Chatter's flowers, the postman's cap, Ben's computer ga,me, Jill's player, Jim's sweets.

3.    Peter's letters are long. Jim's postcards are nice. My friends' posters are nice. The postman's bag is big. The girl's stamps are English.

Lesson 46

1. today; boy; bad; third; December.


3. mother's letter, Tiny's envelopes, postman's bag, Jim's posters, girls' postcards, sisters' cat.

Lesson 47

— with, [wai] — why, [wee] — where, [WDt] — what, : — who, [hau] — how.

2.    What, where, how many, what.

3.    Dear Andrew,

My name is Kate. My surname is Lidina. I am nine. I am from Russia. My birthday is on the fifth of November. I like to draw and sing English songs. I have got a pet. It is a dog. His name is Rex. My favourite holiday is the New Year's Day. Your pen friend Kate.

Lesson 48

1.    To draw pictures — PHCOBaTb KaPTHHKH, to ride a scooter — e3ÄHTb Ha caMOKaTe, to play computer games nrpaTb B KOM11bK)TePHb1e Hrpbl, to watch TV — CMOTPeTb TeneBH30P, to get letters — nonyqaTb rlHCbMa.

2.    When do they visit their grandma? What does Miss Chatter post  on Sundays? Where is the postcard from? What does Billy like?

3.    Why does he like summer? Where does he live? How many friends has he got?

Lesson 49

1.    How old are you? When does he go to school? What does she like to eat for breakfast? Why is he sad? Who likes ice cream? Where does he live? Which sweet would you like?

2.    I can answer questions. I can read questions. I can write questions. I can count questions.

3.    What do you like to do on Saturday? When do you go to school? Where do you live? How old are you? Why do you go to school togcther?

4.    Do you like fairy tales? When is your birthday? How old are you? What season do you like? Can you draw funny pictures?


1. Tiny gets a big cake for his birthday.


3. are, likes, live, write, first.                


5.    When is your birthday? Who lives in the forest? Why does he like spring? Can you play tennis?

6.    school, beautiful, swim, ride, third.          

7.    Dear Tom,

I am from Russia. My birthday is on the ...of . . . My favourite holiday is the New Year's Day. I can swim, ride a bike, roller skate and play tennis. I like to sing and dance.

Your pen friend,

Lesson 51

1. Martin would like to have jeans.

3.    To speak English, to write poems, to listen to music, to read fairy tales, to watch TV, to ride a scooter, to get letters and postcards, a favourite season, beautiful flowers.

4.    Favourite, take, make, fairy tale, day, Sunday. Write, bright, ride, bike, nice, kind. Month, run, butter, some, come. Postcard, post, go, envelope, poster.

5.    five, grandma and grandpa, four dolls, two teddy bears, three balls, bicycle, questions, forest, player, scooter, questions.

6.    Yes, I do. Do you walk in the forest? I like to play computer games and watch TV, walk and swim.

7.    2)


1.    hair, head, hand, knee, toe, foot, eye, ear, nose, mouth, shoulder.

2.    Face, nose, ears, eyes, mouth, teeth, head, hand, arm, leg, hair, feet, toes, knee.

3.    three big eyes, a big mouth, funny hair, two arms, four legs and a long nose.

Lesson 54

l. Head, face, nose, mouth, tooth, hair. Ear, eye, shoulder, arm, hand, knee, neck, toe, foot.

3. Tiny's ears are big. Jim's arms and legs are strong. Jill's eyes arc kind. Martin's teeth are white. Billy's hands and feet are small.

Lesson 55

1.    Hair, knee, foot, toe, shoulder, teeth, face, arm, nose, head, eye, ear.

2.    Your, her, his, its.

3.    my, his, your, his, her, its.

4.    fairytale, like, ears, small, kind, chocolate, music, games.

Lesson 56

1.    It's nine o'clock. It's half past ten. It's three o'clock. It's half past four. It's seven o'clock. It's half past eight. There are six clocks in the house.

2.    cleans, washes, has, does, watches.


2.    When do you get up? — I get up at seven o'clock. Where do you go in the morning? — I go to school in the morning. When do you go to bed? —I go to bed at nine o'clock. Do you clean your teeth in the morning? — Yes, I do. Do you like Green School? — Yes, 1 do.

3.    At four pm my grandma usually reads books. At a quarter past six my father watches TV. At eight pm I usually play computer games. At half past ten my sister helps my mum about the house. At ten minutes to twelve my mum cooks lunch. At twenty minutes to ten I walk with my dog.

Lesson 58

1.    hand; head; mouth; wash.

2.    Do you wash your hands and face? When do you have breakfast? When do you do your homework? Do you walk in the park? When do you go to bed?

3.    I get up, clean my teeth, wash my hands and face, have breakfast and go for a walk. In the evening I watch TV, play computer games and play with my friends.

Lesson 59

2.    No, you don't have lunch at two am. You have lunch at two pm. No, you don't have long hair. You have short hair. No, you don't have pink eyes. You have blue eyes. No, you don't  have small ears. You have big ears.

3.    Do they have funny toys? Does she have a big dog? Does he have a nice bird? Do the boys have scooters? Do you have roller skates?


1.    time; Can; breakfast; February.

2.    water, play, clean, get, ride, play.

3.    After breakfast Tiny doesn't do his homework. He goes to school. Tiny doesn't have lunch at half past two. He has lunch at one o'clock. After lunch Tiny doesn't play the piano. He waters flowers and cleans the house. His friends don't visit  him in the afternoon. They visit Tiny in the evening.

Lesson 61

1.    Blow, want, clean, watch, get, ride, have, come, wash, go, water, make.

2.    tooth — teeth, man men, mouse micc, woman women, child — children, fish — fish, room — rooms, box — boxes, fox — foxes, horse — horses, hen — hens, letter — letters.

3.    Six men, fourteen mice, seven envelopes, three women, eleven stamps, two feet, nine clocks.

Lesson 62

1.    My birthday is on the third of October. Does Tom live in Mos: cow? May I have some coffee, Miss Chatter? Jack is from Great Britain.

2.    Friends, boys, girls, months, teeth, eyes, hands, feet, toys, mice, fish, foxes, horses, children.

3.    When do you get up? I get up at 7 am. Do you go to schools on Saturdays? — No, I don't. Who cleans your room? — I clean my room: Do you water the flowers? — Yes, I do. When do you have lunch? — I have lunch at 12.30.


1.   I l — eleven, 12 — twelve, 13 — thirteen, 14 — fourteen, 15 — fifteen, 16 — sixteen, 17 — seventeen; 18 — eighteen, 19 — nineteen, 20 — twenty.

2.   Do — do not — don't, does — does not — doesn't, have — have not — haven't, has — has not — hasn't, is — is not — isn't, are — are not — aren't.

3.   When does Tiny send thirteen letters? What does Tiny draw? How many letters does Tiny read every day? Where does Miss Chatter go on Wednesdays? Why does Miss Chatter get twenty postcards in May?

Lesson 64

1.    bread; egg; potato; piano.

2.    I can see six women (thirteen birds, three cats, four dogs, two frogs, four girls, five boys, one clown, twelve flowers, seven mice).

3.    o'clock, six, washes, forest, writes, evening.

Lesson 65

1.   It is Steve.

2.   l) b, 2) b, 3) c, 4) John likes football and tennis. Harry likes carrots, cabbage and bread. Betty and Kate like fairy tales.

3. 1

4.    gets up, face, breakfast, home, his, watches, usually.

5.    I am nine. I live with mum, dad and my sister. I like to play football and tennis. I can dance and play puzzles. I have got a pet, a parrot.


1.    milk, jam.

2.    Peter has got ten apples, nine sweets, four carrots, seven oranges, five potatoes, three tomatoes and six cakes.

3.    Does Fred have milk and bread for breakfast? Does Alice have blue eyes? Does Thomas have a cat? Does Steve have many friends? Does Mary have a nice ball?

4.    morning, cakes, may, porridge.

5.    Ann gets up early. After breakfast Ann goes to school. Ann does her homework after lunch. In the evening Ann likes to play puzzles. At 9 0'clock Ann goes to bed.

6.    To water flowers, to watch TV, to listen to music, to walk in the park, to go to bed, to play the piano.

7.    Goodbye! Have a good holiday!

Lesson 68

Dear Martin,

My name is... My surname is.. I am nine. I am from Russia. I live in Moscow. I live with my mum, dad and my brother. I can play tennis. I like to play computer games and puzzles. My birthday is on the ...of... 'I like winter because I like to play snowballs, I like to ski and skate. •I have got a pet. It is a parrot, his name is Kesha. He is nice, he is green. He likes to speak.


Your pen friend .

Справочное издание

Захарова Инесса Валентиновна

Домашняя работа по английскому языку за З класс

Издательство «ЭКЗАМЕН»

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Enjoy English. Домашняя работа по английскому языку (ГДЗ). 3 класс (Биболетовой М.З.).  Данный решебник выручит ребенка, когда он по различным причинам не успеет вовремя сделать домашку по иностранному языку. Пособие включает в себя ответы на все значимые упражнения учебника и рабочей тетради. Книга поможет при проверке и самостоятельном выполнении домашних заданий и упражнений на уроке. Предназначено ученикам начальной школы, их родителям и учителям, работающим по учебнику М.З. Биболетовой, О.А. Денисенко и Н.Н. Трубаневой «Enjoy English-3 класс».

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500/1000 ч.

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Специфика преподавания итальянского языка с учетом требований ФГОС

36 ч. — 144 ч.

от 1700 руб. от 850 руб.
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  • Этот курс уже прошли 36 человек

Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Теория и методика преподавания иностранных языков в профессиональном образовании: английский, немецкий, французский

Преподаватель иностранного языка

500/1000 ч.

от 8900 руб. от 4150 руб.
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  • Этот курс уже прошли 229 человек

Курс повышения квалификации

Основные методики в области преподавания испанского языка

36 ч. — 144 ч.

от 1700 руб. от 850 руб.
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Психология воспитания и детско-родительских отношений

3 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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Психология развития личности: от мотивации к самопониманию

4 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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  • Сейчас обучается 83 человека из 27 регионов
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6 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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  • Этот курс уже прошли 11 человек