Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыКонспект внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку «Welcome to London!» (5 класс)

Конспект внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку «Welcome to London!» (5 класс)

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Внеклассное мероприятие для 5-х классов

Учитель: Казарина Анастасия Сергеевна

Тема: «Welcome to London!» 

Тип: урок-экскурсия

Дата и время проведения: 25.05.2018 14:30

Место проведения: МБОУ «СОШ №5», каб. 1     

Длительность: 60 минут

Участники: 4 команды (по 3 человека)

Оборудование: компьютер, колонки, мультимедийный проектор, презентация Power Point, музыка для физкультминутки, карточки с заданиями, листы А4, 4 изображения двухэтажного автобуса формата А3, карта Лондона

Подготовка к мероприятию:

1) Каждый учащийся подготавливает короткое выступление о достопримечательности Лондона и оформляет его на листе формата А4 с картинками;

2) Учителю необходимо заранее приготовить раздаточный материал, грамоты, призы, бланки для подсчета баллов.


Практическая: актуализация изученного лексического и грамматического материала по темам «Лондон», «Путешествия», совершенствование монологической речи;

Образовательная: знакомство с главными достопримечательностями Лондона;

Развивающая: развитие логического мышления, языковой догадки, внимания, мотивации к дальнейшему овладению культурой страны изучаемого языка;

Воспитательная: формирование у обучающихся уважения и интереса к культуре и народу страны изучаемого языка; формирование навыка работы в команде.












Деятельность учителя

Деятельность учеников




















































































































































































Подведение итогов, награждение

























(Слайд 1) Hello, boys and girls! I`m glad to see you. Today we will have an unusual lesson. We are going to have a trip. Do you understand where we are going? Of course, to London. Would you like to travel to London? OK. First of all we should check if you`re ready for this trip. On the blackboard you can see the word "London". Let`s remember everything we know about it. Write down the associations you have when you hear the word "London". Masha, come to the blackboard. What is your association? It shouldn`t be long, just a word or a word combination. Good! Who`d like to be the next? Very well! I`m happy that you know so much about London. I think we are ready to have a trip there! Let`s go!

What means of transport is the best of for travelling around London? Of course, a red bus (Слайд 2). London`s travel agency gave us several buses, but you can see that they`re rather small. Let`s divide into 4 groups to make our excursion comfortable and enjoyable. Good! I`d like you to present the names and emblems of your teams. You have 3 minutes to think about it and draw the emblem. Who wants to be the first? Very well! Who usually helps us to learn a city better? Yes, it`s a guide. Unfortunately, our guide is ill (Слайд 3). He really feels pity, but he can`t help us. But don`t be upset about it. I`m sure that you know enough about London and you`re able to tell us about its sights. All of you will try yourselves as guides. I think it`s a great experience. We will have 6 stations: "Science", "Nature", "History", "Sport", "Shopping" and "Art". After coming through the station you will get points. At the end of our trip we will learn who knows London best of all. My assistants, Katya and Danil, will help me to check your answers and count the points you get. Do you have any questions? So let`s start our excursion. 

Our first station is "Science" (Слайд 4). Let`s listen to our guide and learn what place we will visit first. Boris, you are the first guide. Come to the blackboard, please. Tell us about the place where we have come, show us the pictures, but don`t name it. Have you guessed where we are? Right you are! It`s Science Museum! Boris, thank you for such a good description. Sit down, please. The second guide on this station is Nadya. Let`s guess what place she will talk about. Good of you! Sit down, please. As the station is called "Science", I`d like you to remember the grammar rules of English. My assistants will give you the worksheets. There are 2 tasks: the first is to make up the tag questions and the second one is to choose the correct tense form. You have 5 minutes for these tasks. It`s time to finish. Hand in your worksheets, please. I hope you have coped with the tasks well.

It`s time to visit the next station. It`s name is "Nature" (Слайд 5). Have you understood what kind of sights we are going to visit? Yes, you`re right. We are going to walk around the London parks. There are too many parks in London, and, of course, we can`t visit all of them. Let`s listen to our guides and guess what parks they have chosen for our trip. Very well! Thank you! Have you ever watched the cartoon «One Hundred And One Dalmatians»? (Слайд 6) Several Dalmatians have lost in London parks! Let`s help them to find the way. Katya and Danil, give the teams the forms to fill in. Now you will see the picture and what the puppy tells about the place. Your task is to write down the name of the park. Is it clear? Let`s start. (Слайды 7-12) Don`t forget to write the name of your team. Hand in your forms.

Now we are going to the next station – "History" (Слайд 13). The places of interest are of great importance for British history. Let`s listen to our guides and guess what places we are going to. Good of you! And your task here is, of course, connected with history. Your will have to write down the dates in English. Katya and Danil, give the teams the worksheets, please. You have 3 minutes for this task. It`s time to finish. Don`t forget to write the name of your team. Hand in your worksheets.

The next station is "Sport" (Слайд 14). Let`s listen to the report that Julia has prepared. It`s about the famous competitions that traditionally take place in London. Thank you! Let`s do some sports. My assistant will conduct the warming-up. Stand up, please! Imagine our trip and repeat the actions after Katya and Danil (Слайд 15).

Up, down, up, down.

Which is the way to London Town?

Where? Where? Up in the air.

Close your eyes and you are there.  

Let`s do it one more time but quicker. Well done! Let`s clap to ourselves. Sit down, please.

Are you ready to go to our next station? Its name is "Shopping" (Слайд 16). Let`s listen to our guides and guess what places we are going to. Do you like shopping? Would you be able to speak to the salesman if you were in London? On this station you will have a very interesting task. You should translate the dialogue. Katya and Danil, give the teams the worksheets, please. Some phrases are in English and some are in Russian. You have to translate them vice versa. You have 6 minutes for this task. It`s time to finish. Don`t forget to write the name of your team. Hand in your worksheets.

It`s time for our last station. It`s name is "Art" (Слайд 17). Let`s listen to our guides and guess what places we are going to. Thank you! There are also a lot of films and books where actions take place in London. What films or books about London do you know?  (Sherlock Holmes, Harry Potter, The Adventures of Oliver Twist, Paddington, The Prince and the Pauper etc.) Great! There are many remarkable poems and novels about London. Let`s look through some quotations from the books about it and decide what area they are connected with. Katya and Danil, give the teams the worksheets, please. You have 3 minutes. You can use dictionaries if you need. It`s time to finish. Don`t forget to write the name of your team. Hand in your worksheets.

We have visited so many stations and learned so much about London. Our stations demonstrated us that in London everyone can find something interesting for him or her. I`m sure that everyone gets a special image of London. Now I`d like you to draw the picture of London as you imagine it. Try to do your best. Hand in your pictures.

(Слайд 18) You`ve done a great job! Your pictures are great. I can see that London has many different sides but anyway is wonderful, isn`t it? Did you enjoy our trip? Let`s listen to Katya and Danil who have counted the points and are ready to tell us the results of our trip to London. They will also give you the diplomas and prizes.

The results are very good! I`m happy that you know London and English so perfectly. I`d also like to tell "thank you" my assistants, Katya and Danil. It would be very difficult for me to conduct the lesson without your help. Let`s  pin the pages with the sights together. What a colourful and useful guidebook we got! I think, it must be printed. The last thing we should do we should do is to make up the title of it. What ideas do you have? "A look inside London" by 5a? Sounds great! I`ll give you this book, you can pick it up to your class corner as it is, or add there more sights and facts about London. Thank you for your work! Goodbye!  

Отвечают на вопросы учителя. Подбегают к доске и пишут свои ассоциации к слову "Лондон"













Отвечают на вопросы учителя. Делятся на команды. Придумывают название и эмблему для своей команды.






Слушают план работы и инструкции учителя.
















Ученики-гиды выходят к доске с информацией и картинками на листе А4, представляют свою достопримечательность, не называя ее. Остальные угадывают название (Science Museum, Natural History Museum).


Слушают инструкцию по выполнению задания.

Выполняют задание.



Отвечают на вопросы учителя.


Слушают учеников-гидов. Отгадывают название достопримечательностей (Hyde Park, Kensington Gardens).


Слушают инструкцию по выполнению задания.

Выполняют задание.





Слушают учеников-гидов. Отгадывают название достопримечательностей (the Tower of London, Trafalgar Square).

Слушают инструкцию по выполнению задания.

Выполняют задание.


Слушают ученика-гида. Отгадывают название соревнований (The Wimbledon Championships).



Повторяют движения и слова за ассистентами.




Слушают учеников-гидов. Отгадывают название достопримечательностей (Oxford Street, Camden Market). Отвечают на вопросы учителя.

Слушают инструкцию по выполнению задания.

Выполняют задание.

Слушают учеников-гидов. Отгадывают название достопримечательностей (Madame Tussauds, The National Gallery). Отвечают на вопросы учителя (Sherlock Holmes, Harry Potter, The Adventures of Oliver Twist, Paddington, The Prince and the Pauper etc.).

Выполняют задание.

Слушают учителя. Рисуют Лондон таким, каким они себе его представляют. Сдают рисунки.




Обсуждают экскурсию с учителем. Слушают результаты конкурса, получают дипломы и призы.











Придумывают название для получившейся книги.



Прощаются с учителем.























Учитель достает и прикрепляет к доске 4 автобуса.


Учитель прикрепляет к автобусам эмблемы, записывает названия команд.
































Ассистенты раздают листы с заданиями. Собирают. Проверяют во время следующей станции.
















Ассистенты раздают листы с заданиями. Собирают. Проверяют во время следующей станции.








Ассистенты раздают листы с заданиями. Собирают. Проверяют во время следующей станции.










Ассистенты проводят зарядку под музыку.












Ассистенты раздают листы с заданиями. Собирают. Проверяют во время следующей станции.













Ассистенты раздают листы с заданиями. Собирают. Проверяют во время следующей станции.







Ассистенты собирают рисунки.







Ассистенты оглашают результаты, вместе с учителем вручают дипломы и призы.



Учитель скрепляет листы таким образом, чтобы получился путеводитель.

4 мин.




















6 мин.
































8 мин.

























7 мин.























6 мин.















4 мин.
















9 мин.

















6 мин.





















6 мин.










2 мин.










2 мин.













The station «Science»

1. Complete the questions with tag-endings.

1) Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius, ____________?

2) The scientists discovered the mystery of Bermuda Triangle, ____________?

3) Global warming is bringing unpredictable changes, ____________?

4) The librarian hasn`t received the new books yet, ____________?

5) A human cannot live without food and water, ____________?

2. Choose the correct tense form.

1. We … an apple pie now.

a) make   b) are making   c) will make

2. Nell … to Scotland in a week.

a) goes   b) will go   c) went

3. Beefeaters … care of ravens in the Tower.

a) take   b) took   c) are taking

4. Russia … the biggest country in the world.

a) was   b) is   c) are

5. They … already … a new teapot and saucers.

a) are buying   b) have bought   c) has bought

6. Our  teacher … us much homework yesterday.

a) didn`t give   b) doesn`t give   c) didn`t gave

7. I … “Harry Potter” for you next Monday.

a) bring   b) brought   c) will bring

8. Tom … his cat at the moment.

a) feed   b) feeds   c) is feeding


The station «Nature»

Write down the name of the park where a puppy is.
















The station «History»

Write down the dates.

1. Elizabeth II was born in 1926.

2. William Shakespeare wrote "Romeo and Juliet" in 1594.

3. Westminster Bridge was opened in 1862.

4. Big Ben was renamed to the Elizabeth Tower in 2012.

5. The Tower of London was founded in 1066.

6. "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" was released in Great Britain in 2001.


The station «Shopping»

Translate the dialogue from Russian into English and vice versa.

Assistant: Эти брюки на распродаже. Сегодня последний день.

Customer: Oh, well. Hmm. I like the fashion and colour is also good.

Assistant: 40 фунтов на распродаже. Обычная цена 60 фунтов.

Customer: Oh. That’s quite good. Have you got them in my size?

Assistant: Извините. У нас нет маленького размера. А как насчет этих брюк? Тот же фасон, только цвет черный.

Customer: Well, can I try them on?

Assistant: Sure. The changing rooms are on the left.

Customer: Вы принимаете чеки?

Assistant: Yes, of course.

Customer: Хорошо, я беру их.









The station «Art»

Read the quotations and decide what area they are connected with. There is one odd word.

a) the weather     b) sounds     c) people     d) money     e) clothes     f) manners

1) A man who can dominate a London dinner-table can dominate the world. (O. Wilde)

2) Millard picked up a trash-can lid. “London! The finest refuse available anywhere!” Horace doffed his hat. “London! Where even the rats wear top hats!” (R. Riggs)  

3) She always opened the windows, even when it was freezing cold, because she couldn’t stand the silence. She liked being able to hear London. (R. Galbraith)

4) It started to rain on Wednesday. London weather; dank and gray, through which the old city presented a stolid front: pale faces under black umbrellas, the eternal smell of damp clothing, the steady pattering on Strike’s office window in the night. (R. Galbraith)

5) I believe we shall come to care about people less and less. The more people one knows the easier it becomes to replace them. It’s one of the curses of London. (E. Forster)


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