Инфоурок Иностранные языки Другие методич. материалыПлан урока по английскому языку на тему "Sightseeings"

план урока по английскому языку на тему "Sightseeings"

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Class      6                                                              Date
Theme: Sightseeing

·         Educational: to introduce and to practice new words on the theme  To be в Present SimpleTense;

     Developing: to extend pupils’ speaking, thinking, writing skills through giving instructions to create an atmosphere of self and  mutual respect  and social interaction through group and pair works

        Up bringing: to bring up love and interest to the subject, respect to each other
Equipment: activeboard, presentation, sheets, markers, smiles

Type of the lessons: lesson travelling

The structure lessons

I. Organization moment. 
-Stand up, please. Good morning, boys and girls.

-I am glad to see you.

- Thank you, how are you?

-Sit down, please. Let’s start our lesson. Who is on duty today?

- Answer my questions, please. What date is it today?

- What day of the week is it today?

- Who is absent today?

- Very well.

Слайд №1-2 (presentation theme and aims)

II. Warm-up

Teacher gives pupils pictures cut by some pieces , they are divided into 2 groups according to the gathered pictures. “London”, “Astana”.

Teacher  invites pupils to make a rule of the  group  which makes them to feel self organized and  attentive and says pupils  to write them on the blackboard. Today we are going to travel by Astana and London. For example: Be attentive! Be active!  Pupil’s let’s make the rule of the group. I’ll give you some words about rules. You must find the words. Let’s begin.

III. Homework

Station “Kostanay” (слайд №3-4)

Are these sentences true or false? Correct the false sentences.

a)      Dmitry went to Moscow. F Dmitry went to Irkutsk

b)      He got there by plane and by train. T

c)      He went there with his parents. F He went with his sister.

d)      He spent three weeks. T

e)      He had a bad holiday.  F  He had a great holiday

f)       The weather was awful. F  The weather was nice.

When we are going   to travel we are taking our luggage. Today our luggage are new words,

III. New words

“Our luggage” (Слайд №6)



Statue- ескерткіш

Underground- метро

Cottage -коттедж


Car park- автотұрақ


Noisy- дыбыс

Hills- төбешік


Traffic lights -бағдаршам


Tall building- биік ғимараттар



Fresh air- таза ауа




Ок, we are came to airport. We don’t know where are you going. We must read the text then we know where are you going. 

Station “Airport” (Слайд №7)

Group A- read about Astana

Group B - read about London

Now we  come in our city. We must have many money because we must seeing the sightseeings. Now I’ll give you some task. GroupB-made task about London, GroupA- made task about Astana.

Біз қалаға келіп жеттік, осы қаланың көрікті жерлерін аралау үшін бізге ақша керек. Ол ақшаны табу үшін сендер тапсырманы орындауларың керек.. GroupB- Лондон туралы тапсырманы, GroupA – Астана туралы тапсырманыорындау керек.

(Слайды 8-14)

Station “London”

1$-Answer the questions

  1. What are the popular buildings?
  2. What is the name of its river?
  3. What problems does it have?


2$-Find the English equivalents in the text about London

Ø  8 миллионнан астам адам;

Ø  Лондон тарихи ескерткіштермен танымал;

Ø  Лондондағы ең үлкен мәселе бұл жол қозғалысы және ластану.

3$- Write outverbs  to be in the Present Simple Tense

My working day (to begin) at seven o’clock.

I (to get) up, (to switch) on the radio and (to do) my morning exercises.

It (to take) me fifteen minutes.

At half past seven we (to have) breakfast.

My father and I (to leave) home at eight o’clock.

4$- Match the pictures and write short story about  LONDON

Station “Astana

1$-Answer the questions

  1. What are the popular buildings?
  2. What is the name of its river?
  3. What problems does it have?


2$-Find the English equivalents in the text about Astana

O     Қазақстанның орталық бөлігі;

O     700 мыңнан астам халық;

O     Кептеліс проблемалары;

O     Көшеде машиналар көп.

3$- Write outverbs to be in the Present Simple Tense

He (to take) a bus to his factory.

My mother (to be) a doctor, she (to leave) home at nine o’clock.

In the evening we (to gather) in the living room.

We (to watch) TV and (to talk).

  4$- Match the pictures and write short story about  Astana

(слайд №15)

Station “BigBen” and “Baiterek”

Қазір біз “BigBen” станциясына тоқтаймыз. Сендерге тапсырма беріледі егер тапсырманы дұрыс орындамасаңдар жинаған ақшаларыңды алып қояды.

Complete the sentences with the words

a.       Colin lives in a beautiful ____________ in the village.

b.      Stop! The __________  are red

c.       Astana has a lot of modern ___________

d.      There’s a _____________ of Abai in our city.

e.       _________ is a big problem in many big cities.

f.        There’s a __________ my house where I can leave my car.

a)Cottage; b) pollution; c) car park; d)statue; e) Traffic lights; f) tall building

(слайд №16)

Complete the sentences with the words

a)      I want to move to the country because it is __________ and _________ in the city where I live.

b)      There are a lot of tall __________ in New York

c)      Our city has a __________ of over 2 million people.

d)      Now big cities have problems with ________ and ______

e)      We like spending our holiday on the sea __________

a) coast b) building; c) pollution, traffic d) population;; e) Noisy and crowded

 (слайд №17-18)

Ok, let’s go to Station “Sightseeing of London” and station to “Sightseeing of Astana”

 (Слайд №19)

Now we are become home. First of all we must thinking what we are learning, what seeing, what knowing. Very good! Now we are became to the station “Kostanay”. We are thinking our new words with the pictures. Teacher asks pupils  if they liked the lesson, to write the reflexion on the stiskers an stick on the blacboard.


Then  counts the smiles which pupils  take and give summative  evaluation and comments marks.

Then we are at   station “home ”. Let’s write your hometask.

Learn new words

Exercise 12,p.26- complete the sentences with the words from the texts


Thank you for the lessons.










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Краткое описание документа:

Class      6                                                             Date
Theme: Sightseeing

·         Educational: to introduce and to practice new words on the theme  To be в Present SimpleTense;

     Developing: to extend pupils’ speaking, thinking, writing skills through giving instructions to create an atmosphere of self and  mutual respect  and social interaction through group and pair works

        Up bringing:to bring up love and interest to the subject, respect to each other
Equipment:activeboard, presentation, sheets, markers, smiles

Type of the lessons: lesson travelling

The structure lessons

I. Organization moment. 
-Stand up, please. Good morning, boys and girls.

-I am glad to see you.

- Thank you, how are you?

-Sit down, please. Let’s start our lesson. Who is on duty today?

- Answer my questions, please. What date is it today?

- What day of the week is it today?

- Who is absent today?

- Very well.

Слайд №1-2 (presentation theme and aims)

II. Warm-up

Teacher gives pupils pictures cut by some pieces , they are divided into 2 groups according to the gathered pictures. “London”, “Astana”.

Teacher  invites pupils to make a rule of the  group  which makes them to feel self organized and  attentive and says pupils  to write them on the blackboard. Today we are going to travel by Astana and London. For example: Be attentive! Be active!  Pupil’s let’s make the rule of the group. I’ll give you some words about rules. You must find the words. Let’s begin.

III. Homework

Station “Kostanay” (слайд №3-4)

Are these sentences true or false? Correct the false sentences.

a)      Dmitry went to Moscow. F Dmitry went to Irkutsk

b)      He got there by plane and by train. T

c)      He went there with his parents. F He went with his sister.

d)     He spent three weeks. T

e)      He had a bad holiday.  F  He had a great holiday

f)       The weather was awful. F  The weather was nice.

When we are going   to travel we are taking our luggage. 

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