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Презентация по английскому языку на тему" Henry Ford, The man who changed mechanical engineering"

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  • Henry FordThe man who changed mechanical engineeringLazurenckoS.V.2018 Feod...

    1 слайд

    Henry Ford
    The man who changed mechanical engineering
    2018 Feodosia

  • Content:Henry Ford is…									3
It all starter with…								4
Through all li...

    2 слайд

    Henry Ford is…3
    It all starter with…4
    Through all life...5
    Model «T». 6
    A turning point in history.8
    Interesting fact. 12
    Recent year.13

  • Henry Ford (1864-1947) is one of the leading manufacturers of America, which...

    3 слайд

    Henry Ford (1864-1947) is one of the leading manufacturers of America, which radically changed the principle of the conveyor Assembly of cars
    In 1908, Henry Ford created the Ford Model T and then continued to improve his method of Assembly of conveyor cars, which later radically changed the entire industry.

    As a result, Ford sold millions of cars and became the world-famous head of the company. Over time, the company lost its dominance in the market, but had a huge impact on the technological progress and infrastructure of America.

  • It all started with...Henry was born July 30, 1863, on his family's farm in W...

    4 слайд

    It all started with...
    Henry was born July 30, 1863, on his family's farm in Wayne County, near Dearborn, Michigan. When Ford was 13 years old, his father gave him a pocket watch, which the little boy constantly disassembled and collected.

    The procedure he repeated more than once. Familiar, seeing the natural talent of the master with a meticulous approach to repair, began to turn to the son of a farmer for help in repairing wall and wristwatches. Tools at that time was not enough, had to use improvised means in the form of a penknife, an old screwdriver with downed teeth.

    Unimpressed by agricultural work, Ford left home at the age of 16 to train as a driver in Detroit. Over the next years, he learned to skillfully operate and service steam engines, and also studied accountancy.

  • Having met Clara Ala Bryant in 1888, Ford briefly forgets about his plans, ma...

    5 слайд

    Having met Clara Ala Bryant in 1888, Ford briefly forgets about his plans, marries a young beauty and returns to agriculture in order to feed his family. But after a few years he was invited on the recommendations of the Edison Illuminating Company. In 1893 he was appointed chief engineer due to his technical literacy, responsibility and work discipline.
    But he was haunted by the thought of
    creating your own horseless carriage.
    Through life.
    Henry Ford has repeatedly said that the best companion for him is his wife. Son Edsel - the only heir to "Ford Motor" in the future - disappoint active father his indifference to the automotive business. The close circle told that the early death of his son was not a great tragedy for the elderly Ford. But Clara, as a mother, been a long time coming out of the depression. Henry Ford himself will not understand that his son repeated his fate of a farm boy who dreams of racing on his own car, and not to wander on a harnessed mule.
    After many years, Henry and Thomas will become best friends and neighbors, who discussed not only the issues of politics and society, but also innovative implementation in the automotive industry.

  • All the time Ford hatched his plans for a horseless crew, and in 1896, he bui...

    6 слайд

    All the time Ford hatched his plans for a horseless crew, and in 1896, he built his first model, the Ford Quadricycle. In the same year, he met with the leaders of the Edison Company and presented his car developments personally to Thomas Edison, who encouraged Ford to build a second, improved model.
    After several tests of the design of the car, in 1903, Henry Ford established the Ford Motor Company. Ford introduced the Model T in October 1908, and over the next few years, the company made a 100% profit.

  • 7 слайд

  • Having polished the Assembly process thanks to a single conveyor, Ford achiev...

    8 слайд

    Having polished the Assembly process thanks to a single conveyor, Ford achieved an amazing result. Every 10 seconds on exit stood ready car on his tilt. Thus, the company managed to make a profit, reduce the final cost of the car, allowing the average resident to buy an iron horse. In the fall of 1908 came off the Assembly line the first model of the legendary engineer Model T. the Workers of the company "Ford" affectionately called her "Tin Lizzie".
    American farmers give this nickname to their work horses, and the Irish, for example, this name is called disobedient and wayward mares. The price of the machine was a little more than $ 200 at the time. This model allowed to occupy a niche in the market, covering the circle of people with an average monthly income in the country.

  • In 1914 he sponsored the development of a mobile Assembly line belt for mass...

    9 слайд

    In 1914 he sponsored the development of a mobile Assembly line belt for mass production. At the same time, he introduced a salary of$ 5 per day (equivalent to$ 110 in 2011) as a result of which he sought to maintain the loyalty of the best workers to his company. Easy to drive and cheap to repair, that's why half of all cars in America in 1918 were Ford mod.
    Taking as a basis of his work the technique developed for Samuel Colt. The production steps include a separate Assembly for each item.

  • Ford introduced the standardization of used parts, thereby reducing the time...

    10 слайд

    Ford introduced the standardization of used parts, thereby reducing the time of General Assembly, as well as reducing the number of workers on the belt of skilled workers. Now the Assembly could control the usual workaholic. Each shop was engaged in the work which was actively modernized. Calculating how to combine the work of the entire Assembly mechanism, Ford created a single line in its production, passing through most of the shops. Additional lines were brought to the main conveyor for the timely supply of the necessary elements during Assembly.

  • Introducing mass production at its plant, Ford was able to achieve an increas...

    11 слайд

    Introducing mass production at its plant, Ford was able to achieve an increase in the daily wage of workers. All drinking, playing, having problems with the payment of alimony, convicted, wanted could not get into the team. Later, the owner of the company will change his mind, changing his attitude to people who have problems with the family and the law, believing that it is not his concern. For order on the Assembly lines, Ford often resorted to the services of criminal authorities, appointing them to look at the sites. The method of destroying a good reputation, worked perfectly. No fights and bickering, workers engaged exclusively in the business, outside of their job.
    The next step was the division of the working day into three shifts, the transfer of production to non-stop operation. An eight-hour workday was introduced by Henry Ford. His biography tells us that he organized thus several hundred jobs, so necessary for local residents.

  • Interesting facts from life.A lot of interesting things happened in the life...

    12 слайд

    Interesting facts from life.
    A lot of interesting things happened in the life of such a person as Henry Ford. Biography, a summary of which can not convey all the details, includes many interesting facts from his life. By the way, the inventor described his life in his works. No one expected that the book, which was written by Henry Ford himself (biography in English), would be distributed in such a circulation. It will become a kind of automotive Bible. Henry Ford will be America's first registered chauffeur. Although at that time the rules of the road did not exist. The first Ford-sold car cost $ 200.
    ~The great designer believed in the reincarnation of man.
    ~ Answering the questions, Henry Ford, whose biography is set out in the book, will tell about the soldier, which he was in a past life.
    ~Pioneer of briquetting coal have always been negatively disposed to military action, so openly stated his pacifist sentiments. What was the surprise of society when it became known about the beginning of military production on the basis of "Ford Motor".
    ~ On his famous factory in wartime gathered equipment for the Germans, who worshipped Ford.
    ~ The first car was black. Not for the love of color were a chosen shade, it just dried faster.
    ~ The first model is among the ten man-made objects that changed the world, according to the magazine "Forbes".
    ~ Coal in briquettes is another innovation invented by a bright and talented engineer.

  • Recent yearThe first automobile magnate Henry Ford worthily met his old age....

    13 слайд

    Recent year
    The first automobile magnate Henry Ford worthily met his old age. Biography, description of his life in his later years confirm this. Having transferred powers to the grandson, the ingenious engineer quietly retired and lived in the manor with the spouse.
    Childhood with bolts and nuts in hand. Youth, spent with dirty hands, always smelling of fuel oil. Not every boy dreams of such a life, but not Henry Ford. The ingenuity of thinking, a kind of analytical mind, natural talent and Golden hands made his person recognizable in every corner of the world. The biography of Henry Ford-the book which became for many hope for the future. With faith in himself and the Vedic spiritual powers, he stubbornly built his ladder of glory. He created the company "Ford Motor" today is one of the leaders in the automotive industry.
    He was awarded several honorary awards for his contribution to the automotive industry, received a medal of the highest standard for his contribution to the development of society. Ford died in 1947 at the age of 83. His grandson after the death of the founder of the brand "Ford Motor" continued the business and in a few years raised production to a high level, capable to this day to compete.

  • Links:https://www.syl.ru/article/312126/genri-ford-biografiya-dostijeniya-i-i...

    14 слайд


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